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Assassin's Creed Unity |OT| Liberté, égalité, parité

That's really weird. Game ran fine for me and I've got the same CPU, 16GB of RAM and a GTX 760. I started on 1680* resolution with all settings on High, bought a new TV, though, and ended up playing on 1920* on High. Except for a few hitches here and there, the game ran perfectly fine. Are you sure you're running the latest patch? Newest drivers? Another thing that comes to my mind, but I'm not sure how much it matters: did you install the game on a SSD?

Yeah, all of the above. I tried installing it on my SSD and HDD - little difference. I've got all the graphical options on Low and my framerate must be in the single figures. :-(


Is it not possible to switch R1 & R2? Running was always linked to R1 in AC, feels extremly weird. Huge turn off already after 5 minutes


Ironicaly, the game was ok on PC until patch 4, now it's a mess.

Huh, I only started playing after patch 4 was released and finished whole game with it without any bugs, crashes or framerate problems. Only issue was the 5 second freeze that happened once every 3 hours or so, which was tolerable.


I just discovered how damned useful the disguise ability is. I've played through most of the game using a stealth strategy without it and it has been TOUGH. The game seems almost designed around it from a stealth standpoint.


He touched the black heart of a mod
They are all Arno. That's (oddly) true, its how the MP works too.

Only everyone in multiplayer looks like Arno. I was hoping that the other players would have different faces and whatnot from my perspective as the cover suggests, but no, it's a group of Arnos.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Apart from Arno, who are the men on the cover? I'm a fair way through the story but have met none of them.
Just concept of multiplayer skins. I wish that green outfit was in the game.

Only everyone in multiplayer looks like Arno. I was hoping that the other players would have different faces and whatnot from my perspective as the cover suggests, but no, it's a group of Arnos.
Other people do have different faces from Arno. Not drastically different but yes different. Same hair style though if no hood is equipped.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Other people do have different faces from Arno. Not drastically different but yes different. Same hair style though if no hood is equipped.

Really? Me and my friend were playing and I got a good look at his face, and I swear it looked just like Arno. In any case, I haven't seen any faces with facial hair.



Just got the game today. By that I mean I just got the game yesterday and spent the night downloading the 6+ gig update.

The game is woeful. There isn't a single second of gameplay or shot from a cutscene that isn't littered with graphical infidelities. All the characters are arseholes, and it's the same story since ACII; the combat is messy at best; the parkour is shoddy to the point of fundamentally broken; the character control veers from running-in-a-dream slow to lurchingly rapid; having no 'push past' button in the only Assassin's Creed where it would actually be useful is beyond ludicrous; the animus sidestuff is intrusive yet non-interactive; I have yet to complete a mission without failing due to bugs, including running faster than a character I'm following, bumping into him and him falling through the ground; the English voices are a tragedy, and so far, all I'm doing is bumping into NPCs, stumbling about the place to a poorly staged objective, then literally fighting against the game to complete its shitty menial missions.

So instead, I turned the HUD off, put the language to French, and put the time of day to afternoon.

I played while my Dad, a huge Francophile, with no interest in games, watched. We went from the Notre Dame and traced the route we took last year from the Jardin du Luxembourg to the Panthéon, including going where the National Assembly sculpture would be to the future graves of Rousseau, Voltaire, the Curies, et al.

It's a stunning Paris simulator. The accuracy is laudable and the scale is magnificent. The graphics, when caught in the right light, are legitimately gasp-worthy. He loved it.

And since, all I've been doing is walking around like this. The immersive events work a great deal better without the HUD, as well as allowing a real appreciation of all the NPCs and their little duties and speeches and actions and social activity. It really is a revelation.

I really, really hope they figure AC out this gen, and I think this is the route they go down. Strip the stagnant core bare. Turn the games into open-world simulators with immersion and detail to rival GTA and focus on emergent gameplay situations over suffocating main storylines. Just make them walking simulators with some game attached, rather than lethargic quest-conicals in which the detailed work of artists is scuppered by suits and producers who want more scope for microtransactions, set pieces and shit romances.

