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SPOILER ALERT: Halo 5 (Spoiler) Spoiler Thread of Spoilers Spoiler


I don't mind Cortana being a villain. I don't mind playing as Spartan Locke.

But the story. I'm just so...neutral about it lol.

Already finished on Heroic.


Just beat it. Interesting stuff, dat Halo 2 cliffhanger.

It certainly wasn't what I was expecting it to be, but there's nothing wrong with that. Will skim through the thread and compose my thoughts overnight. As a campaign across the board, in terms of gameplay, scale, and intrigue, it had me hooked right up until the end.


Why do you think I have an issue with the fact that she survived? Everything you said is true, but the story is complete shit regardless
Honestly I thought you di, my bad. And I guess you could say that. I just want to see how 343 plans to make sense of this without it absolutely nuking themselves and the franchise.

I'm okay with the fact that Cortana survived, but I don't like that she's basically Evil AI Jesus or something now. Her role could be replaced with Blue Team being in the game but they had to revive her and make her a bad guy. Why?

I think 343 already pulled the "Chief is the chose one" plot last game too.


It's not actually Cortana. I believe it's one of her clones becoming permanent since her clones were still in the system.

Why do some of you guys bring up the precursors? I dont remember them being mentioned in Halo 5.

Halo 6 will be an interesting game. With the Guardians being this super weapons, the AI's all taking Cortana's side, Cortana herself, and for whatever reason a Halo ring being activated. I wonder if the Flood will return in Halo 6.

It's because it seems like 343 is foreshadowing the return of the Precursors. And tbh Chief and humanity are going to need forerunners or Precursors to come back in order to take out Cortana since she has Guardians.

So is it true that you need to be really invested in the Halo universe and have read a lot of the books/EU stuff to get the most out of the story? I remember that being kind of the case with 4, and I saw someone say it's true even moreso here. I really want to play it (even though I've spoiled the story for myself and didn't really like what I read about it), but I've never been heavily invested into the Halo universe.

Basically, I'm asking because I'm thinking of picking up an Xbox One in December with MCC and this and just marathoning the series, but I want to know if I'll need to do supplemental reading too. I feel like it'd be a rewarding universe to know in depth, but I feel like it may just be too big at this point for me to dive in.

Not at all. The story has almost nothing relating to other forms of media as far we know other than Blue Team. To learn about them, I would recommend reading Halo: Fall of Reach.
Honestly I thought you di, my bad. And I guess you could say that. I just want to see how 343 plans to make sense of this without it absolutely nuking themselves and the franchise.

It's not actually Cortana. I believe it's one of her clones becoming permanent since her clones were still in the system.

It's because it seems like 343 is foreshadowing the return of the Precursors. And tbh Chief and humanity are going to need forerunners or Precursors to come back in order to take out Cortana since she has Guardians.

Not at all. The story has almost nothing relating to other forms of media as far we know other than Blue Team. To learn about them, I would recommend reading Halo: Fall of Reach.

But what hinted at the Precursors returning? Was it "The Created" that was mentioned at the end when she was on the Infinity? Or was it someplace else that i missed?


But what hinted at the Precursors returning? Was it "The Created" that was mentioned at the end when she was on the Infinity? Or was it someplace else that i missed?

References to 'The Created' just mean AI.

Elon Musk warned us about AI, but would we listen?


References to 'The Created' just mean AI.

Elon Musk warned us about AI, but would we listen?

Seeing as how the Domain was a Precursor invention, and that we've never heard of the created being the obtainers of the mantle, "The Created" actually means the Precursor's created, humanity, the species they wanted to obtain their vision of the Mantle. So while Cortana means AI, I definitely don't think that was it's original intention.

It should be noted that the Domain is based on something the Halo universe calls neural physics, and as such, c̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶p̶o̶s̶s̶i̶b̶l̶y̶ ̶b̶e̶ is sentient. Conflating that with Cortana's unusual conclusion to obtaining the power she has, the Domain itself might be manipulating her in some way, perhaps for it's own ends that it wants completed. The Halo Cortana acquires at the end certainly has a purpose, then. There's no reason she needs it for control, since the Guardians should be more than enough. So that means she(and possibly the Domain) wants what's being contained on the Halo...
When I realized it was going to be another Cortana story, I almost busted my fist through the screen.

