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Respawn: EA made Titanfall deal, only for one game, will work on PS4 later


Press - MP1st.com
Heavy Rain,Beyond: Two Souls and future titles of Quantic Dream.Despite being an independent SH find it more convenient to give the exclusive to Sony.All we can say against MS except that at the moment is not investing in small SH and the first party just look at the job ads;)
Regarding Titanfall Phil Spencer and Albert Penello in their various tweet of these months were very confident that the exclusive of Titanfall was real and non-temporal.Perhaps we should listen a little more those who work in this industry really that alleged insider on NeoGAF.
Surely Tintanfall 2 will also be released on ps4 although I think MS will do anything to avoid it if the game would sell millions of copies.

Where are these tweets you speak of? Up to today, Major Nelson and everyone at MS would only say "it's up to Titanfall" or something as vague. No one at MS has explicitly said that Titanfall (brand) or even game, would only appear on Xbox One and nothing else.

This announcement today is the most concrete we've had so far.

And those insiders you speak lowly of have been more accurate and honest compared to what PR people are allowing employees to say.
Even if/when the sequels do arrive on PS4, from a business perspective this makes sense for Microsoft.

By the time TitanFall 2 comes out, anybody that wanted the game badly enough to buy an Xbox One will have. And they'll obviously be more likely to go on to buy the sequels on Xbox One as well. It's a smart initial investment to try and make Xbox One the 'default' console for what could be a huge franchise, the same way that Xbox 360 became the unofficial default console for COD.

Plus, chances are they'll have some DLC exclusivity agreement for Titan Fall 2, just like they do for pretty much every major shooter, if not outright exclusivity over the next games as well (money talks, and EA is only publisher for the first title).
If Titanfall is successful. MS will do what it cans to either buy the IP or by the company.

Well at that point it becomes a much more unlikely situation. Do we think Titantfall will sell Gears numbers or Mass Effect numbers? Even with ME1 which put up excellent sales numbers MS wasn't able to secure that as a permanent exclusive because what they would have to pay to cover the investment recouped from other systems is simply not worth it. I would put it as extremely slim that MS forks over that kind of money to secure the franchise.


Even if/when the sequels do arrive on PS4, from a business perspective this makes sense for Microsoft.

By the time TitanFall 2 comes out, anybody that wanted the game badly enough to buy an Xbox One will have. And they'll obviously be more likely to go on to buy the sequels on Xbox One as well. It's a smart initial investment to try and make Xbox One the 'default' console for what could be a huge franchise, the same way that Xbox 360 became the unofficial default console for COD.

Plus, chances are they'll have some DLC exclusivity agreement for Titan Fall 2, just like they do for pretty much every major shooter, if not outright exclusivity over the next games as well (money talks, and EA is only publisher for the first title).

Most people are missing this. I completely agree, specially considering this is a multiplayer only game.


Not to mention that the Xbox division doesn't have an endless money purse to keep money-hatting. Investors are already pushing for change.


Well at that point it becomes a much more unlikely situation. Do we think Titantfall will sell Gears numbers or Mass Effect numbers? Even with ME1 which put up excellent sales numbers MS wasn't able to secure that as a permanent exclusive because what they would have to pay to cover the investment recouped from other systems is simply not worth it. I would put it as extremely slim that MS forks over that kind of money to secure the franchise.
By the time Respawn are negotiating the publishing contract for TF2, the PS4's worldwide lead will be too high for exclusivity to make sense for MS, the cost would just be obscene. This screams of a panicked response to the shitstorm, eighteen months from now things will be much more settled.
Even if/when the sequels do arrive on PS4, from a business perspective this makes sense for Microsoft.

By the time TitanFall 2 comes out, anybody that wanted the game badly enough to buy an Xbox One will have. And they'll obviously be more likely to go on to buy the sequels on Xbox One as well. It's a smart initial investment to try and make Xbox One the 'default' console for what could be a huge franchise, the same way that Xbox 360 became the unofficial default console for COD.

Plus, chances are they'll have some DLC exclusivity agreement for Titan Fall 2, just like they do for pretty much every major shooter, if not outright exclusivity over the next games as well (money talks, and EA is only publisher for the first title).

With the game coming to 360 and PC, it might not be as a bigger deal as people think. No one game justifies a 500$ box purchase
Not to mention that the Xbox division doesn't have an endless money purse to keep money-hatting. Investors are already pushing for change.

This is true, but they've bought themselves some leeway with this 'multimedia hub' strategy, because now anything Xbox division does to strengthen the Xbox can be seen as a means of strengthening their living room position against the ever-prophesied Apple living-room take-over.

Anything that puts more Xbox Ones in American homes is going to get a green-light.

