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Beyond: Two Souls - Review Thread


Jesus what difference does it ultimately make whether you feel it's a game or not? What something is or isn't is completely irrelevant to it's quality.


I traded in the PS3 before this game but based off the reviews it looks like I made a wise choice not waiting for this game. It's getting ripped to shreds lol.

No it isn't? There are positive reviews and there are negative reviews.


What does that prove?

Lots of critics scored Spec Ops below an 8, with good reason. The main gameplay mechanic isn't very good and in this day in age, shooting should be a no brainer.

I'm not trying to prove anything.

antitrop is a massive fan of Spec Ops, so I was just having a joke with him.
Hey I don't care about this game and never have but how about a friendly reminder that godhand got a 3 out of 10 from a major reviews source way back when, please don't form your opinions from game reviewers! if you were interested give it a shot. For a more recent example zombiu is what I would consider a incredibly interesting take on its genre(and i despise fps) and received tepid reviews as well.


I don't know what people expected, but some reviewers seem to be reviewing Silent Hill 2 and of course finding something quite different. I know what I was expecting and this game met all my expectations, both Beyond and Heavy Rain are masterpieces and gems in my collection. Thanks QD.


Neo Member
Spec Ops got low scores, is now god-tier in GAF-eyes. Max Payne 3 also, and quite a few people would say that's the best TPS on the market that isnt Vanquish (also not well reviewed).

I got it early from work, and beat it.

If you have ANY interest, buy it.
If you liked Heavy Rain, buy it.

That's really all I can say, I'm no reviewer, just a guy who plays games and posts on GAF, but I had to do my part for anyone turned tedious by reviews. I had interest in it, and loved Heavy Rain, and in turn Beyond is my 2nd favorite game of the entire year.

Hope anyone who gets it gets as much out of it as I did.


irresponsible vagina leak
I don't get the big deal. The Walking Dead also considered by many a non game won many GOTY awards and high scores. It seems like they are now trying to follow the forums comments in order to review the game and keep some people happy. Im having tons of fun with the game and the story despite multiple cringe worthy moments.


What does that prove?

Lots of critics scored Spec Ops below an 8, with good reason. The main gameplay mechanic isn't very good and in this day in age, shooting should be a no brainer.

He was merely posting it as a playful jab at my comment, since I'm such a huge fan of Spec Ops. There was nothing to prove.
People are conditioned to believe that anything that isnt a 9.5 or 10 is being "ripped to shreds"
Because that's how reviewers use the scale, and that's the only thing that matters. If reviewers are routinely giving 7s to lackluster games, then 7 is a lackluster score.


Spec Ops got low scores, is now god-tier in GAF-eyes. Max Payne 3 also, and quite a few people would say that's the best TPS on the market that isnt Vanquish (also not well reviewed).

I got it early from work, and beat it.

If you have ANY interest, buy it.
If you liked Heavy Rain, buy it.

That's really all I can say, I'm no reviewer, just a guy who plays games and posts on GAF, but I had to do my part for anyone turned tedious by reviews. I had interest in it, and loved Heavy Rain, and in turn Beyond is my 2nd favorite game of the entire year.

Hope anyone who gets it gets as much out of it as I did.

Good post. The Line and MP3 were both fantastic. It pretty much comes down to if you enjoyed QD past games you will most likely enjoy this one.
People are conditioned to believe that anything that isnt a 9.5 or 10 is being "ripped to shreds"

I wouldn't quite put it like that, it's more that the majority of games get 8-10s meaning when something drops the below that, alarm bells are gonna be ringing for consumers. I know that sounds ridiculous but it's how it is.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
have never and will never understand people who defend games while wearing avatars of said game

I mean, it's honest, I guess?

kind of like playing poker with double-sided cards


100%. I don't like their games, but that's not because of controls or that I think games need to be a certain way or that I think Cage should be making movies -- I don't like their games because story and character are at the core of them, and Cage is a bad writer.

I want to play Beyond and see if his writing has improved. From what I remember of his past two games, both were beautifully directed but the scripts needed a lot of work. I liked the ideas but he just isn't that good of a writer. He needs a more experienced hand to help flesh it out.

