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So, who's buying Mad Max next week?


This is a game that needed to come out when the movie did. It would have done great then. Now on the sake days as mgs5? Good luck.
it comes out on the same day as the fury road bluray release, so it has been timed to a certain extent. releasing on the same day as mgs5 is just a very unfortunate byproduct.


If I hear WB hasn't screwed the pooch with the PC version I'll probably pick it up.

warner brothers ensured they'd never see my money again with their trash arkham knight port

That together with the Batman fiasco (not because Avalanche couldn't do a better job, but because fuck WB), no thanks for me. Maybe later.

After what WB did with Arkham Knight, and MGSV coming out the same day, I'm definitely waiting until the game is $20 or less to pick it up.

My second and third problem is that It's a WB game and the last 2 WB games on PC were shit and i don't who know is doing the PC port.

After Mortal Kombat and Arkham Knight I'm not buying anything day 1 from WB.

There is too much else I'll be busy with, plus I need to wait and find out if WB shit the bed with the PC version again.

Man, not that I necessarily blame people for waiting, but Avalanche is definitely going to get some of the flak from MKX and AK even if the PC version of Mad Max is perfect.

Nobody trusts WB anymore. Rightfully so in my opinion, regardless of Avalanche's track record. The $$ still goes to the publisher.


Definitely not paying a day one price for a WB PC game ever again. Even if its a great port. Still have a very sour taste over BAK, which I have not touched since I decided to wait for a patch. With that said, I'll pick it up eventually.


It looks just like any other open-world action-adventure game nowadays with the same game design. I'll probably pass on it.


I bought it from GMG whilst they had it cheap in their VIP section but the only thing I'll be playing next week is MGSV. Mad Max straight after though.


I'm getting both games, going to bounce back and fourth between them.

IIRC Mad Max releases on the 31st actually doesn't it? (for PC).


I am. I think it looks more fun than MGSV plus I'm a big Mad Max fan. The game and Fury Road blu-ray on release day? WITNESS!

I should probably work on the OT at some point...


Neo Member
I want to buy it day one, but, I'd be buying it on pc, and there's no way in hell that's happening after Arkham Knight...
Absolutely. Avalanche deserves all the support they can get. I will be getting both Mad Max and TPP, but I will be playing Mad Max first.


I really hate the Fall rush, where literally all the games come out at once :(
I think I'll be too broke with Until Dawn and MGS V, so Mad Max will have to wait until it's $40 or so


When does the embargo lift on this mothafucka?

If it reviews well I'll probably pick it up instead of MGSV cause stealth is just not my thing.


I might get it for a bit cheaper later if the the reviews are great.

The footage I've seen makes it look too much like a Ubisoft Open World Game™ to get excited about.


Too many games coming in Septemeber and I am already playing GoW Ultimate, Rare Replay, One Piece PW3 and Witcher 3.

If it's good it looks like a perfect December game when things die down.


I just want to drive around in that car. I love zooming around the countryside in GTA V, so that + more open space in car combat sounds great.


it comes out on the same day as the fury road bluray release, so it has been timed to a certain extent. releasing on the same day as mgs5 is just a very unfortunate byproduct.

The blueray coming out doesn't have nearly the same buzz as the movie. If the movie were releasing Friday, I think the game would do fine, even with mgs.
I've been looking forward to it for a while. It was at E3, but I only played it for a bit and the demo I chose was too early on to form a great opinion about.

I'm excited about playing through it regardless.


It really is the victim of a bad release date. I'd love to pick it up and in my mind I've been debating which game to get on the first - Max or MGS - but I think I'm going with MGS V instead. And then ten days later, I'm getting Super Mario Maker. Then a couple days after that, TTK. I can't get two games on the first since one of them would collect dust. If Mad Max came out a week or two earlier, it would have been a definite buy for me.

The game looks good but from what I've watched of it, I just worry that all the driving would get boring after a while. I know that's the main focus of the game but they made it seem like the game is pretty long so I don't know how well that would hold up after 30+ hours. And you also have to worry about how repetitive it will get but that's a concern for most similar open world games, I guess.


I most likely am. Unless the reviews look bad. I need something to tide me over until Fallout 4 that isn't Fallout (right now playing Fallout New Vegas but I really don't want to burn myself out on Fallout before 4 comes out. I think I'll take a break from it once Max is out and finish it some other time.. too bad I'm getting close to doing the stuff I wasn't able to the first time I played it).

I really wish No Man's Sky was coming out. Only game I can think of that would actually have me maybe stop just waiting for 4 to come out.
Ah, i'm a filthy PS4 user.

Since i've been gone though, I have noticed Tesco Clubcard is currently doing clubcard boost, which means every £5 of clubcard voucher you have can be doubled. This means £25 worth of Clubcard vouchers will net you a brand new copy of any game including Mad Max, Metal Gear and Until Dawn. I believe you can pre order Fallout and other games due for release later on as well.
I won't be, but I also won't be picking up MGSV. Too many games to play already and too little time as it is unfortunately.

It does look like it could be a ton of fun though, so I hope it reviews and does well!


Neo Member
No sale until the embargo is lifted. What exactly is the point of an embargo on an underdog game that's up against TPP? If it's good, surely it needs all those stelar reviews out there singing its praises now, not when TPP has already hoovered all that ready cash up.
So did anyone watch this ? Did they show off any of the graphics options etc ? No past broasdcasts looking at the link :(

I did, and no they didn't. They were only live for about 20 minutes.
Played with XBOX controller, switch to keyboard and mouse for a few seconds for some reason, and it did crash about half way through.
No sale until the embargo is lifted. What exactly is the point of an embargo on an underdog game that's up against TPP? If it's good, surely it needs all those stelar reviews out there singing its praises now, not when TPP has already hoovered all that ready cash up.

Have review copies gone out?
No sale until the embargo is lifted. What exactly is the point of an embargo on an underdog game that's up against TPP? If it's good, surely it needs all those stelar reviews out there singing its praises now, not when TPP has already hoovered all that ready cash up.

I'm in the same boat, I really want this game to be good but i'm not handing over any cash until I know what the general consensus is.


MGS V is all I have time for. That, and Mad Max is a WB game, so it'll go down in price after the holidays. I can wait till then, especially since I'm not particularly excited for it.
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