Vive la France. Fuck Ubisoft.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Really? Me and my friend were playing and I got a good look at his face, and I swear it looked just like Arno. In any case, I haven't seen any faces with facial hair.
Think it's just minor edits like different eyes and facial structure. Nothing major. It's also harder to tell when they have a hood on.


He touched the black heart of a mod
So instead, I turned the HUD off, put the language to French, and put the time of day to afternoon.

That's the best way to play (or at least set it to minimal). You don't need most of the HUD to get by, and it makes navigating a little more interesting. To find nearby collectibles, underground entrances, shops and whatnot, you have to climb to the roofs and stand still or walk slowly. It lets you enjoy the views a lot more too. And I like the combat better when I have to keep track of how many times I've been hit and be aware of how much my guy can take without dying.

I do turn on the HUD for multiplayer heists though. Too difficult otherwise (and I don't want to screw up and drag my team down).


Think i might uninstall this... which would be the first ass creed i don't finish.

Missions just aren't fun because the game forces stealth on you with the revamp combat which makes you extremely fucked against rifles (can't seem to dodge even when im hitting dodge, game is ridiculously unresponsive at times).

And the stealth is awful.

Think the tipping point was the last mission i just beat which had a long ass chase part to catch up to a boat which really emphasize how imprecise the parkour STILL IS.

Then the stealth part after which i eventually cheesed somehow because the npc glitched into a wall but i could still steal from.


Think i might uninstall this... which would be the first ass creed i don't finish.

Missions just aren't fun because the game forces stealth on you with the revamp combat which makes you extremely fucked against rifles (can't seem to dodge even when im hitting dodge, game is ridiculously unresponsive at times).

And the stealth is awful.

Think the tipping point was the last mission i just beat which had a long ass chase part to catch up to a boat which really emphasize how imprecise the parkour STILL IS.

Then the stealth part after which i eventually cheesed somehow because the npc glitched into a wall but i could still steal from.
Get the disguise ability if you haven't already. It makes stealth much more enjoyable and pretty much rescued the game from me giving up on it entirely.
The level you're talking about was my least favorite as well. Partially because water absolutely kills the framerate on console and there didn't seem to be a good stealth approach for that mission. I put the game down for a few weeks after that, but binged to the end today. It's worth finishing and the subsequent sequences aren't as bad. It's not the best game, but there are a few cool moments in the remaining sequences.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Think i might uninstall this... which would be the first ass creed i don't finish.

Missions just aren't fun because the game forces stealth on you with the revamp combat which makes you extremely fucked against rifles (can't seem to dodge even when im hitting dodge, game is ridiculously unresponsive at times).

And the stealth is awful.

Think the tipping point was the last mission i just beat which had a long ass chase part to catch up to a boat which really emphasize how imprecise the parkour STILL IS.

Then the stealth part after which i eventually cheesed somehow because the npc glitched into a wall but i could still steal from.
^ I just booted it up. I really enjoyed that mission. Just gotta know when to press O or X while holding RT, I plan ahead and think about the next object as i'm moving and which button press will yield the best results. I recommend finding a good roof top and testing the different ways you can jump across the street or how Arno interacts with objects depending on the input. Also, the phantom blade is your best friend during stealth, and so is the gun, it has longer range and technically is loud but if you're far enough away you can pick people off with a long range pistol without getting detected. Good luck if you decide to finish the game. You're pretty close to the end.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Might be crazy but did they remove stealth swimming? I remember you could dive before to hide.

Yes they did. Odd since they now have a dedicated crouch button. Assigning that to diving seems like a no-brainer.
Posted this in the Patch 4 thread but posting here as well.

Well, I finally had an update from Ubisoft regarding the PS4 fan issue.

Thomas @ Ubisoft Support 01/01/2015 @ 14:56

Unfortunately this is a known issue that we are aware of. This is caused by the menu having a higher resolution and quality in the game. At the moment there isn't any further information on this matter, if I get any I shall inform you if I can.

You wrote 17/12/2014 @ 20:39

As pointed out on your forums, the PS4 fan speed kicks in to 100% when in any of the menus for Assassins Creed Unity.

