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Patrick Klepek: Sony possibly looking at increasing Neo specs due to Scorpio


Isn't Neos specs only rumours anyway? I don't recall it written into the leaked documents or Sony stating anything official of the dev kits going out.

Stating it might be more powerful than a previous rumour doesn't mean much as no confirmation or hard evidence was ever received.


Isn't Neos specs only rumours anyway? I don't recall it written into the leaked documents or Sony stating anything official of the dev kits going out.

Stating it might be more powerful than a previous rumour doesn't mean much as no confirmation or hard evidence was ever received.

It's very very supported rumours, if they don't end up being the final specs, they definitely were the specs at one point
There's nothing stopping ms from upping specs either.

Exactly. And with how they revealed Scorpio at E3 with the "most powerful console ever" I don't think they are going to fail on that. If Sony is actually upping the specs and still releasing before MS I bet MS can do exactly the same.


Fixed for greater accuracy and I agree. 6TF for a close console environment in late 2017 is actually not impressive at all. Few of us have been saying this since the official spec reveal.

Well, with PS4 and Xbone still being the baseline theres only so much more they can do that wouldn't just end up being a waste of power.


The most I see them doing is upping the clocks but that could lead to heating issues. Not sure how much it really matters when the XBO/PS4 are still being supported.

sony shaking in their pants at the thought of scorpio

power is literally the only thing that made the PS4 a success

No, power is not the only thing that made the PS4 a success. It was a perfect storm of a well designed console, good pricing, smart marketing, and MS dropping the ball with the XBO reveal. Even if the XBO and PS4 were equal in performance, the PS4 would still likely come out top considering how badly MS damaged their good will built up with the 360.


Exactly. And with how they revealed Scorpio at E3 with the "most powerful console ever" I don't think they are going to fail on that. If Sony is actually upping the specs and still releasing before MS I bet MS can do exactly the same.

"Oh yeah, well my dad can shoot lasers!"

"Oh yeah, well my dad has laser blocking skin!"

"Oh yeah, well my dad has laser blocking skin blocking lasers!"

"Oh yeah, well my dad is really cool"

"Oh yeah, well my dad is cooler"

these consoles aren't ever going to come out lol
Considering they started pushing the PS4 as the most powerful console ever made, it seems some priorities have changed.

Nope, they haven't. The PS2 was hailed as a powerhouse by the same Sony (so was the first Playstation, but to a lesser degree), and performance has always been an important factor...one of many! Now that they have cornered the market successfully, it matters not what their competitors come up with, unless they bring about a new generation. An improved version will only matter to a few enthusiasts, possibly adopters of the old model who will look into abandoning it in favor of the new toy. Most potential buyers will be sensitive to price, and something tells me that a Vanilla PS4, sold for $249, or even a classic Xbox one, for that matter, will represent more attractive options by the time the Scorpio releases.


I'd be in the dick
That would be VERY solid...other than the shitty CPU.
I've accepted that we're getting a jaguar CPU at this point and a 50% increase over the standard PS4 would allow for a good improvement in LoD streaming.

I think Sony is going to keep the CPU in the same ballpark to make sure PS4 doesn't get screwed over.

I just hope that if the GPU gets bumped up devs stick with the suggested reconstruction and just up effects and IQ.
Why not keep the specs you have now and come out with the cheaper price.

Edit: I know nothing pretty much on graphics parts and what not so excuse my ignorance if that isn't possible btw
Consoles get launched October-November that's just how its done. Sony doesn't have enough to rework the design significantly and start production. Realising a console outside of that window isn't going to happen. Maybe we get a slim console instead with a Neo++ to compete with Scorpio next year?
Dev kits for this thing have to be out already, I cant imagine devs like getting jerked around like this...


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Patrick and Austin both confirm in this Periscope its on the 7th and say outright they have multiple sources confirming it. The info was floating around for a while but they didn't publish because they wanted 100% confirmation which they now have. The French site just beat them to the punch

Edit wait you though it was launching September 7th? That's just the reveal

So basically, they just now happend to announce it just as the french site leaks it? And that means all their other rumors happen to be true? Forgive me if i dont find it credible

What rumours about September launch? Gameblog said September event, not launch.

I'm not making a diffentiation between the terms launch and event. Whatever it is that is happening in september


Honestly that's sort of worrying. Bumping up specs a few months from release hopefully won't cause over heating problems


Stronger CPU please. We'll see how it goes. I just want 60fps in all games that's all.

Also, not all Scorpio games will be at 4K. And if they are, they won't be running maxed.

Look at nvidia 1080 benchmarks and assume what the Scorpio will have to be packing.

It would be interesting if Sony encourages devs to prioritize 60fps on Neo and Microsoft encourages devs to prioritize 4k on Scorpio. Especially now that YouTube supports 60fps, I feel like Sony could convey the benefits to consumers. Specifically, that you don't need a new TV to get the benefits of 60fps, unlike 4k.


The most I see them doing is upping the clocks but that could lead to heating issues. Not sure how much it really matters when the XBO/PS4 are still being supported.

No, power is not the only thing that made the PS4 a success. It was a perfect storm of a well designed console, good pricing, smart marketing, and MS dropping the ball with the XBO reveal. Even if the XBO and PS4 were equal in performance, the PS4 would still likely come out top considering how badly MS damaged their good will built up with the 360.

Agreed, it was like the stars were aligned in their favor. The PS4 also benefited from the fact that the 7th generation was unusually long, coupled with the better hardware than competition, smart pricing (but not for me since I am a salty Canadian) and a better exclusive lineup, it did everything right despite the fact that the upgrade was rather conservative except for the GDDR5 maybe.

