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PS4K information (~2x GPU power w/ clock+, new CPU, price, tent. Q1 2017)


You mean that regardless of technology progresses that may offer substantial performance boost trought different architectures Sony will stick to an ancient configuration to allow back and forward compatibility in its ecosystems?

If it's like that it's plain awful in my opinion.

What do you mean? x86 is ancient now? Which other architecture is viable here? ARM? There is nothing on the horizon that would be remotely competitive.


Nothing! I said nothing!
That might we be where we are heading. The whole concept of a console "generation" could be dying right in front of our eyes.

The net positives such as infinite backwards compatibility and the ability to play multiplayer with people who aren't fortunate enough to be able to afford the latest and greatest hardware far outweigh the negative insecurities that people might feel because the console hardware they currently own is now outdated.

No more backwards compatibility begging, no more remaster begging, no more having thousands of pounds/dollars/yen worth of software being made redundant because you moved on to the next "generation" of console.

The PC is a timeless gaming machine. IOS also is to a certain extent (notwithstanding the blunders certain publishers cough*capcom*cough have made in failing to update their games compatible with newer hardware interations) and it's about time the console space finally got with the program.

Surely if that't the case it's announced before the people spend money on them. Not mid generation.


Did and realized that your predictions were already wrong by reading the OP.

Just read the OP now - it´s never too late!

Wow, an OP from the future that can prove reasonable predictions to be wrong! That's new :)

I've read several times thanks. I don't see how any of it would debunk my prediction that it will be used mainly for decent VR framerate/resolutions.
Well, this move will likely push me towards paying for a new PC barring a trade in promotion or something. Splitting the base is a bad move.

It's not even the same as it is with smartphones if they're looking at that. Between leasing, contracts every two years, etc, it is much easier to go in and get a new phone than it is to buy a console every few years. There has to be an upgrade plan.


Is this all it really comes down to? "The one I bought has to be the most powerful one"

Really...? Are you scared your friends will think less of you now that your console of choice is no longer the most powerful one?

This thread is embarrassing.

Exactly. Couldn't agree more.


That might we be where we are heading. The whole concept of a console "generation" could be dying right in front of our eyes.

The net positives such as infinite backwards compatibility and the ability to play multiplayer with people who aren't fortunate enough to be able to afford the latest and greatest hardware far outweigh the negative insecurities that people might feel because the console hardware they currently own is now outdated.

No more backwards compatibility begging, no more remaster begging, no more having thousands of pounds/dollars/yen worth of software being made redundant because you moved on to the next "generation" of console.

The PC is a timeless gaming machine. IOS also is to a certain extent (notwithstanding the blunders certain publishers cough*capcom*cough have made in failing to update their games compatible with newer hardware interations) and it's about time the console space finally got with the program.

Its about time as well, the only benefit of PC gaming imo is the catalog you build up (and maybe the Vive looks cool), but mods and 144 Hz and 3 ms monitors and mouse gaming does not mix with me on a a sofa.

All these posters upset about parity, they threaten to go PC, in the future they go online sitting in the living room with their PC and controller.....and play against that guy who has extended modded 150 deg field of view, using twin SLI Titax X, macros for the fancy movements and can click on your head with his gaming mouse in a heartbeat utilising his 144 Hz gaming monitor with 3 ms lag. Oh and he has the pirate version of the game and double health.

Makes me smile.


You mean that regardless of technology progresses that may offer substantial performance boost trought different architectures Sony will stick to an ancient configuration to allow back and forward compatibility in its ecosystems?

If it's like that it's plain awful in my opinion.

It does not eliminate the idea to change the architecture. But seriously, after dunno how many years of consoles they reached the point of the x86 architecture that evolves steadily on the pc market. If there will ever be the next architecture it will be a big thing for the whole market.
It is just not feasible anymore to put out new consoles every cycle and build up a complete new userbase for that.

In between, there will be incremental upgrades that will enhance the whole ecosystem.


That might we be where we are heading. The whole concept of a console "generation" could be dying right in front of our eyes.

The net positives such as infinite backwards compatibility and the ability to play multiplayer with people who aren't fortunate enough to be able to afford the latest and greatest hardware far outweigh the negative insecurities that people might feel because the console hardware they currently own is now outdated.