Is there going to be a fix for this?

Forum Thread: http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/955623-In-game-menus-loud-fan-noise?p=10449432#post10449432

I mean, how hard is it to lower a fucking resolution or put in an FPS cap on the menu?
The mind truly and utterly boggles at Unity's dev team.


It really sucks how the AI just 'dies' in some online missions. This woman march one is infuriating because the ai companions will just stop moving.


Finally got around to finishing this. Its a solid 5/10 (average), some of the missions are a lot of fun and provide different ways to complete your objectives. However I hate what they have done to the combat, they haven't made it harder they have just made it sluggish and boring. There is no flow to the combat like in past games. Also the removal of stealth swimming and human shield in combat are just down right piss poor decisions especially for the latter when every cunt has a gun and has impossible accuracy with these old ass guns even when you're dodging through a crowd to run away.

Visually its really fucking nice a lot of the time but then there are moments when it looks downright bad, especially in open areas. The lighting at times is also poor especially when its sunny, almost too bright at time. Most of the time its good though.

Well they might as well of not put in any kind of story in it. The present day stuff is no existent which is a shame as its one of the things I like about the series. And the Arno story isn't the best. In past games I felt motivated to stop the bad guy but in this nothing is built up well and at the end I guess they wanted to
give you some feels due to her death
but they failed on almost every level.

I'll get Rogue on the cheap soon so I hope that one doesn't let me down.


really is a shame how buggy everything is. Like you can see inklings of potential everywhere. Just give me assassin creed hitman, but its not even close.

Beat all those games, yet I have zero clue of approaches for some of this stuff. Like one of the last missions i played today, where you have to assassinate the grain lady. Zero clue how to do this stealth, so i ended up pistoling her and smoking bombing and running out.

Bought disguise, but have no clue how to use it, or when it works.


Posted this in the Patch 4 thread but posting here as well.

Well, I finally had an update from Ubisoft regarding the PS4 fan issue.

I mean, how hard is it to lower a fucking resolution or put in an FPS cap on the menu?
The mind truly and utterly boggles at Unity's dev team.

This happens on PC version as well. i dont notice the noise but i noticed the increased temperatures in the menus, from 63c while gaming to 69c while browsing the menus.
oh my god im finally done. Been at the companion app since launch with two data wipes. Im finally free...happy fucking new year



Is there a GAF PSN clan or something that I can get invited to?

Getting so much money from one of these co-op, Ancient History. Doesn't take too long either.
Is there a GAF PSN clan or something that I can get invited to?

Getting so much money from one of these co-op, Ancient History. Doesn't take too long either.

There is a neogaf club, I think you just search for "neogaf". Anytime I have tried to send a request, it says its full or something like that though


I bet this has been covered, but since the patch, is there a consensus on the best console version of the game? I might pick this up later today.


So much fucking missed potential.... gah.

seriously what can you even do in the crowd? Just finished a assassination mission where i had to kill the dude in the middle with guilotine and there is huge crowd around. 'stealth' crossbow alerts everyone in the freaking world and I still get shot when im running around in the crowd.

eventually cheesed the AI to get in the execution cage thing then stabbed the dude and smoked screen out of there... but yeah feels like im not getting a good read on ANY of these missions. Just stumble my way to a solution and feel miserable on the journey.

It's like anti hitman.


I'm having a hell of a time trying to complete the co op mission Tournament.

I tried by myself, but the flag catching seems to highlight every problem with the traversal aspects of the game. Arno stops short when he's supposed to keep running and is a magnet to everything when you don't want him to be.

When I joined groups the mission was glitchy as hell. I have yet to finish it at all, but my coop attempts were stopped short due to enemies not spawning, objectives not triggering and being attacked by invisible and out of sync enemies.

Frustrating. And poorly executed "co-op"


That's the best way to play (or at least set it to minimal). You don't need most of the HUD to get by, and it makes navigating a little more interesting. To find nearby collectibles, underground entrances, shops and whatnot, you have to climb to the roofs and stand still or walk slowly. It lets you enjoy the views a lot more too. And I like the combat better when I have to keep track of how many times I've been hit and be aware of how much my guy can take without dying.