It's so damn exhausting dealing with her every game.

Plus, the bullshit ending means we have another entire Cortana-focused game in 2018.

Why do some of you guys bring up the precursors? I dont remember them being mentioned in Halo 5.

Halo 6 will be an interesting game. With the Guardians being this super weapons, the AI's all taking Cortana's side, Cortana herself, and for whatever reason a Halo ring being activated. I wonder if the Flood will return in Halo 6.

The Domain was created by the Precursors, which Cortana now has complete access to. Now she is probably completely rampant just like Mendicant Bias was during the Flood/Forerunner war.

Halo 6 will definitely be interesting.


Just finished it on heroic...

Honestly really disappointed.

The story just fell apart into complete shambles.

I can see the potential that Halo 6 has but it feels like this entry was a complete waste of what could have been very special.


When I realized it was going to be another Cortana story, I almost busted my fist through the the screen.

It's so damn exhausting dealing with her every game.

Can I get a fucking Amen?

Halo 3 - The entire Flood/Covenant/Human conflict is pushed aside for the far less interesting "Save Cortana" plot, not to mention the worst level in the game, maybe in ALL of Halo is named freaking Cortana.

Halo Reach - Oh, did you think this was going to be about Reach falling to the Covenant? NOPE! It's about transporting Cortana, now treated as a mcguffin that is the key to stopping the war????? And in transporting her all of Noble team die... great.

Halo 4 - Are you ready for an ENTIRE GAME of Cortana freaking out, shouting at you and acting pissy? You better be!! "PLUG ME IN CHIEF!!!! OH SHIT, I JUST RELEASED A GENOCIDAL MANIAC, DA RAMPANCY, HOW DOES IT WORK!"

Now comes Halo 5 and... it's all, about, her, and, so it seems, will Halo 6. God, freaking, damnit.

An entire UNIVERSE to explore, creatures to encounter, mysteries to unlock, and it's squandered to focus on a a static A.I that was only ever meant to serve as a foil to Master Chief.

She should've died in Halo 3, having assimilated with Gravemind, and then Chief should've been given a whole new A.I partner for the new trilogy.


Yeah the story was garbage and the campaign was short. 15 missions but like 3 of them are basically "Talk to Halsey." Boom mission 11 completed.


Cortana was always at her best when you were being saved by her, not the other way round. Like her in the control room, or her in High Charity, or when killing the Didact.

That's the only reason I don't mind scary Cortana. She is no longer the princess in the castle, I hope.


Just finished it. The Cortana heel turn stuff is actually okay but it's the execution that's poor. The ending is also super barebones and needed more to it. It's not even a decent cliffhanger, it's just flat.

They still have a big problem of extended universe stuff being required reading for players. I knew they were going to have a problem with a 8 character cast and it shows. None of the characters are really developed beyond their initial gimmicks. That said, it's still a step about Halo 4's storytelling which assumed the player knew too much.
I fucking loved the campaign. Totally crazy, off the wall, not what I expected at all, and I loved it.

Felt fantastic having a mainline Halo game where you don't play as Chief very much. It was nice getting a taste of Blue Team for a few missions but I really am happy the vast majority of the game was Osiris.

Also, to everyone saying "why is Cortana the focus of everything now god damn", you have to remember that this is the "reclaimer saga".

And if what Warden says is true, and that AIs actually are the reclaimers, then boom... there's your answer. The saga was never about Chief at all, plot twist. It was always Cortana's story.

Very interested in seeing what kinds of extended universe media come out in the next few years leading into Halo 6. Not really seeing how humanity stands a chance.
Cortana was always at her best when you were being saved by her, not the other way round. Like her in the control room, or her in High Charity, or when killing the Didact.

That's the only reason I don't mind scary Cortana. She is no longer the princess in the castle, I hope.

