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Amiibo Discussion Thread

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Just got the Toys R Us email for my king Dedede Amiibo.

Thank you for your order from Toys”R”Us on eBay.

The Amiibo item(s) you purchased were intended for pre-sale and will not ship 2/1. If you would prefer a refund today, please reply to this email and request one from our customer service group. Otherwise, the item will ship out on or near 2/1.
We apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you for shopping with us. We look forward to serving you better in the future.

The Guest Service Team
Toys”R”Us on eBay

Well thank god they aren't selling something without having it in hand. If I did that on eBay I'd get shut down.

In stock.
Kidding, not in stock!


I wish it was easier to get just the back of the box without tearing it up. The backdrop is nice, but I don't really care for how bulky the boxes are.


I got the Best Buy "pick up" email for Capt. Falcon and Pit this morning.

I'll believe it when it's in my hand.

After last week when I drove over there to pick up my Little Mac and they handed me a Zelda.

Uhhh, not quite, folks.

This morning I got a cancellation for Little Mac because I didn't pick it up. Haha. Ok.

Oh God, I have Falcon and Pit ready for pickup this week and can't get them until Wednesday. I hope they don't screw mine up
Got 2 Cap. Falcons from Gamestop and the packaging is in good condition but the amiibo itself has a little chip or ding in the clear stand on both of them. They might be going back.


So did anyone else get screwed by Best Buy for Pit or Falcon? Do I have options at this point? Will they compensate me for their fuck up?

Oh no, don't tell me they canceled on you?! Technically the release date for them is tomorrow so I'm not worried just yet they haven't shipped.


Got the TRU email too, I bought Captain falcon and lucario through ebay.... (I also have other amiibos preordered through their web)

I really don't mind waiting as long as I get them.....I would really, really hate if for whatever reason they would cancel the preorders.


Well thank god they aren't selling something without having it in hand. If I did that on eBay I'd get shut down.

In stock.
Kidding, not in stock!

No kidding selling and charging up front. I cancelled my Falcon (he's shipping from Walmart) but am keeping Lucario since he'll likely be super rare.


On the bus on my way home right now. There is a ~7yo boy with an amiibo and explaining to his mom who the character is.

Guess the character.

Kirby. I feel so proud for this kid.
How's the situation for Wave 3 for US folks?

Rosalina and Shulk are no where to be found for preorder at UK retailers, think King Dedede and Meta Knight is also mostly unavailable as well. God help me I've preordered all of Wave 3 cept Rosalina XD

Also hoping Wave 2 gets replenished soon, want Little Mac ;__;


Oh. She said they only had Luigi? Hmm...

Depends on where you are and what store she went to. Best Buy doesn't sell them until tomorrow, whereas other stores like TRU already are in the US.

Edit: Also Pit and Cpt. Falcon are hard to get a hold of right now. They are considered rare, currently especially Pit. Selling for over $30 on ebay.


Has anyone thought that the reason Sakurai doesn't have the complete Wave 3 set is perhaps they are being split up similar to Wave 2 A/B?

He's only missing two though right? I would think they would split them in half, not just two in one batch. I agree though they probably will do that again.
How's the situation for Wave 3 for US folks?

Rosalina and Shulk are no where to be found for preorder at UK retailers, think King Dedede and Meta Knight is also mostly unavailable as well. God help me I've preordered all of Wave 3 cept Rosalina XD

Also hoping Wave 2 gets replenished soon, want Little Mac ;__;

Sounds about the same here. Shulk is a gamestop exclusive and sold out, Meta Knight is Best Buy exclusive and sold out, Rosalina is Target exclusive and you can't even pre order her except a couple of times for an hour or so she was available, and Dedede is still available from a couple places.
Sounds about the same here. Shulk is a gamestop exclusive and sold out, Meta Knight is Best Buy exclusive and sold out, Rosalina is Target exclusive and you can't even pre order her except a couple of times for an hour or so she was available, and Dedede is still available from a couple places.

Hopefully they'll get replenished stocks relatively quickly, kind of thinking that some Amiibos selling out so quick (preorder) is due to scalpers taking advantage on America's retail exclusive Amiibos.
Guessing that's correct tbh, damn scalpers =/


Anyone pre-ordered from GameSeek in the uk? I've pre-ordered both Dedede and Rosalina from them, dubious if they will have any stock to send to me and am fully expecting an email nearer the time cancelling.


Are most of you guys just in for the smash characters? Anyone going for a complete amiibo collection?

I'm just going for whoever looks cool

not trying for any complete collections

though god help me if they are insane enough to release all 151 original pokemon



my Amiibo collection so far + A Venom figure, because he's the best Spider-man villain.


Are most of you guys just in for the smash characters? Anyone going for a complete amiibo collection?

I'm going for the whole collection, might as well at this point, I got all of wave 1-3 pretty much paid for with the exception of a couple commons.


Are most of you guys just in for the smash characters? Anyone going for a complete amiibo collection?
Not going to any complete collections. I'll just get the figurines I think look good. If they release a Zelda Wii U version of Link, then cool, I'd probably buy it.
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