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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6 Offseason Thread

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A lot of people think he is going to be back because he's the only POV at the Wall. But...why do we need a story at the Wall now? The next time we see the characters at the Wall they will be overrun by White Walkers and wights. I just think that story has run its course now.

Mel showing up at the wall is just a red herring. A D&D troll job. Hoping that she is there to rez Jon but what if she's just there because she had nowhere else to go? And has she ever mentioned Azor Ahai by name, in the show? Talked about the prophecy? I don't believe she has.


Waaaat? They're casting Euron? I think I should catch up on this season then.

Balon's still alive as of this season so no Ironborn hints until next year.

Also thinking about it; did Balon just technically 'win' the War of the Five King's as he's now the last man standing?


Pretty much as expected and hey they did make Arya blind. Umm, where was Ghost? I was a little let down they didn't do the warging or at least Jon calling for him but they've never hinted at waring for anyone other than Bran so can't be let down that much though again, where was Ghost?

I honestly would not be surprised if they completely forgot the wolves existed.
Well Davos will have to have some sort of final confrontation with Mel before he goes off wherever, though I'd assume they would would want to hightail it after Jon getting shanked.

Littlefinger too busy climbing chaos ladders to have scenes on the show.


Doesnt it take like a month to get from Winterfell to the Wall?

The show is VERY inconsistent when it comes to stuff like this.
So, what the fuck are the Night Watch going to do with the wildlings they already let through the Wall? They're not going to be pleased that Jon's dead... The Night's Watch can barely defend themselves when they have a wall between them and the wildlings!
So I was spoiled on Cat being reserrected a couple of weeks ago by my brother, and I know that storyline never made it into the show.

So I'm going to guess the reason it never made it into the show is because they are taking that basic idea and giving it to Jon. So instead of Jon waking up and being like "I'm back, I'm Lord Commander lol", he's going to become the new leader of Brotherhood without banners or what ever that group is.


Where are my Griff and Young Griff?


This show is fanfic trash at this point. This has to be the worst season so far, 7 pointless vamping episodes and ham-fisted character devolvement. Then ridiculous loose end tying.

Everything they did to keep fan favorites in the plot were for the worse this season. Yuck. I hate that I've become the "the books were sooo much better" snob that I've always detested.


Doesnt it take like a month to get from Winterfell to the Wall?

The show is VERY inconsistent when it comes to stuff like this.

Good call on this. Look how long it too Bran and co to get that far North, but maybe it's quicker as a lone rider?


So, what the fuck are the Night Watch going to do with the wildlings they already let through the Wall? They're not going to be pleased that Jon's dead... The Night's Watch can barely defend themselves when they have a wall between them and the wildlings!

The wildlings won't give a fuck that Jon is dead, except maybe Tormund.
So I was spoiled on Cat being reserrected a couple of weeks ago by my brother, and I know that storyline never made it into the show.

So I'm going to guess the reason it never made it into the show is because they are taking that basic idea and giving it to Jon. So instead of Jon waking up and being like "I'm back, I'm Lord Commander lol", he's going to become the new leader of Brotherhood without banners or what ever that group is.

The Brotherhood is way too far south for that to make sense with Jon being at the wall...


aka andydumi
So, what the fuck are the Night Watch going to do with the wildlings they already let through the Wall? They're not going to be pleased that Jon's dead... The Night's Watch can barely defend themselves when they have a wall between them and the wildlings!

Marginalize them? I think we will see them tormenting the wildlings, some flareups and persecution, indiscriminate killing without consequences for the crows, then when it's about to become a major battle, the horns sound and the whitewalkers appear at the wall. Instant drama!


it is almost funny how Jon gets killed (and why, or what you can guess of it) in the show. another reminder that I should start reading the books sooner or later.


Euron and Tarly are going to save this, trust me. If, as everything seems to point out, Euron is attacking Oldtown, I wonder what the end-game purpose of that is? I mean, it's season 6 of 7 (lol), it's a new location, new characters (Sam's family but whatever) and they are far from KL, so... what's the point of Oldtown if it's not related to a possible endgame? It's VERY interesting.

So, what the fuck are the Night Watch going to do with the wildlings they already let through the Wall? They're not going to be pleased that Jon's dead... The Night's Watch can barely defend themselves when they have a wall between them and the wildlings!

They are not thinking long term.

Jesus, you creepers.

Lena was pregnant during filming.



