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Are you a blood, bone marrow, and/or organ donor? Why or why not?

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Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Had Hep A as a kid from eating bad shark. Was told that even thought chances are minuscule of infecting someone, that I still shouldn't risk it. Also having lived and traveled my whole life, the last time I tried to give blood they turned me away because they were uncomfortable with my travel history.


I'm a blood and organ donor.

I usually do triple platlets when I have the time, or just the norm if I don't.

I guess my blood-type is rarer on the full scale of things (A-), so they usually call when it's time to come back in.

I usually get a ton of free Oberweis or Target giftcards too! It's pretty nice and the old ladies that work at my local facility are very nice.
Unfortunately I have infused my blood with substances whose very desirable quality has effectively ruined my blood for donation. So I don't donate, I would if I could but I don't think they need patients waking up sky high. Does this eliminate me from donating organs, I guess it does but I'd like to be sure because otherwise someone could have every part of me that's not my longues.


Dunno about organs, I think I would, but only if I was dead.. but I would donor to any family member or friends in need.

Blood and Marrow donor here, since I'm of Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and English descent does this count as a mixed race? If so I read somewhere that this can affect in the compatibility...


Been dealing with lymphoma. I had to undergo a stem cell transplantation but sadly no match was found, so I' ve been getting ready for a haplo sct with my sister's bone marrow. It's neither safe, nor as effective. It's still the next best thing. Sad part is I 've met lots of ignorant people through this process including a nurse who wouldn't let her 24 year old son be a donor fearing it would be harmful.
That's ridiculous and offensive.

Its ridiculous and offensive that procedures done with my organs be done to save lives and not to get paid? You are entitled to your own opinion, but I strongly disagree with it.

People's lives are really worth saving, but asking the taxpayers or implant patient to pony up the money to save them is completely unethical.
I'm a registred blood-, bone marrow- and organ-donor.

Why I do it:

Giving blood is the easiest way to do something good. Get free food, drinks and a HIV/Hep-test, too.
I also registred for bone marrow donation, because I think that it's pretty good to help someone in such a horrible situation as having bone or blood cancer.
I'm an organ donor, because what am I supposed to do with my organs after I died? If my organs still help someone, so be it. I want to be burned anyway. So it doesn't matter how many parts they burn of me.


I'm an organ donor. I've donated blood before, just not regularly - no particular reason, it just doesn't cross my mind. I had never even thought of donating bone marrow before.
I can't donate blood because I lived in the UK when I was younger. I'm within a few days of the cut off date for when they ended that restriction which is a shame. Not sure how bone marrow donations work, I've honestly never looked into it.

Signed up as a organ donor though, anyone who purposely refuses to sign up outside of medical issues is silly. If nothing else it's worth it for the heart on my driver's license which is cute.


Neo Member
I don't give blood simply for the fact that I get tattooed too frequently to allow me to donate.
I am an organ donor and have been since I was 18. I figure that if my parts can help give someone's loved one a bit longer, why not. On an up note I've seen first hand how the whole thing is awesome. My father-in-law received a new liver a year ago. It means more time my wife has her father and that our kids have their grandfather. I support all donation programs.
I chose not to be an organ donor. Mainly because a doctors are in all likelihood really much more motivated to declare you dead or cannot be brought back when its still possible that you are not and could come back.
yeap, before operating a doctor checks your organ donor status and if you are a donor (s)he's like "welp, why bother, i'll just let him die". i heard this on the television so it is true!!11
I'm an organ donor. Five years ago out of nowhere my moms liver completely failed in the space of a week (she doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, no previous problems). She would have died if it wasn't for an organ donor

The myth about doctors not helping people to the best of their ability because someone is an organ donor is fucking dumb.


contribute something
I'm an organ donor, but I'm not sure if I'll ever donate blood.

All my experiences with blood tests have been awful.


I have donated my organs (when i die of course).

I won't donate blood og bone marrow because i wouldn't get paid for it. Simple as that :)
Not donating blood i can understand even though i think more people should though. Being an organ donor really should be universal. I don't think it could ever be done but you shouldn't be able to receive donated organs unless you're a donor yourself (barring extreme circumstances of course).


