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Ratchet & Clank - Review Thread


Aftershock LA
I don't care about reviews, but I do find this thread amusing that people are shocked a Ratchet and Clank game is being received well.

If there is one thing, and only one thing, you can count on in this world, it's that Insomniac will always deliver a fun, enjoyable mainline Ratchet and Clank game. Every mainline entry in the series, from PS2 to PS3 has been, at the very least, fun.

Up Your Arsenal on PS2, and A Crack in Time on PS3, are two of the best games ever made, let alone two of the best Ratchet and Clank games ever made. Insomniac has always shown a love and passion for this series that even the experimental ones show (All4One and Full Frontal Assault were entertaining games as well, even if they were different).

The Future series of R&C is actually what got me into the series (Tools of Destruction is a wonderful game), and then I went back and played the PS2 titles on my BC PS3, and bought the HD Collection on both the Vita and PS3. The old games certainly show their age in many ways, but they are still good, good fun. I recommend them to newcomers to the series as well as the shiny PS3 entries.

Sunset Overdrive needs to get some love on the PS4, honestly. I don't own an Xbox ONE yet, but it's going to be THE game I get if I ever get one. I just think it wasn't the right platform, or maybe it didn't have enough marketing, I have no idea, but it always looked like a lot of fun, that for some reason people ignored. I remember telling my Xbox fanboy friends that they should give it a go. It boggles my mind and saddens me that SO didn't get more love on the Xbox ONE.

I'm not port begging, I swear!
Already preordered this and didn't need review validation but I sure am glad it's getting great reviews. The more people get to experience this the better.


I'm so happy to see so many people on GAF excited about a new Ratchet and Clank. Warms my heart. Hopefully the sales live up to expectations.


Looks like there is more than enough [quality!] content present:

IGN - "The 15-hour campaign follows some of the same whimsical, Star Wars-inspired storyline as the original game, but adds depth to characters while expanding the scope of the adventure."

Destructoid - "You can mop up the main missions in under 10 hours, but to collect everything and fully upgrade your weapons may take another playthrough (there's the New Game + Challenge Mode for that)."

TheSixAxis - "My first play through on the normal skill level took at least fifteen hours and I’ve already started my second game on a more challenging difficulty."

GamesRadar - "All told, the budget $40 / £28 price tag on Ratchet & Clank feels just right. It took me just over 8 hours to finish the main story, and I look forward to more hours spent chasing down weapon upgrades, collectible cards, and cheat-code-enabling Gold Bolts (with even more mileage awaiting those brave enough for the amped-up difficulty of the post-credits Challenge Mode)."
To add to that
I have to say though that this game is much beefier than I had anticipated. Don’t get me wrong, it’s no 40-hour RPG and it only took about 10+ hours to complete without doing all the optional missions and finding every collectable.


Bought. I haven't played too much R&C but have always loved it when I did. And with a young daughter I can always use kid friendly games to play on weekends. Reviews actually helped sell me on it too. If it was $60 and had mediocre reviews I would have passed. $40 and great reviews? Hell yeah


I wasn't talking about Ratchet, just that'd be awesome to see more action/platformers this gen cuz there haven't been that many.

Yeah I'm sure Sly is gonna get the same treatment. Crash returning is almost a sure thing at this point too.

I'm not too sure about this anymore. Sanzaru is quite busy and I don't know if they can make it by the time the movie releases. Plus, it seems like they're not working with sony anymore


This got discussed briefly at one point. But the problem really was that the PS3 and PS4 were completely different architectures, and our engine was built for PS3 and the game was super hooked into it.

We had the Fuse engine (which became the Sunset Overdrive engine and now the engine powering this Ratchet and Clank) - but I don't think we could've had it ready to ship something on PS4.

So basically a combo of our Engine work happening all on Sunset, and the game being so hooked into PS3, made it not really possible to pull off.

The bummer is of course hat lots of people never played Nexus, which has a fun story and vibe, and great characters (Neftin - who even is referenced in the movie, thanks for playing Nexus!)

I may be in the minority but I loved FUSE and it's MP was addicting as hell. I really hope you guys get another shot at the series. There was a lot of promise there for so much great stuff.


Looks like there is more than enough [quality!] content present:

IGN - "The 15-hour campaign follows some of the same whimsical, Star Wars-inspired storyline as the original game, but adds depth to characters while expanding the scope of the adventure."

Destructoid - "You can mop up the main missions in under 10 hours, but to collect everything and fully upgrade your weapons may take another playthrough (there's the New Game + Challenge Mode for that)."

TheSixAxis - "My first play through on the normal skill level took at least fifteen hours and I’ve already started my second game on a more challenging difficulty."

GamesRadar - "All told, the budget $40 / £28 price tag on Ratchet & Clank feels just right. It took me just over 8 hours to finish the main story, and I look forward to more hours spent chasing down weapon upgrades, collectible cards, and cheat-code-enabling Gold Bolts (with even more mileage awaiting those brave enough for the amped-up difficulty of the post-credits Challenge Mode)."

I remember hearing 5 hours, that person must have been rushing as fast as he could.


Great to see the reception the game is getting from reviewers. It's really an amazing franchise once it's control scheme was refined. Amazing to think at one point before the first game came out I basically thought, "Ratchet & Clank? Oh yeah, that's that no-name game that's using the Jak & Daxter engine. Why wouldn't I just replay Jak & Daxter."

Yet, R&C is the one that has stuck around and continuing to amaze.


I don't care about reviews, but I do find this thread amusing that people are shocked a Ratchet and Clank game is being received well.

If there is one thing, and only one thing, you can count on in this world, it's that Insomniac will always deliver a fun, enjoyable mainline Ratchet and Clank game. Every mainline entry in the series, from PS2 to PS3 has been, at the very least, fun.

