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PUBG Developer BlueHole bans a person for allegedly "stream sniping"


Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel. Yabuki turned off voice chat in Mario Kart races. True artists of their time.
This is ridiculous.
After looking at the VOD there's like 6-7 players in the area (nothing unlikely in this game) and there's 0 evidence the guy who got banned is stream sniping.
Even the other dude who killed summit and called him out during proximity chat isn't necessarily a sniper (he's got 2+ mil followers on twitch ffs) - and he wasn't banned btw.

Also, the concept of banning someone for this "offence" is laughable, set a stream delay and suck it up.

shenanigans start at 5:19

This is what they have to do.


dude stream sniping is very obvious, see it all the time when watching the big streamers. Glad that scum got banned. lol I was watching the stream when this happened and it was so obvious
Not banworthy even if obvious, either you don't stream or you delay your stream
It seems a lot of people are talking past each other right now and just reading the title and not the OP.

The drama isn't over the ethics of stream sniping itself, it's that there's no evidence that player who got banned was doing it, the streamer was angry because a different player had been stream sniping.

tl;dr if you didn't watch the Twitch clips:

-A streamer had been plagued by a single guy admittedly following him around and stream sniping him throughout the day
-The streamers were in a house when a big fight broke out, one enemy player saw the other streamer's name pop up when he knocked him out and began saying "Hey _______ I love your streams!" over voice chat while throwing grenades into their room
-The streamer escaped their building and was ambushed by the admitted stream sniper from earlier but killed them quickly
-Another player saw, shot, and killed the streamer now that they were out in the open and had just fired their gun
-Streamer vents to their partner about "being stream sniped by two different groups"
-Player who killed streamer gets a 7 day ban, possibly after streamer's chat mass reported them
-Player and his partner go on the subreddit and insist repeatedly that they hadn't been stream sniping and didn't even watch Twitch, they had legitimately been following the sounds of the large battle and had been banned because the streamer made an off the cuff comment



Thats some dedication if you use a monitor to stream their PoV while playing against them lol. Assuming its true that is.

But a 7 day ban seems to be too much kinda for a issue like this...
Ok, what are the facts.

"Streamer is in a house, someone throws grenades and screams how he lows his streams....



Few minutes later streamer is dead.

Killer must be a stream sniper, whole community of that f'n streamer reports him."

So, he basically got banned because he got reported over and over again, so of course it must be true then, i mean endless reports, how can they be wrong?

Sometimes i realize how much i hate our current social media era. I'ts not the first time that a community from a youtuber or streamer did really stupid things, it's disgusting how much power one, one simple streamer or youtube has with literally thousands of people in the community.
Pathetic, if you're pubically streaming your game you shouldn't expect someone not to use that against you. I mean, you can't even proove that someone watched your stream to find your location in the first place.

Not surprised tho, most streamers are babies and devs always suck up to them.

It's ok you don't like the kids these days making money off of streaming. It's alright. No need to be angry about the times changing.

The thing is, if one person is constantly killing a streamer and it's becoming a daily routine, there's a good chance they are stream sniping.


It's ok you don't like the kids these days making money off of streaming. It's alright. No need to be angry about the times changing.

They can make all the money they want, but surely they have to accept the possible consequences to gameplay?

Personally not bothered on that part either way. More bothered by the fact there's clearly very little evidence unless Twitch is provided Bluepoint IP addresses.


I think it's definitely a problem because some of the bigger PUBG streamers are starting to act like whiny babies and "stream sniping" is becoming the go-to call every time they die. It's pathetic.

Paying for a game, then getting banned because some other dude wants to show his gameplay to the world. There is zero proof possible to support the ban. Ridiculous.

I've reported people for teaming up in the Solo servers, and the devs can trace the player movement from each game and see two people travelling in the same car and helping each other out instead of shooting each other etc.

I imagine in this case the devs will/did track the player's movements through the game, although in this case it does seem like the guy who was banned wasn't stream sniping, he just happened upon the streamer who was being stream-sniped by someone else. I guess we'l hear more on it in the next few days.


never left the stone age
Having given this more thought, Twitch does allow you to increase the delay, right? Why not just do that when playing competitive games?