The downside of this for traditional/hardcore gamers is that you can expect even more Kinect bullshit than before.


Good move by MS, makes their already very impressive exclusive lineup even more impressive.
Probably also good for respawn. As Vince said they can focus on one platform, which is good for a startup and EA will have to compensate in some way for "lost" PS4 sales.

Justifies my decision to once again get both next gen consoles.

I assume the PS4 will end up being my multiplat machine while the XBOX ONE will only be used for exclusives. So the exact opposite from this gen - at least for me.


This is true, but they've bought themselves some leeway with this 'multimedia hub' strategy, because now anything Xbox division does to strengthen the Xbox can be seen as a means of strengthening their living room position against the ever-prophesied Apple living-room take-over.

Anything that puts more Xbox Ones in American homes is going to get a green-light.

The downside of this for traditional/hardcore gamers is that you can expect even more Kinect bullshit than before.

I think that very much depends on how MS sees the Xbox going forward. We already know there are investors who doubt it's long term viability, and whilst they probably don't mind spending money to keep it ticking along, they probably won't be keen on the idea of spending 8 or 9 figure sums on one single IP.
With the game coming to 360 and PC, it might not be as a bigger deal as people think. No one game justifies a 500$ box purchase

Fair point.

But I can't think of a single game off the top of my head that was released on PC and consoles in a similar time-frame, where the PC version outsold the console version or could even be argued significantly impacted or hurt the sales of the same game on the console platforms. Can you?

Furthermore, I don't think anybody buys a console just for ONE game. The only two exceptions really have been Mario 64 and Halo. But I think one game can be the tipping point that nudges somebody over the fence and make them decide to hand over their money for one. So it's not buying the console for Titan Fall, it's buying the console that can also play COD, and BF, and AC, and whatever other multiplatform games you want, the console that a lot of your Xbox Live friends have moved to, and hell, maybe even you give a shit about the feature-set surrounding games*, or have some kids/a wife that likes the Kinect shit.

It's a cumulative effect of multiple reasons, and one big exclusive game can be the reason that pushes people over the edge. And no exclusive game on either platform has generated the buzz that Titan Fall has.

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but I'm willing to bet sales of Titan Fall on Xbox One are clearly ahead of those sales on the PC.

*I personally don't save the cloud features that will aggregate data to improve matchmaking, and push recommendations to the front end. All the TV and skype bullshit I could care less about.


Cboat am cry. Your tears are my bidet. So yesterday practically killed all insiders, first confirmation that rumours about the struggling Xbox OS were made up, then no timed exclusive for Titanfall. Tales from their butt.


Cboat am cry. Your tears are my bidet. So yesterday practically killed all insiders, first confirmation that rumours about the struggling Xbox OS were made up, then no timed exclusive for Titanfall. Tales from their butt.
Did you even read a single post of this thread?


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Not to mention that the Xbox division doesn't have an endless money purse to keep money-hatting. Investors are already pushing for change.

Yes. These deals are great for Microsoft but they also add additional pressure for the system to be successful. We'll see if Titanfall can deliver on that. The game certainly looks fun. However, when compared to other system sellers like Halo and Gears, it faces a much stronger competition with other FPS like Battlefield, Call of Duty, and maybe Destiny. It doesn't have that level of uniqueness.


Simple calculation.

EA's ASP x expected lifetime sales on PS4

2-3m sales on PS4 x an ASP in the range $15 - $25 gives you your range. Admittedly it's a higher potential payout ($75m) but MSFT were offering guaranteed money upfront 100% margin. Very attractive.

They do not spend hundreds of millions on exclusivity deals.

You are neglecting the 80m PS3s out there that are also not getting it.


Cboat am cry. Your tears are my bidet. So yesterday practically killed all insiders, first confirmation that rumours about the struggling Xbox OS were made up, then no timed exclusive for Titanfall. Tales from their butt.

I've seen some serious misinformation and idiocy over the past week on GAF, but this is up there with the best of them.


This is true, but they've bought themselves some leeway with this 'multimedia hub' strategy, because now anything Xbox division does to strengthen the Xbox can be seen as a means of strengthening their living room position against the ever-prophesied Apple living-room take-over.

I'm not so sure the heavy investors of Microsoft really care about the living room or the apple living-room takeover. From the sounds of it, the investors want Microsoft to focus on the corporate side of things.


If I'm wrong, I'm wrong, but I'm willing to bet sales of Titan Fall on Xbox One are clearly ahead of those sales on the PC.

yes Titanfall on xbox one will have more sales than PC version, but 360 version will have even higher sales. And many of the people that get it on 360 will be getting into next gen around the time Titanfall 2 will be coming. if they see that they can get the best version of all multiplats including Titanfall on PS4, which we are already seeing as happening, they will most likely go PS4.


