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Beyond: Two Souls - Review Thread

I love Cage's games.

The writing is always atrocious, but there are some really genius moments that define the games for me. I like getting emotional vignettes, and the mundane interactions. But even if you swear by QD (and I do really enjoy their material), you've got to know you're going into a real shitshow as far as plot development, narrative dissonance, and poor character evolution.

There are scenes in Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain that I consider some of the best moments of gaming I've played period. But with those scenes, come the bitter lacking stories and strange styles of trying to describe the characters.

Yeah, this is pretty much my sentiment as well. At least with Page and Dafoe, the acting will be probably be better though.
Not at all surprised by the reviews for this "game"- you better have much better writers than the crap QD employs to make games like this work. The gulf between this and TWD is just massive.


Gold Member
a lot of the reviewers plainly hate cage no matter what...

& it'd seem that a few of his fans plainly love cage no matter what. so, where does this get us, exactly?...

enjoy what you enjoy, no matter what anyone else says/thinks. you'll be happier, & likely live longer :) ...
There was no looking behind the curtain for me. I only had to play through the game once to realise there was no real choice. Like I said, you notice a formula happening, and I put two and two together halfway through Episode 3. When the choices have no weight then the tension and emotional investment is lessened considerably.

Are they lessened in a movie or linear game?

I realized that there was only the illusion of choice, I just don't give a shit.
I thought of this while considering Beyond Two Souls: How does this compare to The Walking Dead The Game? They both seemingly exist for story only, yet the reception was drastically different between the two.

Edit: I see I'm not the first to think of this, sorry!!


man the gameplay is pretty crappy........but hey its an "adventure game" sooooooo 10/10 GOTY it is

awesome logic

Do you also think Grim Fandango and Day of the Tentacle are terrible because of their gameplay?

Games take many forms. Mindless shooting with tight controls is less interesting to me now than well-crafted stories, whatever form they take.

(Note: David Cage has yet to write a well-crafted story. I'm definitely not referring to Beyond or Heavy Rain with this comment.)


This post explains your position a lot better than the one I quoted before. I can't say I've read many reviews, just seemed you were being a bit tinfoil hat.

To play devil's advocate; perhaps the emotional resonance isn't enough for the reviewer, regardless of whether games invoke it often in them or not and they still took into account technical features, etc. Really this just gets to the root of the problem with review scores.

I guess to me that makes very little sense. Emotional resonance is everything. If someone asks me what I thought of the new Sherlock Holmes movie. I'd tell them it was boring, generic action porn with an unintelligible script that claims to be more than it really is. On top of that I was highly annoyed by all of its various geriatrics. This summary would describe dislike. On a 0 to 10 scale. I'd give it a 3 because it describes what I felt durring the movie. I thought it was terrible.

Whereas if someone asked me to give my thoughts on a movie like The Tree of Life. I'd describe it as superlative, a rich odyssey on the themes of life and death that harkens back to our youth and innocence celebrating all there is between joy and suffering: a heartwarming journey through the rigors of life. On that very same scale I'd rate it a 10 because it evoked bliss.

This to me is the way most critics of film and literature write their reviews. They don't have a checklist of items that state what a movie or book needs to have to be considered good. But if you look at game reviews and as you can see we still have people with their checklists. It needs to have this many choices. It needs to be this open. It needs to have... etc. This is a problem. As I tried pointing out earlier.


to people who already have it- is it better than heavy rain? more or less the same? That's basically what im looking for.

I doubt you'll get a consensus.

Judging from the impressions in the OT, responses are mixed. Some liked it more than Heavy Rain, while others didn't.


I agree with the following quote from the gamesTM review:

Not all videogames should be like Beyond Two Souls. But be thankful that some are.

QD makes unique games . I'm glad a publisher like Sony is supporting them. Cage's games are not for everyone, but there are fans out there that love this particular genre.


Well, guess that settles it. I'll be picking Beyond when it hits Greatest Hits line oron Black Friday and make busy myself with Wolf Among Us season one. Thank you, based Telltale.


to people who already have it- is it better than heavy rain? more or less the same? That's basically what im looking for.
The "gameplay" is more or less identical, with some added mechanics involving the second character (which don't really add much). The story is very different. It's non-linear and more of a character study than anything else. It's more of a mixed bag than HR - some very touching and poignant moments mixed with a lot of very dull stretches.
So I played Heavy Rain in French because the voices were laughably bad in English... But Beyond 2 Souls has actual talent behind it... Is it consistently good in English?
to people who already have it- is it better than heavy rain? more or less the same? That's basically what im looking for.
I think it is better than Heavy Rain in every way. It mostly ditches the main story (which was Heavy Rain's biggest fault) and puts the focus completely on character scenes (which was HR's best part).
& it'd seem that a few of his fans plainly love cage no matter what. so, where does this get us, exactly?...

enjoy what you enjoy, no matter what anyone else says/thinks. you'll be happier, & likely live longer :) ...


