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4 dead in Colorado shooting

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AR 15 aren't military grade and generally are pretty shitty but it's still a gun. Honestly I feel bad for hunters because their probably gonna get the blunt of this when the next generation of politicians completely crack on guns which will happen inevitably whether that takes 1 year to 50 years who the fuck knows

I'm sure they'll manage. Modern hunting is like playing sports on steroids anyway.


FBI put out a warning for today that a group had been threatening to do random shootings across the country to try and lure Police into ambush situations. This doesn't seem to be that but hopefully we don't see anything crazy tonight

Mental health checks and closing loopholes will not stop these shootings.

Tougher action is needed and the NRA knows that compromising on small steps like better background/mental health checks and closing loopholes like no checks at gun shows will not solve the problem, but will create a "slippery slope" that will end with the tighter regulation we want to see, like taking away assault weapons.

Mental health evaluations and closing loopholes would do quite a bit. It seems in fact that you are actually proposing things that would have negligible to almost no effect.

While this is a rare case where a rifle was actually used you will find that gun violence is almost exclusively in the handgun camp yet nothing is ever proposed on hand guns. Make a real effort on handgun control as far as mandatory training, better checks, any kind of mental issue past or present an automatic disqualifier etc. and you will see an impact


I like this optimistic take on the future.
It will happen since I doubt the governments likes having to deal with these dipshits it's just that politicians can't really take an open stance against the nra but all organizations loose their stranglehold over time.


Very sad. We need change.

"Not everyone is deranged" is the worst pro-gun argument I've ever heard.

True. I'd change it to "99.99% of gun owners are not deranged" to make it more clear.

There's an estimated 100 million gun owners in the US (about 1/3rd of the population) and about 300 million guns circulating ownership.

But I still support much tougher gun laws.


"Assault weapons" are not the problem. Weapons classified as such are only used in 2% of gun crimes. So you're wasting your time going after those.

Nobody has a need for a gun that can shoot and kill other human targets a kilometer away from you.

Let's start with that 2% and work towards eliminating the rest.
Not a gun expert but it would seem to be more accurate and probably have a much longer range than a handgun. I mean you're free to school me on penetration, size of ammunition and rate of fire. But this is sort of silly because it's "how much deadlier than deadly are we talkin'?" I don't think reasonable people support smaller arms either.
Don't forget to use proper gun terms either. Because when you interchange terms such as clip and magazine, the argument is immediately over (even though your point is understood) and your completely sensible and logical argument is rendered null and void.


Giving pet names to inanimate objects is about as reasoned as it gets.

Better tell boat owners they crazy!

Nobody has a need for a gun that can shoot and kill other human targets a kilometer away from you.

Sure, I guess if you're a trained marksmen from the army/law enforcement? Also hunting rifles are far better set up for long range shooting than ARs are. You're making a better argument for banning hunting rifles.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
Can we try something new soon?

Crossing our fingers that 'responsible gun owners' will stop mass shootings is not working.

Nope. Impossible because we wouldn't want to infringe upon anyone's right to have fun with Carly!


Better tell boat owners they crazy!

Sure, I guess if you're a trained marksmen from the army/law enforcement? Also hunting rifles are far better set up for long range shooting than ARs are. You're making a better argument for banning hunting rifles.

Only the military should have them. You're rarely shooting targets over a football field away from you while hunting, anyway - the AR-15's range is over 10x that.

Source: am/was hunter. Bow hunting and blackpowder are more popular amongst hunters than tacticool jimmy showing up to hunt deer with his AR-15 he got last week.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
"not everyone is deranged so let me keep my gun" is like saying "not everyone is a terrible drunk driver so let me drive drunk". Good for you, but it's not why it's a problem. It's much safer to just outright ban it.

The argument is up there in stupidity with "criminals will break the law!"

well duh no shit that's what laws are for, that's literally why we have them. by that logic we should have no law since criminals break them anyway.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Don't forget to use proper gun terms either. Because when you interchange terms such as clip and magazine, the argument is immediately over (even though your point is understood) and your completely sensible and logical argument is rendered null and void.

That shit drives me nuts. Like a cannibal telling you it actually doesn't taste of chicken ergo you are wrong to object to it.
Ok, so obviously there's a reporting and confirmation bias going on, here, but why is this repeating itself more and more frequently lately, it seems like? Sometimes it feels like we're just sort of mentally breaking down, like, as a species.

What happens if somebody in charge of something major suddenly snaps and wants to do as much damage as possible?
What happens when this kind of random massacre violence happens on a completely different scale and level?

We hear about times we've narrowly avoided nuclear disasters because of somebody at a switch with a conscience. What happens if it goes the other way?

Sourcing from WAPO article: 11 Essential Facts About Gun Violence. Compared to other countries America is much more prone to gun violence, although it has been declining.


However, some research suggests that although overall gun violence is trending down, "active shooter" events have been trending up. Active shooting incidents are defined by federal agencies as "an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area." (This is different from mass killings, which are episodes where three or more people are killed; while many active shooting incidents wind up being mass killings, more than half of the episodes in the FBI study did not meet that definition.)

