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Xbox One supports Suspend/Resume at launch, PS4 doesn't


Hey, let's compare:

PS4 with features announced at unveiling vs features delivered at launch


Xbox One with features announced at unveiling vs features delivered at launch

I wonder what the results would be like?
A 100+ page thread that will only talk about graphics after page 15.
This and remote play are the two features i've looked forward to for the PS4 the most. It sucks its not there but I'm surprised remote play did make it. So I get 1/2 at least.

But it'll show up, just like folders showed up for Vita and PSX functionality for the Vita, and folder support on the 3DS.

Hey Nintendo when do I get folder support for Wii U?? Its getting annoying


I agree that this news isn't a big deal, but what are "real games"?

If you don't know what games are that are coming out on the PS4, there are a ton of sites that have them listed. 33 by the end of the year, and please don't try to pull me into the "coming to/on PC" or "oh indies, those suck" argument. If this is going to be a numbers game, the numbers are on Sony's side.


Neo Member

I'd tell you to quit wasting electricity and to shut it off/ unplug it!

No seriously I would.


All the stuff The XB1 won't have at launch (Twitch, indie support, a way to increase hard drive space, just off the top of my head), Sony announces one thing that they're running behind on, and it's like they killed a puppy.

I'm sure this will be cool when it's finally in, but I don't play on playing the Suspend/Resume game, I plan on playing real games that aren't weighted down by poor hardware design choices.

So yeah, not even bummed about this. And for people who talk about this like it was some flagship feature of the system, wtf.

I haven't seen a story on Twitch not being available at launch. Found a little blurb in the FW1.5 thread about hearing it in some Youtube interview. Seems like it'd be thread worthy itself if someone has a link.
All the stuff The XB1 won't have at launch (Twitch, indie support, a way to increase hard drive space, just off the top of my head), Sony announces one thing that they're running behind on, and it's like they killed a puppy.

I'm sure this will be cool when it's finally in, but I don't play on playing the Suspend/Resume game, I plan on playing real games that aren't weighted down by poor hardware design choices.

So yeah, not even bummed about this. And for people who talk about this like it was some flagship feature of the system, wtf.

"real games", huh?


Not really, its like wanting to see a film and all they talk about is how comfy the seats are and the variety of popcorn they have.

Mixed up priorities...
Yeah, we have absolutely seen zero games running on PS4/Xbox One hardware. Everything we've seen so far was running on a quad-SLI Titan powered PC.
Weird that this feature isn't there at launch, wasn't expecting that. Definitely one of my favorite features in next gen consoles.
The hell does old Sony mean?
It means the poster finally has something to justify their dislike for Sony and reaffirms their love for Microsoft, some people are waiting to jump on Sony to prove their still behind in certain aspects compared to MS. Fanboy reactions basically.

Now I'm actually very disappointed suspend won't be at launch as that was one of the features I was really looking forward to the most but I can deal with waiting a little since having a new console will be exciting enough to take some of the sting off if this missing feature.


I really dont understand why this is a big deal. It takes less than 30 seconds for a PS3/360 to boot up and another seconds to get into a game. Once the game is booted you can switch between Games and apps just like the Vita.

This and the crying over instant switching of games that xbox one defenders did just after the reversal make me wonder What level of OCD do you need to have for these things to be an issue?


Because suspend and resume is almost instant where switching off game --> console then booting console and going into game watching all logos, loading level will take you a lot more.

Think something like PSP or Vita where you just hit button and you are back in game


Didn't mean it in a context of "other guy has no games" meant it in the context that Suspend/Resume mode isn't. I thought that was pretty clear.

"playing real games that aren't weighted down by poor hardware design choices." I mean, it does sound like you're saying that the 180 games aren't "real games" because the hardware isn't as powerful.

Anyway, this news sucks but it is what it is. Still hyped!


Its nice that one of the two could manage to fit the feature in before launch.

I cant imagine it taking more than a month for the feature to hit Sonys platform either, i would like to see a final list at launch to see what compromises both platforms had to make to hit launch in terms of features, going to be interesting, seeing what big features were too much for the crunch team.


I think I can live without this mode that will be patched into the OS in a little while. Same way I'll be waiting a little for external storage support on Xbox. You are going to be waiting for new features to be added to any programmable computing device worth its salt. Be it console, tablet, Mac or PC.

I remember not being impressed by Steam at release. Now it owns my PC Gamer soul.


Much of these threads would be better if people stopped with the recriminations from both sides. Half the time people are busy talking about how some are "overreacting" or "not reacting enough". I mean consider this post:

Hey, let's compare:

PS4 with features announced at unveiling vs features delivered at launch


Xbox One with features announced at unveiling vs features delivered at launch

I wonder what the results would be like?

This is not even really discussing for example the actual issue that PS4 has a promised feature that is now delayed. It's more concerned immediately with trying to place this real problem in contrast to the problems of its competitor, merely to try to lessen the sting or something in some fanboy war. I apologize if I am interpreting this wrong by singling it out.

