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Albert Penello downplays XBO/PS4 difference in Tomb Raider; "we just shipped"

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people misunderstand the xbox one's intentions. competing platforms may has had a few extra tweaks to give them a small performance edge, but do so at the cost of placing you within a claustrophobic environment which bears no resemblance to how most people consume media in our modern age. in contrast, the xbox one gives you a world of tools at your literal fingertips. through snap, standby and numerous other features the xbox is a true multitasking home entertainment unit - the first of its kind. you'll never want to go back to the walled off ghetto of the traditional gaming experience once you've upgraded your living room with an xbox one.

this whole performance throwdown is just a case of not seeing the forest for the trees. microsoft has already secured the most anticipated title of this generation so far and you can be sure that this trend will continue going forward. if they have both the means and the capacity to secure titanfall exclusivity, no big multiplat is off the cards.

if you're happy with a stripped down experience, where playing a few games with slightly more pixels is more important than playing more anticipated games in a truly next gen multimedia home environment, then perhaps you'll be satisfied with the competition, but don't think you'll be speaking for the majority.

I'm really enjoying the Xbox One console and its features (even though they are being advertised as "for media" they actually help to make the act of getting into a game faster which I like) but what you said is pretty rude. Different people will be interested in different qualities. No need for snob remarks and making fun of users that have different interests.




While I certainly wont delve into the notion that the PS4/Xbone disparity can be bridged with ESRAM wizardry, I think I can safely say that you won't be seeing a PSP-style mid-life upclock on the PS4. To my understanding, PSPs were actually binned at that higher speed to begin with, and were simply underclocked to get better battery life until Sony decided to go for more power; by comparison, the PS4 would have never had any advantage to being intentionally underclocked from the outset (aside from a minimal reduction in power draw at max loads), so it's safe to assume that the PS4 APUs are being clocked to whatever they were binned at. That being the case, going for a post-launch upclock via firmware would actually be very dangerous for existing PS4 owners who might have a system that just barely passed at launch spec, leading to possibly bricking several systems in the process. There's no reason for Sony to put current PS4 owners in that position, and I can't imagine a scenario where Sony would've found it advantageous to leave that kind of headroom on the table just to pull a surprise upclock down the road rather than just having it at the most optimal spec from the get-go.

Not technically true, clocking at below the bin clock could be used to simply extend the lifetime of the machine. Running at say 1.6Ghz for 2 years and then clocking at 1.8Ghz for 3 years would be less demanding on the hardware than 1.8Ghz for 5 years. Is it an amazing Idea? IMO no. But is it feasible? sure.

Again I should say I don't think either console will be upclocked at this point, but it's certainly possible for both.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
PS4 version is #40 on Amazon sales list, XB1 is #1,030 ATM. Bad PR effects sales or XB1 owners won't play non-Ryse games?


Fewer screens, Penello. Fewer.

Edit: Sorry, but it's a pet peeve of mine and a University grad should be able to handle the language.
Instead of facing head on, the tough design choices for an 8th generation games console, which mandated an immutable 1080p at a respectable frame rate (given that high end PC's at the time were far exceeding this), Microsoft took the easy way out decided to go for generation 7.5 (in terms of graphics performance)... The more difficult road would have been to engineer a solution that kept 8th generation graphics and at the same time wasn't prohibatively expensive (a la PS3), given the other design goals (integrating TV (much like Google TV) etc).


While I certainly wont delve into the notion that the PS4/Xbone disparity can be bridged with ESRAM wizardry, I think I can safely say that you won't be seeing a PSP-style mid-life upclock on the PS4. To my understanding, PSPs were actually binned at that higher speed to begin with, and were simply underclocked to get better battery life until Sony decided to go for more power; by comparison, the PS4 would have never had any advantage to being intentionally underclocked from the outset (aside from a minimal reduction in power draw at max loads), so it's safe to assume that the PS4 APUs are being clocked to whatever they were binned at. That being the case, going for a post-launch upclock via firmware would actually be very dangerous for existing PS4 owners who might have a system that just barely passed at launch spec, leading to possibly bricking several systems in the process. There's no reason for Sony to put current PS4 owners in that position, and I can't imagine a scenario where Sony would've found it advantageous to leave that kind of headroom on the table just to pull a surprise upclock down the road rather than just having it at the most optimal spec from the get-go.

The advantage the PS4 has already been tested and seemingly has more CPU power available for games, that's likely down to less overheads rather than a faster clock speed, but thats a mystery we have yet to be confirmed.

I see no reason why they have to increase the clock at this point either, although based on the jaguars standards it wouldn't be an upclock to increase since their good for 2ghz, it would likely be a thermal issue and if the cooling can handle it, im sure Sony are/have testing it and know their limits. X1 likely can afford the thermal increase in temps and higher CPU clockspeed due to a slower and likely cooler GPU, were as the PS4 with its faster GPU, is by the same token, likely running hotter, although they both have slightly different cooling designs.