I've been a blood donor since I was a teenager and I had to get my parent to sign a form for consent. I became a bone marrow donor in college but took myself off the registry because I moved out of the US a while ago. I didn't want to be a match but not be available to help someone.

This all stsrted because if you gave blood in highschool you got out of class time.

Edit: Also an organ donor when I croak.
Here in the UK, you can become an organ donor through renewing your licence. All I did was tick a box, and it was done.

Obviously I am happy to give someone else a chance at life with my organs, because I won't need them anymore when I am dead. I am not religious, so that doesn't factor into my decision. My heart's probably pissed though, because it may not be able to retire upon my death.
I've probably donated blood or platelets about 10 times. I like to think of it as building good karma for myself. I mean if I ever needed it myself I'd sure wish other people donated blood!


I'm an organ donor, but I don't do blood donation. I used to, but they have a hard time getting blood out of me, and the last time I went they wound up sticking me four times before giving up. I'm happy to take a stick so someone can use my A+ blood, but I'm not willing to go and be a pincushion.


I'm both a bone marrow and organ donor. Haven't donated blood yet (and currently can't, because I'm on meds), but it's something I want to do in the future.


Only an organ donor because I won't care about needles when I'm dead.

Will avoid them like the plague while I'm alive though.


wait how do straight women give blood then
Well the rules are that a man who has protected or unprotected sex (anal/oral) with another man in the last 12 months OR a woman who has sex with a man who has done that, in the last 12 months, is not allowed to donate blood. That's the rule in the UK; I think they plan on changing it at some point though.


If anyone has questions about the bone marrow process, i posted some stuff a few pages back, but I can clear up any misconceptions (to the best of my memory) since i've done both donation methods.
I am an organ donor because why not. When I die, have at it.

Blood donation? I've seen them around campus dozens of times, I know that there are some groups who they won't take blood from, tbh that's always turned me off of the whole thing.

Never really even thought about bone marrow or blood plasma. I guess my assumption about bone marrow is what you see in tv...some big huge thing that's really going to put you out.

Maybe I'll go in and donate blood the next time I see those tents around.
yeap, before operating a doctor checks your organ donor status and if you are a donor (s)he's like "welp, why bother, i'll just let him die". i heard this on the television so it is true!!11

I'm an organ donor. Five years ago out of nowhere my moms liver completely failed in the space of a week (she doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, no previous problems). She would have died if it wasn't for an organ donor

The myth about doctors not helping people to the best of their ability because someone is an organ donor is fucking dumb.

I actually remember a topic on gaf where someone said this was happening to them. He said that the doctors were basically rushing to get the organs out of his brother. Someone else may remember the topic.


I think I'm an organ donor, it's on my license but to be honest I filled out that form when I was 15 so don't remember so well.

I'd love to be able to donate blood but needle phobia :/

Didn't even know bone marrow donor was a thing!


Just applied to donate bone marrow because of this thread. I guess I'll receive the swab kit in the mail, and if they like my cheek cells I'll be added to the list. The chance of ever be called up is small, but it'd be amazing if I was matched with someone some day. Thanks for the info!
Just applied to donate bone marrow because of this thread. I guess I'll receive the swab kit in the mail, and if they like my cheek cells I'll be added to the list. The chance of ever be called up is small, but it'd be amazing if I was matched with someone some day. Thanks for the info!

Good stuff! Yeah, as I mentioned, I've been on the bone marrow registry for a while and no call. Odds are very slim.


Yeah, have been since I was 16. Everything except my eyes- they're not so great anyway. I don't see a reason not to. Once you're dead, you're dead. Why waste organs that could help others or be used for science by letting them rot in the ground?

I used to donate blood regularly too until I started getting tattoos and piercings fairly regularly. Can't donate until 6 months after. '_'


Unconfirmed Member
Yes, I used to donate blood fairly regularly but I haven't done it in a while. I wouldn't mind getting back into it. Yes to the organ doner part as well. If I'm dead, I don't need my organs. Might as well give them to someone who does.

Besides, I know 2 people who've had transplants. And when my mom died, we donated her organs and someone got her liver.