Why does it matter how many features Xbox One delayed or not? This is a feature PS4 delayed. This is something that really should be at any next-gen launch, and for some reason is not on this system. It's a feature that is on XBO at launch. As a gamer, does it matter now if we start bean counting which features are being delayed where so that we can tabulate who is winning the fanboy wars, or does it matter that this is indeed a problem and why isn't Sony ready with something that's really relatively basic functionality?


The features being delayed are not that important, and I wouldn't even care if it was a feature delayed on the Xbox either. Who cares, it is about the games to me.

This was one of the most interesting features about the PS4 which I was generally looking forward to using, seeing how well it works on the Vita. It was also a feature that Mark Cerny boasted at the PS Meeting in February. This seems typical old Sony of past years. I'm knobbed off about it.

Edit - to all those throwing the 'agenda' comment - check post history.

Nice pot shot at the end. You really convinced me you have no agenda.
I definitely wouldn't cancel a console pre-order over it but I would definitely be disappointed if the console that I pre-ordered didn't have it since (again) it's one of my most anticipated features for next gen consoles/gaming.

Features for convenience are going to play a huge role in differentiating next gen from this current gen. The new next-gen consoles will be adding features that will make playing games on disc almost as instant as playing on an old school console that uses cartridges. I'm looking forward to it.

What is the other side saying that's blatant off-topic "console war material"?

I don't get what other features were being delayed...

However I agree with your last point. Thus this isn't a case of adding a feature, since it's already there, but delaying for whatever reason.. It isn't such a big deal. After 7 years of just turning off the console when your done with it, its not like anyone's going to immediately remember at launch, "oh hey, I can put it in suspended mode".. I actually think most people who buy it won't even know it can do that. It just seems excessive to overreact.. Not saying you but some people in this thread.
Ugh, I was actually looking forward to this feature. Consoles should have had this for years and it looks like we're still going to have to wait for it after it's already been announced on the PS4.
So what was my agenda then?

Throwing in that last comment that it's knobbed you and referring a small delay feature to "old Sony".... Whatever that's supposed to mean. I mean, I'm not saying you can't say what you want but referring this situation, something that is a new feature to all consoles that doesn't stop you from playing your games completely, the way you did makes it sound like you wanted to point out something just to point it out. Tbh, it's not that serious. It's delayed not taken away.


I don't get what other features were being delayed...

However I agree with your last point. Thus this isn't a case of adding a feature, since it's already there, but delaying for whatever reason.. It isn't such a big deal. After 7 years of just turning off the console when your done with it, its not like anyone's going to immediately remember at launch, "oh hey, I can put it in suspended mode".. I actually think most people who buy it won't even know it can do that. It just seems excessive to overreact.. Not saying you but some people in this thread.

Obviously, people are now slapping asses and high fiving over a feature Sony said the PS4 would have (don't remember them saying it would be at launch though). It sucks, but with all of the great news we've had for almost 9 months, the bad news was bad to come sooner or later. Sony fans should take it in stride and realize them's the breaks.

As for the Xbox fans, with all the bad news you guys have gotten this year, it's about time you've gotten something to tout. Still gotta download that day one update though.

tl;dr - Both sides need to shut the fuck up and enjoy your consoles for what they at launch.
So a pretty unneeded feature on a home console. Why are people talking like it is the greatest feature ever?

It's an incredible feature for people with busy lives like me. I like to dip in and out of games as I please, and as I get free time throughout a day. I don't want to have to save my game every time and then sit through load screens, boot-ups and splash screens each time too - even if they are reduced as in the case of KZSF. Nor do I want to leave my console turned fully on all throughout the day. I just want to instantly get back to exactly where I was before.

The suspend/resume feature is one of the absolute highlights of next-gen consoles for me, as it suits my lifestyle perfectly. I'll actually start to enjoy more bigger and deeper games again as a result, rather than always swaying towards the smaller XBLA/PSN stuff that's easier to jump in and out of.


As said before.. it features suspend and mutlitask from desktop and then resume....suspend/resume so much mixed messages here, and lots of people discussing as if it doesnt exist, its not fully implimented but what we need is...end of discussion surely?


People are jumping here, multitasking resume is in its just putting the system into standby then waking up and resume game is coming later. Tbh i didnt know either offered standby then resume.
How the hell could Sony not get this working at launch? Didn't the Vita have this from day one? Seems like they weren't ready for a 2013 launch.


Throwing in that last comment that it's knobbed you and referring a small delay feature to "old Sony".... Whatever that's supposed to mean. I mean, I'm not saying you can't say what you want but referring this situation, something that is a new feature to all consoles that doesn't stop you from playing your games completely, the way you did makes it sound like you wanted to point out something just to point it out. Tbh, it's not that serious. It's delayed not taken away.

I already explained - you're reading too much into it. But to retort just for you: I expected this feature to be available at launch going by the Vita. And now it's been revealed as a delayed feature - it reminds me of something Sony would have done in the early PS3 days.
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