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Beyond: Two Souls - Review Thread

Did anyone else enjoy Indigo Prophecy immensely?

People who have played Beyond, and enjoyed Heavy Rain Is it worth a buy now, or better off to wait until Christmas?
"The story getting interrupted by the gameplay"

This statement makes me feel like an old conservative.

Beyond Two Souls should be about collecting items, dangerous platforming, and fail states. In 2D. Dammit! *yells at cloud*
It's getting interrupted by shooting and stealth sections. Beyond replaces those with different gameplay and aims to not have any repetition.
I like both approaches. I don't know why one should become the other. I play both.

Did anyone else enjoy Indigo Prophecy immensely?

People who have played Beyond, and enjoyed Heavy Rain Is it worth a buy now, or better off to wait until Christmas?
If you liked IP throughout, Beyond is a must buy. It's the better Indigo in many ways.
people saying bomba, ok heavy rain stayed pricey for a long ass time, so if someone is genuinely considering waiting for a "bomba" when do you reckon that will be and based on what?
Heavy Rain also got glowing reviews and benefited from being one of the earlier showcases of the PS3.

Bad reviews can factor into a: "This game looks great!" to" I'll wait for a sale or price drop, or a rental," thus effecting overall sales.


Luc Besson is French. Your argument is invalid.

The only way Luc Besson isn't avant garde and artsy is if you haven't seen his (awesome) earlier work, Léon and Le Grand Bleu in particular.

Really, though, for a French dude, David Cage is lacking in taste. Even his name is bland!


By world building I don't mean sandbox games or open world games.

ff7 built an interesting world with interesting places, bioshock infinite tries to do the same.
I enjoy it when a videogame is a place of wonder, you don't have to write down 200 pages of tolkien esque tropes (more like tripe) or shitty cop drama/thriller to tell a story, you can just have an interesting world that the player wants to visit and explore.

A cool world can be combined with gameplay, character exposition mostly can't.

I like VLR too but that doesn't pretend to be a game, it's a virtual novel with some puzzles, it's 90 percent dialog and reads like a book. (although I think it's also poorly paced, but that's because they make you skip through the story over and over again and redo choices to get to the proper ending, blurgh)
You don't even run around with a character you just interact with a UI and forward dialog.

Heavy rain tried to pretend to be a game, and it was a poorly paced game with terrible gameplay that was boring to play, the story pacing was held down by the gameplay and vice versa.

Imagine if they mixed VLR with recettear dungeon crawling or persona turn based battles and grinding , it would destroy the pacing of the story even more, then imagine they'd try to inject the story into every moment of the gameplay and you'd end up with something like heavy rain.

I think for example if you stripped the drama out of attack on titan it would leave an interesting world to make a videogame out of, but they could never turn the manga interactive and it not be a pile of shit.

ah, ok. In that case I agree and disagree :)

I agree that there is little more amazing than wandering around a carefully crafted world that is rich with detail. Just yesterday I was standing in Hyrule Castle actually feeling a little sad. There were no enemies - just me and the history of past Zelda games and the worlds they create.

But I do also enjoy my story centric games like VLR, and like many stories they live or die on their characters.
cant wait to play it and judge the game for myself. I thought heavy rain was ok despite the god awful voice acting and writing and terrible ending, it seems that all three are an improvement so hopefully it is good. I like playing different type of games and could totally go for a more passive experience right now.


Played the demo and it was pretty good. I found things to like about it. I think I'll just have to play the full thing to see where I stand with the whole story.


the reviews are so confusing about this game

but they all agree that the story progression is a mess

I thought story progression was one of the greatest parts of the game. Instead of being forced straight through the timeline you jump all over the place and recieves tidbits of information and background info......and you slowly piece them together (if you can figure out some of the questions you have with the hints they give you.)
Being a game that involves the CIA so heavily, Cage should have included a sequence where you can waterboard, shock, or mutilate someone with a blunt instrument. Reviewers couldve then talked about what an edgy experience Beyond was.
after watching 40 minutes of a lets play I ordered off amazon immediately. I loved Heavy Rain and Indigo Prophecy but then i seen the reviews and was scared for a second...

Not sure it's going to bother me though because from what i've seen in i'm actually interested and think ill love it.