For you.
Gotta protect them streamers, no way they'd just get out played.

Seems like a ridiculous thing to ban someone for and easily exploitable, what's stopping fans from just blindly reporting anyone accused of doing it to their favourite streamer?
Because they don't ban it because of the reports? They review your match and your movements to know if you actually did it.
Paying for a game, then getting banned because some other dude wants to show his gameplay to the world. There is zero proof possible to support the ban. Ridiculous.
There is plenty of proof, you just don't have access to it.
Stream sniping is shitty but it being a bannable offence is heavy-handed because it also can't be consistently and fairly enforced, and seems to only protect highly visible streamers, is it all streamers or just highly visible ones? I don't think they'd ban someone who stream snipes a ~50 viewer streamer.

If someone decides to publicly stream their multiplayer gameplay in such a game that is the risk they take. Twitch already allows you to use custom delays too if you really care about preventing it as a streamer. Just seems to be for the benefit of preserving big streamer egos.

Also there is no "victim", this isn't malicious like verbal abuse/harassment or something lol.

The game and devs are great but I find this a silly thing to do.
They try to join the game / server at the same time as the streamer. It works.

Okay that makes sense even if it's still a coincidence. As said it's petty for people doing this deliberately but I still don't think anyone should be banned for it, they use publicly available information.

If you livetweet your troop movements during a war to raise morale and national support, is it a war crime for the other side to ambush those troops or use an airstrike? Asking for a friend.

I can't stop laughing, holy hell Duckroll :p


Because they don't ban it because of the reports? They review your match and your movements to know if you actually did it.

Movement data for stream sniping would give anything above a 60-70% certainty, which shouldn't warrant stopping someone from playing something they purchased for a goddamn week.

The reason VAC bans happen in waves and usually for a specific or related cheats is because Valve works to get it to a very high level of confidence to shrink the number of false-positives. That should be the case here.
i wonder how the legality of this works.

i mean a player on a third party service openly announced to everyone in the world where they are and you go there and kill him. then the developer takes away your rights to play the game?


Junior Member
Victim as the one being tracked down, come on. You totally went for the low hanging fruit lawl.

Bans are a very risky thing and you need to pull off a very good debriefing about what happened.


Neo Member
i wonder how the legality of this works.

i mean a player on a third party service openly announced to everyone in the world where they are and you go there and kill him. then the developer takes away your rights to play the game?

ANAL but I guess this wouldn't fly in the EU. I think this whole thing is way overblown. You can add like 10 minutes delay to your stream and would be fine. I'm not "getting" streaming either, guess that makes me old. But putting out where you're at in a multiplayer game for the whole world to see, then go on to cry if someone abuses the information you willingly spread, well tough luck man.


Because they don't ban it because of the reports? They review your match and your movements to know if you actually did it.

How can they even know how to look for such specific data without heavily relying on mass reports? Do they check the likely millions of individual reports they get and just say "he/she must be stream sniping, because at 1 point he made a beeline straight to the same building the streamer was in/by"?
Movement data still wouldn't even be close to 100% reliable proof either.


I don't see how this can be proven. What are the odds that someone can consistently land on the same server as a popular streamer and in the moment recognize that the person is streaming, pull up twitch to see their location to execute a kill? PUBG isn't the first online multiplayer shooter and I have never heard of this being a problem before.


Because they don't ban it because of the reports? They review your match and your movements to know if you actually did it.

But you could make anything fit that.

-Streamer hiding in bunker, guy is making his way there on a bike, goes in, checks the corners and BAM, gets the streamer while they were distracted reading out a donation or sub or whatever. Obviously the player stream sniped becuase how else would they have known the streamer was there!?

-Streamer gets attacked by a group/individual and a loud battle ensues. Guns are fired, streamer hit but manages to kill the guy and while running to cover is shot and killed by a completely different player who obviously was stream sniping for the perfect opportunity and not just watching a battle and picking off the winner.