I like her story arc but the way it was presented was super lame, there are no sense of emergency from both the way the plot lines unfold and the characters reactions to it.
Worst part about this Campaign are all the telepathic monologues. Can I just, ya know, enjoy the game without hearing a bunch of characters off-screen talking in my ear?

It sucked in Halo 3 (especially when it slowed the screen down), it was cheesy as hell in Halo 4, and it's just downright awful in this game. Cortana's whole psychological warfare at the end there made me want to mute the dialog.

The piano comes on during Reunion and I'm like "aww yiss, getting Ori and the Blind Forest vibes" and then Warden starts talking.



haha, more Cortana for the future game releases, the next one will end with Cortana having doubts or suggesting that something else is forcing her behavior and the third game of the trilogy how she saves everyone and provably dying/being reborn again in the process.

That part of the story is trash, the Halo universe has much more to offer than Cortana pandering.


Exuberant said that just one guardian was overkill for a galaxy and Cortana has like thirty.
I'm pretty sure she said it's enough to control a solar system... which would make it kinda obvious that Cortana is going to need a bunch of those, but hey, at least it sounded dramatic.


The one thing I really liked about 4 was that they took the time to explore Chief and Cortana's relationship and got to break Chief a little as a character. Hopefully the next game will deal with how he comes to terms with his waifu being the galaxy's main monster.
Just finished it. Way too easy on Heroic apart from that one complete bullshit mission. 3 wardens at once? Or was it five? 3 in the middle and I saw two things spawn either side.

Anyway, whoever designed that needs a slap in the face, it was awful.


Just finished it. Way too easy on Heroic apart from that one complete bullshit mission. 3 wardens at once? Or was it five? 3 in the middle and I saw two things spawn either side.

Anyway, whoever designed that needs a slap in the face, it was awful.
Weapons with splash damage make it really quite easy, you don't even need to get behind him to crit the thing in his back. Just shoot toward his head
Weapons with splash damage make it really quite easy, you don't even need to get behind him to crit the thing in his back. Just shoot toward his head

By the time I got there I didn't really have any. I had two shots of that inferno gun which I managed to hit all three with, then its just the weapons it gives you either side. If my damned team didn't stand there half the time staring at the enemy it may have been easier. God knows how I'm going to do that on legendary.
So, that dude from 343 who said Master Chief was still the main character was totally full of shit. Nice.

Hope the multiplayer is fun, 'cause that campaign was utter shit. Seemed good from the couple of games I played other than the constant quitters. That may ruin the game quick.


This game is baffling. Practically everything is superb. I love how the weapons and the player characters handle, the new squad system, the new movement and combat mechanics, the level design that embraces more verticality and choices than in 4... but then I come to a story that has disappointed me worse than any found in any Halo title to date.

I'm not opposed to a game with dual protagonists, less Chief playtime, and Cortana-hero-turned-villain on principle. The execution, however, left a lot to be desired.

Blue Team seemingly disappeared for long absences as a means for the game to cheaply obfuscate the heel-turn that the game was setting up for Cortana. It wasn't even subtle. Chief believes fervently that Cortana has everyone's best interests at heart to accepting she's gone rogue without a single beat between those stages. I understand the goal of the scene: you're left with a moment where you're left wondering what the Chief is going to say to Locke's assertion that Cortana is dangerous. It's dramatic. But it robs the character of realistic growth in favor of drama. All that's depicted is a lightswitch from wanting to help Cortana to wanting to stop Cortana.

Cortana's turn could be written well, but the game chooses a dramatic twist over a satisfying and realistic growth of her character. Her rampancy is discussed in length in Halo 4, and quickly discarded as an afterthought with the introduction of the Domain's healing powers. Likewise, the transformation of her goals into an imperialistic peace is given absolutely no time to breathe. Much like the Chief her character is a lightswitch between hero and megalomaniac. No attempted contextualization was attempted: "absolute power corrupts absolutely", "her lifespan was cured but her rampancy was not", "it's the Didact/Precursors/Big Bad who led Chief into a trap". It's just taken for granted that we'll accept Cortana was plugged into the Domain and is now well-meaning evil.

