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ARMS Global Testpunch Thread: Let's see if this has LEGS

So guys, make your bets, what do you guess will be the MC for ARMS?

I'll go with >85.

I haven't kept up with the reviewing environment for a long time, but I expect it to land in the 80-85 zone. Splatoon wound up at 81 in its state at launch, and I see reviewers ticking similar boxes for Arms: widespread admiration for its innovation and overall verve, but contrasting experiences with the available control schemes and perceived depth/breadth of content, especially in single-player.
What people underestimate is the fact, that you can easily dodge almost every super of your enemy with ribbon girl by jumping, dashing, jumping, dashing(backwards is also nice, it's funny to see the opponents run towards you while their rush fades away because they are out of reach). The best would way to disarm a rush attack is to jump, dodge and then grab, this is really fun with her.

I know how fun it is to dodge with Ribbon Girl. ^^


But not like it's hard for Twintelle as well.

There not being lobbies separating motion from button players is the reason you're not getting it? Something you probably can't even reliably distinguish?

Honestly at higher skill tiers motion and traditional controls would be relatively indistinguishable. I'm sure that someone who truly tries to be competitive with traditional will be able to do just that with practice, same for someone who does the same with motion and focuses on their preference.

Just pick what you prefer and enjoy, honestly. I don't think there's any absolute here, I feel it's all about practice and dedication that'll determine how good a certain style is


I see everyone's Switch codes, here's mine: 4917-3531-3993, feel free to add me(Name's the same as here only with 001 instead of 100).

Gaf Lobby will be the killer with all those 90-100 scores in the testpunches :D

I don't know, personally none of the fighters did much for me except these two. I usually choose the speedier characters in fighting games but this time Ninjara was all sorts of whack, his teleportation mechanic threw me off and I couldn't get a good grasp on him. The rest.. meh. Master Mummy was a pain, mechanic was too slow, Helix is the worse, Twintelle is actually pretty good!.. But not as good as the other two, and Ribbon Girl is also very good but I didn't get a lot of playtime with her.

I can't wait to battle it out with you and see who's got the best moves!

It will be fun times I guess, I actually started with Master Mummy at first but fell in love with Ribbon Girl in the later testpunches, I actually only wanted to try her out a bit ^^

@donkey show: nice gifs as usual :) -you do realize though, that the Ninjara player didn't stop punching to re-adjust to hit you in the Twintelle one, right? While with Ribbon Girl all adjusting wouldn't help at all as she's out of reach.


Well if we're going to be taking wide blind stabs at a metacritic score, I'll say...79. I think there will be a number of reviews knocking it for its control layouts and content comparisons to other recent fighting game releases. There will be plenty of folks giving it praise, and others digging it down.

edit: Worth mentioning that I don't personally share those control issues, but I see reviewers struggling to adjust.


Kinda crazy that we're getting ARMS and splatoon 2 within the space of a month and their paid online is not ready

Get them addicted. Then make them have no choice but to pony up for the sub.

Mario Kart
Monster Hunter
Dragon Quest

All within roughly six weeks of one another.



Get them addicted. Then make them have no choice but to pony up for the sub.

Mario Kart
Monster Hunter
Dragon Quest

All within roughly six weeks of one another.


Fuck Switch is gonna explode like crazy in Japan. And anyway this years lineup is so good for a launch year it's fantastic!


I feel like it will be like Splatoon. Iffy/alright/above average at launch (depending on your view) but a completely different beast as time goes on and near the end of its life cycle.

Sure, I could buy that.

It's why I'll almost certainly get Splatoon 2 though. It looks like it's had the time to mature and offer a more well-rounded package.

I think I'll keep this at arms length for now, but I'll definitely be picking it up at some point.

PS - that pun just slipped out. I won't apologise.


Got put in a tough room for the final session, but my Min Min and two Twintelles defeated a lvl 6 Hedlok, so that was awesome.

Going to guess 85 for Metacritic score.


Get them addicted. Then make them have no choice but to pony up for the sub.

Mario Kart
Monster Hunter
Dragon Quest

All within roughly six weeks of one another.

For those five games, a $20 sub is effectively a $4-a-year online charge for each game. Not bad.


...hate me...
Fuck, can't believe I won't be playing it for 2 more weeks...


Also guys what do you think of this script that's a bit all over the game? Any meaning or just gibberish?

