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Batman: Arkham Origins |OT| Justice from the head of Prototype And Hulk: UD


the code I got from the ebay seller isn't working...

I emailed him so hopefully this gets resolved and he has another code.

The code I got didn't work at first, then I was instructed that it had to be entered at an NVIDIA site first...then I got my steam code from that.
Finished my replay of AC last night so got started on a replay of AA today, see if I can get it done in time. I feel kinda sad though. In my memory I always prefer AA because of the pretty brilliant environment design, but in practise I think the combat has pushed me over to AC. I never recognised much difference back in the day moving on to AC, but when you go back, geez. I had no idea they had made such an improvement. Wonderful games in spite though of course.

Arkham City is the definitive superhero game of the gen... from a gameplay standpoint.
It's story on the other hand is shit compared to Asylum, so yeah, we agree on this.


I think the City story was more of missed opportunities than anything. There was a lot of content in there, with a ton of different characters, each who had their own motivations. It could have been a bit more streamlined in that regard. Still a brilliant game; I just hope the proper next gen sequel is a bit more focused.


Anybody played the ps3 version yet? Really worried about the famerate, specially since it's not by Rocksteady and that there won't be a nextgen version coming.
Anybody played the ps3 version yet? Really worried about the famerate, specially since it's not by Rocksteady and that there won't be a nextgen version coming.

Pretty much every demo they done, it's been the PS3 version surprisingly enough. Go hit up Gamespot. From my observations, just tearing is the only thing i've noticed, which was in AA and AC anyway.


The code I got didn't work at first, then I was instructed that it had to be entered at an NVIDIA site first...then I got my steam code from that.

I am entering it on the Nvidia site :(

Your redemption code is not valid or has already been redeemed

- Make sure to enter the code using all CAPS with the Dash's/Hyphens included.
- If you are copying and pasting, make sure there are no spaces before or after the code.
- All codes are 6 sets of 4 characters i.e.: xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx
- Select the correct region where you live, codes are region based

PC users, just bid on eBay Steam coupons for this one. I picked it up for $22.50 US.

got mine for $30 and ^ that happened.


Interesting fun fact there. Never played Prototype, but Hulk: Ultimate Destruction was a pretty fun game.

Substitute developer or not, I have solid hopes for this game. It probably won't top City, but I think it might be better than Asylum. Or at least on par with it.


Batman's one of those characters that I'd like if people would stfu about him being the best hero ever or whatever. But I'm still cool with the character and hype to play this game after beating Arkham City this summer.

They can keep all that DLC though, except the story based one if it turns out to be anything substantial.
I actually think I find Batman's WORLD more compelling than Batman himself, at least when handled by the right people (Tim Burton and Paul Dini most notably.) As for DLC, well, that's what I like about Steam so long as the publisher decides to never ever put the Season Pass on sale like with Borderlands 2, you wait a bit and the season passes ARE great deals even if at full price they're of dubious value.


I think the City story was more of missed opportunities than anything. There was a lot of content in there, with a ton of different characters, each who had their own motivations. It could have been a bit more streamlined in that regard. Still a brilliant game; I just hope the proper next gen sequel is a bit more focused.

The only problem I have with Arkham City's story is the ending. Joker should not have gone out the way he did and that Talia was just fridged in this day and age is disgraceful. The way I see it, the entire plan was for Ra's to find the worthy successor, Batman or Strange. What should have happened is that Talia in some way get the upper hand proving that SHE is the worthy successor and Ra's dies content that his empire is in secure hands once and for all. It's so fucking stupid because the only reason he isn't giving her the job is because she's female. And this would have set up a great villain for the plot of the next game. As for Joker, he should never be that desperately clingly to life. This is exactly where they should have copied Dark Knight Returns and had him break his own neck after Batman saves him.


Don't think it comes with pre-order DLC, so meh.

it does.