1) EmptySpace is not cage's fan.
2) there are fans who find things that they do not agree with.
3) these reviewers who hate blindly and have an agenda can taint other people's perceptions and misguide them, which can affect sales and might affect future projects.
Do you also think Grim Fandango and Day of the Tentacle are terrible because of their gameplay?

Games take many forms. Mindless shooting with tight controls is less interesting to me now than well-crafted stories, whatever form they take.

(Note: David Cage has yet to write a well-crafted story. I'm definitely not referring to Beyond or Heavy Rain with this comment.)

Really wish people would stop thinking along the lines of "if I don't like a thing no one should".

Go play any of the other million games that aren't like this and be happy, and you know, accept that different people may like different things.


Even though it's had a mixed reception, I'm excited to try it out. Just picked up my copy, and y'know what? I'm okay with the interactive movie experience. If I can make it through both Heavy Rain and MGS4, I can make it through this and I'll probably love it like I did those two. Not every game has to be driven completely by the gameplay mechanics. If I want that kind of pure gameplay experience, I'll play some Super Hexagon.
The more I think about it the more I like the balance of story to gameplay better in games like The Last of Us. I'm skipping this and possibly The Walking Dead games too.


So I played Heavy Rain in French because the voices were laughably bad in English... But Beyond 2 Souls has actual talent behind it... Is it consistently good in English?

Some of the side characters are a little iffy, but the performances from the main cast are consistently good.
Haters: Would you rather have David Cage making games, or Uwe Boll making movies?

David is French... so he is avant garde and artsy and I thought his games would therefore appeal more to French gamers. But the two horrible French reviews I see proves I am completely wrong... or maybe there is such a French subculture and I am being too stereotypical. Hmm...


You do control Jodie the majority of the time, and moving her around can sometimes be a bit of a chore, especially if you have to drop yourself in and out of cover quickly. Other than basic movement, you mostly perform actions by tapping prompted buttons that appear on screen, holding them, pressing them in particular successions, or by tapping the right analog stick in various directions. There are some Sixaxis motion controls as well, though few of them require much more action than simply tilting the controller to one side or the other, or shaking it up and down now and again.

All I can say is that in spite of its sometimes dopey script, its slavish dedication to control mechanics that don't always quite fit, and its unrelenting desire to stuff in as many obvious blockbuster movie references and cliches as a single game can hold, I enjoyed the experience of playing Beyond: Two Souls. It certainly won't change the minds of anyone not interested in Cage's particular brand of game, but for my money, I think Cage at his best still earns your attention by sheer virtue of what he aims for, and sometimes even manages to capture, if only for fleeting moments and sequences.

From the GiantBomb.com review by Alex Navarro [Three-out-of-Five Stars]


Wow, reviews are all over the place! To be honest, it's more a question of the review system for many other genres being broken than the reviewers failing here. Nevertheless, I'm sure Cage is an easy target for some reviewers who want to earn som pseudo credibility.

IMO, Beyond is much better than Heavy Rain, and I very much enjoyed my 12 hours with the game :)


The more I think about it the more I like the balance of story to gameplay better in games like The Last of Us. I'm skipping this and possibly The Walking Dead games too.
Yeah, I thought TLoU struck the balance exactly right. It achieved what I think QD is aiming for in terms of interactive storytelling, much better than they ever could.
So I played Heavy Rain in French because the voices were laughably bad in English... But Beyond 2 Souls has actual talent behind it... Is it consistently good in English?
Yeah. Some crappy actors, but they only have 2 lines. Everyone with more is pretty much excellent.

Well, guess that settles it. I'll be picking Beyond when it hits Greatest Hits line oron Black Friday and make busy myself with Wolf Among Us season one. Thank you, based Telltale.


Weird that the farther removed a publication is from the videogame industry, the more they praise the game.
I agree with the following quote from the gamesTM review:

QD makes unique games . I'm glad a publisher like Sony is supporting them. Cage's games are not for everyone, but there are fans out there that love this particular genre.

I agree. Great post!!


