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Xenoblade Chronicles X |OT| You want a baked Potatsu? http://youtu.be/8qPGXDk23mE

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Chapter 8:

This game doesn't have a story, right?!

Eh. That's a good chapter. And the story is good in general. It's just very barebones and sparse. Like, what's there is great. But there's not much of it. And that leaves you wanting more.
CAAAAAW, do you still have a copy original spreadsheet where the stuff isn't translated?
I saved some of them before I changed the names. The Arts and Skills pages only ever had Englishifications of the Japanese names(same for Allies), but the Collectopedia item names and Bestiary enemy names/genuses had the original Japanese text in place. Everything else was placeholder English stuff based on the Japanese. Are you looking for anything in particular?


The affinity quests have been great so far, I just did the second one for Hope and....well I did not expect THAT.

And the normal quests have shown some good story stuff too.

It really does all feel like quests are "anime episodes" like someone said.
You got little arcs and character development and things in the world change.

Like,it's actually a little crazy when you think about it, there are huge entire storylines and changes in the world and background or development on characters that you never,ever see if you just follow the story quests blindly.
So I walked / swam to Sylvalum.

Holy fuck you guys.



When I started to make out the continent from Primordia Waters I got really excited. Then when I got to the shore, it was just alright. Im sure all the amazing parts of the continent is much further inside and I'll experience those eventually.

But then it started to snow / spore / whatever, holy crap. I just had to walk around and take it in.

This fucking game you guys!!!!!!!!

Oh and here's a little bonus. I was just hanging out and this giant motherfucker just walked over me and got himself a little drink.

These moments are just priceless.


check A90 evasion value, that should be enough to avoid most of its attack
but yeah its gravity-based attacks are deadly for skells w/o proper setup

I know there's a low level one somewhere but I don't want to test my luck yet. (I am playing end-game solo outside of a few key tyrants.)

I can't decide what's better, Urban with its 3 slots (and excellent Overdrive) or Leilah with 2 frame slots (so lower overall evasion/potential, losses one of the 25% frame items) and light armor for the 6000 GP.
I'm gonna be getting X soon, just curious: does the game at least gradually introduce you to all of the different systems at play or does it pretty much throw you off the deep end?

I really don't play menu/system heavy RPGs like this but I love the world, aesthetic, and music so I'm gonna give it a shot

I'm fine with a learning curve as long as it's not like a brick wall right off the bat.. if so I'll have to do some research haha
This is people were going into doom and gloom mode over a few importer impressions.

That's what happens when people are thirsty for info.

One person says something bad about the game and it gets turned into a lot more than what it actually is when the game is released over here so everyone can see for themselves.




they didn't even give me an option to shoot Lao myself. Fucking story just decided I'd stick with Lin and support her which is utter crap my guy is a no holds bar douchebag who would shoot this whiny OOOH MY FAMILY DIED fucker before he even had a chance to shed a single tear

Don't force the literally minimal characterization I can give my character for story reasons.






they didn't even give me an option to shoot Lao myself. Fucking story just decided I'd stick with Lin and support her which is utter crap my guy is a no holds bar douchebag who would shoot this whiny OOOH MY FAMILY DIED fucker before he even had a chance to shed a single tear

Don't force the literally minimal characterization I can give my character for story reasons.
You ain't seen bullshit till the Chapter 12 ending, lol


I'm gonna be getting X soon, just curious: does the game at least gradually introduce you to all of the different systems at play or does it pretty much throw you off the deep end?

I really don't play menu/system heavy RPGs like this but I love the world, aesthetic, and music so I'm gonna give it a shot

I'm fine with a learning curve as long as it's not like a brick wall right off the bat.. if so I'll have to do some research haha

They try to introduce you to some things, but to fully understand even a fraction of everything, you really gotta read the manual thoroughly (included within the game), and even then you'll have questions.

They do introduce to the basics, but that's not really enough. Some things they straight up do not really explain at all, or explain poorly. This is definitely on the much higher end of systems complexity for JRPGs, RPGs in general (including MMOs), or even games.


I'm gonna be getting X soon, just curious: does the game at least gradually introduce you to all of the different systems at play or does it pretty much throw you off the deep end?

I really don't play menu/system heavy RPGs like this but I love the world, aesthetic, and music so I'm gonna give it a shot

I'm fine with a learning curve as long as it's not like a brick wall right off the bat.. if so I'll have to do some research haha

You'll actually have to read the manual, since there're lots of things the game doesn't even bother to explain, including fashion gear (a way to change the way your armor looks), equipment augmentations (fitting items into your equipment's open slots to get various advantages), how the whole TP/GP system works, how soul voices work and the fact that you can change the MC's and even what the hell all the stats in your status screen do (including several icons that have no thumbnails explaining what they're supposed to be).

It's still a really nice game, but there'll be several times where you might stumble across a game system you didn't even notice was there before, and all by pure chance.
I'm gonna be getting X soon, just curious: does the game at least gradually introduce you to all of the different systems at play or does it pretty much throw you off the deep end?