No more backwards compatibility begging, no more remaster begging, no more having thousands of pounds/dollars/yen worth of software being made redundant because you moved on to the next "generation" of console

The PC is a timeless gaming machine. IOS also is to a certain extent (notwithstanding the blunders certain publishers cough*capcom*cough have made in failing to update their games compatible with newer hardware interations) and it's about time the console space finally got with the program.

Why not release full BC PS5 in 2018, a 5 years normal gen can achieve all the things you said.


This morning I was thinking how game development has already slowed down considerably this gen.

So if I'm Sucker Punch, or whoever, and I'm starting a new gam lame, what hardware am i targeting? By the time my game releases there will probably be another system out. Am I even considering the original PS4 at this point, if PS4K won't be the "premium" model when my game releases?

Maybe I'm getting ahead of things, but if they (and Microsoft) are targeting frequent hardware updates, I see this being a real scenario.

How many Playstations is Sony considering having on the market at a given time?
I´m not Nostradamus, I just spent 10 skill points on reading:
Maybe spend some additional points, because while it does prove your point in PS4K games being playable on vanilla PS4, it also does state that you will get a worse product because you didn't spend additional 400 bucks for an intermediate hardware bump.

PS4 was 400 bucks, that was a new system for a new console gen, that's an ok price for a new system.
And now there's a fat chance that you have to pay the price of a completely new system, for an upgrade. How is that ok?

There outrage would be significantly smaller, if Sony offered a trade-in for vanilla systems to drop the price of the updated hardware to 200 or below.

If this is a reaction to a possible bottleneck due to VR, they could have planned VR for PS5 instead, it's not that there is any direct VR rival on consoles as of now.
If this is a reaction to MS's intermediate hardware, i don't know why they are scared, it's not that any dev would neglect Sony's massive userbase for MS because of suddenly more horsepower in the console.
My biggest fear, really. The big developers like Ubisoft already feed you pre-recorded bullshots worth of cutscenes masked as gameplay. They can bullshit and say "Everything is realtime". They will downgrade the game, which they always do, and finally show us gameplay. It looks similar but not quite the same, but they insist it's "Running on PS4 hardware". Come launch date and you realize that it was running on PS4K and that OG PS4 doesn't look or play as smoothly or pretty.

I don't expect any dev ever to show vanilla PS4 footage and why would they?
All material up to release will comprise of PS4K and I don't blame them seeing as I'd do the exact same as an executive at a publisher.

Show em the real shiny version.
Of course my post in no way is suggesting PS4 ports will be guaranteed shite.


If one really does care about performance and being more up to date about it, shouldn't this one not rather be on the PC gaming side?

For me, one of the benefits of consoles, moderate updates within reasonable timeframes and more affordable pricing, is really compromised with this.

Now if intial pricing of the hardware would be lower, and prices of updates hardware would be too, it wouldn't be that much of a tricky thing.

You can't play the console exclusives on PC, which continues to get overlooked. In my case, about a third of the games I've played on PS3 and PS4 have been exclusives. Getting the opportunity to play them in a better form is obviously a big plus, considering that many have already chosen their console platform based on better performance and visuals.


That might we be where we are heading. The whole concept of a console "generation" could be dying right in front of our eyes.

The net positives such as infinite backwards compatibility and the ability to play multiplayer with people who aren't fortunate enough to be able to afford the latest and greatest hardware far outweigh the negative insecurities that people might feel because the console hardware they currently own is now outdated.

No more backwards compatibility begging, no more remaster begging, no more having thousands of pounds/dollars/yen worth of software being made redundant because you moved on to the next "generation" of console.

The PC is a timeless gaming machine. IOS also is to a certain extent (notwithstanding the blunders certain publishers cough*capcom*cough have made in failing to update their games compatible with newer hardware interations) and it's about time the console space finally got with the program.

More advantages are peripherals working with newer versions. Maybe more power for proper backward compatibility from legacy consoles.

As long as they don't leave early adopters behind (which I seriously doubt with the current Sony) it will be a non-issue.