How are those any different from this? Knowing someone's movements in a single game of this means nothing. Fair enough if they've looked at the last few matches to determine the guy was following the streamer but even if the player was following the streamer for all of the match, they could've just been stalking what they thought was another player/team. I've done that before, seeing a guy, seeing they have better stuff, following them until there is an opening to kill them and get their stuff.

I do think this stuff needs to be banned but only if they can prove it. Like how you can prove someone is being a racist or homophobic and abusive prick in a game by looking at chat logs from the time the report was issued. If they can look back at the players previous games to see that they were in the same games as the streamer and moving towards them regularly enough to be suspicious then yeah, ban them for a bit. But if it happened in one game? Anything can happen in a single game that makes it look like someone is stream sniping or cheating in some way.
How did they even know they were in that streamer's game? Did they notice a familiar name in the kill feed at some point?

Seems more like a flaw on how reports are handled on Bluehole's end. Game still doesn't even have an in-game report system afaik.


Do they? Seems unlikely to me with 5 million players and a tiny development team.

Yep, same here, I don't buy it. I mean do you expect me to believe they archive and index every single round (or whatever it's called) happening in their servers?


Junior Member
How did they even know they were in that streamer's game? Did they notice a familiar name in the kill feed at some point?

Seems more like a flaw on how reports are handled on Bluehole's end. Game still doesn't even have an in-game report system afaik.

It seems like you can force this by entering a game at the same time as the streamer.

I still see it as a bananable act but then again the game doesn't have a proper system in game and this kind of stuff can get out of hand of no time by abusing it.

Not like this is a crime
I still see it as a bananable act but then again the game doesn't have a proper system in game and this kind of stuff can get out of hand of no time by abusing it.

there's only like a bunch of streamers and very few players who have the time and patience to abuse it and even then you need luck to pull it off. it has literally 0% impact on the game as a whole.


It's like playing a game of Poker and holding your cards up for everyone to see, but if your opponents look they get removed from the game for 'cheating'.

Except said poker player is the primary reason that 5 million people have come to your casino since it opened so you let him do whatever the fuck he wants.
ANAL but I guess this wouldn't fly in the EU. I think this whole thing is way overblown. You can add like 10 minutes delay to your stream and would be fine. I'm not "getting" streaming either, guess that makes me old. But putting out where you're at in a multiplayer game for the whole world to see, then go on to cry if someone abuses the information you willingly spread, well tough luck man.

People stream snipe because they are shitty and want the attention of 20k people seeing them kill someone or try to.

You know what I say? If your an idiot who thinks it's a cool thing to do, tough luck when you get banned.

Also 10 minute delay to a stream defeats the object of a lot of the big streamers which is community interaction.

It's brilliant to see how out of touch so many gaffers are. No wonder things like UC4 gets game of the year in a place like this.


So playing the game gets you banned?

Wow fuck this.

Yes, playing the game gets you banned. Use your brain before posting.

Well I'm not buying it. Not gonna get banned cos I killed a streamer.

Stupid rule.

Again, not how it works. Streamers get killed all the time in this game, they're not a protected species.

i wonder how the legality of this works.

i mean a player on a third party service openly announced to everyone in the world where they are and you go there and kill him. then the developer takes away your rights to play the game?

Twitch's own community guidelines specifically say that stream sniping is bannable if streamers themselves do it, so it makes sense that it works both ways.

Do they? Seems unlikely to me with 5 million players and a tiny development team.

When I've reported people I have to give the devs the server I was playing on, the time I was playing, the player names etc. and they've been banned in a few days.


People stream snipe because they are shitty and want the attention of 20k people seeing them kill someone or try to.

You know what I say? If your an idiot who thinks it's a cool thing to do, tough luck when you get banned.

Also 10 minute delay to a stream defeats the object of a lot of the big streamers which is community interaction.

It's brilliant to see how out of touch so many gaffers are. No wonder things like UC4 gets game of the year in a place like this.

