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Star Wars The Force Awakens Trailer

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Damn, it actually looks waaay more faithful and fitting to the original trilogy than those prequels, animated series and whatnot. I am really hyped now, it does not look Disneyfied so far.

I love how Disney treats the Marvel cinematic universe so I have faith in them putting the movies in the right hands to stay true to the Star Wars vibe.

As I understand Disney is smart in that while acquiring both Marvel and SW, they leave Marvel Studios and Lucasfilm intact and let them continue to operate largely independently.

Obviously Disney will keep watch on things and provide input when needed, but I believe it's a mostly hands-off approach that has given them success as opposed to some companies that may be tempted to micromanage everything.
New light saber is cool. It just needs more lens flare


I didn't think the dialogue or the action were all that bad, though I agree that Anakin's turn was done far too quickly (though again, this is likely because the previous two films wasted a lot of time without focusing on what should have been obvious from the beginning: Anakin was a Jedi with a great deal of potential but also tainted by a darkness that he could potentially succumb to at any moment).

The problem I have with the action scenes is the same I have with the ones on the previous movies. They use too many special effects and rely on "flashy moves" instead of character moments. It's the complete opposite of the original trilogy.
I understand liking one approach better than the other but I think style over substance it's a big problem when it comes to action scenes on the prequels.

I agree with your second point. Lucas waisted too much time in the previous two movies and had to catch up to in on the third. I actually think the story of the prequels is a pretty good one.
I like how Obi Wan took responsibility over Anakin, despite being told not to and then failed him while, in the shadows, Palpatine was taking over the Republic and controlling Anakin.

The problem is the execution of the whole thing and the fact that some editing helps it kind of shows that.
If Lucas had a good director at the helm, some guys to help him write the dialogue and a someone editing things for him and shooting down his bad ideas then we could've had some amazing movies.

The truth of the matter is that the original trilogy isn't amazing just because of Lucas. It took a lot of people getting involve and shooting some of his dumb things out to get them to where they are. The prequels are unfiltred Lucas and it shows.


Gold Member
Meh, I guess it would be a good trailer if you know a bit about Star Wars lore. I have watched a few movies but don't know much.


A high majority of alternative lightsaber designs usually have some element of practicality behind their modification. I expect the hilt to either have some hidden feature or be used in some manner in a lightsaber duel that proves its usefulness.
I woke up a little bit ago, jumped online to watch it...

And I'm actually really disappointed. Looks cheesy as fuck. The brief dialogue, the stupid looking lightsaber, the stormtrooper at the beginning that was so overly dramatic I thought I was watching space balls for a moment.

Fuck. Hope its actually good but I'm not feeling this teaser *at all*.

man..some of you...some of you


There something strange about the way this film is shot. It doesn't have that Star Wars filter to it and looks more like your typical sci fi film.


It's amazing that a one minute video can spawn a 50+ page gaf thread. We're gonna need thousands of threads for the entire movie if you extrapolate it out :p
It's amazing that a one minute video can spawn a 50+ page gaf thread. We're gonna need thousands of threads for the entire movie if you extrapolate it out :p

Lol the other thread about this trailer was almost 30 pages but got locked when this came out this morning.

So we basically have 80 pages about the trailer already


Ideally Anakin would have been 12 going on 13 with that teen recklessness implied.

A New Hope and the other 2 OT movies set up TONS of goal posts and Lucas actually kicked most of them through. Anakin was said to be young as Obi Wan even says "A young jedi named Darth Vader betrayed and murdered your father" Now was that a lie or a half truth?

I wish there was a full list of goal posts that the OT set up because you could probably look at them all and really figure out what connective tissue needed to be in place and with that in mind the Prequels actually had a hell of a job stitching them together and telling their own story.

To me, The Phantom Menace should've played out like this:

- Anakin is introduced to Obi-Wan fairly early in the film as a young (~15 year old) Padawan who had completed his training at the Academy and was ready to be trained by a Master. Obi-Wan has recently ascended to the rank of Master, and thus Anakin will be his first pupil.