I hope they improve older games to entice people to upgrade. A 60 FPS Drive Club would look gorgeous.
Because the source is "Bish approved"

Which has been said before does not mean it's a confirmation.

April fools is tomorrow and yet everyone is going so fully into this without a single doubt. It's like nobody learned shit from the NX controller debacle.

This is literally a brand new console that has snuck up from seemingly nowhere.


I bought the PS4 at launch, and I'm not against an upgrade in the middle of the generation. It doesn't retroactively diminish the 2½ years of good gaming experiences I've already had, nor does it prevent me from getting those experiences on the system I already have. So, I have no need reason to boycott anything.

I consider my self a console gamer since Sega master system. I always got launch consoles and never lost a gen since then. I never felt that I made a wrong decision buying a console although I could have made better choices.

Concerning the upgrades, they'd rather make a PS5 and/or a new Xbox. Upgrading a 5+years old tech (this is what current gen is compered to PCs) with faster gpus but keeping the same old SATA2 is no good.

I strongly believe that there is a very good reason to boycott such decisions. I am fed up with gaming industry the last couple of years. What we get is game remasters, very few new IPs, consoles that are no good for what they promise (900p on X1, 30fps on both consoles etc.) In a couple of years gaming will be much worse than it is today.

I wouldn't stand against Sony and/or MS, if they would announce a PS5, 3 years after PS4/X1 launch. A PS5 with SSD, sata3, gpus and cpus equivalent of at least an Intel i5 and nvidia 970 is what I want. Mass sales will help sony/ms sell the new high end consoles at a very good price equivalent of X1+Kinect :)


I guess I need to learn how to build a PC now

If I wanted to deal with yadda yadda yadda I would've etc etc from the get go

Here's hoping Nintendo doesn't do this too.

It's much easier than you think. I have jumped into cold water one month ago.
I only had minor troubles with the CPU cooler - nothing serious though.
And if you are really really afraid to do it yourself, online retailer often also offer assembly service.
Boy, was I surprised how easy certain stuff is (W10 install, drivers,...). You can set up steam to start after booting and your PC is like a hyper-power console.


Gold Member
Surely if that't the case it's announced before the people spend money on them. Not mid generation.

It wasn't announced when the first gaming PC with VGA graphics was built. Nor was it announced when Apple started their journey with the iPhone.

Microsoft have already stated that is the route they want to go down and Sony are most likely doing the same thing. You've got to start somewhere. Why not now?

Why not release full BC PS5 in 2018, a 5 years normal gen can achieve all the things you said.

You're missing the point. All of this doesn't prevent another new and more powerful PlayStation coming out in 2018. If that happens then BC will be a given by that point as long as the core architecture and development environments remain the same.
Its about time as well, the only benefit of PC gaming imo is the catalog you build up (and maybe the Vive looks cool), but mods and 144 Hz and 3 ms monitors and mouse gaming does not mix with me on a a sofa.


That problem was solved long ago. Steam big picture mode has been around for years. I've sinced moved to a Samsung JS9000 then off to a 2 27" 1440p monitors as I've moved and couldn't find space for a large TV. I decided to have a desk there, but I could have just as easily had a sofa. You can have the console experience on a PC from a sofa easily.

The benefit of PC is options. You can really do whatever the hell you want.

I'm a dark user! I don't remember why I was on white that day, I think I was testing an OT I was making for Elite to make sure it looked alright on white.


In the world where the PS4K does not exist:

Games are released for OG PS4, but they're highly downgraded versions of PC games, or if they're exclusives they're downgraded from the original assets / vision in order to optimise the game and get it to run on weak hardware with a poor CPU.

In the world where the PS4K exists:

Games are released for OG PS4, but they're highly downgraded versions of PC games, or if they're exclusives they're downgraded from the original assets / vision in order to optimise the game and get it to run on weak hardware with a poor CPU, and also you also have a '4k version' for the PS4k that gets closer to that original spec / PC version.

...so what's the problem here? If you're just a PS4 owner nothing has really changed for you. You're getting the same games.

It's noting more than the thought that "something that's better than what I have exists".

It's funny to me since some people who are REALLY angry about this were some of the same people who stated that last gen went on for too long back in 2010-2012.

