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Anti-Trump protest planned for Toronto, Canada

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Canadians should instead divert their attention to the Conservative leadership race if they are really serious of preventing a Canadian Drumpf from happenning

Protest sure why not, but don't come crying if the CPC selects the worst candidate for their leadership

get active in reality

They mention it (read: Leitch) in the video. More imortantly, we can do both of these things at the same time. We can show solidarity for the election of a bigot and for those who are suffering through one of the worst times in American history with hundreds of hate crimes committed over the past few days while dealing with our own country's islamophobia, sexism, homophobia etc. and fighting to ensure the CPC doesn't go into the hands of Leitch, O'Leary or Don Cherry (I know the latter has never expressed interest in running but he shouldn't be ruled out given his dabbling in politics in 2010) because....

Didn't Toronto elect Rob Ford?

It's important to be involved, because we do not want another Rob Ford, let alone a Trump, to be elected or to have their party hold a government, minor or major, on Canada's federal level. Canadians like myself need to remind ourselves to not be smug about the results, in part because it wasn't too long ago when former Prime Minister Stephen Harper said that "Islamicism is the greatest threat to Canada". They need to get out and look at the candidates for the CPC, get out and condemn Katie Leitch, get out and ensure that the diversity and equality we constantly claim to be all for is reflected in out major party's leaders. We do not, nor should we, accept a leader who wants to screen immigrants for "anti-Canadian values", who suggested to create a cultural barbaric hotline, who has said that they want to bring Trump's """message""" to Canada. Do not be passive and do not say "this could never happen in Canada". Be aware and be active in ensuring that this possibility never happens.

"Literally Not My President"

"Is This The Face of a President?"

Appreciate the sentiment but stuff like this is just going to make him more popular in the US.

How does this help him, exactly? As far I recall, Trump is already going in with the highest disapproval ratings of any presidential candidate.


I would imagine it would be much more difficult for someone like Trump to be elected as PM since Canada has a much larger percentage of Muslims and other immigrants in its population centers like Toronto and Montreal. They make up 7.7% and 6% of the population there. 20% of Canadians are foriegn born.


I would imagine it would be much more difficult for someone like Trump to be elected as PM since Canada has a much larger percentage of Muslims and other immigrants in its population centers like Toronto and Montreal. They make up 7.7% and 6% of the population there. 20% of Canadians are foriegn born.

This is what Americans thought too, especially after the Brexit warnings. This couldn't happen here, blah blah blah. We cannot be complacent. Especially since we're the last refuge from this sort of alt-right fervor. Pray it doesn't take hold here in Canada because it is completely possible.


Kellie Leitch wants to copy Trump rhetoric for the Conservatives

We need to fight that

Thanks for the name WrenchNinja. As a Canadian who admittedly doesn't brush up on politics as much as he should, I had a good read about Kellie Leitch and she seems absolutely horrifying. I'll try to continue educating myself and hopefully educate others should the issue pop up.

I was also surprised to find in this thread that Kevin O'Leary might have some interest in Trump's politics. I always remember him as an asshole on The Lang & O'Leary Exchange, so I'll try to keep a closer eye on him as well.

On-topic, I think the protests are good show. I don't understand people who suggest that we're protesting the results of a fair election and how that won't change anything, because it seems to completely miss the point. The point being that we're standing in solidarity with those who have (and no doubt will continue to be) assaulted both verbally and physically by the supporters of this election. A sign of good faith that we have their backs.


I don't feel like there's a point for Canadians to protest, but if this is more of a Climate Change protest against Trump's policies, that'd make more sense.


Will QA for food.
This protest is not only to reject Trump, but to show solidarity to the many minorities that live here that bigotry will not be tolerated.

thumbs up

People were / are really invested in US politics up here, including plenty of Trump supporters. It won't 'do anything', but I appreciate the sentiment that we don't tolerate that shit.

I would imagine it would be much more difficult for someone like Trump to be elected as PM since Canada has a much larger percentage of Muslims and other immigrants in its population centers like Toronto and Montreal. They make up 7.7% and 6% of the population there. 20% of Canadians are foriegn born.

