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So, who's buying Mad Max next week?


It's on my Steam wishlist but I will buy it later (maybe Summer Sale 2016). Now I'm playing stuff from my backlog until my Limited Edition of Fatal Frame 5 arrives on Halloween^^ But I'm looking forward to it since I skipped all those "typical open-world games" for the last year (Shadow of Mordor, Batman, etc.)


Just preordered today when I found out our local GameStop is doing a midnight launch. It's the night before we leave for Dragoncon so my wife and I will be going to the launch in costume. I'm doing a Warboy (WITNESS ME!) and she's got a costume for Toast the Knowing (The Wife with the short brown hair). Should be fun.


I'm a bit weary as it was originally a launch title. I was excited for Infamous but it had a severe lack of content.


I'm in. The only MGS game I ever played was 2 and I didn't enjoy it (even though I managed to finish it, always hoping that it would click). So the only competition for Mad Max is Danganropa which I have also pre-ordered and for which I am hyped.


I really want to. but too many other purchases recently.
lbx for 3ds
one piece ps4

but I'll defeantly be picking it up by at least october.


i was gonna months ago, but:

. mgsv's pc launch got moved up
. warner brothers ensured they'd never see my money again with their trash arkham knight port
. the game looks very... ubisofty


I watched some footage of this game yesterday and honestly it looked boring. The car combat in particular left a lot to be desired. If it reviews well I'll probably pick it up on the cheap, but this is not a day one full price purchase for me.

When they announced a Mad Max game 2/3 years ago I couldn't believe it, was super excited. Then it kinda vanished and seemed like impressions weren't great and it was gonna be a dumb tie in for the movie (which, before any trailers, I had super low expectations for). Then they showed off car combat early this year, and Fury Road was amazing, and then they tweaked the colors in the game to look more like the movie. Now they've shown off solid chunks of the game, and I'm totally fine with if that's all there is to it. Witness, etc.


I still don't know. I know what to expect and i know what i will mostly do in game so that is not an issue. For 30$ i will gladly roam around beautiful landscape and collect stupid things but i will have more expenses later this year so i will see.
There is too much stuff to play at the moment. I'm still looking forward to it, but with Gears Ultimate this week and MGS next week I don't have time for it.


I'm not sure they care too much, they just want to release the thing and get back to Pachinko, it's not like we can change their opinion either way, this is probably their last big AAA game anyway, doesn't matter if it will be a success or not.

They probably don't care, but I do.
Not only am I picking it up, I'm gonna play it AND rewatch the Fury Road bluray before I touch MGSV.



Gonna pick it up with MGS. Looking forward to playing it eventually and hopefully it will be my "what should I play now game" (games with good combat where I can just mess about (I really need to play Just Cause)).


I was going to get it but then I actually learned about the game. Sorry, but had my fill of car combat with Batman. Now, I'll just replay Witcher and wait for reviews and a discount.

MGS5 being the same day squashed any chance of that for me. That said, MGS5 will have to take a back seat for 2 hours while I watch the Fury Road bluray first. ;)
I have pretty much no idea what the game is about outside of being Mad Max open world something, I just pretty much expect that it's the Shadow Of Mordor of this year.

That together with the Batman fiasco (not because Avalanche couldn't do a better job, but because fuck WB), no thanks for me. Maybe later.


Unconfirmed Member
Yep. This and MGSV are my September games. :)

Unless Yakuza 5 gets some launched at the same time in which case they get abandoned until I rinse the shit out of it.


Grabbing it day 1. Want TPP too... but Mad Max wins out on nostalgia alone. Plus I will support car combat games as a general rule.


This is a game that needed to come out when the movie did. It would have done great then. Now on the sake days as mgs5? Good luck.


After what WB did with Arkham Knight, and MGSV coming out the same day, I'm definitely waiting until the game is $20 or less to pick it up.
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