This move is giving people the option of either keeping what they have already or moving on. Seems like many in the industry realize how tough the new gen transition was in 2013-2014 as well as how there aren't as many console gamers as there were last gen. This PS4K move will cause some core gamers to replace what they already have while at the same time giving the more "casual" game players a cheaper option to play the latest games.


Looking forward to buying one, so my Destiny TTK themed PS4 can be relegated to secondary PS4 status.

Come to think of it, maybe I'll just put it up on a shelf as a display kind of thing.

Destiny 2 PS4K bundle hype!!!

That's why it was 'delayed'.. believe!


Which has been said before does not mean it's a confirmation.

April fools is tomorrow and yet everyone is going so fully into this without a single doubt. It's like nobody learned shit from the NX controller debacle.

This is literally a brand new console that has snuck up from seemingly nowhere.

Ehh... I really think you are holding out FAR too much hope that this isn't going to happen if you are going to tie April Fools into this. There are far too many (credible news) sources right now for this to not be real.


In the world where the PS4K does not exist:

Games are released for OG PS4, but they're highly downgraded versions of PC games, or if they're exclusives they're downgraded from the original assets / vision in order to optimise the game and get it to run on weak hardware with a poor CPU.

In the world where the PS4K exists:

Games are released for OG PS4, but they're highly downgraded versions of PC games, or if they're exclusives they're downgraded from the original assets / vision in order to optimise the game and get it to run on weak hardware with a poor CPU, and also you also have a '4k version' for the PS4k that gets closer to that original spec / PC version.

...so what's the problem here? If you're just a PS4 owner nothing has really changed for you. You're getting the same games.

In the world where the PS4K does not exist

While making the PS4 version of their game, the devs focus on downgrading as little as possible from the game's PC version. This is the best version they can have on consoles so they work hard to keep it as close to the original vision as possible.

In the world where the PS4K exists

While making the PS4.0 version of their game, the devs don't care too much about what does or doesn't make it into this version. Whatever gets lost in the downgrade from PC can still make it to consoles through the PS4.5 version, which they keep as close to the original vision as possible.


That might we be where we are heading. The whole concept of a console "generation" could be dying right in front of our eyes.

The net positives such as infinite backwards compatibility and the ability to play multiplayer with people who aren't fortunate enough to be able to afford the latest and greatest hardware far outweigh the negative insecurities that people might feel because the console hardware they currently own is now outdated.

No more backwards compatibility begging, no more remaster begging, no more having thousands of pounds/dollars/yen worth of software being made redundant because you moved on to the next "generation" of console.

The PC is a timeless gaming machine. IOS also is to a certain extent (notwithstanding the blunders certain publishers cough*capcom*cough have made in failing to update their games compatible with newer hardware interations) and it's about time the console space finally got with the program.

You know i agree with you.

Console generations die the day they embrace the pc progression.

I can even understand what your are saying about the good of this approach, but for me as a loooong time console user what you list as positive are pointless arguments, when I'm done with a game I'm done, couldn't care less about backward compatibility and going by the huge success of the ps4 I'm not the only one.

And more no one is stealing me my old console so i can still play my old games when my new console hit.

Apart from the money grab, may Sony be scared by Steam ever growing userbase?
Is this reactionary to Steam?
Cause acting like this just push me in Gaben walled garden instead, far more convenient of the psn and free.
Where is stated that the PS4 won't get games until that point? Even with the PS4K available.
Where do you put your cross to acknowledge that your new piece of hardware will get content over a specific period of time?

You don't have a right nor the security that your platform of choice will deliver content for a specific amount of time. But I acknowledge that it is convenient to know that.

Besides that, who thinks that they won't deliver new content for their regular userbase? This is far too stretched, imho. You'll get exclusive high fidelity content on PS4K and the things you are used to know on your regular PS4. They will never drop their 30-40m userbase and hope they will build up the same amount of customers within a short period of time.

IF that is still a problem I don't see other problems than envy.

Now matter how you look at it there is nothing be worried about as a regular PS4 user.
Read the OP.

Games are targeted at PS4K and will have significant sacrifices to get running on the PlebS4™.

