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Anti-Trump protest planned for Toronto, Canada

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what's the consensus on the most sane candidate? Michael Chong?

That's who I'm going with. Electing him would also make carbon taxes something every major party agrees on.

But it's a ranked ballot, so my current thinking for my second choice is Bernier, since at least the libertarian isn't going to go Trump on us. Third would be Deepak. To be honest, I don't really know what his positions are, but at least that'd fuck with the white supremacists.


This is so unbelievably stupid. There are plenty of issues to deal with here and you're up in arms with what's going across the border? Absolutely nonsensical.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
This is so unbelievably stupid. There are plenty of issues to deal with here and you're up in arms with what's going across the border? Absolutely nonsensical.


Trump is something to be alarmed about, and responding to it with a protest is a healthy reaction.

I just hope it galvanizes political action at home. But the thing is: it will. It will energize political activity more than people just sitting on the couch.
Trump is definitely something to worry about. Just as Brexit was. Canada does not exist in a bubble, there are many things here that can be exploited by a charismatic person hoping to rile up white resentment in this country. We should really try to get more Conservatives like Michael Chong and less like Leitch.



Trump is something to be alarmed about, and responding to it with a protest is a healthy reaction.

I just hope it galvanizes political action at home. But the thing is: it will. It will energize political activity more than people just sitting on the couch.

No, it's stupid. What's the message here? He won their democratic election fair and squ are. Did he commit some kind of human rights violations or kill people to win? No. Did he enact or promise some kind of legislation that would screw with Canada? No. I hate that young Canadians have very little passion for their own country yet they have no problem being angry at another country's problems.
No, it's stupid. What's the message here? He won their democratic election fair and squ are. Did he commit some kind of human rights violations or kill people to win? No. Did he enact or promise some kind of legislation that would screw with Canada? No. I hate that young Canadians have very little passion for their own country yet they have no problem being angry at another country's problems.

Kellie, is that you?
No, it's stupid. What's the message here? He won their democratic election fair and squ are. Did he commit some kind of human rights violations or kill people to win? No. Did he enact or promise some kind of legislation that would screw with Canada? No. I hate that young Canadians have very little passion for their own country yet they have no problem being angry at another country's problems.

How about bigotry by osmosis? Is that enough to be a justification for you?
No, it's stupid. What's the message here? He won their democratic election fair and squ are. Did he commit some kind of human rights violations or kill people to win? No. Did he enact or promise some kind of legislation that would screw with Canada? No. I hate that young Canadians have very little passion for their own country yet they have no problem being angry at another country's problems.

gee, when Canada is joined at the hip with the US, it kind of means that the US's problems are also to some extent ours?

And completely ignore the bigotry and racism Trump ran on, sure.
No, it's stupid. What's the message here? He won their democratic election fair and squ are. Did he commit some kind of human rights violations or kill people to win? No. Did he enact or promise some kind of legislation that would screw with Canada? No. I hate that young Canadians have very little passion for their own country yet they have no problem being angry at another country's problems.

So let's actually look at what they're protesting:

We will be gathering to peacefully protest against the hateful rhetoric used in Donald Trump's presidential campaign, and to demonstrate how such ideals are unacceptable today. We as Canadians will help our neighbors by showing that misogyny, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, sexism, sexual assault, ableism, transphobia, climate change denial,
and violence are absolutely intolerable.

**The primary goal of this protest is NOT to stop Trump from becoming president – we’re not disputing that he won the election. We are not intending to devalue the American democratic system.** However, we are not willing to now let his hateful rhetoric and outlooks effect our culture and our country...
No, it's stupid. What's the message here? He won their democratic election fair and squ are. Did he commit some kind of human rights violations or kill people to win? No. Did he enact or promise some kind of legislation that would screw with Canada? No. I hate that young Canadians have very little passion for their own country yet they have no problem being angry at another country's problems.

It's good that people are aware what's going on outside the country. If Americans had any modicum of self awareness on how Trump appears to the rest of the world, he would not be president.

And the bold is why this is laughable. Were you not paying any attention at all to things he said about NAFTA or TPP or NATO or the Paris agreements? A Trump presidency is a huge threat to us.


No, it's stupid. What's the message here? He won their democratic election fair and squ are. Did he commit some kind of human rights violations or kill people to win? No. Did he enact or promise some kind of legislation that would screw with Canada? No. I hate that young Canadians have very little passion for their own country yet they have no problem being angry at another country's problems.

It's hardly just Canada that has major concerns or did you not know that protests are happening in other countries as well? If you don't care, fine. Just don't be angry because others do. U.S. leadership has far reaching implications for a lot of people worldwide.


There was a Trump protest in Vancouver on November 9th.

I know because I came across them walking down the street, blocking traffic downtown at like 7 PM.


