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So, who's buying Mad Max next week?

Gah, don't get caught on foot next to one of the molotov tower guys - if you get directly hit with one the shitty, shitty uninterruptable animation leaves you entirely in the path of the next volley and unable to escape. Boy, that was fun.


As much as I'm looking forward to MGS next week I always knew it was going to be great so I'm in safe hands there. Mad max I always wanted to be this years SoM but had a bad feeling it would be a turkey. So glad it's not. Pretty hyped to play it next week. Shame no bikes are in it. A variation of mordors nemesis system would of been cool as well.


How's the story missions so far?

Played four so far, mostly collecting parts for the Opus and eliminating camps. Similar to Mordor again in that there are strongholds you need to take down. Combat plays out exactly the same, large groups, chain combos, finishers. Maybe the missions will open up more later on.

It's definitely more of the same open worlds we've been playing for the last few years within a Mad Max setting, so if you like the films and okay with The Mordor/AssCreed/FarCry template then you'll enjoy it.

Have you tried the Capture mode with video? Apparently if a friend hooks up a controller and enters that mode they can capture footage while controlling the camera. I'm curious how that works and how good it is.

Sounds awesome. I saw it but didn't understand what it was for so haven't tried it yet!
I'd say avoid it. Review copies went out late, there are already deep discounts all around for it.

It has all the signs of a game that the publisher is sure is going to fail.
I'd say avoid it. Review copies went out late, there are already deep discounts all around for it.

It has all the signs of a game that the publisher is sure is going to fail.

cmon now

Fail because it's literally launching the same day as Metal Gear.

Review embargos going up the day before it pretty standard. Shit like MGS reviewing like a week early is, to me at least, the exception, not the rule.

Green Yoshi

I'd say avoid it. Review copies went out late, there are already deep discounts all around for it.

It has all the signs of a game that the publisher is sure is going to fail.

The main problem of Mad Max is Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain.

Interesting that Avalanche Studios releases two games (Mad Max and Just Cause 3) within a couple of months. They never did this in their history.
I'd say avoid it. Review copies went out late, there are already deep discounts all around for it.

It has all the signs of a game that the publisher is sure is going to fail.

The publisher is WB. They have a track record of just not being a great publisher, doesn't mean the games they publish aren't good-to-great though. MKX, Shadows of Mordor, Batman, all good-to-great games.

It coming out now as opposed to a few weeks ago or a few weeks from now is a sign that the publisher just doesn't give a shit in general. All the multiple hours of footage of the game out in the wild show the game is in a great condition, framerate appears solid, graphics are solid. It seems it's just s shit-roll of the dice for Avalanche than it is to the actual quality of the game.

The main problem of Mad Max is Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain.

Interesting that Avalanche Studios releases two games (Mad Max and Just Cause 3) within a couple of months. They never did this in their history.

This. All of it.


The main problem of Mad Max is Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain.

Interesting that Avalanche Studios releases two games (Mad Max and Just Cause 3) within a couple of months. They never did this in their history.

probably down to a few things...

1. Mad Max has been ready for a while and they just held off on release to coincide with the move release?

2. Possibly larger team due to the previous success of just cause which allows them to work on others?

I don't know why everyone is getting so wound up over the reviews isn't it common for WB to do this? not to mention plenty of other games have delayed reviews to the last minute I think Bloodborne was 24hours before release which was a pretty big release....
The main problem of Mad Max is Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain.

Interesting that Avalanche Studios releases two games (Mad Max and Just Cause 3) within a couple of months. They never did this in their history.

If memory serves me well, Mad Max is the JC2 team (Avalanche main team), while JC3 is fundamentally a new one.
probably down to a few things...

1. Mad Max has been ready for a while and they just held off on release to coincide with the move release?

2. Possibly larger team due to the previous success of just cause which allows them to work on others?

I don't know why everyone is getting so wound up over the reviews isn't it common for WB to do this? not to mention plenty of other games have delayed reviews to the last minute I think Bloodborne was 24hours before release which was a pretty big release....
Was there and embargo on Arkham Knight before release? I can't remember.

If memory serves me well, Mad Max is the JC2 team (Avalanche main team), while JC3 is fundamentally a new one.

I think you're right.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
I feel like this game is a tie over till just cause 3 which will be the big hitter.
I feel like this game is a tie over till just cause 3 which will be the big hitter.