Yikes! I hope you hear back from the seller soon and it gets worked out.

yeah he emailed me back. He's going to talk to Nvidia support because you need the invoice to get a new code.


Man, great thread. I'm replaying AC right now and it's still one of my favorite games. Less hot on Origins but I'll probably pick it up in a few weeks.

I am picking up Blackgate though for the Vita. Is there going to be an OT for it?


The PC version, yes, but just because nVidia's offering the game doesn't mean they offer a code that gets you the pre-order bonus. Kind of like how you don't get Steam specific rewards like TF2 skins if you used a code from GMG even if it's before release and lets you preload. And I think I saw someone say you do miss out on the pre-order DLC, but I'd need to dig that up again.

And should AA/AC spoilers be mentioned freely? Granted this IS the latest game and most are assumed to have played through both of them, but this is a prequel where presumably little to none of that matters (though games like Metal Gear Solid and Kingdom Hearts have played with that) and we just had GFWL scrubbed out of the Steam versions so any one us waiting to play is now doing so.


Hmm...I'd heard different that NVIDIA codes weren't eligible for the pre-order DLC. It isn't that big of a deal for me since I got mine for $25 off eBay, but I look forward to finding out one way or another.

oh I thought you were talking about pre ordering the game like in general haha. fuhh I totally forgot about that before I bought the code off ebay. no pre order dlc for me.


Yes, Wii U preorders get Deathstroke.

As well, the Wii U version gets the 'season pass' too, so you can count on that DLC making its way over as well.

I'm going Wii U on this I'd never touch the multiplayer no matter the quality (just not my thing), and off TV suits my lifestyle.

I'm so pumped for this game. It's unreal. Like it has been said, I have Rocksteady a chance on Arkham Asylum (which I thought looked like shit based on its Game Informer unveiling), so why not do the we for WB Montreal. They've made some interesting changes, like having the challenge maps accessible from the Bat cave and dole out XP. I'll actually play them this time around.

Ok because amazon clearly says it only comes with the ps3 and 360 versions so I was just wondering.
wake me up when the GOTY Edition is out and is $7.50

I would wake you up but by then the next announced Batman game you want on sale is sure to be fast approaching. I would suggest to sleep less and watch for sales :) I have high hopes for the game, the team has some decent talent behind it and everything they have shown looks like a beefed up Arkham City.

I also like seeing a less refined Batman, he seems much angrier in this game from the material I have had the chance to check out.


I am entering it on the Nvidia site :(

got mine for $30 and ^ that happened.

My code worked just fine right in Steam. Make sure you buy from a reputable seller through Paypal. If you did and it doesn't work just ask for a refund and you should be just fine.


hmmm i forgot the GOTY of AC came with that harley dlc. was that any good? It seems like a standalone thing,
A lot of the reviews going by Metacritic were good, while it averaged at 70 it seems no one went below 60 and it's mainly because not too many reviewed the DLC specifically. For all I know a platform switch would completely change that.

EDIT: No wait, one 50 review on 360. And that's as low as it goes.


whats that, late 2014? lol
Or 2015 given the game would be 2 years old then.

That's kind of the thing for waiting on price drops: most any game that doesn't become crazy rare or is held by asshole publishers can be gotten at less than $10 eventually. The question is how long will it take: I'm not even sure used copies of games like Link to the Past dropped below $10 before it showed up on the VC, and I don't think anyone wants to wait over a decade to play a game. A bigger reason to wait is probably if you're FINALLY playing the first two without GFWL/Securom crap on them, in which case you can probably get a $30 or $25 sale come a holiday sale before the year ends, or at least very shortly afterwards.


Did you guys forget about Batman AC?

Released on October 18, GOTY Edition came out on May 29, 7 month turnaround. 10 months for Batman AA GOTY.
Which itself wouldn't go on sale until a few months later, though I only pulled up 2015 because this is literally the state Arkham City is in right now (although I do need to check its price history.) Nevermind the DLC usually will go on sale too, only a few times does that get pulled and HOPEFULLY those come with everyone getting the GotY edition or whatever (alternatively they can be jackasses and just delist the DLC like Deep Silver did with Dead Island.)