Who knows :)


To everyone suggesting taking the high road and just ignoring Panello, Nelson, etc. there should be no tolerance for their type. I do not care if "it's their job". Their job lately is to lie and try to dupe people who don't know better. That's wrong and they should be called on it.

I know how the business works but if you just tune them out and let them have their space you are doing a disservice to your fellow gamer who might not know any better. These guys want to trade on lies and deception then it should follow them around and they deserve the bad reputation.

The mods here had it right from the start tagging panello with "microsoft PR" despite protests at the time they did it. Turns out they were wholly correct in their assessment because that guy was never here to do anything but lie to sell his box.


I'm really enjoying the Xbox One console and its features (even though they are being advertised as "for media" they actually help to make the act of getting into a game faster which I like) but what you said is pretty rude. Different people will be interested in different qualities. No need for snob remarks and making fun of users that have different interests.

Well said.
They don't need to, but they can. I'm not saying they will, but he's acting as if learning ESRAM will mitigate the difference and make it almost on par with PS4.

Well yeah, I agree. You can't write off the possibility that Sony will upclock the PS4's CPU, thought it is very unlikely.

Just as unlikely as the RAM situation ever becoming even becoming close. I actually think it's more likely that ESRAM will become even more of an issue as developers get more familiar with these machines, push graphics even further and stop having to take last gen systems into account.


I know why he says this and it's his job but it really annoys me how he says he "believes" the difference isn't big.

This isn't something you can believe or not, it's technology. The difference either it's big or it isn't.

One thing is for us to speculate but if he is in direct contact with the hardware engineers they should know what their machine can or can't do. Optimisation isn't magic or a believe.
I'm really enjoying the Xbox One console and its features (even though they are being advertised as "for media" they actually help to make the act of getting into a game faster which I like) but what you said is pretty rude. Different people will be interested in different qualities. No need for snob remarks and making fun of users that have different interests.

Except when you have to first install the game for about double the time i takes on the ps4 or you have to download a 13gb patch


Great to see another Albert Penello meltdown. If he ever gets tired of the gaming industry, he can always pursue a career in acting. He would be the perfect fit for the starring role in a "Liar Liar" sequel.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Well if PS4 is already doubling the framerate of games after just a few weeks, imagine how big the gap will be after a few years!


Sometimes I feel bad and embarrassed by how poorly some members of this community treat people like Major Nelson or Albert Penello. Maybe they did things wrong or misrepresented certain things, but it doesn't give people license to treat them like shit (especially for the fact that they are themselves members of the NeoGAF community). And these same people wonder why Penello doesn't 'show his face and explain himself'.

Sometimes these people say downright ridiculous and wrong things, but come on guys, show some class. Imagine someone went through your post history and started shitting all over comments you made and create a forum meme about it?

I think the forum needs to be a bit more positive or neutral about it.


Well, power is subjective after all. No one can tell the difference between 720 and 1080p and thanks to the infinite power of the cloud, I'm sure we'll be seeing 4K @ 120FPS performances on Xbone titles in the near future.



"It's like, we're the movie theater that has all the blockbuster movies, and has the most screens, and then somebody has figured out that there's also another movie theater that has less screens but if you look at this one movie, like, sometimes it looks better on their screen. And in our movie theater, sometimes some of our movies look better.

That's cringeworthy. I really feel sorry for the guy. Good grief


Aren't the APUs of both Xbox One and PS4 underclocked to begin with from what those processors are capable of?

Not as far as I know, but then I think you're delving into a sort of PC gamer-style overclocking mindset versus what manufacturers are going for in the binning process. Sure, both manufacturers could have pushed for higher clocks than whatever they've currently got, but that starts going into yields/power draw/heat output territory in addition to raw performance, which is why I referred to it as an "optimal spec" in my previous post, where it's not necessarily the most powerful it could possibly be, but in a more or less comfortable spot as far as Sony's concerned.

Still, if you want to get into some CPU dickwaving contest, there's the Substance Engine benchmark that implied the assumed PS4 clock speeds might not actually be accurate, with Matt later outright stating that devs can get more out of the PS4 CPU than the competition.



what the fuck? Shut the hell up. Stop bullshiting. Your'e commenting on technical specs. its a 0 or 1 situation here. 1 is greater than 0. Performance is based on these specific numerical data sets. Performance isn't subjective.

STOP. God damn.. lol. what the hell. No one says a honda civic feels faster than a ariel atom, and thats how it will be advertised.

I'm just learning Python and probably wrong but

def higher_performance(PS4, Xbox):
if Xbox > PS4:
print "Xbox One. The DirectX guys really worked some magic here"
print "PS4."

Not sure what Penello's code would look like. It would use the cloud in some way thought I bet.


It will go from "not that large" to a "little". Period. End of story.

Do you really believe that? It's like having two videocards with one less performant than the other and expecting them to miraculously be at near parity someday due to drive upgrades and code optimization. That never, ever happens.


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