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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)

Stats post time!

AusGAF 5 detailed stats
AusGAF 6 detailed stats
AusGAF 7 detailed stats

AusGAF 5
110 days (14th Nov 2011 - 3rd March 2012)
181.42 posts per day
181 unique posters (23 posted 1 time, 20 posted 2 times, 13 posted 3 times, 11 posted 4 times, 7 posted 5 times, 12 posted more than 500 times)

AusGAF 6
120 days (3rd March 2012 - 1st July 2012)
159.89 posts per day
167 unique posters (34 posted 1 time, 15 posted 2 times, 11 posted 3 times, 8 posted 4 times, 5 posted 5 times, 12 posted more than 500 times)

AusGAF 7
152 days (2nd July 2012 - 1st December 2012)
127.99 posts per day
167 unique posters (37 posted 1 time, 15 posted 2 times, 11 posted 3 times, 9 posted 4 times, 6 posted 5 times, 12 posted more than 500 times)

AusGAF 8
160 days (2nd December 2013 - 11th May 2013)
119.34 posts per day
195 unique posters (50 posted 1 time, 20 posted 2 times, 12 posted 3 times, 8 posted 4 times, 3 posted 5 times, 11 posted more than 500 times)

Click to embiggen any chart.

Duration, number of posters, unique posters (higher duration means the thread lasted for a higher number of days, AusGAF 1 was unique in that it went to 33,000-odd posts):

Posts by day of the week (based on GMT+10, not normalised for daylight savings):

Posts by hour of the day (based on GMT+10, not normalised for daylight savings):

Dead Man

Stats post time!

AusGAF 5 detailed stats
AusGAF 6 detailed stats
AusGAF 7 detailed stats

AusGAF 5
110 days (14th Nov 2011 - 3rd March 2012)
181.42 posts per day
181 unique posters (23 posted 1 time, 20 posted 2 times, 13 posted 3 times, 11 posted 4 times, 7 posted 5 times, 12 posted more than 500 times)

AusGAF 6
120 days (3rd March 2012 - 1st July 2012)
159.89 posts per day
167 unique posters (34 posted 1 time, 15 posted 2 times, 11 posted 3 times, 8 posted 4 times, 5 posted 5 times, 12 posted more than 500 times)

AusGAF 7
152 days (2nd July 2012 - 1st December 2012)
127.99 posts per day
167 unique posters (37 posted 1 time, 15 posted 2 times, 11 posted 3 times, 9 posted 4 times, 6 posted 5 times, 12 posted more than 500 times)

AusGAF 8
160 days (2nd December 2013 - 11th May 2013)
119.34 posts per day
195 unique posters (50 posted 1 time, 20 posted 2 times, 12 posted 3 times, 8 posted 4 times, 3 posted 5 times, 11 posted more than 500 times)

Click to embiggen any chart.

Duration, number of posters, unique posters (higher duration means the thread lasted for a higher number of days, AusGAF 1 was unique in that it went to 33,000-odd posts):

Posts by day of the week (based on GMT+10, not normalised for daylight savings):

Posts by hour of the day (based on GMT+10, not normalised for daylight savings):

Weekday mid afternoons are prime time? AusGAF slackers confirmed.


awwww yeah codstats!

trendin to longer lasting threads and less posts per day. i expect a bigger drop for this thread with 2 key players out from the start


So I sat through maybe the worst student production I've ever seen for like three hours. At least the money went to charity. Yeesh.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
AusGAF 7
152 days (2nd July 2012 - 1st December 2012)
127.99 posts per day
167 unique posters (37 posted 1 time, 15 posted 2 times, 11 posted 3 times, 9 posted 4 times, 6 posted 5 times, 12 posted more than 500 times)

AusGAF 8
160 days (2nd December 2013 - 11th May 2013)
119.34 posts per day
195 unique posters (50 posted 1 time, 20 posted 2 times, 12 posted 3 times, 8 posted 4 times, 3 posted 5 times, 11 posted more than 500 times)

Between AusGAF 7 and AusGAF 8, AusGAF saw a massive influx of almost thirty, thirty posters invade this thread illegally. While taking the average posts per day account away from AusGAF battlers, and stretching this downward spiral over a longer period of time.