I do turn on the HUD for multiplayer heists though. Too difficult otherwise (and I don't want to screw up and drag my team down).

I just tried HUD off (on Light at least) but how do you know of the optional objectives then ? I had to check the main objective on the pause menu every time since they didn't appear (stupid really that they don't even flash to tell what you're supposed to do) but there is no mention there of the optional ones.


Finally got the platinum. Thank god you don't have to do all the Paris stories and murder mysteries to get it.


Finally getting around to playing this and fortunately, there haven't been any major performance issues so far on XB1.

I've pretty much only been doing the main missions. Which of the other stuff is worth completing? There's just an overwhelming amount of stuff on the map from riddles, paris stories, co-op missions, heists, etc.


So much fucking missed potential.... gah.

seriously what can you even do in the crowd? Just finished a assassination mission where i had to kill the dude in the middle with guilotine and there is huge crowd around. 'stealth' crossbow alerts everyone in the freaking world and I still get shot when im running around in the crowd.

eventually cheesed the AI to get in the execution cage thing then stabbed the dude and smoked screen out of there... but yeah feels like im not getting a good read on ANY of these missions. Just stumble my way to a solution and feel miserable on the journey.

It's like anti hitman.
That stage pretty much requires disguise for stealth approach.
So I'm playing through the early part of the game and very much enjoying it so far.

I was thinking about how this is all very meta now, and we're essentially playing a videogame based on someone playing a videogame. This got me thinking about what was actually happening in the old animus. Would y'all mind explaining? Was the animus machine essentially VR technology where DNA is used to display memories onto a VR screen? Was Desmond simply watching the memories and we as the player were controlling the memories that he was watching? Or was he actually using some kind of control scheme in the animus to work his way through the memories as an active participant?

And the meta setup in AC:U is basically that we're playing a videogame where DNA memory is transformed into a game with standard videogame controls? The concept being that this fictional world consists of people who can play videogames that are actual historical memories in videogame form on regular TV's?


UK gamer here. Got the game for £22 (ps4) in Tesco's Jan Sale.

I've been a big fan of the series to date. In even in the minority of loving the stuff with desmond, the conspiracies....i even loved Blag Flag which doesn't seem to get much love around here.

The result; not enjoying this at all. It's the first AC I didn't have on day 1. I can't put my finger on why, but the Ubi demonstrations just didn't sell me on the game pre-release. Glad I held off. Even after the latest patch the game runs like shit in my opinion. I can't even imagine what this was like on Day 1. The pop in is terrible, and while I appreciate the frame rate is now improved upon release quality, it still turned into a power point show when I got into a ruck with some guards close to a large NPC group. What a mess. The story has been frankly boring so far and there's not been enough 'fun' things to do. Admittedly I haven't tried the murder mysteries yet or those Nostradamus things. Tried some co-op and after a long wait I managed to get into a game with 90's era lag, on my (supposedly) 100mb connection (I get about 2/3 of that). Genuinely disappointing the series has come to this. I hope they turn the ship around with Victory and leave it in the oven longer if needed.

Wife is currently playing through Black Flag, and watching that just lowers my opinion of unity further.

I'll finish up far cry 4 then start DA:I I think. Unity will probably collect dust until there's a barren spell.


Rant over. :(

Edit: No 'next-gen' wow factor for me here either here.
I'm sorry to hear that, Trashbat.

I'm a fan of the series - loved AC2 & AC4. Enjoyed Brotherhood and Revelations. Didn't like AC3 much. And thought AC1 was just OK.

Loving AC:U so far. Might be my third favorite in the series if this keeps up (only about 1/4 into the story and have hardly made a dent in the side missions, co-op, etc.).

I've had some major next gen 'wow' moments with the graphics. Absolutely stunning. The level of detail in the city floors me. The scale of the buildings is also a big change to the series. As are the beautifully realized interiors. And the crowd densities are awesome - that's a huge change to me...everything feels more alive, and denser crowds create some cool gameplay moments. I also haven't experienced very severe technical issues AT ALL. Some framerate dips here and there, but no big deal.