I liked what they did with the characters in quieter moments and in their own personal development, but nothing about the game's higher-concept "AIs are the Reclaimers" story beats felt truly earned. None of its character development is given time to breathe in favor of a heavy-handed shock and awe structure to the campaign, and in so doing neither Chief and Cortana's developments are rendered believable.

I like the idea of at least one AI and one ship jumping at random into the black, but it's a compelling ending after a really shoddily written story. Halo 5 earns a lot of legitimate praises. The story does not. It's the most unearned and self-indulgent example of writing you can find in the franchise. Halo 4 and 5 are written like they could fall within two distinct trilogies from each other from the way development is started and aborted independently. They wrote two games that barely interoperate and have done a number on some of their best characters. Nothing about it is clean or finished.

Suffice to say I have no faith in 343 to land their trilogy story in a satisfying manner. I'm skeptical.


Completed it. Need to let it settle I guess. One thing irking me throughout was, how little character Chief has these days. In 1-3 when paired with Cortana they have great chemistry, some cool back and forths, but with Blue Team its just military speak all the time. His personality is gone. I miss the Chief of old. I hope 6 brings things full circle.

Something about Halo 4 and 5's story just isn't sticking with me as much as the originals. It's just so dense and story heavy in complicated exposition, there's just so much deeply embedded stuff which will just bounce off so many peoples heads without sinking in. I lost count of the number of press and streamers who when playing missions 1-3 early, started off by saying 'I can't remember what happened in 4.' They know that Cortana is gone, but there's this whole other side to that game which hasn't stuck with people.

I don't know what they were going for with Locke. He wasn't terrible, he wasn't bad, he was just sort of there. Very little character to him. Just lots of military talk and duty stuff any army guy would provide. The monitor of Genesis was the best character in the whole game, she was a great surprise.

I really liked the explorative 'side' levels. Running down the side of a guardian was awesome. I must've taken well over a hundred screenshots throughout my playthrough*. Missions themselves were for the most part superb. Which is probably why mission 14 irked me so much. After a whole game of fighting floaty orange and metal prometheans, with mostly floaty orange and metal guns, seeing giant floaty guardians, a whole level of metal structures straight out of Halo 4 did my fucking head in. Prometheans are way more fun to fight this time round, but I wish their look wasn't everywhere.

Think that about makes it multiplayer time for me!

*Realised I could check the exact amount with the Upload app. 327 screenshots and videos in my single Heroic playthrough. My poor xbox button.
Really enjoyed the story. Bit weak of a first half or so, the "Blue Team is up to something" mystery wasn't particularly well executed. Might have worked better if they swapped the first two missions, made a few other tweaks to make the segue more normal. But everything else was great. Chief vs. Locke was great, and Cortana was fantastic. Wonderful setup. Plays off of the Assembly from Reach and lends an extremely interesting perspective to not just the Mantle, but to the idea of benevolent rulership and noblisse oblige in general. Promises to unleash some extremely cool themes about freedom vs. happiness and the obligations and limitations of responsibility in 6 and after.

Oh, and it's not a cliffhanger. What's up with people calling it a cliffhanger? It's a sudden shift in the status quo, yes, and it's a definite sequel hook, but a cliffhanger? Nah. The action is most definitely resolved even if the story is not.

So, that dude from 343 who said Master Chief was still the main character was totally full of shit. Nice.

Hope the multiplayer is fun, 'cause that campaign was utter shit. Seemed good from the couple of games I played other than the constant quitters. That may ruin the game quick.

Uh, he's definitely still the main character. The only other character who comes close is Cortana.


My biggest problem with the story is that just when it starts to get going, the game ends. I think the Cortana's survival and turn to evil was done well, Warden was a good villain and Blue Team, Osiris and Arby being stuck in Sanghelios is interesting. But the whole game is just a Part 1. I'd have liked to get some resolution on the Warden at least (who he really is/was, maybe destroy his main body or something).


The whole HUNT THE TRUTH, Chief gone AWOL, LOCKE is going to BRING HIM DOWN!! thing was kinda... ehh wasn't it? Very anti climatic.