- Yoda comments to Obi-Wan that Anakin has a great deal of potential, likely much more than any other Jedi before, but that there's something inside of him, something dark, that Obi-Wan must be careful not to allow to fester and rot the young man's mind.

- The coming Clone Wars, the result of a rift between factions in the Galaxy. have resulted in the Galactic Senate calling upon the Jedi Order to mediate and, if need be, battle on behalf of the Republic. Yoda and his fellow Masters are uneasy about this arrangement, but Anakin seems to thirst for battle.

- It's established early on that Chancellor Palpatine, the leader of the Senate, had a role in pushing Anakin into the Jedi Academy, despite some concern on the behalf of Yoda. Anakin, in turn, has idolized Palpatine from a young age, and views him as a mentor.

- Anakin meets and falls in love with Princess Padme Amidala, the daughter of the current King of Alderaan (fuck Naboo), on a diplomatic meeting between Obi-Wan and Senator Bail Organa to discuss the development of the Clone Army.

- While all of this is going down, a Sith Warrior is seen hunting down Jedi warriors on a distant planet, and then contacting an unknown individual (Palpatine, obviously) who comments that his next destination should be Alderaan, to snuff out Obi-Wan and secure "the boy" for the Dark Side.

- What follows is a battle in the palace at Alderaan, wherein the King is killed by the Sith Warrior. Anakin loses control of his anger and brutally attacks the Warrior, and ends up slicing off one of his arms. Obi-Wan instructs Anakin to lower his lightsaber and allow the guards to arrest the Warrior, but the Warrior manages to goad Anakin into finishing him off.

- Anakin and Obi-Wan part ways, as Anakin insists on remaining on Alderaan, while Obi-Wan must return to Coruscant to report to Yoda what occurred in the palace.

- Anakin and Padme become lovers.

- Yoda becomes concerned by what has happened, and tells Obi-Wan that he must return to Alderaan and convince Anakin to return, for the sake of the Galaxy.

- The film ends with war breaking out between the Republic and the Separatists, and Anakin looking out into space with a look of determination in his eyes.

That's it. The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones combined into one, showing the darkness in Anakin while also leaving room for The Clone Wars as a second film to show more of him succumbing to his dark nature.


Neat teaser. I'll give them credit for not going with easy nostalgia points by showing Han, Luke or Leia and instead focusing on Ridley, Boyega, and Isaac. Of course they still show the Falcon and the classic theme - but I can't really fault them for that.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
There something strange about the way this film is shot. It doesn't have that Star Wars filter to it and looks more like your typical sci fi film.
It reminds me of Into Darkness actually. That's not a good thing... There's something about his frantic panning that reminds me of a geek's Michael Bay.. But whatever, I'll reserve judgement. It's a new thing.


There something strange about the way this film is shot. It doesn't have that Star Wars filter to it and looks more like your typical sci fi film.

You don't know tha yet. Look at the teaser to the phantom menace and tell me it looked like any other Star Wars film.
Neat teaser. I'll give them credit for not going with easy nostalgia points by showing Han, Luke or Leia and instead focusing on Ridley, Boyega, and Isaac. Of course they still show the Falcon and the classic theme - but I can't really fault them for that.

Yeah I feel like it would have been really easy (and lazy) to just throw together shots of old Luke/Han/Leia with some music and take advantage of the fuzzy feelings.

This teaser was pretty bold for going with new faces.
As tired as the joke is, I think it's going to continue until Abrams releases a movie that isn't full of lens flares.

It's painful to watch Star Trek with how bad it is...

I don't find it painful but I think I might have just gotten used to it.

I agree it's prominent but yeah the jokes are just tired, we get it he uses flares a lot. Maybe there'll be less in SW?


Well, it looks like Abrams doing Star Wars. What can I say?

Wish there were more practical shots, but I guess what they're showing what they have available.
Only 1.5 million views? I guess the iTunes one is getting the most views. The avengers trailer got 70 million across all sources in one week, it'll be interesting to see how this fares.

Although, this is only a teaser. I bet the first real trailer will get more.
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