I mean, it's all setup for a scene where the Wildlings are about to slaughter Ollie, Thorne, and co., before UnJon steps up and saves them. Then he walks up to Thorne and says "I had a good heart, before you killed it", and then eats his face.


I hate that Stannis is out of the story, but he went out like a king.

• On the front line leading his people
• Survived the initial battle
• Killed two more soldiers after the battle, despite being injured
• When approached by Brienne - "Do your duty"

He deserved better.
There's no way in hell Jaime wouldn't turn the ship right around to try to kill some sand snakes.

Why? Sailing back wouldn't accomplish anything, and might put Jaime's life in danger. It makes more sense to continue to KL and question Trystane. Then lock him up and demand justice from Dorne or else.

Doran has complete plausible deniability: Jaime will testify that Doran didn't want revenge, plus him sending his son to KL also makes it seem like he had nothing to do with the plot. The plot would have been insane if Cersei was in charge but clearly Doran knows Cersei isn't in charge anymore.

The problem is that with his only heir now a hostage, Doran has no room to challenge the crown. So if he was involved in the plot he really has nowhere else to go: killing Myrcella was his endgame. And a rather unsatisfying one tbh.


Doesnt it take like a month to get from Winterfell to the Wall?

The show is VERY inconsistent when it comes to stuff like this.

They have no choice, the books are like this as well. Time is not simultaneous between the different POV's.
I don't think Azor Ahai has been said once in the show. It would probably sound really dumb coming out of someones mouth.

I've thought it's been said frequently? Sometimes I feel I read different books and watched different shows by reading these comments though..
The Brotherhood is way too far south for that to make sense with Jon being at the wall...

"Where you going Red Witch with that horse cart full of hay?"

"I am needed elsewhere"

"Oh ok, peace."

If a resurection is going to happen, it's going to happen either at Caste Black and then Jon is going to sneak away, or the body is going to be brought outside the castle for some vodo shit to be done.

Cause if Jon wakes up and everyone sees him they are going to decapitate him on site and burn his body.


I don't think Azor Ahai has been said once in the show. It would probably sound really dumb coming out of someones mouth.

Right. So the hints of Jon/Azor Ahai coming back don't even exist in the show, right? The only thing we have to go on (as far as Jon getting rezzed) are the few scenes with Beric in Season 3. Mel hasn't seen any visions of 'snow' in the fire or anything of the sort.

Some people mentioned it in the other thread but the show is just about shocks and throwing you plot curveballs. They don't seem to be wanting to tell the cliche story of a hero rising up to defeat evil, rather they (GRRM/D&D) seem more concerned with setting that story up and then pulling out the rug from underneath you. You get up...rinse and repeat.

I hope Jon's not dead but I really don't think he's coming back.
I've thought it's been said frequently? Sometimes I feel I read different books and watched different shows by reading these comments though..

Not sure if they ever utter "Azor Ahai" itself, but Melisandre definitely uses allusions to it, such as "the Lord's Chosen" or whatnot.


Cause if Jon wakes up and everyone sees him they are going to decapitate him on site and burn his body.

Pretty sure if Mel does wake him up it won't be to hard just step outside passed the dozen or so stunned Watchmen and join up with the thousands of Wildlings he's just saved.


What plan are you talking about? LF has no plans, he just smiles and goes with the flow since killing Joffrey.



A lot of people think he is going to be back because he's the only POV at the Wall. But...why do we need a story at the Wall now? The next time we see the characters at the Wall they will be overrun by White Walkers and wights. I just think that story has run its course now.

The books have laid it on thick since she popped up. Remaining dead would make everything look fairly silly and pointless. The show isn't going to change anything that major with the big three.

So, what the fuck are the Night Watch going to do with the wildlings they already let through the Wall? They're not going to be pleased that Jon's dead... The Night's Watch can barely defend themselves when they have a wall between them and the wildlings!

Die horribly, either to the Walkers, the Wildlings, or a joyriding Ramsey.


reposting form other thread:

anyway this whole thing is pissing me off now. I want to know what actually happens. I don't think Stannis dies in the books, I don't think Sansa jumps and dies or breaks her (beautiful) legs, I don't think Myrcella dies, I don't think Shireen will ever be burned. That's all just shock value stuff by D&D. That's what I want to believe anyway. Man fuck GRRM and D&D.
Check the "inside the episode" video for that one..