I really don't play menu/system heavy RPGs like this but I love the world, aesthetic, and music so I'm gonna give it a shot

I'm fine with a learning curve as long as it's not like a brick wall right off the bat.. if so I'll have to do some research haha

Not really. I mean they explain some things but things like the battle system for example, I had to learn by trial and error and asking questions. This is my biggest negative with the game. It just expects you to read the manual and figure shit out.
I saved some of them before I changed the names. The Arts and Skills pages only ever had Englishifications of the Japanese names(same for Allies), but the Collectopedia item names and Bestiary enemy names/genuses had the original Japanese text in place. Everything else was placeholder English stuff based on the Japanese. Are you looking for anything in particular?

I might need them somewhere in the distant future, but not now. (yep need the collectopedia & bestiary stuff in Japanese) Since you have it saved, I'll just pm you whenever I need it :D
You'll actually have to read the manual, since there're lots of things the game doesn't even bother to explain, including fashion gear (a way to change the way your armor looks), equipment augmentations (fitting items into your equipment's open slots to get various advantages), how TP works, and even what the hell all the stats in your status screen do (including several icons that have no thumbnails explaining what they're supposed to be).

It's still a really nice game, but there'll be several times where you might stumble across a game system you didn't even notice was there before, and all by pure chance.

Not really. I mean they explain some things but things like the battle system for example, I had to learn by trial and error and asking questions. This is my biggest negative with the game. It just expects you to read the manual and figure shit out.
Ah, alright. Thanks!

I don't mind a bit of mechanics discovery as long as it's not like every single thing. I have a general idea of how the combat system works from videos but haven't played the original Xenoblade or anything (the scifi anime stuff is a lot more appealing to me than the more shonen traditional JRPG looking stuff)

El Odio

Guys, Sylvalum's theme is just... I don't even know how to describe it. Haunting, beautiful, fitting. Absolutely every regions theme (excluding Cauldros for now since I haven't really been there yet) just fits it to a T and have been some of the most beautiful songs I've heard. I'm so glad this game exists because I don't think I've ever played a game that truly captured the spirit of adventure and exploring new lands since Wind Waker.


Ah, alright. Thanks!

I don't mind a bit of mechanics discovery as long as it's not like every single thing. I have a general idea of how the combat system works from videos but haven't played the original Xenoblade or anything (the scifi anime stuff is a lot more appealing to me than the more shonen traditional JRPG looking stuff)

Yeah it's really not that bad if you don't mind that little bit of helplessness until you have a chance to come across everything. Someone correct me, but I don't think there is a single thing that wasn't spelled out in a menu or submenu somewhere, it's just hard to absorb everything, especially when it's in such f'n small type. But it kind of added to the whole lost feeling in the beginning of the story for me--it didn't kill me not to know something right when I wanted to know it.

This ties into the whole philosophy of the game: that you do it your way. There are all these overlapping systems, but you can pick and choose which ones to play around with or ignore altogether, they really don't have at much impact. Maybe ignoring the probes would make it for a more punishing game, but most everything can be ignored completely and compensated for with better technique and a couple extra levels. (Lots of people don't realize you can play as different characters, or augment weapons, until late in the game, and they are just fine.)

It's just a huge game and you're meant to be overwhelmed by it, embrace it. Sorry for the long post, just haven't had a chance to comment. I'm in awe of it sometimes, buy it and tell your friends!


My Off The Record mission task wants me to take down the level 62 Lava Walker in Cauldros. I'd love to squish Ciniculas, but I got taken out immediately. Might be time to mess with augments for once... or get to level 50.


God damn it. Drops like these annoy me to no end.

It's so close to perfect.

My Off The Record mission task wants me to take down the level 62 Lava Walker in Cauldros. I'd love to squish Ciniculas, but I got taken out immediately. Might be time to mess with augments for once... or get to level 50.

You aren't taking that guy out without a team of 50 Frames (lava makes it hard to do it on foot).


When you're just exploring and a cutscene happens, and you're like "Wait, what?"

And then Mia shouts out "Helloooooooooooooo!" and I'm all "Oi... This girl..."


What's used to revive a party member mid battle? It's not TP is it? I remember the three bars in the original Xenoblade where I could use one when its full to revive someone, but I can't figure out how to do it (what needs to be kept up) in this game


Damn, I maxed Elma's affinity without even realizing. All those wasted points. Anyways, from now on, Elma and Lin will only participate when required.

Anyways, finished chapter 7 a little earlier. The chapters are actually pretty short. Finished it in like 15 minutes. Just 2 more before I get the flight modules (currently have 3 Skells).

What's used to revive a party member mid battle? It's not TP is it? I remember the three bars in the original Xenoblade where I could use one when its full to revive someone, but I can't figure out how to do it (what needs to be kept up) in this game

It's TP, and you need 3000.






they didn't even give me an option to shoot Lao myself. Fucking story just decided I'd stick with Lin and support her which is utter crap my guy is a no holds bar douchebag who would shoot this whiny OOOH MY FAMILY DIED fucker before he even had a chance to shed a single tear

Don't force the literally minimal characterization I can give my character for story reasons.

Yep had the same exact reaction. Wrap it up B and I'll see you in the spoiler thread.


Oh, I almost forgot, is there any other way to spend Miranium easily other than Manufacturers and Skell fuel? I've already maxed the AMs I have.
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