JC3 is an established franchise. You'd expect it to be the bigger hit. It looks incredible though. But if anything this game is made from the JC2 team and JC3 is a bunch of new guys hired by the studio. Which goes more to show that they are confident in what they've established from JC1-2 that they can hand it over to the B-Team.
If memory serves me well, Mad Max is the JC2 team (Avalanche main team), while JC3 is fundamentally a new one.

correct...Mad Max is being developed by Avalanche Sweden (the main studio) and Just Cause 3 is being developed by Avalanche New York

edit: beaten like a <insert Mad Max joke here>
edit: beaten like a <insert Mad Max joke here>


Too much?


Gears, MGS V and max bought for a grand total of £55. Gotta love foreign shopping and game sharing on the Xbox. What a start to the next few months of some quality releases. I really want until dawn as well but think I'll save it for Halloween and have a trashy night watching slashers and playing that.
Gears, MGS V and max bought for a grand total of £55. Gotta love foreign shopping and game sharing on the Xbox. What a start to the next few months of some quality releases. I really want until dawn as well but think I'll save it for Halloween and have a trashy night watching slashers and playing that.


This year has been an amazing year for gamers so far. Started a bit slow, but these last few months have just had frenetic releases. 2015 feels like how I felt about 2010.


That's disappointing. Fury Road had plenty of bikes and guns,both of which are missing from this game.

I am surprised that they haven't announced any DLC passes for this with Warner being notorious for their aggressive DLC practices

To me it shows a lack of confidence in the title :/


To me it shows a lack of confidence in the title :/

Or after enduring said shitstorm for their previous DLC practices and passes they decided to tone it down for their next release.

Also the game takes place in a different part of the wasteland than the movie explaining the lack of guns and ammunition.
im watching the stream and the world just feels boring.. what are some of the impressions of early buyers? im getting Rage vibes and i didn't enjoy that


Gears, MGS V and max bought for a grand total of £55. Gotta love foreign shopping and game sharing on the Xbox. What a start to the next few months of some quality releases. I really want until dawn as well but think I'll save it for Halloween and have a trashy night watching slashers and playing that.

for ps4? how? mad max alone is 69€....


im watching the stream and the world just feels boring.. what are some of the impressions of early buyers? im getting Rage vibes and i didn't enjoy that

A few in this thread, plus there are a couple more posters here that have it and have been posting about it along with some awesome gifs.

First impressions on Xbox One:
- intro and the part before you get your actual car is kinda okay I think
- seems to be 1080p, yes.
- framerate is also fine while the game looks really good.
- but there is something that makes the controls feel slightly slow, could be input lag. In menus it's much better. (Could also be that movement and driving has some weight attached to it.)
- car combat and fist combat feel both awesome and have good feedback
- some weird control scheme. Jumping is on LT, aiming on LB, shooting on B.
- no gamma control :(
- but a quite huge selection of audio presets: cinema, tv, rage (makes everything louder), headphones and night (made for low volume)
- German version has only German subs
- you can drive in first person (double tap down on the d-pad)

That's it so far. Haven't seen enough of the rest yet.

I've played for like 8 hours and here are some impressions.

- combat feels good. ofc it's batman formula, but it feels more personal. and I like that there's FURY meter, whichs fills up and Max enrages, his moves change too. he starts hitting way harder, kicking with both legs and even suplexing the enemies.
- car controls are very arcady and it feels fun to even roam the desert without a mission.
- to be honest in it's core the game is closest to Far Cry 3/4 with the difference that you upgrade both Max and his car. (I really like how the game plays so far)
- I was worried that world would feel like that of Follaut 3. there was an apocalypse, but things are OK and there's stuff everywhere. Nope. it's real damn desert with some outposts and totems of war boys here and there. I think it's the only game that gives me real feel of a desert. and I like the imagery too. game locations are on a former see floor - and so there are oil rigs, shipwrecks, lighthouses, submarines - all kinds of nonsense.
-I was thinking this game would have more shooting. But it's closer to Assassins Creed style with shotgun being one of skills and ammo is realy rare without some skills and sidemissions.
-car combat is OK I guess. I mostly use harpoon to take care of any threats, but there are some more weapons later in the game.
-I also like the idea that the devs made both water, food and fuel in-game resourses. I think most devs would only make them apper in cutscenes, but here food is rarely found around to refill HP, water can be gathered in a canteen for use like health-kit and fuel is consumed by car and by some weapons like side-flame-throwers.
-graphics are very nice on PS4. I think it never drops below 30FPS as well. the only downside is somewhat long loading times. sometimes war boys would kill me and game would take up to 1 minute to reload auto-save file. and It had day-zero patch of 400 mb
-one little thing I noticed and liked - Max has leg brace like in the old movies - and when you jump from hights or out of the car - he would limp his leg. he feels very alive in the moments like this :)
Overall I enjoy the game very much. It plays like Far Cry 4 - and it looks somewhat like the movies do. Quite enjoyable to say the least :)

