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Albert Penello downplays XBO/PS4 difference in Tomb Raider; "we just shipped"

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Some companies just don't want to admit their mistakes.

Microsoft in particular is well known for a corporate culture which encourages a siege mentality.

They also are monopolists in their primary markets and this makes them curiously incapable of competing in any markets which aren't already dominated by them.


A lot of material from that epic TR thread is also usable here. :)


Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
Wait so is he saying there were not other titles that performed better on PS4? That's just flat out a lie.

But school boys will take that lie and tell everyone else that there are no differences between both platforms because 'Microsoft said so" :lol:


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Ah sorry, my bad. You can probably understand why I thought that though.

It's the radio silence since launch day that's really damning though. It's fairly clear in retrospect that posting on Gaf was just part of some pre-launch 'media strat'.

Oh totally understandable.
Sometimes I feel bad and embarrassed by how poorly some members of this community treat people like Major Nelson or Albert Penello. Maybe they did things wrong or misrepresented certain things, but it doesn't give people license to treat them like shit (especially for the fact that they are themselves members of the NeoGAF community). And these same people wonder why Penello doesn't 'show his face and explain himself'.

Sometimes these people say downright ridiculous and wrong things, but come on guys, show some class. Imagine someone went through your post history and started shitting all over comments you made and create a forum meme about it?

Oh noes, the mean forum made fun of the well paid professional liar


Whether he is officially PR or not crucial. The crucial point is that his position dictates what he must say about MS and their product.

This means we shouldn't call him a horrible person for not being 100% truthful, but it also means we shouldn't take a single word out of his mouth at face value.

Why you/we should be considerate for his job ? If he don't want be called for bullshit he should either stop spreading bullshit or just start to focus on games instead of performance.
If he doesn't like situation he is in he should change job, no one with gun is telling him to bullshit people.

Just read his earlier posts here about 30% difference and see how he either doesn't know jack shit about his own product (which is ofc impossible considering his position and probably salary) or he is straight up misinforming people on purpose.

For me he isn't dude from MS he is just Internet Troll. Trolls like that should be ignored.
I don't see a point talking with someone who blatantly is not here to actually talk with people.

At same time you have Major or Panello talking with us and on other side astrosurfers waking up from hibernation in case of bad news to "brand".

Thanks almighty pasta monster that NeoGaf is closed community. If we have ton of astrosurfers earning their sallary here imagine how much astrosurf ridden are open boards...



now this makes sense:

"It's like, we're the movie theater that has all the blockbuster movies, and has the most screens, and then somebody has figured out that there's also another movie theater that has less screens but if you look at this one movie, like, sometimes it looks better on their screen. And in our movie theater, sometimes some of our movies look better.


Ok, this guy is fair game at this point. He is outright ignoring facts, and has yet to apologise or even bother to show up since that whole 30% nonsense. See so many other members banned for much less but not my prerogative obviously.



The longer he left this the more silly it has got, all he had to do was say "Sorry GAF, I was out of my element when discussing this and do not feel best equipped to argue this further. I may be wrong but admittedly I am not informed enough on this so will cease to comment on such matters going forward. I enjoy the interaction with fans here and hope we can continue despite this set back." Apology accepted, not a complete concession, job done.


So people want this guy to shut up and stop making statements ( even though he gets paid for doing exactly this) or if he can't do it, that he must state that their product is inferior and that does not justify the higher price (of course impossible that he would say that).
Wouldn't it be easier to just ignore him than get all riled up because of his statements?
I understand when "impartial" magazines do it, but when it comes from paid employes, what can you really expect?


Source that Sony will not upclock post launch is that it makes zero sense and is frankly a laughable suggestion. They would have worse yields and no developer could take advantage of the extra speed because they have already sold 4.2 million PS4s which have to run the games as well. MS was able to upclock because they hadn't begun full production.

The memory thing, I already said PS4 solution will always be better. But making optimal use of esram is not straight forward and given more time developers will figure out how to do it better.

Ummm, do you know how firmware work? Or even upclocks?