We have issues with vote splitting on the left, and voter turn out is not always something to write home about. The Liberals don't exactly inspire a lot of trust in our Province and the NDP lacks leadership at a national level. Trudeau looks like roses compared to Harper, but I wonder how true he'll stick to electoral reform when it comes down to it. Among other promises. Voter apathy is definitely a thing.

I mean, we are the country that elected Harper for a decade and Rob Ford because he just kept spouting subways and gravy train. The later in 'very liberal Toronto' despite Ford having an extensive record of misogynistic, bigoted, homophobic remarks.

Canada is not immune to any of this, and check out this kid if you think it's just old people. Ask Americans a few years (or weeks) ago if they think someone like Trump could be elected and they'd laugh at the notion.
Appreciate the sentiment but stuff like this is just going to make him more popular in the US.

I've seen people say this a few times throughout the past few days and it doesn't make much sense. Like how is a Presidential-Elect coming off of a EC only victory being so disliked and feared that even foreigners protest him supposed to be a thing that generates popularity.

Bush Jr. was heavily lauded on the international stage and all signs are pointing toward Trump being hated even more than him.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Stay engaged with Albertans and their needs. If a Trump scenario were to emerge, it would start there.

Oil's way down, their economy is hurting, and the PM is a smugly grinning urbanite who primarily appears in photos marching in gay pride parades and hugging refugees. It seems like an alt-right message could spread there.

Engage with the needs of the entire country and give them avenues to be moderate.


I would imagine it would be much more difficult for someone like Drumpf to be elected as PM since Canada has a much larger percentage of Muslims and other immigrants in its population centers like Toronto and Montreal. They make up 7.7% and 6% of the population there. 20% of Canadians are foriegn born.

Not quite: The way Canada's current elections are designed makes it a "winner take all" for each individual riding, thus you could have a party with a higher percentage of the vote but less seats than another party due to the voters being more concentrated in certain areas, not to mention that it may encourage one to strategically vote for a candidate/party you didn't want to because they're the only person capable of beating the candidate you do want. Example: If you're an NDP supporter but you live in an area where it's a tossup between the Liberal and Conservative parties, you may be more inclined to vote Liberal because they have a better chance of winning than an NDP candidate.

Let's not be complacent in saying "this could never happen to Canada". It's entirely possible. Even if it's a 20% chance, it's a chance that should be taken very seriously after the U.S. elections result.

Kevin will run with the slogan "Make the Loonie Great Again" and win

"Let The Loonie Loose."


Canada listen to us. Brexit was the start and we all thought it was an anomaly. The alt-right is spreading like wildfire. Don't say it'll never happen to you. Start stamping that shit out now and never stop. Never get complacent.

Look what happened to your southern brothers and sisters when we did. Don't follow in our footsteps


Black Canada Mafia
Stay engaged with Albertans and their needs. If a Trump scenario were to emerge, it would start there.

Oil's way down, their economy is hurting, and the PM is a smugly grinning urbanite who primarily appears in photos marching in gay pride parades and hugging refugees. It seems like an alt-right message could spread there.

Engage with the needs of the entire country and give them avenues to be moderate.

Absolutely, we need to preemptively defang the sorts of messages that would be powerful in these communities. I hope Trudeau's (lukewarm) support of pipelines is at least enough to make Albertans feel as though they are being heard and considered. Ideally we can learn a lot of lessons about focusing on our vulnerable communities to avoid a populist alt right uprising. The East coast, bless them, are always so liberal even though they're probably mirroring the rust belt in terms of economic hardship the most.


Pipelines are a double edged sword for us, but that will be one issue that we don't have much control of. Since the GOP controlled government will expedite Keystone after they pass it in the new year.


Canada listen to us. Brexit was the start and we all thought it was an anomaly. The alt-right is spreading like wildfire. Don't say it'll never happen to you. Start stamping that shit out now and never stop. Never get complacent.

Look what happened to your southern brothers and sisters when we did. Don't follow in our footsteps

One of my biggest fears for Canada. We already have them to a much smaller degree but I feel they are starting to mobilize. We could see something similar after Trudeau. Many conservatives are looking at Trumps playbook over here and trying to see if they can copy it :(


Montreal had a protest on...Wednesday I think?