Good move by MS, makes their already very impressive exclusive lineup even more impressive.
Probably also good for respawn. As Vince said they can focus on one platform, which is good for a startup and EA will have to compensate in some way for "lost" PS4 sales.

Justifies my decision to once again get both next gen consoles.

I assume the PS4 will end up being my multiplat machine while the XBOX ONE will only be used for exclusives. So the exact opposite from this gen - at least for me.

MS have very few 1st party Studios so what exclusives other than the handful they have are you expecting?


Cboat am cry. Your tears are my bidet. So yesterday practically killed all insiders, first confirmation that rumours about the struggling Xbox OS were made up, then no timed exclusive for Titanfall. Tales from their butt.

yes Titanfall on xbox one will have more sales than PC version, but 360 version will have even higher sales. And many of the people that get it on 360 will be getting into next gen around the time Titanfall 2 will be coming. if they see that they can get the best version of all multiplats including Titanfall on PS4, which we are already seeing as happening, they will most likely go PS4.

True, though when are you expecting the next Titan Fall game?

This isn't like COD where Activision has multiple teams pumping out yearly sequels on an alternating schedule, Respawn is the only dev working on this. The next Titan Fall game is probably going to be holiday 2015.

From March of 2014, that's damn near 2 years of exclusivity, and that's plenty of time for a lot of people to jump onto the Xbox One... especially when you add the draw of Halo 5, and if Titan Fall creates the same kind of community snowball effect that Modern Warfare did (which is hardly a guarantee, but not out of the question - depends on the quality of the game and the word of mouth). It's easy to wait out a single-player game until you have enough reasons to buy a console, waiting on a multiplayer game while you hear about all your friends having fun without you is much tougher.

By that point, Xbox One may be established as the unofficial 'default' console for Titan Fall, the same way that Xbox 360 became the unofficial 'default' console for COD.


Cboat am cry. Your tears are my bidet. So yesterday practically killed all insiders, first confirmation that rumours about the struggling Xbox OS were made up, then no timed exclusive for Titanfall. Tales from their butt.

Your delusions of grandeur are pretty astounding.


Figured this was the case in the other thread.

EA played the short game, silly really. Vince could just as well develop a PS4 exclusive version of Titanfall like "Titanfall: Rising War", a prequel with the same code and just different models and maps. How hard would that be for the team to pump out in 6-8 months on what is supposedly a very easy to develop platform. Could even ask Sony to publish it for them.

Probably won't happen, I imagine Vince made the same mistake and is tied to EA for a few games.


If Titanfall is successful. MS will do what it cans to either buy the IP or by the company.
You can be sure that RESPAWN won't get bought, according to Zampella.
(not the studio = not the IP)
Cboat am cry. Your tears are my bidet. So yesterday practically killed all insiders, first confirmation that rumours about the struggling Xbox OS were made up, then no timed exclusive for Titanfall. Tales from their butt.
lol Krilekk, never change.
So you think it was always X360/Xbone/PC exclusive? So why hasn't it been announced at E3/Gamescom?
Protip: It wasn't! It's a new deal.


Figured this was the case in the other thread.

EA played the short game, silly really. Vince could just as well develop a PS4 exclusive version of Titanfall like "Titanfall: Rising War", a prequel with the same code and just different models and maps. How hard would that be for the team to pump out in 6-8 months on what is supposedly a very easy to develop platform. Could even ask Sony to publish it for them.

Probably won't happen, I imagine Vince made the same mistake and is tied to EA for a few games.

They are a new starter, the cash up front will be handy, very handy. Sony have stopped throwing maney around like this and just focus on making sure their extensive first party is profitable, hence their big studios are still working on PS3 stuff.


Well, I guess that does it. I'm not buying this game. It's one of my three most anticipated games right now, but there is no way I'm going to reward either EA or Microsoft for making a deal that benefits no one (save for Microsoft) and only harms PlayStation users. I was going to buy Titanfall on the 360 and pay for a 3 month subscription for Gold only for that game, but again, there is no way I'm going to reward EA and Microsoft for this.

It really sucks for Respawn, though. Their game looks awesome, and they deserve every dollar they make with it.
Cboat am cry. Your tears are my bidet. So yesterday practically killed all insiders, first confirmation that rumours about the struggling Xbox OS were made up, then no timed exclusive for Titanfall. Tales from their butt.

You know you'll likely get banned for this right?

So why do it?


Personally I can see Titanfall on PS4... but with just enough new content to call it a directors cut and not be the same game.