I agree. Great post!!

i dunno i find it condescending, i dont like the genre, whatever the fuck that genre is, i assume he means 'teh qte genre'

these games are unique, and that is why i like them, so to me the genre being alluded to is the "unique-and-interesting-game" genre
Yeah, I thought TLoU struck the balance exactly right. It achieved what I think QD is aiming for in terms of interactive storytelling, much better than they ever could.
I don't think so. The Last of Us is a very short game when you strip out all of the shooting and stealth parts (that I loved that don't get me wrong).
Quantic Dream aims to tell a story through gameplay constantly without interruptions. The Last of Us does very well here, but the story is constantly interrupted.

The Last of Us is a fantastic game by the way, but not at all what Quantic tries to achieve. At least that's what I think.
as much as I enjoy a good open world game, it'd be a dull old place if every game was like that. I like my carefully crafted, relatively linear, story-driven experiences just as much as my 'go anywhere, do anything' games.

Walking Dead, VLR, 999, Corpse Party, Professor layton - all are basically story driven games with a few sprinkles of interactivity on top to help you accep them as 'games'. Yet all are great fun - isn't that what counts?

By world building I don't mean sandbox games or open world games.

ff7 built an interesting world with interesting places, bioshock infinite tries to do the same.
I enjoy it when a videogame is a place of wonder, you don't have to write down 200 pages of tolkien esque tropes (more like tripe) or shitty cop drama/thriller to tell a story, you can just have an interesting world that the player wants to visit and explore.

A cool world can be combined with gameplay, character exposition mostly can't.

I like VLR too but that doesn't pretend to be a game, it's a virtual novel with some puzzles, it's 90 percent dialog and reads like a book. (although I think it's also poorly paced, but that's because they make you skip through the story over and over again and redo choices to get to the proper ending, blurgh)
You don't even run around with a character you just interact with a UI and forward dialog.

Heavy rain tried to pretend to be a game, and it was a poorly paced game with terrible gameplay that was boring to play, the story pacing was held down by the gameplay and vice versa.

Imagine if they mixed VLR with recettear dungeon crawling or persona turn based battles and grinding , it would destroy the pacing of the story even more, then imagine they'd try to inject the story into every moment of the gameplay and you'd end up with something like heavy rain.

I think for example if you stripped the drama out of attack on titan it would leave an interesting world to make a videogame out of, but they could never turn the manga interactive and it not be a pile of shit.


I guess to me that makes very little sense. Emotional resonance is everything. If someone asks me what I thought of the new Sherlock Holmes movie. I'd tell them it was boring, generic action porn with an unintelligible script that claims to be more than it really is. On top of that I was highly annoyed by all of its various geriatrics. This summary would describe dislike. On a 0 to 10 scale. I'd give it a 3 because it describes what I felt durring the movie. I thought it was terrible.

Whereas if someone asked me to give my thoughts on a movie like The Tree of Life. I'd describe it as superlative, a rich odyssey on the themes of life and death that harkens back to our youth and innocence celebrating all there is between joy and suffering: a heartwarming journey through the rigors of life. On that very same scale I'd rate it a 10 because it evoked bliss.

This to me is the way most critics of film and literature write their reviews. They don't have a checklist of items that state what a movie or book needs to have to be considered good. But if you look at game reviews and as you can see we still have people with their checklists. It needs to have this many choices. It needs to be this open. It needs to have... etc. This is a problem. As I tried pointing out earlier.

I actually think we're on the same page. I believe games reviews should focus on the reviewers experience moreso (and thematic aspects and the like) than any technical aspect.

But film and literature reviews often do include mentions of technique in the writing or filming, sometimes to their discredit.. It's why scores need to be done away with, we focus on games reviews much more as a 'buyers guide'.
reviews are needlessly harsh and spiteful. Game doesnt deserve Epic Mickey tier reviews when its superior to its higher scoring predecessor in almost every conceivable way. But then these are the same people that foam at the mouth at Rockstar's amateur and juvenile social commentary, so little stock should be placed in what they think.


I don't think so. The Last of Us is a very short game when you strip out all of the shooting and stealth parts (that I loved that don't get me wrong).
Quantic Dream aims to tell a story through gameplay constantly without interruptions. The Last of Us does very well here, but the story is constantly interrupted.

The Last of Us is a fantastic game by the way, but not at all what Quantic tries to achieve. At least that's what I think.

I would hope they would be 'interrupted'. It's a fucking game.


"The story getting interrupted by the gameplay"

This statement makes me feel like an old conservative.

Beyond Two Souls should be about collecting items, dangerous platforming, and fail states. In 2D. Dammit! *yells at cloud*
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