(I didn't do the censor)


EDIT: Yeah, sounds like Wednesday. http://www.iheartradio.ca/cjad/news/watch-montrealers-march-against-donald-trump-1.2173944
i saw one in van on thurs night... heard later it was mostly on w georgia in front of the new trump building but i saw it as they crossed, and for a couple lights sat in the middle of, robson and burrard. i had passed it and just saw it in my rear view mirror (the next intersection is always backed up) but seemed like maybe i guess a few hundred people ... since it didn't take too long to clear once they started moving again but it seemed a large enough crowd to fill the intersection both ways. had a police escort too, couple guys on bikes that i could see.


Montreal had a protest on...Wednesday I think?

(I didn't do the censor)


EDIT: Yeah, sounds like Wednesday. http://www.iheartradio.ca/cjad/news/watch-montrealers-march-against-donald-trump-1.2173944

"Giant Drumpf head piñatas were beaten and even burned"

Oh Montreal, you know how to put together a protest.

I suggest you re-read this article. The burning effigies etc. was in the US, the Montreal protest was a peaceful, uneventful march.

I had no idea it happened btw, and I live here.

My mistake, gave it a brief read when I originally posted this. Still, I appreciate that we're seeing these protests in Canada, hopefully they'll keep us aware and active in preventing Leitch from grabbing the CPC leadership.


Canadians should instead divert their attention to the Conservative leadership race if they are really serious of preventing a Canadian Trump from happenning

Protest sure why not, but don't come crying if the CPC selects the worst candidate for their leadership

get active in reality

Unfortunately people will only notice when it's too late.

There is already one candidate who says climate change is not a real that.
For those wondering, the purple area is "Toronto proper'. The blue area is part of the GTA, who don't technically live in Toronto.

No you are wrong. The GTA would be the areas outside of the blue.

Edit: Ooops sorry. GTA is the blue, purple and the surrounding areas.


Didn't Toronto elect Rob Ford?

Canada also elected Stephen Harper TWICE, so it's not like we don't fuck up either.

We aren't the world superpower and our leaders don't have the option to end all life whenever they want though so that's why Trump is 1000 times more terrifying.
For those wondering, the purple area is "Toronto proper'. The blue area is part of the GTA, who don't technically live in Toronto.
Wrong. That map is city of Toronto proper. GTA is outside of that. Your blue/pink divide is actually old Toronto + York vs Etobicoke, east York, north York and Scarborough.

Which is why it's a fairly parallel view of how even in an urban center, zooming in gives you an appreciation of the gradient of true urban votes.
Canada also elected Stephen Harper TWICE, so it's not like we don't fuck up either.
three times


No One Remembers
No you are wrong. The GTA would be the areas outside of the blue.

Edit: Ooops sorry. GTA is the blue, purple and the surrounding areas.

Wrong. That map is city of Toronto proper. GTA is outside of that. Your blue/pink divide is actually old Toronto + York vs Etobicoke, east York, north York and Scarborough.

Which is why it's a fairly parallel view of how even in an urban center, zooming in gives you an appreciation of the gradient of true urban votes.
three times

I edited it. My mistake
The only thing these types of protests accomplish is to reassure the protesters that they are actually doing something. It satiates the desire to effect change with very little planning, and minimal moral and financial investment. Plus if Portland has been any indication, they even allow the "basket of deplorables" a prime opportunity to cause general mayhem and make everyone look bad. The G20 protests certainly made Toronto look bad on many fronts, so I feel for Portland.

Donald Trump isn't even in office, yet people have lost their minds before any policies have even been drafted. Understandably many are disturbed by his rhetoric, but it's pretty unbelievable how many have fallen for his obvious taunts. When did we lose the ability to look at a situation intelligently, and pick our battles accordingly? Do people get so caught up in the zeitgeist that they lose self-control and cease to have intellectual fortitude? The more we support preemptive, unfocused discontent, the less credibility we have for when there is a tangible policy to oppose. And no, crying wolf over a democratically sound election (James Comey not withstanding) because the outcome yielded a bad apple is not one of those times.


The only thing these types of protests accomplish is to reassure the protesters that they are actually doing something. It satiates the desire to effect change with very little planning, and minimal moral and financial investment. Plus if Portland has been any indication, they even allow the "basket of deplorables" a prime opportunity to cause general mayhem and make everyone look bad. The G20 protests certainly made Toronto look bad on many fronts, so I feel for Portland.