With that said I don't think he should stop writing altogether. The guy has great ideas just poor execution at times. Without him we wouldn't have had the awesome first three hours of Heavy Rain that focused on the quiter moments or when Ethan had to decide whether or not to drink the poison. Or even in Indigo Prophecy with yhe cover-up of the murder in the bathroom or when Lucas is visiting that old woman in her creepy ass apartment with the curtains billowing and the camera tilted just right to add to the mystifying tension.


have never and will never understand people who defend games while wearing avatars of said game

I mean, it's honest, I guess?

kind of like playing poker with double-sided cards

You may not like it but I understand it. I mean, they are huge fans of the game/series so they have it as their avatar. Fans like to defend things they like no?


Spec Ops got low scores, is now god-tier in GAF-eyes. Max Payne 3 also, and quite a few people would say that's the best TPS on the market that isnt Vanquish (also not well reviewed).

I got it early from work, and beat it.

If you have ANY interest, buy it.
If you liked Heavy Rain, buy it.

That's really all I can say, I'm no reviewer, just a guy who plays games and posts on GAF, but I had to do my part for anyone turned tedious by reviews. I had interest in it, and loved Heavy Rain, and in turn Beyond is my 2nd favorite game of the entire year.

Hope anyone who gets it gets as much out of it as I did.

Sure, after playing the demo I still have interest. Will pick it up some time.


The gamut, not the gambit.




The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - 7.5
The Last Of Us - 8.0
Beyond: Two Souls - 9.0

Same reviewer too. Pardon me for questioning the legitimacy of his opinion.
Well, I DID find Skyward Sword kinda dull ultimately and liked The Last of Us more though they aren't easily comparable (you'd sooner make a case for Dark Souls really), but I'd put TLoU higher easily and I suspect Beyond is going to be amazing to people who loved Heavy Rain and mediocre-to-terrible for everyone that wasn't won over.

EDIT: Admittedly glancing at the text of Last of Us I think I agree with the ext, and Skyward Sword's final paragraph is actually a bit KINDER than I feel as a gut reaction, so I think he's just using the scale more than most reviewers, and I'm more charitable there than some seem to be treating 7s as inherently doomed scores.


have never and will never understand people who defend games while wearing avatars of said game

I mean, it's honest, I guess?

kind of like playing poker with double-sided cards

I've not defended the game much at all. I appreciate constructive criticism, it's just the asinine 'non-game" comments that annoy me.

In fact, I've been fairly critical of Quantic Dream's previous games (despite enjoying them), and I expect to do the same with Beyond.

Also, Willem Dafoe is the coolest dude ever.


I liked Indigo Prophecy and Heavy Rain so I'm still gonna give this a shot. Hopefully I can get it for a good price on Black Friday.


like when he said last month during a lecture to the British Academy of Film and Television that developing an algorithmic Martin Scorsese — artificially intelligent software that imitated Mr. Scorsese’s camera style and recreated it on demand — would be an interesting way to improve video game storytelling.

Huh? Did he really say that?

That sounds really weird, especially coming from someone who is so heavily into movies, because camera work is completely dependent on the context of the story, the environment, the atmosphere, characters, and so forth. It needs to be aware of what is happening in the movie. The camera work in one of Scorsese's movies wouldn't necessarily be any good in any of his other movies.

Replicating camera style wouldn't do anything, because it's all about what's within the framework of the world, the story, the characters - and in both movies and games, this needs to be created. So, there wouldn't really be any point, or usefulness, of having some software that imitates any specific cinematography.

Not to mention the fact that games don't need "camera style", since you're supposed to be controlling the character and the camera.


It would be one of the worst movies you’ve ever seen

Of that I have no doubt, NYTimes. Just like his last games!

Writing continues to be the big issue with his games. I hope the next 'write by team' game he makes, since that'll be the first like that, will show promise. Because that writing of his keeps ruining his games


I don't remember so many bad scores for the same Heavy Rain or I'm wrong? In any case I think the big problem of this 'game' probably that is no more 'original' like the previous title & people expected something more than the same QTE gameplay.
I though it's time to Cage to think of a deeper gameplay for its games or to become a film director because this formula can't work in eternal in a videogame(thanks to God).
I didn't like HR at all (because the story was shit, not because I didn't like the 'movie' stuff) so I was never going to buy this day one. Seems like Cage hasn't learned anything in almost 4 years.
Oh he learned a lot of stuff. Beyond is easily his best work yet in terms of writing. It's maybe not good enough, but much better than Heavy Rain it is. Don't let the score difference fool you, different time and different reviewers.
Jim Sterling:

Once you cotton on to the fact that your personal input is almost meaningless, and the impact of your inaction is frivolous, your only real incentive for "playing" is to humor the game, and it does indeed feel like you're patronizing it when you decide to play along with the fantasy of player agency.