Sony would be in a tougher spot if not for MS's colossal fuck up of a launch I think it would still be in the lead but not by the margin we see today, while I know that it might seem presumptuous to think that this is a huge factor but a lot of my friends who were into gaming more than our peers were vehemently against the XB1 when people came to us for opinions, and the online forums were igniting with the hate against MS, remember those middle finger spams to Xbox Support? It was everywhere

The ironic part is that my first 8th gen hardware is a Xbox One S.


So basically, they just now happend to announce it just as the french site leaks it? And that means all their other rumors happen to be true? Forgive me if i dont find it credible

Well, Klepek have a pretty good track record so far when it comes to rumors, especially regarding PS4 Neo. So that's something.
I've accepted that we're getting a jaguar CPU at this point and a 50% increase over the standard PS4 would allow for a good improvement in LoD streaming.

I think Sony is going to keep the CPU in the same ballpark to make sure PS4 doesn't get screwed over.

I just hope that if the GPU gets bumped up devs stick with the suggested reconstruction and just up effects and IQ.

I don't want reconstruction. I want better effects and IQ. My PC build will be 4K ready. Rather not have Sony waste resources on this fake 4K...I know calling it fake annoys some of you, but it is.
I think an October launch looks very very likely. Reveal is the 7th of September, they've openly said the time between announce and release will be short, and devs are required to have Neo mode ready by October.

Sure seems likely


sony shaking in their pants at the thought of scorpio

power is literally the only thing that made the PS4 a success

If I remember you correctly, you're being sarcastic right?
Not easy to tell these days. It's as crazy as before PS4/XB1 launch.


Ok so Patrick and Austin were doing a Periscope discussing some Neo info and talking about the September 7th reveal. They both say they have heard internal conversation that Sony is looking at increasing the power in Neo.

LET IT BE CLEAR they are not outright saying this is happening but that it is being looked at. It is not confirmation Neo will be over 4.2 TF


Conversation is around the 6:50 mark. Here is some of what they say

- Sony has looked at upping the power compared to original spec
- There was an internal worry that the Neo may look outdated compared to Scorpio next year
- How much they can adjust Neo before launch, is unknown
- Final dev kits will release around the September 7th reveal

Again this is just a conversation between two reliable guys in the industry, they aren't outright reporting that Neo will indeed see a power increase.

Edit - On a personal level, with no info on this my bet would be if they do go this route it may be a slight overclock and maybe some more RAM. This would give a modest increase in spec without having to drastically alter the design

Awesome! That means MS will beef up Scorpio if that happens. Yay!


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Patrick was the one that initially detailed Neo.

He's from giant bomb? And he's saying that Sony are going to up their try and up specs for a launch before the end of this year because they are scared of Scorpio? A unit that wont be out until late next year?


Ok so Patrick and Austin were doing a Periscope discussing some Neo info and talking about the September 7th reveal. They both say they have heard internal conversation that Sony is looking at increasing the power in Neo.

LET IT BE CLEAR they are not outright saying this is happening but that it is being looked at. It is not confirmation Neo will be over 4.2 TF


Conversation is around the 6:50 mark. Here is some of what they say

- Sony has looked at upping the power compared to original spec
- There was an internal worry that the Neo may look outdated compared to Scorpio next year
- How much they can adjust Neo before launch, is unknown
- Final dev kits will release around the September 7th reveal

Again this is just a conversation between two reliable guys in the industry, they aren't outright reporting that Neo will indeed see a power increase.

Edit - On a personal level, with no info on this my bet would be if they do go this route it may be a slight overclock and maybe some more RAM. This would give a modest increase in spec without having to drastically alter the design

If the over clock it will need to possible adjust the fan or design and more ram means higher cost. Not sure if they can do this and stay at whatever price point they had in mind. Only time will tell.


Nope, they haven't. The PS2 was hailed as a powerhouse by the same Sony (so was the first Playstation, but to a lesser degree), and performance has always been an important factor...one of many! Now that they have cornered the market successfully, it matters not what their competitors come up with, unless they bring about a new generation. An improved version will only matter to a few enthusiasts, possibly adopters of the old model who will look into abandoning it in favor of the new toy. Most potential buyers will be sensitive to price, and something tells me that a Vanilla PS4, sold for $249, or even a classic Xbox one, for that matter, will represent more attractive options by the time the Scorpio releases.

I mean 249$ for a PS4 is a great deal considering it's still more powerful than Xbox one, but more that it will have a great line up of games that are now 19.99 that people can dip into. Along with whats coming out third, first party.

It does amaze me that even with a little bump in xbox one s Sony's original PS4 still beats it by a fairly large margin.


He's from giant bomb? And he's saying that Sony are going to up their try and up specs for a launch before the end of this year because they are scared of Scorpio? A unit that wont be out until late next year?

Well, he WAS at GB, but I think by the time the cat is out of the bag he left GB for a long time already.

Oh wait, this is a rhetorical question is it.


damn, Sony's first party really, really pushing for RAM. Pretty soon these consoles going to be packing 32GB of GGDR5X or HBM2

Which is crazy since PS4 has 8gb of GDDR5. But I wonder if they are asking for more just for the Neo configs of games?
I hope they do. Considering it's supposed to be a premium experience, the rumoured Neo specs have always felt a bit conservative to me.

That being said I doubt they can really do much on such short notice. It will be interesting to see what the final specs are.
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