Have you neglected all the sources that said that Sony was being conservative with its clock?
if you're happy with a stripped down experience, where playing a few games with slightly more pixels is more important than playing more anticipated games in a truly next gen multimedia home environment, then perhaps you'll be satisfied with the competition, but don't think you'll be speaking for the majority.

It's just that simple, huh.

"My teacher could tell I penelloed the whole presentation."

*nods approvingly*
It's like, we're the movie theater that has all the blockbuster movies, and has the most screens, and then somebody has figured out that there's also another movie theater that has less screens but if you look at this one movie, like, sometimes it looks better on their screen. And in our movie theater, sometimes some of our movies look better.

I find it funny that the PS4 has higher specs, and more powerful, but in this scenario, the Xbox One is the "theater that has the most screens" and the PS4 is the theater with "less screens." It is so ridiculous.

Albert Penello said:
“Look, I had a lot of time to think about this and I believe in what I said. I believe that the differences between the boxes [PS4 and Xbox One] is not all that great and I know what is going behind the scenes and I have access to more information about some of this thing than a lot of people.

Well, Albert, when are you guys going to reveal the truth? Why keep all this power a secret? How long are you just going to keep saying there is all this mysterious stuff going on that makes these systems so similar, but none of the multiplat developers have been able to figure it out yet. Shouldn't you be sharing these details with them?

Major Nelson said:
Albert is one of the most amazing people I work with – that’s why I invited him on my podcast a few weeks ago. I jab him a bit about posting on ‘GAF (fact: they would not approve my account of there) but he’s smart and driven. He’s also right: We have some of smartest programmers in the world working on Xbox One. I am very much looking forward to the next few months (and beyond) as the truth comes out.

Major Nelson said this 4 months ago on Reddit. 4 MONTHS AGO. He was looking forward to the truth coming out in the next few months, and beyond. What is this "truth" they were talking about? It has been 4 months, shouldn't this be known by now?


I just want Penello to answer a few questions:

1. What logic was behind the contrast and sharpening filter?
2. Can you explain why PlayStation 4's version of multiplatform titles - specifically Call of Duty Ghosts, Battlefield 4, and Tomb Raider perform 50-100% better?
3. What is the bottleneck causing the disparity in multiplatform titles?
4. Finally, what facts do the gaming community have wrong about Xbox One's performance?

The bird is back!
So people want this guy to shut up and stop making statements ( even though he gets paid for doing exactly this) or if he can't do it, that he must state that their product is inferior and that does not justify the higher price (of course impossible that he would say that).
Wouldn't it be easier to just ignore him than get all riled up because of his statements?
I understand when "impartial" magazines do it, but when it comes from paid employes, what can you really expect?

I think it makes more sense to ignore the sites/magazines that write dumb shit - if no one's clicking on their articles maybe they'll be forced to get better if they want to keep their job. This dude is getting paid either way, he might as well get called out when he says something stupid.

And it's not like he's doing that good of a PR job like a couple people have suggested. Yeah he needs to make his product look good, but once you go all "Period, end of story" you've screwed up. He can promote his product without sounding so ridiculous all the time.


So people want this guy to shut up and stop making statements ( even though he gets paid for doing exactly this) or if he can't do it, that he must state that their product is inferior and that does not justify the higher price (of course impossible that he would say that).
Wouldn't it be easier to just ignore him than get all riled up because of his statements?
I understand when "impartial" magazines do it, but when it comes from paid employes, what can you really expect?

Of course he shouldn't shut up. He should tout the benefits of the Xbone where there are actually benefits, Snap multi-tasking, Skyping while gaming, exclusives, etc. If he is a MS employee, why does he keep helping Sony advertise the PS4's advantage, graphics?
Ummm, do you know how firmware work? Or even upclocks?

Have you neglected all the sources that said that Sony was being conservative with its clock?