EDIT: ^ you'd be surprised what they can used from the eyes. When my 85 year old grandma died, we were shocked when they asked if we wanted to donate her eyes. We thought she was too old and she had cataracts but they are able to use them for someone else.


Just applied to donate bone marrow because of this thread. I guess I'll receive the swab kit in the mail, and if they like my cheek cells I'll be added to the list. The chance of ever be called up is small, but it'd be amazing if I was matched with someone some day. Thanks for the info!

Good stuff! Yeah, as I mentioned, I've been on the bone marrow registry for a while and no call. Odds are very slim.
I was on for about 5-6 years before I was matched with someone. Good on you guys for registering.


Grandma's Chippy
I don't donate anything.

I will step in front of a bullet to save a stranger or risk serious injury to help someone... have done it (not the bullet part lol) on occasion.

But the thought of my organs, blood, etc. running in someone else bothers me. Whether I am dead or alive is irrelevant.

I am a selfish asshole I guess.

EDIT : I should mention that I have never been presented with the option to help someone who needs blood, or an organ I can give, or marrow RIGHT NOW...as in, if you help this person will live. I have a feeling my thoughts would be different in that situation. I just don't plan for it in advance. I don't even know what blood type I am.


EDIT: ^ you'd be surprised what they can used from the eyes. When my 85 year old grandma died, we were shocked when they asked if we wanted to donate her eyes. We thought she was too old and she had cataracts but they are able to use them for someone else.

Hmm, that's good to know. I didn't realize. Tbh though, I still have an issue with donating my eyes. I don't think I could explain it. Maybe I'll change my mind someday though.


I'm only an organ donor, I don't care about what happens to my corpse. They can harvest whatever they can salvage.

Edit: Also if a family member ever needed bone marrow, or any organs I can spare, it's done. I'd be happy to do it.


I would happily donate "spare" organs to family members, but I'm not letting anyone open my body and take my organs while I'm in the process of dying. Besides, too many mistakes are happening every day, I'd never trust a doctor with that. This whole "You don't need them when you're dead" schtick is nice, but it isn't a reality.


I would happily donate "spare" organs to family members, but I'm not letting anyone open my body and take my organs while I'm in the process of dying. Besides, too many mistakes are happening every day, I'd never trust a doctor with that. This whole "You don't need them when you're dead" schtick is nice, but it isn't a reality.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. Fair enough to say you don't trust doctors, but your organs aren't harvested while you're in the process of dying. Not sure about the US, but in Canada you have to be pronounced dead by two doctors before they harvest anything. And you really don't need them when you're dead.


I'm an organ donor, but I've heard that being one might actually do you more worse than good if you get in a serious accident. ie. rather than doing everything possible to save your life, the focus may shift into harvesting your organs before its too late.

Not saying that's true, probably just an urban myth, but it has given me pause and made me reconsider it.
I know that myth. And while it is mostly just that, a myth, it still makes me a bit uncomfortable. Then again, there are tons of doctors who opt out of life prolonging measures, so maybe it's not a bad thing to go a bit earlier.
As someone who works in a hospital in a very near capacity. No one knows or assumes you are a organ donor and we do everything in our power to help you back to health
Have been an organ donor since the day I got my license. A year or two back I brought it up as discussion at work and was amazed how many people weren't donors, were embarrassed that I'd ask, and also couldn't really explain why they refused to be donors. Some were the standard, "Just never really thought about it," but others seemed to find it repulsive or something.

At this moment I'm signing up on the Be the Match website thing so I imagine I'll do the ol' swab-and-see to find out if I'm eligible to help. The section about asthma might make me ineligible. I haven't taken asthma medication in a decade but it's from neglect as I haven't been to a doctor in around 12 years now. I'm sure I'd still be prescribed to medication if I went in. Also it sounds like taking a week off of work is advised after a donation. I wonder if I could use sick pay for that? I'll have to check.

And I've never donated blood but have talked about doing so for years. Looked up sites just now and it's too late in the evening to go to any. I'll do it next weekend as I'm already busy all day tomorrow and I can't swing it Mon-Fri due to work. The blood drive site mentions not driving afterwards but is that a real concern? Should I plan to take the bus or see if I could rope my girlfriend into taking me?
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