All that said, tens of thousands of people die from gun related violence every year in the United States, so making a thread for every single occurrence doesn't really make a lot of sense in my opinion.


"not everyone is deranged so let me keep my gun" is like saying "not everyone is a terrible drunk driver so let me drive drunk". Good for you, but it's not why it's a problem. It's much safer to just outright ban it.

The argument is up there in stupidity with "criminals will break the law!"

well duh no shit that's what laws are for, that's literally why we have them. by that logic we should have no law since criminals break them anyway.

Yep. There's no guarantee that a gun-owner that's psychologically healthy will remain free of depression or mental illness for the remainder of his or her life too.

People crack sometimes.
It may seem more scary than your handgun but based on numbers that are most often reported/verified only a small (2-5) percentage of gun violence is committed with an assault weapon. Rather weird.
Gun violence != mass shootings, though.
I live in the Springs and this is the first I've heard of it. Mother in Law called the wife and was like wtf, I shrugged it off and got back to Uncharted 2 Remastered.


It's a magazine not clip. And a lot of states are only aloud to own 10 rd magazines for rifles. I happen to live in the South and personally own 4 30 round magazines and a 60 rounder. I like my AR, it's a lot of fun to shoot. Her name is Carly. Not everyone is crazy.

"Fuck off, I like guns".


When is the US going to do something about guns?

This has been said a million times, but a lot of people lost hope after Sandy Hook. If there's a mass shooting where most of the victims were children and that didn't change anything, it's not hard to see why some people have come to the conclusion that we are basically doomed when it comes to this nation passing sensible gun control legislation.

I still think we can do it but it's going to take a huge progressive wave, not only in Washington but at the state level. So... maybe in another 10-20 years.

Jesus. I hope Clinton wins the election to start doing something about this shit.
She won't be able to do any better or worse than Obama on the issue...


This has been said a million times, but a lot of people lost hope after Sandy Hook. If there's a mass shooting where most of the victims were children and that didn't change anything, it's not hard to see why some people have come to the conclusion that we are basically doomed when it comes to this nation passing sensible gun control legislation.

I still think we can do it but it's going to take a huge progressive wave, not only in Washington but at the state level. So... maybe in another 10-20 years.

She won't be able to do any better or worse than Obama on the issue...

She stated she would use executive orders for stricter background checks and closing loopholes, specially at gun shows. Basically anyone can get one at one of those. Its a start at least.


Why should anyone be able to own an AR-15?

I just don't get it.

Hunting reasons. But seriously, why in the flying fuck aren't assault rifles banned? We ban grenades, rocket launchers, etc., but we keep allowing weapons that can kill dozens in a few seconds to be sold?
Hunting reasons. But seriously, why in the flying fuck aren't assault rifles banned? We ban grenades, rocket launchers, etc., but we keep allowing weapons that can kill dozens in a few seconds to be sold?

"Hey, rocket launchers are fun. I like shooting mine. Who says I shouldn't be able to own one? You just don't know enough about them."


Hunting reasons. But seriously, why in the flying fuck aren't assault rifles banned? We ban grenades, rocket launchers, etc., but we keep allowing weapons that can kill dozens in a few seconds to be sold?

Assault rifles are heavily restricted. The term Assault Weapon was a made up category to trick the American People into thinking action was being taken.

The AR-15 is no different than the M1 Garand except it has been made to look like an Assault Rifle


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Hunting reasons. But seriously, why in the flying fuck aren't assault rifles banned? We ban grenades, rocket launchers, etc., but we keep allowing weapons that can kill dozens in a few seconds to be sold?

Some people want to feel safe and not dependent on the state to provide that protection. *shrug* I don't really think that's too wrong.

That picture is hilariously tacticool though. All the mods may add up to costing more than the weapon itself.

But its just 5.56 at the end of the day. There are 'hunting' weapons that pack far more firepower. Shotguns are just as deadly if not more in crowds... meh
Guns are fun guys, they make up for my small penis and make me feel like a man.

And that's perfectly okay.

Small dick and all... its got zero to do with someone picking up a weapon and killing a bunch of random people. Guys who have a dozen weapons at home that are not killing or planning to kill a mob shouldn't be put on the spot for shit that they have no relation to.
Considering what kind of town the springs is and all the other news from that town and pueblo it doesn't even read as a shocking story. Living half an hour out of both of those towns that is all we hear is how shit both of them are. No excuse for the shooting but there are shootings and all kinds of bad shit happening every day in those places.

The springs is a military town and has a shitload of low income or homeless plus drugs (not just legal weed - infact I don't think weed is legal in that town because they never passed the sale there specifically) Tons of junkies and shady as shit areas it feels like a pressure cooker for this kind of thing. At least there - now the Aurora guy is from a nicer town so it's really hard to say where some nut will spring up and shoot people.

Springs in not that bad. Some areas suck. Recreational weed is not legal in town, but it's a 20-35 minute drive to the closest shop.

This shooting happened within 2 blocks of the center of Downtown basically. A few more blocks North and this would've been at the college.
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