I mean I think this one is supposed to and clearly reads ARMS, so if people could crack it maybe there are some neat messages to read in the game. Including the subtitle to ARMS just under there.


Fuck, can't believe I won't be playing it for 2 more weeks...


Also guys what do you think of this script that's a bit all over the game? Any meaning or just gibberish?

I mean I think this one is supposed to and clearly reads ARMS, so if people could crack it maybe there are some neat messages to read in the game. Including the subtitle to ARMS just under there.
I am reminded of the script from FFX.

So guys, make your bets, what do you guess will be the MC for ARMS?

I'll go with >85.

Thinking about some outlets and their relationships with motion controls, as well as the whines of "not enough content" that I've heard already from multiple reviewers, I'm betting closer to 75
@donkey show: nice gifs as usual :) -you do realize though, that the Ninjara player didn't stop punching to re-adjust to hit you in the Twintelle one, right? While with Ribbon Girl all adjusting wouldn't help at all as she's out of reach.
Thank you! And even if he did adjust, I would've had enough time to be even further out of reach. TT's lateral movement is really good on top of being coupled with ZA WARUDO which in fact did affect some of those punches. He was right to keep chucking considering the wide berth of the triblast.


I cannot wait to try and play around with the mechanics again this time without a clock ticking in the background.

Never had this much fun with any fighting game before.
I see everyone's Switch codes, here's mine: 4917-3531-3993, feel free to add me(Name's the same as here only with 001 instead of 100).

Gaf Lobby will be the killer with all those 90-100 scores in the testpunches :D

It will be fun times I guess, I actually started with Master Mummy at first but fell in love with Ribbon Girl in the later testpunches, I actually only wanted to try her out a bit ^^

@donkey show: nice gifs as usual :) -you do realize though, that the Ninjara player didn't stop punching to re-adjust to hit you in the Twintelle one, right? While with Ribbon Girl all adjusting wouldn't help at all as she's out of reach.

Even if he adjusted he wouldn't have stopped the slowing effect. Meanwhile he can perform the same maneuver and dash backwards and still be out of reach, replicating Ribbon


I cannot wait to try and play around with the mechanics again this time without a clock ticking in the background.

Never had this much fun with any fighting game before.
I feel the exact same. Even when I lost, I wasn't mad. Just upset I couldn't fight more.

Also, on a separate note, I tried the ZL/ZR buttons for punching.

It was terrible.
I cannot wait to try and play around with the mechanics again this time without a clock ticking in the background.

Never had this much fun with any fighting game before.

Not to mention no one has even been able to experience the BIGGEST draw of the game, which is mixing and matching arms outside of the defaults. I feel like we've grown so attached to specific characters, and don't realize a significant portion of that is their arm selection. Being able to equip any arms on any characters is going to open things up immensely


Yeah, one of the best feelings in this game is dancing around your opponent's rush with Ribbon Girl. Jump, dash, jump, dash and then end with a grab

Still have to get hit by a super in 1v1 with Ribbon Girl
Splatoon was missing a significant number of modes at launch (I don't think ranked was even initially there). It's a decidedly different situation
Yeah, weird that ranked was disabled for 2 days post launch.
While I imagine it's more content packed I assume people that are against new control schemes like Jim Sterling will dock it a lot more than Splatoon


What people underestimate is the fact, that you can easily dodge almost every super of your enemy with ribbon girl by jumping, dashing, jumping, dashing(backwards is also nice, it's funny to see the opponents run towards you while their rush fades away because they are out of reach). The best would way to disarm a rush attack is to jump, dodge and then grab, this is really fun with her.

It's also actually super easy to evade supers with Twintelle, I would just charge, be it sky or land, and even with their supers they still were slow enough to easily dodge. After dodging I'd either dodge again or slow time again and repeat until it either ran out or I could land a hit

Ribbon Girl and Twintelle both have excellent evasion. However, if you're playing someone good, more often than not they won't use super unless it's guaranteed. Even a week in I *usually* only use a super when it's guaranteed. There are still times when I think it's guaranteed and it ends up not being the case, but the more I play the less that happens.