So, what the fuck are the Night Watch going to do with the wildlings they already let through the Wall? They're not going to be pleased that Jon's dead... The Night's Watch can barely defend themselves when they have a wall between them and the wildlings!

Honestly, at this point the Watch should just form it's own sellsword company, or join one in Essos. It's clear that no one south of Winterfell even gives a shit about the Night's Watch or their duties. If I were Thorne and friends, I'd be all, "fuck this shit, I'm out."


The wildlings won't give a fuck that Jon is dead, except maybe Tormund.

They should now. He just saved all their dumb asses.

Where are my Griff and Young Griff?
This show is fanfic trash at this point. This has to be the worst season so far, 7 pointless vamping episodes and ham-fisted character devolvement. Then ridiculous loose end tying.

Everything they did to keep fan favorites in the plot were for the worse this season. Yuck. I hate that I've become the "the books were sooo much better" snob that I've always detested.

Books are like 99.9% of the time better than than any adaptation. You were a fool to resist the thought.


If Jon wargs into Ghost, wouldn't Tree Jedi Bran know about it?

Hell, now that I think of it, we don't know what TV Tree Jedi Bran can do.


Why? Sailing back wouldn't accomplish anything, and might put Jaime's life in danger. It makes more sense to continue to KL and question Trystane. Then lock him up and demand justice from Dorne or else.

It's what just about any father would do in that situation even if it means they'll die trying. He knows who poisoned her. How can he resist immediately going back?


Stannis, the greatest mind in military tactics! xD

Admittedly he was kind of a broken man by then.

You could already tell he was looking broken after having killed his daughter, then his morning got progressively worse. He finds out half his army abandoned him and took all the horses (except Mellisandre's horse apparently) and then finds out his wife hanged herself and then Mellisandre abandoned him on literally the last horse in camp.

He's a broken shell, I don't think he wanted or expected to win at that point and was just going through the motions. His army was pretty much broken, morale had to be absolute shit between freezing/starvation, then the king burning his daughter, and then half the army abandoning the fight. Hell, you saw half of them starting to try and retreat before the fight had started.

Also, I assume the Bolton army got so large and had so much cavalry due to the sellswords that abandoned Stannis. They had to go somewhere.

I'm just relieved that the monologue by Brienne wasn't interrupted by a shirtless Ramsay, arriving to defeat Brienne in single combat and then capture and torture her and Stannis.
Like that would ever stop him... We're talking about Jaimie here.
Now the Lannisters will have Trystane as a prisoner

Ellaria is just so stupid on the show. Constantly whining about revenge, when she should know that the person most responsible for Oberyn's death was Oberyn. Well aside from the Mountain, but even then, if Oberyn hadn't been a dumbass he would've lived.


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
So, last three scenes:

Mountain has been resurrected!
Melisandre has come at the Wall!

.. Jon dies.

Can this get any more obvious.

Anyway, worst season.
I really hope for something to make Sansa's Winterfell plot worth it, but we got nothing. She's been used as a minor development device for Theon, which was actually shittily done - "Hey, i was okay with everything for the past, but now that Ramsay has one-handedly killed Stannis' army, i don't think he's invincible anymore!"

Yeah, yeah.

Dorne's plot could be renamed in "We don't kill little girls in Dorne, but the sea is fair game! trololol."

All in all, i'm half expecting a D&D tweet "Lel i trol u XD".
Benjen stuff was a evident fuck-you to readers.

Around ep5-6, i really had hope they could tighten up Dorne, Sansa, Stannis and Jon - and make sense of these plots. Instead, we got a complete shitshow on all fronts except Dany, which honestly had no way to go but up.

Dorne, as D&D first 100% original sequence, makes me fear for S6. It was a complete and utter travesty.

I was the first to say AFFC\ADWD were bloated and the show could do great things by adapting properly and shaking things up... but not like this.Really, not like this.
It all feels like a checklist: Yeah, we have to adapt some things, and we have to provide at least one SHOCKING moment per episode in the last ones. No matter logic, no matter writing.

The worst part is that i simply don't care about the show now. The books were extremely bleak, but there was always hope somewhere. Ned died, but Dany got dragons. RW happened, but Jon became Lord Commander. ADWD was bleak, but the North was rising up.
It kept you caring about the whole mess. As it is, none of it really makes any sense, especially Stannis and Sansa.

Why was Sansa at winterfell again?
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