You're* - and get off my lawn!

But seriously though, don't you understand the problem here that you can prove he was stream sniping? Is it fair to just ban every person who kills a streamer and gets reported?


Junior Member
there's only like a bunch of streamers and very few players who have the time and patience to abuse it and even then you need luck to pull it off. it has literally 0% impact on the game as a whole.

I agree with you, also it could be one of those situations of "Cutting it before it grows" the game needs some work about matching and reporting if they want to keep this tendency of bans.
Twitch's own community guidelines specifically say that stream sniping is bannable if streamers themselves do it, so it makes sense that it works both ways.

uh yeah because streamers do something on stream that twitch doesn't want you to stream.
this is a company banning someone for something they did on a third party site.
People stream snipe because they are shitty and want the attention of 20k people seeing them kill someone or try to.

You know what I say? If your an idiot who thinks it's a cool thing to do, tough luck when you get banned.

Also 10 minute delay to a stream defeats the object of a lot of the big streamers which is community interaction.

It's brilliant to see how out of touch so many gaffers are. No wonder things like UC4 gets game of the year in a place like this.
Not agreeing with a ban = out of touch. Or you know, there are different opinions surrounding the game. It just seems very strange to ban someone when the other party is busy airing their position to the world.


It seems a lot of people are talking past each other right now and just reading the title and not the OP.

The drama isn't over the ethics of stream sniping itself, it's that there's no evidence that player who got banned was doing it, the streamer was angry because a different player had been stream sniping.

tl;dr if you didn't watch the Twitch clips:

-A streamer had been plagued by a single guy admittedly following him around and stream sniping him throughout the day
-The streamers were in a house when a big fight broke out, one enemy player saw the other streamer's name pop up when he knocked him out and began saying "Hey _______ I love your streams!" over voice chat while throwing grenades into their room
-The streamer escaped their building and was ambushed by the admitted stream sniper from earlier but killed them quickly
-Another player saw, shot, and killed the streamer now that they were out in the open and had just fired their gun
-Streamer vents to their partner about "being stream sniped by two different groups"
-Player who killed streamer gets a 7 day ban, possibly after streamer's chat mass reported them
-Player and his partner go on the subreddit and insist repeatedly that they hadn't been stream sniping and didn't even watch Twitch, they had legitimately been following the sounds of the large battle and had been banned because the streamer made an off the cuff comment

Thank you - this thread is incredibly frustrating to read.

It would appear to be a case of a company believing that placating an influential streamer and their fans is more important than actually carrying out a fair moderation of their community.


I am sorry but if you choose to stream online you risk that info being out there. Sounds like in this case it was not even what happened.

Not good at all ..
This has been a thing in games for a while.

It's happened to all the big streamers at some point, I've watched it happen to CohnCarnage and DrDisRespect.

A lot of PUBG streamers don't show their screen at all until they've landed from the plane so that people can't pinpoint them on the minimap.


Sucks for the banned player. Personally, I wouldn't even ban stream sniping. It's a survival game, let the players use every possible advantage short of using CheatEngine. If someone else wants to broadcast their position to every other player in the game? Let them.
Seems stupid to ban for this and difficult to implement.

If you want to Livestream your games, this is the risk. You're broadcasting to everyone where you are, publicly. You want people to watch your stream so there's nothing that can't prevent someone in a game to watch your stream, especially with second screens like tablets and phones.

I think it's a shady thing to do from the other players point of view, cheapening the game, but seems pretty obvious fix. Don't stream your position or put it on a 60second delay.

Also the people in this thread who can't understand how this works are beyond dense. "not buying the game don't want to get banned for just killing a streamer..." Wtf haha. How can you read the op and come to that conclusion?


Except said poker player is the primary reason that 5 million people have come to your casino since it opened so you let him do whatever the fuck he wants.

Not every streamer is a whiny bitch that cries for banning someone and the game was also popularized by youtubers.
Even streamers can get banned for going against the c.o.c. - as shown by DrDisrespect who teamkilled someone when he was playing with PU himself.
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