Soul Lab

Yeah, weird that ranked was disabled for 2 days post launch.
While I imagine it's more content packed I assume people that are against new control schemes like Jim Sterling will dock it a lot more than Splatoon
True. I'm so glad Nintendo sticks to motion controls. For me the controls are a big reason why Splatoon felt so fresh and Arms does now.
Yeah, weird that ranked was disabled for 2 days post launch.
While I imagine it's more content packed I assume people that are against new control schemes like Jim Sterling will dock it a lot more than Splatoon

I mean there is pro control option though.

Would be dumb to dock points off something because it has motion controls.


Not to mention no one has even been able to experience the BIGGEST draw of the game, which is mixing and matching arms outside of the defaults. I feel like we've grown so attached to specific characters, and don't realize a significant portion of that is their arm selection. Being able to equip any arms on any characters is going to open things up immensely

It'll be interesting to see different combos once the game is out as I'm actually under the impression that the game is more arms matchup dependent than they are character matchup dependent.

But yeah, I felt like Helix's stuff was kinda blah (outside of maybe 2v2 where it seems like the shield is godlike if you have enough teamwork), but his movement potential is really good (came across a Japanese player in the 5am window that was really hard to hit).
Ribbon Girl and Twintelle both have excellent evasion. However, if you're playing someone good, more often than not they won't use super unless it's guaranteed. Even a week in I *usually* only use a super when it's guaranteed. There are still times when I think it's guaranteed and it ends up not being the case, but the more I play the less that happens.

Yup. I usually use mine as a counter, generally as they attempt to guard their landing with an attack and ideally when their meter isn't ready to pop.



It'll be interesting to see different combos once the game is out as I'm actually under the impression that the game is more arms matchup dependent than they are character matchup dependent.

But yeah, I felt like Helix's stuff was kinda blah (outside of maybe 2v2 where it seems like the shield is godlike if you have enough teamwork), but his movement potential is really good (came across a Japanese player in the 5am window that was really hard to hit).

I definitely feel the depth in this game is more in the Arms than the characters. Outside of characters with better evasion, you can play pretty much every character almost exactly the same with certain Arms combinations.

I never feel the need to switch characters, only adjust my Arms to counter whatever my opponent is doing. Either give myself faster Arms or switch from ice to electricity if the opponent is good at fighting while iced.

In casual play I think it'll be fun to play around with all of the different Arms combinations. Unfortunately, I think only a handful of Arms combinations will be viable at the highest level of play. It's still super early, but in my limited opinion I don't think the Arms are balanced very well.

Yup. I usually use mine as a counter, generally as they attempt to guard their landing with an attack and ideally when their meter isn't ready to pop.


From my testing, if you have super and you're not at maximum range, the opponent can't punch at all. The closer you are the higher the risk of the opponent attacking while you have super. Some of the more mobile characters can still evade, but I just get as close as possible and then even they can't attack.

So far super is guaranteed:
- When interrupting a punch from close to moderate distance.
- Interrupting any grab attempt.
- After a non-charged single punch hits from close to moderate range.
- After a charged punch hits from close range.
- During an electricity stun.


I feel the exact same. Even when I lost, I wasn't mad. Just upset I couldn't fight more.

Also, on a separate note, I tried the ZL/ZR buttons for punching.

It was terrible.
Really?! That was the only way I found logical to punch with the traditional controls. I didn't like A/B punching.


Still debating between maining Min Min or Twintelle. I like them both a lot.

Min Min I had an interesting high pressure style using the Megawatt with her always-charged left hand and the Ramram on the right to quickly sneak in attacks. Really fun. I found a good counter for Twintelle with the Dragon on the right hand, as it kinda ruins her counter punish game. Didn't find a good counter for Ribbon Girl though, kept getting obliterated by her.

Twintelle has that fun counter and punish style gameplay, which is just really fun.


Its scores will be hampered by the dudes against the amazing motion controls.

Give it 60, i'm still there day one anyway.

It'd be weird to dock it for that when the traditional controls are still there and are perfectly usable. I mean, I'm sure if critics dislike it, they'll mention it though.


So, I'm not sure if this was a glitch or lag, but earlier today a Japanese Spring Man cancelled his grab into a rush attack. His grab connected, keeping me in place, and then I was being hit by his rush attack.

Or it could be a real setup. It didn't occur to me to try that while playing online. Anyone know? Would be cool if it were possible.


...hate me...
In a perfect world:

"Preload/preorder ARMS for your Nintendo Switch now and get access to one final Testpunch weekend before the final release!"
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