I'm sick of babysitting Cortana and fighting the flood. I want them out of Halo now.


I'm okay with the fact that Cortana survived, but I don't like that she's basically Evil AI Jesus or something now. Her role could be replaced with Blue Team being in the game but they had to revive her and make her a bad guy. Why?

I think 343 already pulled the "Chief is the chose one" plot last game too.


If you think about it Halo 5's story is pretty much Halo 4's story with Cortana as the main baddie who wants to take up the mantle, whereas in Halo 4 it was the Didact.

It's not actually Cortana. I believe it's one of her clones becoming permanent since her clones were still in the system.
And then good Cortana comes and help get rid of bad Cortana.
God..please don't let this be true.

Can I get a fucking Amen?

Halo 3 - The entire Flood/Covenant/Human conflict is pushed aside for the far less interesting "Save Cortana" plot, not to mention the worst level in the game, maybe in ALL of Halo is named freaking Cortana.

Halo Reach - Oh, did you think this was going to be about Reach falling to the Covenant? NOPE! It's about transporting Cortana, now treated as a mcguffin that is the key to stopping the war????? And in transporting her all of Noble team die... great.

Halo 4 - Are you ready for an ENTIRE GAME of Cortana freaking out, shouting at you and acting pissy? You better be!! "PLUG ME IN CHIEF!!!! OH SHIT, I JUST RELEASED A GENOCIDAL MANIAC, DA RAMPANCY, HOW DOES IT WORK!"

Now comes Halo 5 and... it's all, about, her, and, so it seems, will Halo 6. God, freaking, damnit.

An entire UNIVERSE to explore, creatures to encounter, mysteries to unlock, and it's squandered to focus on a a static A.I that was only ever meant to serve as a foil to Master Chief.

She should've died in Halo 3, having assimilated with Gravemind, and then Chief should've been given a whole new A.I partner for the new trilogy.

Amen...all of this !
Especially the bolded.


I wonder how Covenant gets implemented into Halo 6 now that they're pretty much done with. Prometheans can't carry a whole game IMO.


Would love if they somehow reveal Medicant Bias has his influence on Cortana and he is the one pulling the strings.

Or we finally get the/a Gravemind back


I wonder how Covenant gets implemented into Halo 6 now that they're pretty much done with. Prometheans can't carry a whole game IMO.

No Covenant unless they need another contrived reason to bring them back or build them up again in the extended lore.



No Covenant unless they need another contrived reason to bring them back or build them up again in the extended lore.

If they are "smart" they'll do the flood but redcon it to have different strains so that they can have 50 more Halos to explore in 50 more trilogies killing all the strains.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
So why was walden helping cortana? And acting like her pet? Why was he fighting with Blue Team because Cortana said he is the last person she needs protection from. So why didnt she stop him.


"Covenant pirates are raiding this colony"
Send me money frankie

Yea it will be annoying if we always keep fighting the covenant because regardless of what the larger story is, when it comes to the actual fights it will always be exactly the same as previous Halo with Covenants and their multiple Wraiths, banshees, ghosts etc etc.

Basically if we keep fighting them then we will never feel like the fight was ever finished with them and it just feels like a cop out to say "they are a splinter faction" because at some point it becomes ridiculous as you start to think how many of these splinter factions exist and how big they are ?

It's like Cerberus from Mass Effect, which is suppose to be a small faction of human elitist yet you spend the entire game fighting waves after waves of Cerberus and they seemingly have infinite amount of people and equipment at disposal.


Unconfirmed Member
I really need a halo ODST like game about the training and first missions of blue team before they got their armor

About the story
So cortana is an evil AI and the reaper should have stopped her..
Don't know, Locke is just annoying. Everyone from Osiris has more character than he has.
The ending was interesting, but I would have liked to hear why the infinity AI did not chose cortanas side.

It seems that in halo 6 we will only fight Prometheans. Something I don't like AT ALL. They are not fun to fight right now. Maybe if they add more feedback if you shoot them and throw out the crawlers.
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