Up Your Arsenal on PS2, and A Crack in Time on PS3, are two of the best games ever made, let alone two of the best Ratchet and Clank games ever made. Insomniac has always shown a love and passion for this series that even the experimental ones show (All4One and Full Frontal Assault were entertaining games as well, even if they were different).

No one should be surprised; there's a whole lot of green on this page.

Well, now I'll certainly have to keep an eye out for this game since I now know it's $40 (doubt I'll be able to get the Prime discount on time). I needed more R&C in my PS4 library.


Awesome reviews. Wasn't really on my radar but hell why not. I need something light hearted and I never got around to playing the original. Plus it's discounted at Best Buy with GCU.


No time to read reviews but how's the performance?

I just skimmed over a few and there hasn't been a single mention. I watched IGN's entire video and nothing. Only thing I recall hearing is that it's 30 fps, which is a tad disappointing, but it looks damn gorgeous. Honestly the best looking game in this style I've seen on PS4.
Colin Moriarty Review (a few mins ago from Colin & Greg live)

It's excellent

Shocked at how good it was

Ratchet is usually good but he was shocked still

Best experience of the year so far

"it looks like a pixar movie"

best PS4 exclusive behind Resogun

ratchet and clank will see new life
I just skimmed over a few and there hasn't been a single mention. I watched IGN's entire video and nothing. Only thing I recall hearing is that it's 30 fps, which is a tad disappointing, but it looks damn gorgeous. Honestly the best looking game in this style I've seen on PS4.

Almost flawless 30fps [nicely framepaced also]. It can drop a rare frame in most frenetic of situations, but when that happens it is almost invisible.
Digital Foundry - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrYyAO-4_Dc

Excellent, as my first rachet and clank title I'll definitely be picking this up on amazon for $30.


Colin Moriarty Review (a few mins ago from Colin & Greg live)

It's excellent

Shocked at how good it was

Ratchet is usually good but he was shocked still

Best experience of the year so far

"it looks like a pixar movie"

best PS4 exclusive behind Resogun

ratchet and clank will see new life
Well that's silly because Bloodborne is much better than Resogun. :)


Finding out this game was £30, rather than £40 or £50 is some of the best news I'll get this month.

Excited to play the game.

What a time to be alive!


Didn't expect it to be this well received, Good job Insomniac. Now who's idea was it to release it on the 22nd in the UK?


Colin Moriarty Review (a few mins ago from Colin & Greg live)

It's excellent

Shocked at how good it was

Ratchet is usually good but he was shocked still

Best experience of the year so far

"it looks like a pixar movie"

best PS4 exclusive behind Resogun

ratchet and clank will see new life

Colin has very particular taste and often dislikes games I enjoy, but if he praises something you can generally rest assured that it's a legit great game.
Between this and uncharted 4 I feel like my PS4 purchase is justified now even though I got it this Christmas right before the PS4K rumors started. Looks like a great game! Cant wait to get it.
One thing I've learned here on GAF is to never take people's play times as gospel. I remember people swearing up and down that The Order took them 3 and half hours when it took me almost 8. The Last of Us could be cleared in 12 by some here when it took me close to 20 hours.

Point is everyone plays differently. It'll be different for a lot of folks.

Are you me? Those two games took me around the same time as well. I always take the stated run time in reviews and add another 50% at least.


Fanatic work from Insomniac from the sound of it. All purchased and ready to go tomorrow. Hopefully, Sony actually does their goddamn job and promotes this instead of just dumping it on the market like they love to do.
Awesome reviews! I'm stoked that Ratchet & Clank are feeling the love from critics and GAF!

Here's hoping there is more PS4 Ratchet, and that it sells well!
Went ahead and ordered on Amazon. Should be waiting for me after work tomorrow!

Hope to see more from Insomniac this gen. Loved Sunset Overdrive and this looks to have turned out well too.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Went ahead and ordered on Amazon. Should be waiting for me after work tomorrow!

Hope to see more from Insomniac this gen. Loved Sunset Overdrive and this looks to have turned out well too.

Yet no mention of Song of the Deep. =P
I tried to go get it at Walmart but only the sticker with name and price was on the shelve. I asked the rep and they said it sold out?
Colin Moriarty Review (a few mins ago from Colin & Greg live)

It's excellent

Shocked at how good it was

Ratchet is usually good but he was shocked still

Best experience of the year so far

"it looks like a pixar movie"

best PS4 exclusive behind Resogun

ratchet and clank will see new life

Also said it took him about 10 - 12 hours to beat. Then said "it could probably be done faster". A few days ago he mentioned that he was playing thorough.

Are not many people playing through challenge mode btw? I haven't read that many reviews, but the ones I have read don't really talk about it.


Also said it took him about 10 - 12 hours to beat. Then said "it could probably be done faster". A few days ago he mentioned that he was playing thorough.

Are not many people playing through challenge mode btw? I haven't read that many reviews, but the ones I have read don't really talk about it.

challenge mode is ng+ so you cant do it right away i think
challenge mode is ng+ so you cant do it right away i think

Yes I know lol.

Just wondering if other reviewers mentioned their experience with it. (If they bothered to pay through twice before reviewing it)

Challenge mode should have omega upgrades as well (going by previous R&C challenge modes), yet the few reviews I've seen don't mention any of that.


Scored higher than I was expecting. Hopefully this does well and we'll get more 3D platformers. I need some more Jak and Daxter in my life.

I'd say this is the most visually appealing game of the gen for me.


Interesting to see the ideas others had of the game as a whole. Let the year of reimaginininings begin!
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