I kind of like the sentiment of "that type of candidate is not acceptable here", even if it slightly weird to protest an election in a different country.

Canadians barely paying attention to their own politics and then having strong reactions to US politics is a real thing and a problem, but I'm not gonna assume these protesters are those people.


It's good that people are aware what's going on outside the country. If Americans had any modicum of self awareness on how Trump appears to the rest of the world, he would not be president.

And the bold is why this is laughable. Were you not paying any attention at all to things he said about NAFTA or TPP or NATO or the Paris agreements? A Trump presidency is a huge threat to us.

Most Americans couldn't care less what the outside world thinks of them, it's what make's them 'muricans
Jean Chrétien said no to W when pressed about 2003's Iraq War (history proved Chrétien right).

Now if Trump, Bolton and Giuliani decide to bomb Iran next, Canada should say ''fuck NO''


So let's actually look at what they're protesting:

We as Canadians will help our neighbors by showing that misogyny, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, sexism, sexual assault, ableism, transphobia, climate change denial,
and violence are absolutely intolerable.

This notion that Americans care what we think needs to stop. Solidarity is needed if something significantly bad happens over the border (and no, im not talking about a president that hasn't even enacted any problematic policies yet) but acting like we're Americans and about to face their problems only makes us look ridiculous as a nation. If those were issues that we're facing in our country I am totally for a protest. How about we protest the issues that minorities actually face here?

To me this seems more of a reaction to the American media consumerism that we're a part of.


Canadians burned my passport
This notion that Americans care what we think needs to stop. Solidarity is needed if something significantly bad happens over the border (and no, im not talking about a president that hasn't even enacted any problematic policies yet) but acting like we're Americans and about to face their problems only makes us look ridiculous as a nation. If those were issues that we're facing in our country I am totally for a protest. How about we protest the issues that minorities actually face here?

To me this seems more of a reaction to the American media consumerism that we're a part of.

These are issues minorities face here. Many minorities have been afraid after the election that that kind of rhetoric will find it's way up here. One of the leading candidates for leadership of the national conservative party has already openly endorsed it. This protest is to send a message to those that would support that kind of hate speech that it is not welcome, and to also show solidarity and support to the minorities here that people have their backs.
This notion that Americans care what we think needs to stop. Solidarity is needed if something significantly bad happens over the border (and no, im not talking about a president that hasn't even enacted any problematic policies yet) but acting like we're Americans and about to face their problems only makes us look ridiculous as a nation. If those were issues that we're facing in our country I am totally for a protest. How about we protest the issues that minorities actually face here?

To me this seems more of a reaction to the American media consumerism that we're a part of.

So you propose don't commit to issues they care about, unless it hails from this side of the border? Might as well have ignored 9/11 with that kind of thought process.


These are issues minorities face here. Many minorities have been afraid after the election that that kind of rhetoric will find it's way up here. One of the leading candidates for leadership of the national conservative party has already openly endorsed it. This protest is to send a message to those that would support that kind of hate speech that it is not welcome, and to also show solidarity and support to the minorities here that people have their backs.

As a minority, this just makes me feel embarrassed rather than supported. At the end of the day I know that these people after their "protests" will just go back to their Starbucks coffees writing posts on tumblr rather than do anything for Canada.

So you propose don't commit to issues they care about, unless it hails from this side of the border? Might as well have ignored 9/11 with that kind of thought process.

Trump hasn't even done anything yet and you're comparing him to 9/11?
As a minority, this just makes me feel embarrassed rather than supported. At the end of the day I know that these people after their "protests" will just go back to their Starbucks coffees writing posts on tumblr rather than do anything for Canada.

Oh, ho, ho! Is that a blanket cast SJW aspersion?


Canadians burned my passport
As a minority, this just makes me feel embarrassed rather than supported. At the end of the day I know that these people after their "protests" will just go back to their Starbucks coffees writing posts on tumblr rather than do anything for Canada.

Well then you can just ignore it and go about your day continue making assumptions behind a computer screen.
As a minority, this just makes me feel embarrassed rather than supported. At the end of the day I know that these people after their "protests" will just go back to their Starbucks coffees writing posts on tumblr rather than do anything for Canada.

Trump hasn't even done anything yet and you're comparing him to 9/11?

Trump has made much of his plans clear with appointees. And his supporters sure are having a ball implementing his ideology.

I don't even know what means.

Can you imagine for a second, that people in this protest have a passionate reason to be there? Or are you saying they only gather to be fashionably left wing?
Here we go again. A man becomes president through a campaign centered around hate and division, and is currently filling his cabinet with people who have far from minorities best interests and rights at heart, but it's the people who serve to suffer the most from this administration that are being ridiculous for not wanting to welcome him with open arms.

You don't get to pretend that your words and actions don't matter because you're the person who won. I appreciate that even people outside of America realize how fucked up this all is.