Feel free to ask some questions
Lol, I was watching Def's stream and I didn't know he had made me a mod. I thought I could personally time out people so I didn't have to read their bullshit chat and it'd only affect me, before I realized I had timeout's/bans on like 10 dudes. Sorry about that def. If you couldn't tell I'm rarely on Twitch.


haha, damn twitch chat is toxic.
getting ddos at the moment and was signed out of PSN. people suck.

It's like people are begging, praying and hoping that this game fails.
Oh well, hope you guys enjoyed. I tried to show side missions, fort upgrades, story stuff, all of it.

Lol, I was watching Def's stream and I didn't know he had made me a mod. I thought I could personally time out people so I didn't have to read their bullshit chat and it'd only affect me, before I realized I had timeout's/bans on like 10 dudes. Sorry about that def.

No worries. Would have taken more than one mod to clean that mess up once we past 1000 viewers. Jeeeeezus. Just play video games people and have fun!
haha, damn twitch chat is toxic.
getting ddos at the moment and was signed out of PSN. people suck.

It's like people are begging, praying and hoping that this game fails.
Oh well, hope you guys enjoyed. I tried to show side missions, fort upgrades, story stuff, all of it.

No worries. Would have taken more than one mod to clean that mess up. Jeeeeezus. Just play video games people and have fun!

Yeah, that chat was awful. Which sucks as there were a few guys there that had some interesting things to say. O well. You got DDOS'd? really?
Are there bikes in the game? Don't recall seeing any in all the gameplay videos

spoiler about ingame items:
there's a feature to search for different "historyc relics" which are photos with wrightings on the back. and I found one with some kind of bike pictured and the text on the back was "What the fuck is that thing?!". pretty smart of them to do :)

and edit in a couple more of things:
-control scheme is really funny. at first I found it wierd, but I don't pay attention during gameplay. as it was mentioned above - L2 is jumping (really small jump, it's like they decided to add it just because they didn't want that button missing). L1 is aiming, but you can't move during aiming and it's real slow aim. R1 is dodge-roll. R2 is running. O is shooting both on-foot and in car. basicly if you wanna shoot someone during combat - you just chain combos and then press O - Max would shoot the shotgun. and yeah - that's not a GTA clone in weapons department. I don't think there are other firearms in the game and it's very limited for you.
-FarCry/Shadow of Mordor style outpost captures are some of the best moments in the game. basicly they are all around the map and you capture them for fame, to lover threat level in an area etc. first you would better to scout out the defences. park you car a hundred meters away and take a look at the binoculars. There are sniper towers, flamethrower-mounted towers, flamethrowers on the games, reinforced gates, etc at the citadel. you need to break their defence on the car first. and then you go in on foot. you kill a bunch of war-boys and make your way to an oil pump. grab a gas tank and blow that shit up. always feels good. burning oil-pump is basicly win scenario for outposts like this.
-storms are random and they look really good. just as good as in the latest movie. first Chum warns you about it coming - and then wall of sand, wind and lightnings goes all around you. scrap flies by everywhere. and big treasure chests with hundreds of scrap parts fly around too. I always try to pick a few for quick upgrades of the car. that's jsut like sailing in the storm in pirate games. big reward for big risks.
-not much gore in the game. as it is not a shooter - most violence is just endless brawls with mobs. with some skills there are bone-breakers which look cool. and during enrage Max goes berserk with suplexes and such. not a successor to Soldier of Fortune for sure. but blowing up gas tanks, cars and thundersticks blows people into pieces.
-the first thing you do after game starts is selecting gamma setting. poster above said there's none. so may be after you set it up - it's not in the menu. idk


im watching the stream and the world just feels boring.. what are some of the impressions of early buyers? im getting Rage vibes and i didn't enjoy that

This is my main gripe too.

I have been watching numerous streams and have seen countless videos and I just cant seem to have the game world click for me. On paper its everything I want and it looks beautiful while doing it but it just seems too....sterile? samey? uninspired?