AngryMoth clearly doesn't understand what on earth he's talking about but realistically, why would Sony even need to upclock their CPU? We already know the PS4s CPU is more powerful than the Xbone's one (though I still don't think we know why), so there's no point.


tagged by Blackace
I mean he sort of has a point about it being idiotic to creating washing generalizations from such a small subset of data, but we have way too much other information from devs regardless saying the X1 has its disadvantages, and that's something we will at least have to put up with in the next 2-3 years. It's not out of this realm to create expectations based off of that bulk of information.

Whatever happens in the latter half of the generation doesn't necessarily make up for the former half. Such was the case for 360/PS3 too. It's a cop out and he shouldn't have opened his mouth, period. End of story.


I've enjoyed some Xbone games and I only bought a PS4 last week. Killzone looks better than anything on the XBone...by a long way. I've now tried 3 different games that I've played on both formats - Battlefield, Assassin's Creed, and NFS - and every one looked significantly better on the PS4. Not just a slight improvement here and there; significantly better! This is way more than any difference I ever saw between PS3 and 360. Battlefield, in particular, is sharper, more detailed, smoother, and has far better effects

But sure, Mr. Microsoft, there's no difference atm. We're all clearly wrong.
Sometimes I feel bad and embarrassed by how poorly some members of this community treat people like Major Nelson or Albert Penello. Maybe they did things wrong or misrepresented certain things, but it doesn't give people license to treat them like shit (especially for the fact that they are themselves members of the NeoGAF community). And these same people wonder why Penello doesn't 'show his face and explain himself'.

Sometimes these people say downright ridiculous and wrong things, but come on guys, show some class. Imagine someone went through your post history and started shitting all over comments you made and create a forum meme about it?

Personal attacks? I'll give you that, that's pretty uncalled for. But everything else, like gifs and some silly memes?
Not to be blunt, but it's 2014. It's been happening with all kinds of celebrities and whoever else you can think of for years. You think these guys can't take the heat, so to speak?

(off-topic, but related to what I'm discussing)
Arthur Gies claimed he never mentioned x1 secret sauce, lost a bet about it and never came back to post here. I guess the guy can't even spare 5 bucks to at least honor his word. If he doesn't like it here, I wonder why he even came here in the first place.

Penello made a specific post where he said he would apologise if a game had a two digit difference in framerate (apparently, that's what's going to happen with tomb raider). I guess it won't happen, he hasn't posted since the x1 came out, and we'll have to wait a few more days before we have some final comparison, but a post saying "Sorry" wouldn't hurt. Let's see if he even can do that.

Want to be treated with more "respect"? Live up to your statements.
But you see, Penello and Nelson coming on GAF "full force" and making long statements after the unveil and then pretty much stop posting never was a question of interacting with the fans, as anyone can clearly see right now.


AngryMoth clearly doesn't understand what on earth he's talking about but realistically, why would Sony even need to upclock their CPU? We already know the PS4s CPU is more powerful than the Xbone's one (though I still don't think we know why), so there's no point.

They don't need to, but they can. I'm not saying they will, but he's acting as if learning ESRAM will mitigate the difference and make it almost on par with PS4.


And source for your claim that Sony will not upclock post launch?

While I certainly wont delve into the notion that the PS4/Xbone disparity can be bridged with ESRAM wizardry, I think I can safely say that you won't be seeing a PSP-style mid-life upclock on the PS4. To my understanding, PSPs were actually binned at that higher speed to begin with, and were simply underclocked to get better battery life until Sony decided to go for more power; by comparison, the PS4 would have never had any advantage to being intentionally underclocked from the outset (aside from a minimal reduction in power draw at max loads), so it's safe to assume that the PS4 APUs are being clocked to whatever they were binned at. That being the case, going for a post-launch upclock via firmware would actually be very dangerous for existing PS4 owners who might have a system that just barely passed at launch spec, leading to possibly bricking several systems in the process. There's no reason for Sony to put current PS4 owners in that position, and I can't imagine a scenario where Sony would've found it advantageous to leave that kind of headroom on the table just to pull a surprise upclock down the road rather than just having it at the most optimal spec from the get-go.
Yet him and Major Nelson will wax lyrical over Titanfall about the numbers sold, Players online, Exclusivness, Etc....

