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Anti-Trump protest planned for Toronto, Canada

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A large protest is being planned for Torontonians who are against U.S. president-elected Donald Trump.

The Facebook event, titled Rally Against Trump, has over 1,175 people attending and 3,868 interested in the protest as of Saturday morning.

“We will be gathering to peacefully protest Donald Trump's legitimacy as US President and to demonstrate how his, and any hateful rhetoric is unacceptable today,” a post on the page explains.

The event will start at Toronto City Hall at noon on Nov. 19 and protestors will march to the Trump International Hotel and Tower at Bay and Adelaide streets.

“We as Canadians will help our neighbors by showing that misogyny, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, sexism, sexual assault, ableism, transphobia and violence are absolutely intolerable,” writes the event.
Full story: http://www.citynews.ca/2016/11/12/large-anti-trump-protest-planned-toronto/

It's worth noting that this isn't the first anti-Trump protest to occur in Canada (there was one on Saturday night and another that began earlier today) however, this event in particular has picked up a notable amount of support, with now over 2,000 planning to attend and over 5,800 interested in the event. Here's hoping it picks up even more steam prior to Saturday.
Canadians should instead divert their attention to the Conservative leadership race if they are really serious of preventing a Canadian Trump from happenning

Protest sure why not, but don't come crying if the CPC selects the worst candidate for their leadership

get active in reality
Canadians should instead divert their attention to the Conservative leadership race if they are really serious of preventing a Canadian Trump from happenning

Protest sure why not, but don't come crying if the CPC selects the worst candidate for their leadership

get active in reality

For real, some of the stuff the Conservatives were putting out last year was worrying as hell. The Islamophobic rhetoric was getting really disturbing. It's super important for us to focus on our own political issues as well. Not saying this isn't important (Trump completely deserves to be rejected worldwide) but we've done a good job at (largely) rejecting this xenophobic nonsense UK and US have fallen prey to so far, so we have to watch ourselves.

EDIT: To be clear, as a show of solidarity, I am all for this. I just think we also, as a country, should keep an eye on our own governments as well to prevent stuff like this from going any further.


Canadians burned my passport
This protest is not only to reject Trump, but to show solidarity to the many minorities that live here that bigotry will not be tolerated.
Canadians should instead divert their attention to the Conservative leadership race if they are really serious of preventing a Canadian Trump from happenning

Protest sure why not, but don't come crying if the CPC selects the worst candidate for their leadership

get active in reality

Kellie Leitch wants to copy Trump rhetoric for the Conservatives

We need to fight that

pretty much

get informed and prevent some disaster before it even gets a foothold


Didn't Toronto elect Rob Ford?

Thank you for joining us in protest. I hope that we will return the favor whenever we get the chance.

Or you know. . at least not speed up the destruction of planet Earth for you guys.


As a fellow Canadian, I always get the impression Canada doesn't want to feel left out. We are the baby brother in the family.


Canadians should instead divert their attention to the Conservative leadership race if they are really serious of preventing a Canadian Trump from happenning

Protest sure why not, but don't come crying if the CPC selects the worst candidate for their leadership

get active in reality

For real, some of the stuff the Conservatives were putting out last year was worrying as hell. The Islamophobic rhetoric was getting really disturbing. It's super important for us to focus on our own political issues as well. Not saying this isn't important (Trump completely deserves to be rejected worldwide) but we've done a good job at (largely) rejecting this xenophobic nonsense UK and US have fallen prey to so far, so we have to watch ourselves.

Kellie Leitch wants to copy Trump rhetoric for the Conservatives

We need to fight that

Canadians can protest Trump and fight against people like Leitch you know.

I think it's great that people are standing up and saying that they care about the people in the US that will be negatively impacted by Trump's government.
Protest isn't like an official vote—you can protest something from anywhere. This is a show of solidarity.

Sure, I guess. Just seems like a waste of time to me. But to each his own.