Tell me, codswallop, what is the Gillard government doing to stop this? How many new posters will arrive ignored only to take away posting rights of honest AusGAFers? What is this costing the Australian public?

$349. Way too expensive.




Go to google image search and type in Atari Breakout.

Personal fun facts about Breakout:

It was my first ever owned Video Game on my first ever console the woodgrain finished Atari 2600


We had specialised controllers for the game as well


And finally, Breakout and I were conceived in the same year.

So Happy Birthday Breakout, the catalyst for my video game addiction :D


Piracy wasn't even being stopped when you could buy the season on iTunes. It's because pirating the show is the easiest way to get it.

What I want to know is will I still be able to buy it via iTunes? The wording sounds like Foxtel will have a billion percent exclusivity.

Actually read the article. okay, now I'm pissed. I openly admit to pirating this show next sesason. I was more than happy to pay for it on iTunes.
So the way that you stunt the growth of piracy is to remove more legitimate channels of purchasing the content and make those that are paying to see it wait longer?

Makes sense.
Piracy wasn't even being stopped when you could buy the season on iTunes. It's because pirating the show is the easiest way to get it.

Surprised you're not going for the "people that used to buy it on iTunes upset that they won't be able to do so going forward are entitled whingers" angle.
Piracy is a lot like Pizza Shapes.

They are there so I consume them. If they weren't there I wouldn't care. When they aren't left on my desk by the cook I will purchase them if I feel like having them.

The sea kind requires a different theory though.


Piracy wasn't even being stopped when you could buy the season on iTunes. It's because pirating the show is the easiest way to get it.
Now, people in the US are able to get it on Netflix or Hulu relatively quickly after it airs on the cable channel, aren't they?
Took my mum out for belated mothers day to see Star Trek. It was pretty decent. Fairly standard blockbuster fare, but entertaining enough.

Dead Man

As long as they don't impact game design, right?

Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, it's not so much that this will make Steam worse for me, it will just not make it better for me. I wish they were using their time with different priorities.
Because I want to take Jaipur away with us (so the wife and I have something to play on long trips), but taking the tokens was going to be a pain (space, they'll get damaged and lost), I made an app to track the scores:

I suppose I could've been preparing for the trip or whatever, but this was more fun. So much IP infringement using images of the tokens and cards.

Tell me, codswallop, what is the Gillard government doing to stop this? How many new posters will arrive ignored only to take away posting rights of honest AusGAFers? What is this costing the Australian public?
I'm not sure, but an Abbott government will deter posting by including an image of Tony in his budgie smugglers every 50 posts.


Because I want to take Jaipur away with us (so the wife and I have something to play on long trips), but taking the tokens was going to be a pain (space, they'll get damaged and lost), I made an app to track the scores:


I suppose I could've been preparing for the trip or whatever, but this was more fun. So much IP infringement using images of the tokens and cards.

Fuck I want some faux-pizza Shapes. Where is my butler when I need him?

Also most expected responses of all time.

Be Mine 8 bundle. Blah blah blah. Get it for Drakensang which isn't available here any more.

Tell me, codswallop, what is the Gillard government doing to stop this? How many new posters will arrive ignored only to take away posting rights of honest AusGAFers? What is this costing the Australian public?

Choc will be reinstated as AusGAF moderator with posting privileges until the end of time.

Juliar has compromising pictures of Evilore, if you catch my drift.

I'm talking about wang pictures. She has pictures of his wang.
In the cbd?

Just around South Bank.

Speaking of which, I went to see Iron Man there and the tickets were sold out half an hour before the session! A movie that has been out for weeks, on a tuesday night! gaaah.

Attention fellow Aussies, apparently, this is how you stop piracy:


Foxtels monopoly continues to be the worst thing for Australian content consumers.

Fuck you, Murdoch.

That picture of smug Joffery works on so many levels. What a dumb, dumb move on both Foxtel and HBO's part.
Yo codsman whats the deal with the meet. My vote is for friday but only if people are actually going to commit to it
Go to google image search and type in Atari Breakout.

Personal fun facts about Breakout:

It was my first ever owned Video Game on my first ever console the woodgrain finished Atari 2600


We had specialised controllers for the game as well


And finally, Breakout and I were conceived in the same year.

So Happy Birthday Breakout, the catalyst for my video game addiction :D
Well I know I had fun
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