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Supergirl renewed - moving to the CW

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Those characters would already be in place in the Arrowverse. The thrust of the plot would be her reconnecting to them.

Not necessarily. Cisco and Caitlyn weren't on Earth-3. But yes for plot reasons they could be. I hope they don't go that route. Much rather get a Crisis sized multi show event.
You would have to completely change the focus of Arrow if this happens. The current season would make even less sense if Supergirl could just swoop in, fly Dahrk to the fortress of solitude and zip out.

Darhk has magic though, pretty powerful too.

Good. I'll be able to actually watch it for free on CWs instead of paying for it on CBS All Access.

hmmm? but I watched all the episodes fro free on their website? what gives?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
So David Harewood is staying too!? That's great.! He is a wonderful actor.

Figured the 22 episode order was happening, this is going to be another big tent-pole on the network like Flash and Arrow.
It's sad they're on different Earths though. The potential for crossovers is much more limited that way.

is this show really that good? i've watched the first 5 episodes on netflix and i stopped cause i see nothing interesting in it really

POI gets much better as it gets more serialized around season 2. I find it pretty great and I didn't like the first few episodes either.


is this show really that good? i've watched the first 5 episodes on netflix and i stopped cause i see nothing interesting in it really

Yes, it is that good.

It at first starts out pretty generically procedural. Almost as if the writers intended to sucker in the massive CBS procedural crowd who would have not touched it otherwise.

Then it slowly but surely gets more and more serialized.
Have the first half of Supergirl be like normal, and build up to the big Crisis crossover for before holiday break. Superman sacrifices himself to save everyone. After the new year, it is a merged universe.


Have the first half of Supergirl be like normal, and build up to the big Crisis crossover for before holiday break. Superman sacrifices himself to save everyone. After the new year, it is a merged universe.

I'm all for this, but people won't like a dead Superman. Have him trapped somewhere or forced offworld. Whatever it takes to get rid of him without killing him.


Have the first half of Supergirl be like normal, and build up to the big Crisis crossover for before holiday break. Superman sacrifices himself to save everyone. After the new year, it is a merged universe.

Honestly, the story across all four shows writes itself.

Hell, they can even leverage the events from last night to good use.


Not too high on this show. I was hoping they would scrub it and give the Question his/her own show. Can you imagine? X files but with DC characters.


Just glad it gets to continue on. When it was on it's A game it was really great. The red kryptonite episode was one of my favorite episodes of DCTV this season. They just need to get a better big bad and work on their fight choreography.


I love how Tom's slip about Supergirl ended up being true regardless of whether he meant Kara coming on the Flash or the show moving up there. lol

I'm very happy to see the actors tweet so positively about the move.
So I don't know anything about how the TV industry works. If the CW is owned by CBS and they were spending millions when the show was on the premier network, what changes with the move to CW? Wouldn't it still cost the same to make or are they making budget cuts with the move too?

EDIT: Nevermind. It's owned by Warner Bros. I forgot it was WB a long, long time ago. Stupid me.


Aftershock LA
Yes, it is that good.

It at first starts out pretty generically procedural. Almost as if the writers intended to sucker in the massive CBS procedural crowd who would have not touched it otherwise.

Then it slowly but surely gets more and more serialized.

I just finished season 1 of Person of Interest, and am about two episodes into season 2, but about halfway through season 1 I was like, "Heeeey, I see what you did there..."

Love the show. It definitely feels like a standard procedural with a twist/gimmick, but then it gets really, really good. The procedural stuff isn't bad either, but it certainly improves as the show starts opening up the universe and becoming more serialized. Caviezel and Emmerson are great, as is Taraji Henson. Really like the show a lot. Me and my wife call Caviezel Batman when watching it. He just has the grizzled, older intensity you'd expect from Bruce Wayne. Lol.

I'm glad Calista is staying with Supergirl. She's one of my favorite parts.

I hope they keep Alex, Henshaw, and Winn as well. Jimmy is a good actor, but a boring fucking character. No tears will be shed if they drop him. I like Lucy, but it feels like she's going to be cut as well. Jenna Dewan is so funny, I wish she was a different character, but Lucy is fine.
Amazing how far we come with just one season. At first a crossover seemed impossible, now Supergirl is going to CW. Good stuff.

Really I think the show is fine, they just need to work out CGI and action sequences. I'm not sure what they could do, but I hope they figure out a way to have Kara fight in the air without it looking as awful as it did in S1.

Also if we do get an Infinite Crisis event, kill Superman please. I can't handle another scene with Clark texting Kara.


Constantine's NBC ratings would put it above Legend of Tomorrow and that's it.

The order ratings-wise is: Flash or Supergirl at #1, Arrow, Constantine, Legends of Tomorrow.

Legends is getting heavily rejiggered for the next season. Best bet would be to add Constantine to that cast.

Is this a guess or has someone actually said so?


Constantine's NBC ratings would put it above Legend of Tomorrow and that's it.

The order ratings-wise is: Flash or Supergirl at #1, Arrow, Constantine, Legends of Tomorrow.

