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PlayStation 4 hits 20.2 million units sold worldwide (high sodium content warning)

Three weeks

I wonder if there's any big marks left on the ground after you smash your hammer there.
Hopefully they won't let it fall off like LBP3 did. Uncharted is too valuable to cast aside or make a half-ass entry with or without Naughty Dog.
I think Sony learned their lesson with LBP3. Also, I would expect that if Sumo Digital made another LBP, it would be better. Experience makes a difference.
I think Sony learned their lesson with LBP3. Also, I would expect that if Sumo Digital made another LBP, it would be better. Experience makes a difference.
if they expect LBP to be relevant, they need to have it evolve and be fully realized in 3D.

LBP3 was such a step back as a sequel. You could show me the trailer and if you didn't tell me it was a trailer for the 3rd game, I'd think it would be just a gigantic dlc of LBP2.

Instead of adding the third plane of player dimension, they added emphasis to the 2.5, fore, mid, and backgrounds. I enjoyed it more when you would jump and seamlessly move in and out of the grounds.


It's more the lineup up until now that's the problem.

Knack sucked.
Killzone sucked (from what I've heard, not my thing so haven't played it).
Infamous was decent, though a step down from 2 in many areas.
Driveclub was broken at launch.
LittleBigPlanet 3 was fairly average from what I've heard (yet to play it myself).
The Order has had a very bad reception (again, just from what I've heard as it's not my thing).

So while the future line up looks promising, the games above looked promising at one point too. I have faith Bloodborne and Persona will deliver at least though.

Knacked didn't suck but it's is Old School fun. That comes down to preferences.
Killzone single player was meh, but the multiplayer was great.
Drive Club is Awesome now (seriously).

Also your post has the "indie games don't count" vibe to it.
Heck The PS4 digital line up Powns XB1 right now.


PS4 "milestone" threads always devolve into questioning the legitimacy of PS4 exclusives, even ones that haven't released yet lol
Are casuals buying the PS4 as well as the previous (very well treated by Sony)PS3 owners? It's just difficult for me personally to see what is so appealing about this console to be selling to the mass market. Nothing wrong with it selling great, congrats to Sony, I'm just not getting why.

No gaems!

I'd say Playroom is the best exclusive.

Seriously, anybody see Joker and Katwoman on that yet? ;)


Until this reveal event I really didn't expect this gen would be a lock for Sony. It is a stark contrast to past gen (PS3 and especially PS2), where Sony's philosophy was to limit the amount of RAM and let devs handle the situation.


It's more the lineup up until now that's the problem.

Knack sucked.
Killzone sucked (from what I've heard, not my thing so haven't played it).
Infamous was decent, though a step down from 2 in many areas.
Driveclub was broken at launch.
LittleBigPlanet 3 was fairly average from what I've heard (yet to play it myself).
The Order has had a very bad reception (again, just from what I've heard as it's not my thing).

So while the future line up looks promising, the games above looked promising at one point too. I have faith Bloodborne and Persona will deliver at least though.

I think the line up is disappointing too but you don't sound like you are averse to Japanese games, there's Guilty Gear Xrd for what's it worth.
Exactly. I was going to buy whatever the next Xbox was going to be, even though I liked the PS4 reveal. Microsoft was the best marketing Sony could have ever asked for.

Yeah pretty much. I was a 360 guy and wasn't sold exactly when the PS4 was announced. Once MS revealed their hand I preordered the PS4.


PS4 just hitting it's stride.

I wonder how it'll do once supposedly "ps3" exclusive have been released on the ps4.
That and the next 6 months of some of the worst PR I've ever seen coming out of MS.

Their Titanfall marketing was spot on though.

I can't recall the last time a new IP got pushed so hard I can't go a day without hearing someone rave about it non-stop till March.
Exactly. I was going to buy whatever the next Xbox was going to be, even though I liked the PS4 reveal. Microsoft was the best marketing Sony could have ever asked for.
before the specs was revealed for the PS4 and X1 I was pretty sure the X1 would be the more powerful console this time around since I assumed people at microsoft was probably tired of hearng people say the PS3 is more powerful then the 360 on paper. I thought microsoft would go all out and release a more costly powerful console. They instead released a more costly inferior console spec/power wise compared to its counterpart. I was going to buy a X1 before the reveal.
No it was E3. It was such a contrast between the 2. Yeah Microsoft came off a terrible reveal event but it was E3 where Sony delivered the uppercut.
That's true too, that was the nail in coffin.

I still can't believe some of the shit that came out of their mouth around that time:

Fortunately we have a product for people who aren’t able to get some form of connectivity. It’s called Xbox 360.
If you have zero access, [the 360] is an offline device. I mean, when I read the blogs and thought about who really is the most impacted, there was a person who said ‘Hey, I’m on a nuclear sub’ – and I don’t even know what it means to be on a nuclear sub [grins] – but I imagine it’s not easy to get an internet connection. I can empathize, if I was on a sub, I’d be disappointed.
I think it's fair to say there's a segment of consumers at this show in particular who really pay attention, who are very passionate about all aspects of gaming, and that we listen to closely. In a broader set of community, people don't pay attention to a lot of the details. We've seen it in the research, we've seen it in a lot of the data points.

I've never seen PR torpedo their own product so badly before.


before the specs was revealed for the PS4 and X1 I was pretty sure the X1 would be the more powerful console this time around since I assumed people at microsoft was probably tired of hearng people say the PS3 is more powerful then the 360 on paper. I thought microsoft would go all out and release a more costly powerful console. They instead released a more costly inferior console spec/power wise compared to its counterpart. I was going to buy a X1 before the reveal.