The Paris Stories side missions are neat little morsels. Provides insight into some important figures of the time, and there's more variety and depth than I was expecting. What I've seen of the murder mysteries is pretty rad too. The main story missions are solid so far. I enjoyed the co-op mission I played.

I also like the new upgrades system, and love the increased difficulty of the combat.

The story is intriguing, if not the most riveting so far. I wish the voices had French accents instead of British. I've seen the developer's explanation, but still think it was the wrong call.

All told, it's an amazing game so far.

Rave over :)


I'm sorry to hear that, Trashbat.

I'm a fan of the series - loved AC2 & AC4. Enjoyed Brotherhood and Revelations. Didn't like AC3 much. And thought AC1 was just OK.

Loving AC:U so far. Might be my third favorite in the series if this keeps up (only about 1/4 into the story and have hardly made a dent in the side missions, co-op, etc.).

I've had some major next gen 'wow' moments with the graphics. Absolutely stunning. The level of detail in the city floors me. The scale of the buildings is also a big change to the series. As are the beautifully realized interiors. And the crowd densities are awesome - that's a huge change to me...everything feels more alive, and denser crowds create some cool gameplay moments. I also haven't experienced very severe technical issues AT ALL. Some framerate dips here and there, but no big deal.

The Paris Stories side missions are neat little morsels. Provides insight into some important figures of the time, and there's more variety and depth than I was expecting. What I've seen of the murder mysteries is pretty rad too. The main story missions are solid so far. I enjoyed the co-op mission I played.

I also like the new upgrades system, and love the increased difficulty of the combat.

The story is intriguing, if not the most riveting so far. I wish the voices had French accents instead of British. I've seen the developer's explanation, but still think it was the wrong call.

All told, it's an amazing game so far.

Rave over :)

I'm with you.

There a some minor annoyances but overall, I'm really impressed.
Man, I was finally coming around to this game and thinking of picking it up used (still not giving Ubi my money for it).

But all the impressions on this page have totally killed my interest. Such a shame, Paris seems like a cool place to explore.


Man, I was finally coming around to this game and thinking of picking it up used (still not giving Ubi my money for it).

But all the impressions on this page have totally killed my interest. Such a shame, Paris seems like a cool place to explore.
You can still have an overall enjoyable experience. I think that it's just angry venting that keeps this thread alive now. If you like AC games, you'll probably like AC:U well enough, and the game is gorgeous. It's not quite as good as its predecessor, but it's not the worst game in the series either. Just take my advice if you do end up playing it and get the disguise ability asap because it makes stealth much less frustrating.
You can still have an overall enjoyable experience. I think that it's just angry venting that keeps this thread alive now. If you like AC games, you'll probably like AC:U well enough, and the game is gorgeous. It's not quite as good as its predecessor, but it's not the worst game in the series either. Just take my advice if you do end up playing it and get the disguise ability asap because it makes stealth much less frustrating.

The only one I played was Black Flag, which I loved, but I think it was mostly the pirate stuff that I enjoyed. The actual AC stuff was kind of eh. But Paris seems really cool and the improvements to combat and parkour that they were touting had me interested.

So I guess I've just been really on the fence on this.

They got rid of instafail missions like tailing and eavesdropping, right?


He touched the black heart of a mod
The only one I played was Black Flag, which I loved, but I think it was mostly the pirate stuff that I enjoyed. The actual AC stuff was kind of eh. But Paris seems really cool and the improvements to combat and parkour that they were touting had me interested.

So I guess I've just been really on the fence on this.

They got rid of instafail missions like tailing and eavesdropping, right?

Man, I was finally coming around to this game and thinking of picking it up used (still not giving Ubi my money for it).

But all the impressions on this page have totally killed my interest. Such a shame, Paris seems like a cool place to explore.

Literally the three posts above yours on that page are positive toward the game. Give it a try. It's an awesome game.
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