Legends is getting heavily rejiggered for the next season. Best bet would be to add Constantine to that cast.

Zatanna son.


Aftershock LA
The last things Legends needs is another male. I'd love it if we got another female or two. I'd be so happy if Nyssa and Vixen were added to the cast. We need more badass assassins, and her an Sara are great on screen together. I thought Vixen was really cool on Arrow, and wanted to see more of her.

I love Constantine, and would love to see him return too, but I want to see more women in these shows. Bring Huntress back too. I'm not sure what Jessica de gouw is up to these days, but I liked her as Huntress a lot.


Great news. Good they know Calista is mandatory, she's the heart of the show alongside Melissa and the parental dynamic is great and better than the rest of the show.

Also Vancouver production crews know how to stretch a dollar and shoot a TV action scene far better than whatever team was doing Supergirl in LA. Budget cuts will be noticeable but they'll make it work.

Make it part of the Arrowverse already. It needs to be.

It already is? Do you mean make it an Earth-1 show?

Time to drop Legends of Tomorrow?

It is kind of the odd man out. These other three have solid concepts built around a single hero with a supporting cast. That show, all these episodes in, doesn't seem to have a firm grasp on what it even is, long term.

Why would you drop the one show that doesn't follow a very specific formula? It doesn't have source material, let it find it's feet. Shorter season airing with few breaks means they have little time to make improvements based on what worked and how audiences reacted.

Watched the flash episode and it was ehh but guess we have to watch more now

That was one of the weaker episodes.


For people talking about him, Constantine is off-limits as mandated by DC according to producers. NBC has no say and doesn't care, apparently.


Aftershock LA
The Supergirl/Flash crossover episode wasn't particular good because of the story, or the threat they were up against, but it was great because of how damn charming Melissa Benoist and Grant Gustin were, and their adorable chemistry. Me and my wife were grinning like idiots whenever they were on screen together. I'm not into the shipping thing, and never really understood the fascination with shipping characters, but I'm all aboard the SS Karry. SS Bara? I have no idea how this works.

I want to see more of them together, preferably in a better episode that we know the Flash and Supergirl writers are capable of writing. The Flash is a fun, fairly light hearted show. So is Supergirl. Out of the DC TV shows, ther my favorite. SG got off to a really, really wonky start, but I felt it recovered once it got over its fixation with name dropping Superman every episode, and started letting Kara stand on her own. Really excited for Season 2 in general, not just because it jumped networks.
Is this a guess or has someone actually said so?

We're coming at it from a completely different angle. We're determined to make every part of Season 2 feel like its own show. Episode 201 will very much be a new pilot with new good guys, new bad guys, new stakes, new dynamics, new goals. The team will basically have to find a new purpose. Once you save the world, what do you do then? It's sort of a question of after you've won a Super Bowl, what do you do from there? The fact that the world was in peril sort of forced our team to fall into its own dysfunctional version of lockstep.

Season 2, they're no longer going to be hunted by Time Masters. They're no longer going to be burdened with having to save the world. It's no longer going to be about saving Miranda and Jonas. The interesting thing about Season 2 is I think it's going to have a much, much different tone because our Legends are going to have a totally different purpose. They're actually going to have a totally different constitution. There will be new faces and new everything.

As shared in our May Sweeps/Finale Preview package, Season 2 of the Arrow/Flash offshoot will be “a lot different,” says showrunner Phil Klemmer, as the resolution of the Vandal Savage storyline segues into a new mission set in motion by the season-ending arrival of a caped hero played by Suits‘ Patrick J. Adams.

The finale “is not just hitting the reset button, it really is modifying their mission,” Klemmer said. “Season 2 isn’t going to be about saving the world and stopping a singular entity from doing evil. We wanted to change the stakes and dynamics to make it an entirely new show — not just with new characters but with a new dramatic engine.”

The finale is the equivalent of a wrecking ball. It pretty much lays waste to all of the dramatic structure of Season 1. As we head into Season 2, all the building blocks of Season 1 will be obliterated. Effectively, 201 will be a new pilot, with new stakes and characters. It will be from the ground up. It will be a redesign of the show with, hopefully, the parts people like best.


Despite the obvious cuts to the budget I guarantee the show gets better. Ok well I think it will lol. Flash is still pretty good but Arrow has severely lost it's way with how terribly they have written Felicity. She was such a loved character and now everything she says makes you groan. In all fairness it's not just Felicity but the whole season in general has been pretty bad.

Overall though imo the big 3 networks make very shitty shows for the most part so just moving networks should make it better.
I REALLY hope that means no time travel, but I don't think I'm quite as lucky.

I'd love the team to be
Pied Piper
Dr. Light
Jonah Hex
Laurel Lance as Black Canary (lol)

I've been meaning to binge Supergirl specifically because it wasn't a CW show. Guess I won't bother with that now. I really can't stand any of the programming on that network.



I've been meaning to binge Supergirl specifically because it wasn't a CW show. Guess I won't bother with that now. I really can't stand any of the programming on that network.

It still feels very much like a CW show, no matter what network it's on.
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