I geuss that technically is a wasteland in a desert and it does work..but to spend countless hours in that sandbox ( lol...) does not seem appealing unless there is vast scenery changes.
spoiler about ingame items:
there's a feature to search for different "historyc relics" which are photos with wrightings on the back. and I found one with some kind of bike pictured and the text on the back was "What the fuck is that thing?!". pretty smart of them to do :)

Hahah, awesome.
Yeah, I wouldn't go as far as best looking game this generation, and textures could be a bit better, but I would say it's one of the better looking games around. It's gameplay looks tip-top though so I'm none too worried about a few mediocre textures. I can't wait to see it running at 1440p/60fps. This new monitor I picked up, it feels like I've taken a layer of scum off me eyeballs.

It's definitely a looker. I'm wanting this game more and more. I enjoyed Mordor and felt the biggest thing it lacked was a fun transportation system, and this has that covered. Looks like I will pick it up sooner than I expected.

Has there been any word on how the PC version runs?


for ps4? how? mad max alone is 69€....

On Xbox mate. I'm uk based but buying from foreign stores is a lot cheaper. For example metal gear solid 5 is £49.99 on the uk store but it's £25 on the Hong Kong store. Max cost me £34 but both games I split the costs with my game sharing mate so it's bargain prices :)
It's definitely a looker. I'm wanting this game more and more. I enjoyed Mordor and felt the biggest thing it lacked was a fun transportation system, and this has that covered. Looks like I will pick it up sooner than I expected.

Has there been any word on how the PC version runs?

I felt the SAME exact way about Mordor. The teleport attack was bad ass, but not enough. And using the lion things wasn't enough.

By all indications, PC version will be fine. JC2 was great on PC and they've shown ~20 min's of footage or so of Mad Max running on PC, but it was broadcast at 720p as to make it available to the widest possible audience so it's hard to make a judgement on the quality of the port. But the 20 mins or so looked fine, framerate was 30fps but they say it'll run at 60 and I didn't notice any major issues.

Footage if you're interested.
I felt the SAME exact way about Mordor. The teleport attack was bad ass, but not enough. And using the lion things wasn't enough.

By all indications, PC version will be fine. JC2 was great on PC and they've shown ~20 min's of footage or so of Mad Max running, but it was broadcast at 720p as to make it available to the widest possible audience so it's hard to say for sure. But the 20 mins or so looked fine, framerate was 60fps and I didn't notice any major issues.

Footage if you're interested.

The stream was 720p at 30fps, has stated by the Devs.
And yeah Avalanche are working on the PC version themselves.
It's definitely a looker. I'm wanting this game more and more. I enjoyed Mordor and felt the biggest thing it lacked was a fun transportation system, and this has that covered. Looks like I will pick it up sooner than I expected.

Has there been any word on how the PC version runs?

They showed the PC version this week on a Twitch stream. They didn't archive it (or any of the other streams on their official Mad Max channel) so there's only a small clip on Youtube I could find. From everything I saw it ran with no issues and they did it to mainly show people they had things under control. I believe they also made a comment on another stream that internally the PC version was the best version of the game when they tested things. I'll put the clip below of some of the PC footage...just skip a couple minutes into it to get to the gameplay.



The PS4 trailer is PC footage? That's misleading. It's an awesome trailer though. Looks super clean.

It's just on the Playstation channel with their logo edited on is all, it's not the PS4 trailer. Here, the same trailer on the game's YT page:

When the trailer debuted I asked Christofer Sundberg about it and he said they capture all their trailers from the PC builds because it's easier for them to capture and edit.
another comment they made on the PC version (on the PAX stream I believe) was that it wasn't frame capped...so it's not just locked to 60 even if you can go over that

edit: it was the Machinima stream
another comment they made on the PC version (on the PAX stream I believe) was that it wasn't frame capped...so it's not just locked to 60 even if you can go over that

I must have missed that. That is awesome news. I wonder if I'll be able to hit 144fps. Thanks for mentioning this, you have no inflated my hype balloon even further.

It's just on the Playstation channel with their logo edited on is all, it's not the PS4 trailer. Here, the same trailer on the game's YT page:

When the trailer debuted I asked Christofer Sundberg about it and he said they capture all their trailers from the PC builds because it's easier for them to capture and edit.

I'm not complaining, I'll take PC footage all day. Just seems a bit shady of Sony to edit in their PS logo on top of PC footage.
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