So there ok dishing out the facts but wont accept them when its not in there favor. So glad i switched too the ps4 from 360.


I mean he sort of has a point about it being idiotic to creating washing generalizations from such a small subset of data, but we have way too much other information from devs regardless saying the X1 has its disadvantages, and that's something we will at least have to put up with in the next 2-3 years. It's not out of this realm to create expectations based off of that bulk of information.

We have resident devs laughing at his entire statements.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Penello made a specific post where he said he would apologise if a game had a two digit difference in framerate (apparently, that's what's going to happen with tomb raider). I guess it won't happen, he hasn't posted since the x1 came out, and we'll have to wait a few more days before we have some final comparison, but a post saying "Sorry" wouldn't hurt. Let's see if he even can do that.

No, he was more devious than that and said if people here would apologize to him if there was not a double digit disparity in FPS. He never said he would apologize, the little sneak.


I've enjoyed some Xbone games and I only bought a PS4 last week. Killzone looks better than anything on the XBone...by a long way. I've now tried 3 different games that I've played on both formats - Battlefield, Assassin's Creed, and NFS - and every one looked significantly better on the PS4. Not just a slight improvement here and there; significantly better! This is way more than any difference I ever saw between PS3 and 360. Battlefield, in particular, is sharper, more detailed, smoother, and has far better effects

But sure, Mr. Microsoft, there's no difference atm. We're all clearly wrong.

That is the general consensus, but damn did you actually "BUY" the games twice, 1 for each platform? pricey.


aka andydumi
I don't see why people wait for Gies comments. He isn't any different from common N4G user.

Certainly not, but the best fun is when the MS PR bunch tweet/quote each other to reinforce their circular point of view while ignoring legitimate questions from outside.


While I certainly wont delve into the notion that the PS4/Xbone disparity can be bridged with ESRAM wizardry, I think I can safely say that you won't be seeing a PSP-style mid-life upclock on the PS4. To my understanding, PSPs were actually binned at that higher speed to begin with, and were simply underclocked to get better battery life until Sony decided to go for more power; by comparison, the PS4 would have never had any advantage to being intentionally underclocked from the outset (aside from a minimal reduction in power draw at max loads), so it's safe to assume that the PS4 APUs are being clocked to whatever they were binned at. That being the case, going for a post-launch upclock via firmware would actually be very dangerous for existing PS4 owners who might have a system that just barely passed at launch spec, leading to possibly bricking several systems in the process. There's no reason for Sony to put current PS4 owners in that position, and I can't imagine a scenario where Sony would've found it advantageous to leave that kind of headroom on the table just to pull a surprise upclock down the road rather than just having it at the most optimal spec from the get-go.

Aren't the APUs of both Xbox One and PS4 underclocked to begin with from what those processors are capable of?


You penelloed your penello. He doesen't steal stuff, he just just lies and deceive. So more like "that dude just penelloed me, those aren't 50g!" or "My girlfriend penelloed me with my best friend."

That's what his penelloed meant. He just got up in front of class and spouted lies and disanalogous tripe.


You guys should listen to the podcast. There's a great analogy there by Albert. :D

edit: by great I mean bwahaha
Albert Penello continuing the graphics debate said:
It's like, we're the movie theater that has all the blockbuster movies, and has the most screens, and then somebody has figured out that there's also another movie theater that has less screens but if you look at this one movie, like, sometimes it looks better on their screen. And in our movie theater, sometimes some of our movies look better.

You know what, I think the games on PS4 look fantastic, I play them, I enjoy them...it's a great thing for this industry that they have success...at the end of the day, if I have to pick one box, I'm gonna pick ours. I work here, so I root for the home team.

What the f....



That is the general consensus, but damn did you actually "BUY" the games twice, 1 for each platform? pricey.

Nah, don't be silly :D

I borrowed two of them from a friend while I had nothing to play. I had only played Battlefield at a friend's house on the Xbone and I bought it for myself last week on the PS4
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