Trump has made much of his plans clear with appointees. And his supporters sure are having a ball implementing his ideology.

Trump made some very questionable decisions for his cabinet, for sure. Don't agree with his climate change decisions at all. Renegotiating NAFTA might or might not benefit us both, it depends. When he talked about NAFTA he always looked at Mexico being a part of the deal as the problem.

Can you imagine for a second, that people in this protest have a passionate reason to be there? Or are you saying they only gather to be fashionably left wing?

like I said, protesting when nothing has even happened in a country across our border is nonsensical IMO. It's not like these guys are going to DC and protesting in front of the white house, they're probably doing it in Toronto. Passion or not, it's dumb. You're entitled to think it'll help in some way but I don't. That is all

Considering the person you are replying to, it probably is.

Not cool yo, what are you implying about me? Or do you say this to anyone you might not agree with?
Not cool yo, what are you implying about me? Or do you say this to anyone you might not agree with?

You seem to have trouble seeing why a Trump presidency, at the very least, makes minorities on this side of the border scared. Even if they live in Canada, it makes the far right elements that are across the country emboldened that they can eventually do the same to minorities here, especially considering we have a Conservative party leadership candidate licking her chops to do the same thing here.

So it makes sense to have people protest here that the stuff that are hallmarks of Trump's campaign, that being the bigotry, misogyny and xenophobia, are not welcome as tenets of Canadian society and upbringing. And yet here you are, telling those people that 'fuck your protesting, you're all a bunch of special snowflakes' in essence.


You seem to have trouble seeing why a Trump presidency, at the very least, makes minorities on this side of the border scared. Even if they live in Canada, it makes the far right elements that are across the country emboldened that they can eventually do the same to minorities here, especially considering we have a Conservative party leadership candidate licking her chops to do the same thing here.

So it makes sense to have people protest here that the stuff that are hallmarks of Trump's campaign, that being the bigotry, misogyny and xenophobia, are not welcome as tenets of Canadian society and upbringing. And yet here you are, telling those people that 'fuck your protesting, you're all a bunch of special snowflakes' in essence.

I suppose it's possible for minorities to be scared? I don't see any evidence of that though (I'm certainly not) and to me this just seems like fearmongering when nothing has even happened yet. That's just my opinion.


Canadians burned my passport
I suppose it's possible for minorities to be scared? I don't see any evidence of that though (I'm certainly not) and to me this just seems like fearmongering when nothing has even happened yet. That's just my opinion.

There are many minorities that are scared the validation of the alt-right hate rhetoric that Trump's election has emboldened. There are many who are even afraid to attend this protest because they fear being targetted. The whole point of this is to preemptively reject bigotry before it spreads here, instead of after it's hurt people.


As a minority, this just makes me feel embarrassed rather than supported. At the end of the day I know that these people after their "protests" will just go back to their Starbucks coffees writing posts on tumblr rather than do anything for Canada.

Drumpf hasn't even done anything yet and you're comparing him to 9/11?

I'm planning on "joining" the CPC in order to ensure that we don't see Leitch (and hopefully not Bernier either) become leader of their party in the off-chance that they do win in the next election, plus encouraging friends of mine to be informed and involved in our own politics. Also: Starbucks is quite literally not my cup, I don't get why people always go to that as the de facto assumption but I digress.

I suppose it's possible for minorities to be scared? I don't see any evidence of that though (I'm certainly not) and to me this just seems like fearmongering when nothing has even happened yet. That's just my opinion.

Is neither the massive wave of hate crimes (200 reported and counting, meaning there's likely more that went unreported) nor the planned KKK march for December 3rd in the wake of this election's results not indicative of where this fear is coming from?


I suppose it's possible for minorities to be scared? I don't see any evidence of that though (I'm certainly not) and to me this just seems like fearmongering when nothing has even happened yet. That's just my opinion.

Instead of saying that protesting is stupid, maybe you should consider the weight of what's going on.

People have the every rights in the world to protest, in USA or not, against the despicable being that is Trump. You claiming that this is a stupid idea makes you no better than the people acting as Trump apologists and should maybe think twice because the problem here can end up being a global issue.

No he hasn't done anything yet, but if you watch/read news, you'll see that the future isn't bright when you see the friends circle he's putting in top power positions.


like I said, protesting when nothing has even happened in a country across our border is nonsensical IMO. It's not like these guys are going to DC and protesting in front of the white house, they're probably doing it in Toronto. Passion or not, it's dumb. You're entitled to think it'll help in some way but I don't. That is all

Canada's right-wing party, the Conservative Party of Canada is currently undergoing a leadership race. One of the candidates is openly branding herself as the Trump of Canada. So yeah, this protest does have meaning within Canada right now.