Titanfall - Directors Cut. Available on all consoles.... (Barring Wii U)
Even if you add that you are assuming lifetime on both platforms would be pushing 8m, that would yield you a $100m cost for the deal.

By your own estimation of $15-25 per copy, wouldn't that yield up to $200m?

8m sounds way too high to me though but I really wouldn't know maybe not...
You can be sure that RESPAWN won't get bought, according to Zampella.
(not the studio = not the IP)

Well they don't have to buy them. Depending on Zampella's priorities, they could make a publishing deal with him the same way they did with Epic for Gears of War. He would still own it, they would just pay for it.

Sony could try the same thing.
wtf..? he has owned you once..


are you trying to make your own life here harder as it is..?

He's trying to get a reputation of doubting leakers, even though they CLEARLY have inside sources. It's pretty fucking embarrassing and sad.

krilekk has entered the thread and issued a throwdown. Who will Ryse and who will (Titan) fall. CBOAT has one night to kill the crow!


Krilekk is nothing more than an annoying mosquito, CBOAT doesn't have to do a thing.


True, though when are you expecting the next Titan Fall game?

This isn't like COD where Activision has multiple teams pumping out yearly sequels on an alternating schedule, Respawn is the only dev working on this. The next Titan Fall game is probably going to be holiday 2015.

From March of 2014, that's damn near 2 years of exclusivity, and that's plenty of time for a lot of people to jump onto the Xbox One... especially when you add the draw of Halo 5, and if Titan Fall creates the same kind of community snowball effect that Modern Warfare did (which is hardly a guarantee, but not out of the question - depends on the quality of the game and the word of mouth). It's easy to wait out a single-player game until you have enough reasons to buy a console, waiting on a multiplayer game while you hear about all your friends having fun without you is much tougher.

By that point, Xbox One may be established as the unofficial 'default' console for Titan Fall, the same way that Xbox 360 became the unofficial 'default' console for COD.

yea i was thinking about 2015 or so. you also have to look at how long the life of MP games are these days. A new COD and Battlefield come out every year. you also got games like destiny coming next year too. I don't think Titanfall will have large dedicated MP base for 2 years. It will probably sell 2m or maybe more one xbox one, seeing as the user base will be smaller for the most part. Again when the bulk of the 360 people are moving to next gen I see many siding with PS4 this time around because their more core friends are heading that way, and they are seeing that multiplat games, like cod, bf, and madden look and play better on PS4.


Despite the hype, Titanfall's success is not set in stone. I feel like people view this game in a vacuum with no competitive pressures. It's a new IP, available on three platforms, in a crowded genre, and it's multiplayer online only. Sure, it'll get a boost from Microsoft's marketing push, but if it becomes a major success, that will only force EA into making it multiplatform for the sequel (assuming they have dibs on it). At that point, MS have taken on the risk and ponied up the cash into establishing it as a fresh and exciting IP and all EA has to do is ride out the popularity of the first game and collect profit from going multiplatform on the sequel. If Respawn goes to another publisher, I doubt they would do exclusives in any form. It's pretty clear Respawn has the ambition to create the next big thing and that won't happen if it's locked out of Sony's consoles. This deal sucks for Respawn since it limits their franchise potential compared to Destiny, which is hitting all platforms and likely to be more popular by default. And it sucks for Microsoft since they'll only be securing the first game, which may or may not be enough. Basically, the winner here is EA, who got a boatload cash for denying development on another platform--pretty much by doing nothing.



They have 3-4 games with only maybe 1 have any long term potential. I can't imagine Ryse keeping anyones attention for more than a week of so.

It comes down to personal taste doesn´t it?

This is not the thread for that, but whatever:

Pumped for:


At least very intersted:


Pretty good list I think.

And knowing that Forza Horizon 2 will come out one day helps as well ;)
Speculating on the future of Titanfall is kinda 'eh' at the moment.

If the first game proves successful, I would guess every publisher that shrugged Zampella off for wanting to own the IP will start getting on their knees, and slipping cheques into his pocket.

Same goes for MS, Sony, or whoever.

Boils down to Respawn and what they want to do, I guess.

If all they want is cold hard cash upfront, MS will probably win the bid, but they'd diminish, or even outright sacrifice their franchise's potential to be the next CoD.

If they want their games to be accessible to everyone, and have the same reach as CoD, then they'll go for a 3rd-party publisher, be it EA again, or whoever else.


It comes down to personal taste doesn´t it?

This is not the thread for that, but whatever:

Pumped for:


At least very intersted:


Pretty good list I think.

And knowing that Forza Horizon 2 will come out one day helps as well ;)

I struggle anticipate stuff I haven't seen, but yeah, more power to you my friend.
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