Why you can't understand why people are outraged boggles the mind. I paid £400 at launch and just over 2 years into a standard 6 year cycle I am being told that half of the consoles lifecycle I will start to get downgraded games akin to cross gen style performance and fidelity. Thanks for being an early adopter and helping to make the PS4 as popular as it has become, don't feel bad just buy the new one.

I've been waiting over 2 years for Uncharted to drop and potentially in 8 months after Uncharted releases the new console will come out. I could have waited till PS4K.... now I'll be lucky to get £150-170 2nd hand and would have to put another £300+ on top.


So PS4K players will have the advantage then because of a higher fps or res? Yeh, sounds great....

Pay 2 Win, sounds good to me. At least it will help me with my slow Au internet. I might not get shot behind cover anymore. Give me that PS4K.


It's noting more than the thought that "something that's better than what I have exists".

It's funny to me since some people who are REALLY angry about this were some of the same people who stated that last gen went on for too long back in 2010-2012.

This move is giving people the option of either keeping what they have already or moving on. Seems like many in the industry realize how tough the new gen transition was in 2013-2014 as well as how there aren't as many console gamers as there were last gen. This PS4K move will cause some core gamers to replace what they already have while at the same time giving the more "casual" game players a cheaper option to play the latest games.

People are forgetting that most enthusiasts who buy a Ps4k will probably either trade in or sell their old Ps4.

These 2 year old Ps4 will be bought by people who only want to pay 150 or so for entry into this gen. It effectively brings in consumers who would normally not be on board this gen. Maybe thats a good thing,


Gold Member
So PS4K players will have the advantage then because of a higher fps or res? Yeh, sounds great....

This has been the case on the PC since forever. Player skill and ping speed trumps better hardware, always. They will likely lock the resolution across generations, but things like graphical fidelity won't have as big an impact as you think.
In the world where the PS4K does not exist

While making the PS4 version of their game, the devs focus on downgrading as little as possible from the game's PC version. This is the best version they can have on consoles so they work hard to keep it as close to the original vision as possible.

In the world where the PS4K exists

While making the PS4.0 version of their game, the devs don't care too much about what does or doesn't make it into this version. What gets lost in the downgrade from PC doesn't matter so much because they can present their original vision better through the PS4.5 version, anyway.

That's absolutely not the way it works, especially not with PS4 where it's likely the vast majority of their user base will remain. Not even on PC where this reality has existed for years and years. Developers have only gotten better at developing for multiple configurations as time has gone on.
Nintendo does upgraded models in the handheld market since generations. We are talking about the console market. The handheld and console markets are very different, obviously.

People who think a PS5 (PS4k) will not hurt the performance of new games on PS4 are naive. The people who want to spend much money on games and hardware are the first adopting a new console. Developers and publishers know this and will put much effort to please this people. PS4 support will be continued but it will be an afterthought, like PS3 support when PS4 came out.

You have nothing to base your assumption.

Unlike ps4 and ps3, the gap between the ps4 and ps4k is minimal and they share the exact same architecture.
You also forget that the point of the ps4k is to expand the ps4 userbase, not to split it.
Games released now are already downgraded versions, they still run fine on the ps4. Why suddenly every developers will spend more money in order to release unplayable mess on ps4 and antagonize 40m+ potential buyers.

That doesn't make any sense.

The most logical outcome is that devs will not spend extra money and dév time to fully utilize the ps4k.
Just like they are doing now with ps4 VS Xbox One, or pc vs console.

The new devkit and Sony goals is to make the upgrades easier and cost effective. The real struggle is to make better looking game on the ps4k, not running games on the ps4.
Surely if that't the case it's announced before the people spend money on them. Not mid generation.

Nothing is set on stone and these decisions are made based on current market conditions. Times are changing very fast these days and its unpredictable.

Why not release full BC PS5 in 2018, a 5 years normal gen can achieve all the things you said.

Well Sony invested a lot in their PS VR, so they don't want to lose to PC VR in matching the experiences too late, because PS4 got a huge opportunity to become mainstream for VR and this PS4k allows to steal some of the hardcore PC players to their platform as an option with their exclusives and making 3rd party to invest on VR games as they can get good marketing from console due to retail market.