Especially since they're protesting the result that the Americans actually voted for...in a fair election. I don't like the result either, but I dunno.
That's fine and all, but we should really be making sure that we are not next on the "get some crazy right wing fuckers elected" train that seems to be infecting the west like a vile plague. We've made some progress in the last few years, ousted the conservatives from federal government, and hell, we even have an NDP government in Alberta. But we can't let it all fall apart if some "charismatic" leader emerges to rally the conservatives. This really is the tipping point for issues like climate change and we cannot afford to have people in charge who think things like "facts" are debatable.


Everyone needs to protest. The majority of America does not support the views of its leadership. We are hostages we need saving now.

Sushi Nao

We're so tired of Fox talking points trickling across the border

Seriously, we don't even get people parroting the new ones, it's all shit from like 2006
Canadians can protest Trump and fight against people like Leitch you know.

I think it's great that people are standing up and saying that they care about the people in the US that will be negatively impacted by Trump's government.

Oh, I stealth-edited my post just a bit before this to be clearer. Sorry. I'm glad that all of the people I know have soundly rejected Trump and I'm happy this is happening as a show of solidarity. I think we should do this but also not forget about our own political issues. I don't think it's an either-or thing. But yeah, this protest should be not just against Trump himself, but the ideologies and stuff people like him bring to the table in general, and show solidarity regarding that on a global scale. I think it's excellent with that in mind but we should also just be careful and use stuff like this as inspiration to be active when dealing with our own domestic issues.
As a Torontonian I don't really care about Donald Trump.

I'm comfortable our PM isn't going to get in to bed with him. Harper on the other hand...oh boy it would have been rough.
Canadians can protest Trump and fight against people like Leitch you know.

I think it's great that people are standing up and saying that they care about the people in the US that will be negatively impacted by Trump's government.
I'm not against the protest, I'm all for it. I think this helps fight against Lietch and any would be demagogue here.
Canadians should instead divert their attention to the Conservative leadership race if they are really serious of preventing a Canadian Trump from happenning

Protest sure why not, but don't come crying if the CPC selects the worst candidate for their leadership

get active in reality

Kellie Leitch
Kevin O'Leary (Should he run)

Among others, these are the people to watch out for.


What does a protest in Canada hope to achieve? I'm already bored of hearing people spin these protests as 'salty, butthurt liberals' or focus on any violence that happens anyway.


What does a protest in Canada hope to achieve? I'm already bored of hearing people spin these protests as 'salty, butthurt liberals' or focus on any violence that happens anyway.

Show of solidarity.

And perhaps more importantly, a message to local politicians not to play nice with Trump and what he represents.


What does a protest in Canada hope to achieve? I'm already bored of hearing people spin these protests as 'salty, butthurt liberals' or focus on any violence that happens anyway.

Why are you worried about labels such as 'salty' from people like that? They're never going to see it any other way. Don't worry about what they think.

Sushi Nao

Why are you worried about labels such as 'salty' from people like that? They're never going to see it any other way. Don't worry about what they think.

I kind of get it. People desperately want to feel like things are okay. If people who look like them are framing people who don't look like them as agitators, that becomes their worldview. Calling other people whiners and rioters is sooo much easier than even a little self-examination.


tagged by Blackace
Heard the one today from afar. It was muffled but it sounded like they were chanting "Down with OPP."


I attended the protest earlier today. It was pretty good. You don't have to be an American to stand in solidarity with them against the hatred that Trump has preached. The saddest part is reading comments from people complaining about the protest. Saying we should sit down and shut up, stuff like that. Makes me weep for humanity that they can't even recognize what there is to be upset about.

Really opened my eye to the privilege people enjoy and take for granted. And that Trump-style conservatism can definitely take hold in Canada. We already elected a Rob Ford. It's scary how many ignorant people are out there.

Just for some context, the purple shaded regions are all with a few exceptions a part of one of the original six boroughs of Toronto and are part of what most people generally consider to be the real Toronto. It was in a microcosm similar to what happened with Trump. The densely populated urban areas voted against Ford but the suburbs were full of short sighted self interested people who just wanted a tax cut and voted in an obese alcoholic with a populist message.
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