But MS INVENTED DirectX, and there's NO WAY they were giving up a 30% performance advantage, no way.
are you saying people bought the Ps4 because it wasn't the xbone?

I would venture it's safe to say quite a lot of people did, yes. After the reveal, lots of people wanted as far away from Xbox One as possible, but still wanted to be part of the next generation of consoles.


PS4 have been amazing since announcement.

Hope Sony can keep it up and make the Playstation brand the iPhone/iPad of consoles.

Though i wonder how long PS4 will keep selling, i am expecting a much shorter cycle this round. Will it make 100m units sold?


has it been confirmed that dx12 would give the xbone power advantages that exceed the maximum Ps4 output?

3D stacked die plus the secret sauce hidden in the external PSU.

MS have been keeping quiet about the Xbone's hidden power, and all the devs everywhere have had to sign NDAs that implant self-destruct mechanisims in their offices if they reveal the secrets of DX12.

Plus MS now knows that the Eurozone is the name of a currency area, not a country.


Impressive numbers for such an all-around boring system (including games). Guess that's what you get when your main competitor royally fucks up.


is the PS4 selling faster than the PS2 was back in its day? anyway, good job sony.
Impressive numbers for such an all-around boring system (including games). Guess that's what you get when your main competitor royally fucks up.
what? are you serious? please tell me youre joking


It's more the lineup up until now that's the problem.

Knack sucked.
Killzone sucked (from what I've heard, not my thing so haven't played it).
Infamous was decent, though a step down from 2 in many areas.
Driveclub was broken at launch.
LittleBigPlanet 3 was fairly average from what I've heard (yet to play it myself).
The Order has had a very bad reception (again, just from what I've heard as it's not my thing).

So while the future line up looks promising, the games above looked promising at one point too. I have faith Bloodborne and Persona will deliver at least though.

MLB 14 The Show remained the best sports sim on the market(from what I've heard)
Resogun is still one of the best games available on next gen
Infamous first light was probably one of the best DLCs of all time
Hohokum was by all accounts a great game.

But do these games not count?

Sony in 2014 published 27 games, by comparison, EA published 11 games in the same year, Nintendo published 15 games, & Microsoft published 13 games. Sony has published more games than any publisher consistently every single year, even in 2014 which was one of Sony's weakest years ever, they still blew away the competition.

You can say you didn't like the games Sony published which is fine, but that's all you can say, there are 3 million Killzone fans out there that bought Shadow Fall, & considering how it still shows up in Amazon's top 100, people don't hate it as much as GAF would lead you to believe.
It's more the lineup up until now that's the problem.

Knack sucked.
Killzone sucked (from what I've heard, not my thing so haven't played it).
Infamous was decent, though a step down from 2 in many areas.
Driveclub was broken at launch.
LittleBigPlanet 3 was fairly average from what I've heard (yet to play it myself).
The Order has had a very bad reception (again, just from what I've heard as it's not my thing).

So while the future line up looks promising, the games above looked promising at one point too. I have faith Bloodborne and Persona will deliver at least though.

I'm confident in all the games I mentioned, but Until Dawn and No Man's Sky. I actually feel pretty good about Until Dawn too, but hopefully it is more Heavy Rain than Beyond Two Souls. Seems like it will be be in terms of meaningful choices.


MLB 14 The Show remained the best sports sim on the market(from what I've heard)
Resogun is still one of the best games available on next gen
Infamous first light was probably one of the best DLCs of all time
Hohokum was by all accounts a great game.

But do these games not count?

Sony in 2014 published 27 games, by comparison, EA published 11 games in the same year, Nintendo published 15 games, & Microsoft published 13 games. Sony has published more games than any publisher consistently every single year, even in 2014 which was one of Sony's weakest years ever, they still blew away the competition.

You can say you didn't like the games Sony published which is fine, but that's all you can say, there are 3 million Killzone fans out there that bought Shadow Fall, & considering how it still shows up in Amazon's top 100, people don't hate it as much as GAF would lead you to believe.

Take your 'facts' and leave them at the door, Mister.

None of those 'games' count, They're all just 1s and 0s, not actual games.
I would venture it's safe to say quite a lot of people did, yes. After the reveal, lots of people wanted as far away from Xbox One as possible, but still wanted to be part of the next generation of consoles.
okay I don't doubt that, but do you think that the 'lots of people' would equate/amount to hundreds of thousands, or possibly even millions of gamers? I don't think the bad mS publicity would have that much of an effect.

DX12 isn't going to have much of an impact on the Xbox One. Many of the features it's adding for PCs are already in the XBO SDK.
okay. but it's also obviously not going to do nothing at all. at most, what differences will we see with games that will apply it vs those that don't?
3D stacked die plus the secret sauce hidden in the external PSU.

MS have been keeping quiet about the Xbone's hidden power, and all the devs everywhere have had to sign NDAs that implant self-destruct mechanisims in their offices if they reveal the secrets of DX12.

Plus MS now knows that the Eurozone is the name of a currency area, not a country.
unless you're trolling, the post that I quoted above yours kinda contradicts what you're trying to say here.
Don't you remember all the hate going on for that 2 month period? I'd venture yes, some people bought a PS4 because it wasn't the Xbox One.

Its their own fault for trying to shove always online down people's throat, and then not even apologizing for it, but instead saying that we were not ready for the future. They deserve this, maybe next time they wont try and fuck us over.

Third console curse is real.
okay I don't doubt that, but do you think that the 'lots of people' would equate/amount to hundreds of thousands, or possibly even millions of gamers? I don't think the bad mS publicity would have that much of an effect.

Yes, yes I do.

The hate was more than anything I had seen for a video game console in a long, long time.
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