Donald Drumpf isn't even in office, yet people have lost their minds before any policies have even been drafted. Understandably many are disturbed by his rhetoric, but it's pretty unbelievable how many have fallen for his obvious taunts. When did we lose the ability to look at a situation intelligently, and pick our battles accordingly? Do people get so caught up in the zeitgeist that they lose self-control and cease to have intellectual fortitude? The more we support preemptive, unfocused discontent, the less credibility we have for when there is a tangible policy to oppose. And no, crying wolf over a democratically sound election (James Comey not withstanding) because the outcome yielded a bad apple is not one of those times.

Now is the perfect time to rally and protest. What you're saying is dangerously close to "we should give him a chance" and wait for something bad to happen before we get angry. We should not. We should not give a chance to a man whose vile claims enabled the wave of hate crimes we've seen since he won the electoral college. We should not give a candidate who started off by calling Mexicans rapists the benefit of the doubt. We should not stand idly by after everything he's said and done during this campaign. People shouldn't stand idly by as things become worse for them. People need to be vocal now and not allow this man or his views to be seen as normal, let alone to see how his views are shaped into legislation or the Supreme Court's vacancy.

Also: Democratically sound election? After the involvement of Russia, the voter suppression laws across several states, the "both sides are equally bad" media coverage that tried to equate a bunch of e-mails to Drumpf's various scandals, to say nothing about the lack of mainstream coverage of some incidents like the ongoing trial for sexual assault of a 13-year old girl, and the FBI's involvement at the very end? No, this was an incredibly undemocratic election.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Watching the 60 Minutes interview with him showed me this guy has no idea what he's doing. He's still insisting on a wall or fence, he still believes he knows more about ISIS than his generals, and he still has an attitude and temper that will go over REALLY well with other world leaders...

As for Canada, there have been surges in conservative voting from time to time, though I really believe a change in leadership won't come until something comes to light that pisses everyone off to demand a change.
This is less about what the USA did and more about continuing to tell our Conservatives "Don't you fucking dare". Electing Trudeau was only the first step of that


Canada should probably concentrate on having its own leaders stick to what they promised before putting their noses in other countries affairs.


Canada should probably concentrate on having its own leaders stick to what they promised before putting their noses in other countries affairs.

Or you know... both...
They aren't mutually exclusive...
and you are completely missing the point...
And even then, what the USA does matters to us Canadians a LOT. You know, being neighbors and allies and massive trade partners and all.
What does a protest in Canada hope to achieve? I'm already bored of hearing people spin these protests as 'salty, butthurt liberals' or focus on any violence that happens anyway.

Why would there be violence at this protest and who would it be targeting?


Why would there be violence at this protest and who would it be targeting?

Well the police got pretty violent at the last large protest in Toronto that I remember (G20 summit) that's the only worry I have if this get fairly large. Regardless, I'll be there for this.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
"Giant Drumpf head piñatas were beaten and even burned"

Oh Montreal, you know how to put together a protest.
I suggest you re-read this article. The burning effigies etc. was in the US, the Montreal protest was a peaceful, uneventful march.

I had no idea it happened btw, and I live here.
It didn't take long I guess

Spotted in Toronto:

See this is the kind of thing this protest is meant to push back against.

See, in America this shit can fly, there's a sorted past of racism. But it's fucking TORONTO CANADA. Multiculturalism is at the core of the country. Our country's population would GO DOWN without immigration. It's entirely indefensible. We'll have a massive Chinese population soon.

You can literally say "Dude, it's Canada."
Canadians should instead divert their attention to the Conservative leadership race if they are really serious of preventing a Canadian Trump from happenning

Protest sure why not, but don't come crying if the CPC selects the worst candidate for their leadership

get active in reality

Just for some context, the purple shaded regions are all with a few exceptions a part of one of the original six boroughs of Toronto and are part of what most people generally consider to be the real Toronto. It was in a microcosm similar to what happened with Trump. The densely populated urban areas voted against Ford but the suburbs were full of short sighted self interested people who just wanted a tax cut and voted in an obese alcoholic with a populist message.