Which has been said before does not mean it's a confirmation.

April fools is tomorrow and yet everyone is going so fully into this without a single doubt. It's like nobody learned shit from the NX controller debacle.

This is literally a brand new console that has snuck up from seemingly nowhere.

Don't april's fools jokes actually start on the 1st of April? Rumors of PS4K surfaces around GDC.

If it's a joke, it's a clever one. Clever but cruel.


It does not eliminate the idea to change the architecture. But seriously, after dunno how many years of consoles they reached the point of the x86 architecture that evolves steadily on the pc market. If there will ever be the next architecture it will be a big thing for the whole market.
It is just not feasible anymore to put out new consoles every cycle and build up a complete new userbase for that.

In between, there will be incremental upgrades that will enhance the whole ecosystem.

So we were doomed the moment Sony and MS went x86..
Ehh... I really think you are holding out FAR too much hope that this isn't going to happen if you are going to tie April Fools into this. There are far too many (credible news) sources right now for this to not be real.

What exactly is wrong with pointing out that April fools is tomorrow? It's notorious for bullshit stories.

If these specs are real then Sony have just gone and made the PS5 out of nowhere and nobody is supposed to be sceptical?
As long as we have the choice and we are not forced to move to the PS4K i think it's ok

but everything we heard so far seems to point to the fact, that we will be forced to change the system sooner or later

sorry, but that's not why i bought a console, 900$ in 3 Years for the PS is not what i expected
Quoting so more people can read this.

That is only true for games who have high-end PC specs as lead platform.
The truth is most relevant genres on consoles, even though development is naturally done on PCs, actually have consoles as the lead platform. Critical testing and QA are done on the console hardware first, PC later.
What exactly is wrong with pointing out that April fools is tomorrow? It's notorious for bullshit stories.

If these specs are real then Sony have just gone and made the PS5 out of nowhere and nobody is supposed to be sceptical?

It's because the sources are too serious and credible to be joking around. Unless Sony as a whole decided to play one big long joke on everyone. It makes zero sense and seems like people hoping for it to be fake.

The God


Apart from the money grab, may Sony be scared by Steam ever growing userbase?
Is this reactionary to Steam?
Cause acting like this just push me in Gaben walled garden instead, far more convenient of the psn and free.

More likely that is reactionary to whatever Microsoft is doing, because I don't see any other reason why Sony would do this.
So PS4K players will have the advantage then because of a higher fps or res? Yeh, sounds great....

The same thing will happen to all the people threatening to jump to PC only worse and with hacking/cheating thrown in as a bonus. Also good luck to all that don't use a m/kb in MP games.


Gold Member
Read the OP.

Games are targeted at PS4K and will have significant sacrifices to get running on the PlebS4™.

Why you can't understand why people are outraged boggles the mind. I paid £400 at launch and just over 2 years into a standard 6 year cycle I am being told that half of the consoles lifecycle I will start to get downgraded games akin to cross gen style performance and fidelity. Thanks for being an early adopter and helping to make the PS4 as popular as it has become, don't feel bad just buy the new one.

I've been waiting over 2 years for Uncharted to drop and potentially in 8 months after Uncharted releases the new console will come out. I could have waited till PS4K.... now I'll be lucky to get £150-170 2nd hand and would have to put another £300+ on top.

Well just be thankful that you have the PlebS4 and not the PeasantS3. The PeasantS3 can't even play the PlebS4 games.


You're missing the point. All of this doesn't prevent another new and more powerful PlayStation coming out in 2018. If that happens then BC will be a given by that point as long as the core architecture and development environments remain the same.

I know, I mean all the benefit you mention doesn't have to go 3 years upgrade route.
BC already given, PS4.5 or not, so why?
The only reason we need forward compatible because Sony doesn't want to piss off early adopter and that's it.
We all know forward compatible could go wrong for so many reason, why not space next hardware for 2 more years, you get your BC, no one get pissed.

Why not both. A PS4.5 in early 2017, then a PS5 in late 2019.

A mid gen hardware will diminished the impact and adoption rate of PS5.
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