Canadians burned my passport
It's just ridiculous to ignore the growth of the far right on the back of anti-immigration hate speech in almost every western nation in the past few years and pretend like it's not a threat here.
It's just ridiculous to ignore the growth of the far right on the back of anti-immigration hate speech in almost every western nation in the past few years and pretend like it's not a threat here.

Some people want to believe that American ideals on racism and bigotry simply don't exist in Canada, when in reality, because our two cultures are so combined in many ways, it means the far right in Canada is about the same as it is in the US.


Canada's right-wing party, the Conservative Party of Canada is currently undergoing a leadership race. One of the candidates is openly branding herself as the Trump of Canada. So yeah, this protest does have meaning within Canada right now.

Admittedly did not know about that.

I have faith in the conservative citizens of Canada though. The other week I randomly had a conversation with a 70 year old white woman about politics and I assumed that she would hold backwards views but she was very kind and respectful to me and mainly ranted about how Canada is treating senior citizens very badly. She did seem educated though and I live in Ottawa so that probably factors in a lot. Not sure what kind of people rural Canadians are.
Admittedly did not know about that.

I have faith in the conservative citizens of Canada though. The other week I randomly had a conversation with a 70 year old white woman about politics and I assumed that she would hold backwards views but she was very kind and respectful to me and mainly ranted about how Canada is treating senior citizens very badly. She did seem educated though and I live in Ottawa so that probably factors in a lot. Not sure what kind of people rural Canadians are.

Don't trust wolves to protect your henhouse. Look at the south of the border: Donald Trump had record low approval rating and they still held their nose and voted for him. When push comes to shove, most people do not give a shit about minorities. That's the cold hard unfortunate truth.
This notion that Americans care what we think needs to stop. Solidarity is needed if something significantly bad happens over the border (and no, im not talking about a president that hasn't even enacted any problematic policies yet) but acting like we're Americans and about to face their problems only makes us look ridiculous as a nation. If those were issues that we're facing in our country I am totally for a protest. How about we protest the issues that minorities actually face here?

To me this seems more of a reaction to the American media consumerism that we're a part of.

I don't get that from the protest. I don't get the impression that they think they're American and are going to directly suffer from Trump's policies. They do suffer indirectly, because we share culture, economy, resources, security, environment, and the longest unprotected land border in the world. We're in the same boat in many respects. I think its worthwhile to stage a protest that sends the message as stated on their facebook page "We accept the democratic process and result, but we reject his beliefs."
Admittedly did not know about that.

I have faith in the conservative citizens of Canada though. The other week I randomly had a conversation with a 70 year old white woman about politics and I assumed that she would hold backwards views but she was very kind and respectful to me and mainly ranted about how Canada is treating senior citizens very badly. She did seem educated though and I live in Ottawa so that probably factors in a lot. Not sure what kind of people rural Canadians are.

Don't take anything for granted. I had faith that my country would ultimately find Trump too repulsive to even come close to taking office. I was also one of those people who thought the Brexit comparisons were silly and we weren't going down the same path. A movement of White Nationalism is trying to drape itself over the west, and is so far, succeeding. At this point it would be foolish not to stay vigilant.


No, it's stupid. What's the message here? He won their democratic election fair and squ are. Did he commit some kind of human rights violations or kill people to win? No. Did he enact or promise some kind of legislation that would screw with Canada? No. I hate that young Canadians have very little passion for their own country yet they have no problem being angry at another country's problems.
I think your being clueless for the sake of it, Trump being elected in the US has only encouraged idiots here by stepping up and insulting anyone against him. Canadians not only have a right but have to stand up and say no the racism, bigotry and hatred he based his campaign on will not be accepted here.

Don't take anything for granted. I had faith that my country would ultimately find Trump too repulsive to even come close to taking office. I was also one of those people who thought the Brexit comparisons were silly and we weren't going down the same path. A movement of White Nationalism is trying to drape itself over the west, and is so far, succeeding. At this point it would be foolish not to stay vigilant.


Toronto, and Canada as a whole, prepare yourselves...



Yes, this protest is important. I don't understand the people that think because we are a separate country we aren't affected by the US or Brexit. They are going to to significantly effect us because of our political ties and trade agreements.

Didn't realize you have to be a paying member to vote for the conservative leadership. Vote for the anyone but the crazy Trump wannabe lady.


Admittedly did not know about that.

I have faith in the conservative citizens of Canada though. The other week I randomly had a conversation with a 70 year old white woman about politics and I assumed that she would hold backwards views but she was very kind and respectful to me and mainly ranted about how Canada is treating senior citizens very badly. She did seem educated though and I live in Ottawa so that probably factors in a lot. Not sure what kind of people rural Canadians are.

Yeah I don't know about that.


This was close to Ottawa by the way. Read some comments by the public who attended the debate.
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