I think it's more that you should keep in mind how much you want to play the game and how soon, and admittedly Arkham City didn't quite pan out for me because of the reports of lost saves and waiting for that to be resolved, but if it weren't for that I probably would've torn through sooner than later.
First unboxing,I see the 360 version comes on 2 disc's.

Disc swapping isn't a big deal to me, but it IS why I've been preferring to stick with PS3 or PC more and more, beyond Live fees and just being more and more put off by Microsoft anyway.


Any impressions on the Vita ver.? ...and should the Vita ver. have its own OT since it's different to the console ver.?


completely different game, and from what the devs said, it happens after AO... so its technically a sequel lol.
I have to admit, it's the biggest reason I even want AO sooner than later. If the game didn't exist or was going to be set beforehand it wouldn't matter at all.


If you guys dont want to go through ebay im selling tradeable steam copies for 30$. They have a RU tag but are region free. Have one myself. Done it many times
Yeah. Fighting heaps of thugs at once is so satisfying. But you know the improvement I love the most in AC? Knife takedowns. I love the risk/reward of that move. Pulling one when you have a nice 100+ hits combo going is so satisfying.

One of the DLC maps in the GOTY version is in the weapons room in Bruce Wayne's mansion, and there are knives all over the place for the goons to pick up. I ended up with an 80-something hit combo and pulled off five Blade Takedowns in a row :p

I just went back to AA after the GFWL-removal patch, and managed to adjust to Batman's limited moveset fairly quickly. It just feels so much less rewarding, because I typically hammer out all nine moves for the variation bonus and then just bounce around with critical strikes and instant takedowns because there's not really any room for stylin' on fools. It just makes me appreciate AC's brilliant combat all the more. They just did such incredibly clever stuff with it, like giving you the huge point bonus for the Blade Takedown to encourage you to keep them alive as long as possible, and requiring you to clear enough space to fit in an Ultra Stun before you can do anything to a Titan. Do you take out the armoured thug immediately, or do you risk a Beatdown to for the boost to your combo meter? There's more emphasis than ever on never dropping your combo, because every single one of the special moves is so incredibly useful. Gawd I love that game.

The biggest thing I worry about for Arkham Origins is that their new additions are going to mess up some part of the combat. It's just about perfect in AC, there's no situation that you can't deal with and turn to your advantage, so I really hope the new guys know what they're doing. I'm really disappointed that they've brought back Batman's Devil Trigger from the Wii U version of AC (you click in L3 and R3 once you've filled a meter and suddenly Batman can punch all the special enemies without dropping his combo), but I'm hoping it's just there for Easy mode (or at least that you won't be allowed to use it on NG+).


Hm... For AA and AC, I have the Xbox games, I wonder what I'm going to do with this one though. If the other versions are the same, I may go with PS3 or Wii U. I'm actually curious to how this is going to play on the Wii U and how it'll use the gamepad.
PS3 only ever seemed to be SLIGHTLY worse (or at least AA looked and ran great for me on PS3) and both AA and AO have exclusive content for it. If you're considering jumping ship to either PS3 or Wii U then PS3's almost certainly the better option, or at least the more fully featured one given that AO won't have MP on Wii U.


PS3 only ever seemed to be SLIGHTLY worse (or at least AA looked and ran great for me on PS3) and both AA and AO have exclusive content for it. If you're considering jumping ship to either PS3 or Wii U then PS3's almost certainly the better option, or at least the more fully featured one given that AO won't have MP on Wii U.

I rarely play multiplayer in games, but not even having the option would push me to the PS3 (or 360 if I still get that version). I'm not getting the game for a month or so anyways, so I'll just have to read up on impressions afterwards.
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