The cost of living was really high back then. Miller put too many flat taxes that affected poor people, who mostly live in the suburbs, and raised the cost of living, and Ford promised to rid of them all. The left should learn its lesson. For all of Ford's failings, he was not a proto-fascists.
Now is the perfect time to rally and protest. What you're saying is dangerously close to "we should give him a chance" and wait for something bad to happen before we get angry. We should not. We should not give a chance to a man whose vile claims enabled the wave of hate crimes we've seen since he won the electoral college. We should not give a candidate who started off by calling Mexicans rapists the benefit of the doubt. We should not stand idly by after everything he's said and done during this campaign. People shouldn't stand idly by as things become worse for them. People need to be vocal now and not allow this man or his views to be seen as normal, let alone to see how his views are shaped into legislation or the Supreme Court's vacancy.

Also: Democratically sound election? After the involvement of Russia, the voter suppression laws across several states, the "both sides are equally bad" media coverage that tried to equate a bunch of e-mails to Drumpf's various scandals, to say nothing about the lack of mainstream coverage of some incidents like the ongoing trial for sexual assault of a 13-year old girl, and the FBI's involvement at the very end? No, this was an incredibly undemocratic election.

It is this kind of thinking that creates problems like Donald Trump. We lose our perspective and ability to address nuance, and low and behold there is an equal reaction from the other side that is equally as militant. Why is it that people willingly blind themselves to the larger picture?


The cost of living was really high back then. Miller put too many flat taxes that affected poor people, who mostly live in the suburbs, and raised the cost of living, and Ford promised to rid of them all. The left should learn its lesson. For all of Ford's failings, he was not a proto-fascists.

The cost of living is even higher now.

Ford was a populist buffoon who was the definition of "penny wise, pound foolish."

He had no policy other than slogans and sound bites. His idea of fixing the city's money problems was to cut the office budgets of city councilors and cut library hours, and yet he promised to build a pointless multi-billion-dollar subway extension.


Canadians burned my passport
Signs posted in Toronto urge white people to act against multiculturalism

The cost of living is even higher now.

Ford was a populist buffoon who was the definition of "penny wise, pound foolish."

He had no policy other than slogans and sound bites. His idea of fixing the city's money problems was to cut the office budgets of city councilors and cut library hours, and yet he promised to build a pointless multi-billion-dollar subway extension.

Yup, his brand of populism is the exact same as Trump's


It is this kind of thinking that creates problems like Donald Drumpf. We lose our perspective and ability to address nuance, and low and behold there is an equal reaction from the other side that is equally as militant. Why is it that people willingly blind themselves to the larger picture?


A man who spent the last year or so inciting hatred against minorities, be they religious, ethnic, gender or otherwise, has been elected to the White House and bigots of all strides of life feel this victory allows them to enact on their ignorant beliefs. This is a problem that needs to be dealt with right now. Stop treating this situation like it's some "both sides" situation where one side is losing perspective of what's at stake. That's absolute garbage. This is not a normal situation and shouldn't be treated as such given what we do know is at stake: The Supreme Court for decades, Roe v Wade, the potentially lost lives of Syrian refugees who are denied entry and the potential damage to one of the country's biggest trading partners by building a wall and saying they'll pay for it.

A man who spent the last year or so inciting hatred against minorities, be they religious, ethnic, gender or otherwise, has been elected to the White House and bigots of all strides of life feel this victory allows them to enact on their ignorant beliefs. This is a problem that needs to be dealt with right now. Stop treating this situation like it's some "both sides" situation where one side is losing perspective of what's at stake. That's absolute garbage. This is not a normal situation and shouldn't be treated as such given what we do know is at stake: The Supreme Court for decades, Roe v Wade, the potentially lost lives of Syrian refugees who are denied entry and the potential damage to one of the country's biggest trading partners by building a wall and saying they'll pay for it.

So what do you suggest? Throw the Constitution out the window? Ignore the results of the election? Wipe out the population of bigots and racists? I'm being pragmatic and looking at the situation for what it is.

I think everyone at this point knows what Trump's talking points are, but somehow he still won the election. Evidently regurgitating those talking points didn't and won't solve anything, but thank you for reminding me what he has made all too obvious.

Look, it's easy to point out what's wrong. Anyone can do that. But there's a difference between being constructive versus adding to the chaos. But by all means, feel free to enlighten me.
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