This tells me I would really, really not like this... PS3 blu-ray. It sounds like it isn't a game at all.



Was kind of hoping this was a late gen gem, that would get near 10's across the board. Shouldn't have expected it due to Cage's ability to be human marmite. I loved heavy rain unlike most here it seems so will give it a chance, just not right now and at full price. Will wait till the dust settles, too much in my library that I should finish anyway.


Not a shock. David Cage is a hack writer. Amazing the horrible writing in Heavy Rain somehow turned up such high reviews.

It continues to amaze me that a game that is almost entirely about its story could receive favorable anything when it was written as poor as HR, but at least this time it seems people are being a bit more critical about it. It's a noteworthy drop off from score from HR. When i ask how HR could receive such scores with such an atrocious, plot-hole ridden story, I'm usually simply told it's about "the feels" and not to get caught up in the small details and "isn't it novel someone tried something like that," because once you start analyzing any aspect of the story, it just collapses.

I knew Beyond would probably be worse in many regards because whenever David Cage's game go all batshit insane with spiritual and supernatural stuff, his mind just vomits absolute nonsense onto the page. From the GAFers I trust that I asked about HR, even those among them that liked HR, most of them say Beyond is worse in writing, but better in acting. They're divided on the improvements to the gameplay.

But once again David Cage's games focus on the story, so when it's bad, it's really a catastrophe for his particular type of game.
I don't have much confidence in those 5/10 ratings simply because of what kind of other games get such scores. I just can't look at Beyond and think of it as an 5/10 game unless I'm having an agenda against cinematic experiences in the first place.

I will only compare Beyond with Heavy Rain. Though some complains are concerning, as they seem to indicate that the controls/interactions are actually reduced compared to HR. It makes sense considering Beyond seems to be more action focused, but it might just be too linear/streamlined for my taste. The story in HR allowed to implement the whole detective aspect as well as riddles/Saw-like stuff, basically adventure gameplay which was quite interesting.
Story could also be more interesting in HR simply because of the mystery solving part vs. the setpiece-exposition vibe from Beyond (though due to the story they CAN have cooler/more diverse settings), if the script standards are the same (as in, not that high...).
Jim Sterling:

Once you cotton on to the fact that your personal input is almost meaningless, and the impact of your inaction is frivolous, your only real incentive for "playing" is to humor the game, and it does indeed feel like you're patronizing it when you decide to play along with the fantasy of player agency.

This tells me I would really, really not like this... PS3 blu-ray. It sounds like it isn't a game at all.
Did you play Fahrenheit, Walking Dead or Heavy Rain? If so and you think one of them is a game then so is Beyond.
Why do so many people allow review scores to get under their skins? They are only opinions.

And they are mixed. So maybe you might like it.
So what is the consensus now with the reviews? Have people been dissuaded from buying this? I must admit I am having some second thoughts.


mmm let me fix this..


The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - 7.5 ---> Too high for Wii Zelda Sports+
The Last Of Us - 8.0 ---> Too low, 9.3 at the very least
Beyond: Two Souls - 9.0 ---> About right

Same reviewer too. Pardon me for questioning the legitimacy of his opinion.

I think the reviewer is kinda spot on except some of the flaws he points in TLoU, my personal opinion of course.

So what is the consensus now with the reviews? Have people been dissuaded from buying this? I must admit I am having some second thoughts.

did you like Heavy Rain ? Walking Dead ? if so go out and get this game already, at least rent it.
Tom Mc Shea reviewed the game for gamespot, I find his reviews and opinions to be against my taste.

He gave Skward sword 7.5 and in my opinion Skyward Sword is an amazing game and one of the best 3D Zelda games ever. Also he reviewed Fable: The Journey and rated it 8, the game doesn't deserve more than 6 in my opinion.


This game is getting the reviews I assumed it would. There are so many glaring flaws just on a mechanical level that once you start getting into the script and the narrative structure, you're going to find enough wrong with it that you can't really give it incredibly high marks. It's a good game though despite itself, and they're the only team doing this type of thing, so while this one wasn't a home run for me, I'm hoping that it will at least fund the next one.
Did you play Fahrenheit, Walking Dead or Heavy Rain? If so and you think one of them is a game then so is Beyond.

I have not, I don't have a PS3 (yet), and I've specifically passed on Walking Dead on PC or Xbox because it doesn't sound like a game to me, and I'm not enamored with the Walking Dead franchise or zombies in general. I've never heard of Fahrenheit.
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