I traded in the PS3 before this game but based off the reviews it looks like I made a wise choice not waiting for this game. It's getting ripped to shreds lol.
Given the fact that games are reviewed on a 7-10 scale, isn't a metacritic of 74 a bit of a disaster? Don't get me wrong I'll still play it and probably enjoy it but DC has gotta see that as a failure
Looks like one of those games that is destined to divide opinion for some time to come! Some reviewers praise the ambitions and well-realised story, while others think it's underwritten, barely coherent dross !! this is not a typical game like shooter, rpg or action adventure. This is a rather linear , quicktime, movie kind of game. People who played heavy rain or indigo prophecy would know what to expect from it. People who buy this game knows what they are in for, mostly for the compelling story and unique take on gaming. This game is its own genre like other quantic dreams' games. this genre has its own style and appeal. & for a type of game like this, I think it outdone itself again and did a great job. I find reviewers who give this a low score expecting it to be played more like another conventional shooter, action adventure !!


I find reviewers who give this a low score expecting it to be played more like another conventional shooter, action adventure !!
Yeah, it doesn't matter that the game is disjointed, poorly written mess with dumbed down controls even compared to HR, where you feel like none of your actions matter and story progresses even without your input at all. Yeah, they just want action poof-poof.


Given the fact that games are reviewed on a 7-10 scale, isn't a metacritic of 74 a bit of a disaster? Don't get me wrong I'll still play it and probably enjoy it but DC has gotta see that as a failure

He knows his games are divisive, so he probably welcomes the varied review scores.

It certainly evokes a lot of discussion, which is exactly what he wants. He'd probably love this thread.

EDIT: Tweet from Co-CEO of Quantic Dream:



Ya, pretty much. If Game Informer gives something less than an 8, you know it's bad.

Yea but at the same time Gamespot is known to be very harsh with their reviews and they tossed this a 9. Seems like you either love it or hate it like the other QD games.


Given the fact that games are reviewed on a 7-10 scale, isn't a metacritic of 74 a bit of a disaster? Don't get me wrong I'll still play it and probably enjoy it but DC has gotta see that as a failure
Well, it's getting anywhere from a 2/10 to a 10/10. So it's a little different than a game getting straight 6s.


Yea but at the same time Gamespot is known to be very harsh with their reviews and they tossed this a 9. Seems like you either love it or hate it like the other QD games.

This is true ever since they changed management after the whole Gerstmann fiasco they are pretty much the harshest reviewers I think it is purposeful to counter the reputation they had many years ago.


It really comes down to whether or not you like Cage's previous games. If you hated Heavy Rain because it was more of an interactive movie than a game, chances are you're not going to enjoy this game.


I didn't like HR at all (because the story was shit, not because I didn't like the 'movie' stuff) so I was never going to buy this day one. Seems like Cage hasn't learned anything in almost 4 years.


Yeah, it doesn't matter that the game is disjointed, poorly written mess with dumbed down controls even compared to HR, where you feel like none of your actions matter and story progresses even without your input at all. Yeah, they just want action poof-poof.

Lol you are like a broken record in this thread saying the same thing over and over again it's pretty funny:)
Yeah, it doesn't matter that the game is disjointed, poorly written mess with dumbed down controls even compared to HR, where you feel like none of your actions matter and story progresses even without your input at all. Yeah, they just want action poof-poof.


I can see why this sort of game wouldn't appeal to certain people, so I'm not too surprised by that coming from you.


These games would be far less polarizing if they were written at a higher quality level. If Quantic Dream sits back and say "our games are just polarizing", I feel they're doing a disservice to themselves.

They do many things right and their games have been beautiful, but the writing (and voice acting, in Heavy Rain's case) majorly hold them back.


I don't want to derail this thread too much, but do any of the reviews give an idea on average play-time? Like is this something I can play through in one sitting? I'm trying to avoid story spoilers so I've been avoiding the reviews. Sorry if this was covered before, I haven't been following the thread too closely.


Damnit...my order is about to ship. Dunno if I should cancel it. Reviews are all over the place... Loved Heavy Rain. Any advice GAF?

Even if you end up with a negative opinion of it, getting to that point in assessing it yourself has a lot of value for me personally. Being able to have an informed view in conversations will put you ahead of, let's be honest here, about 90% of people criticizing/complimenting it. Having enjoyed Heavy Rain suggests you'll be able to like it for the well-executed parts.


I don't want to derail this thread too much, but do any of the reviews give an idea on average play-time? Like is this something I can play through in one sitting? I'm trying to avoid story spoilers so I've been avoiding the reviews. Sorry if this was covered before, I haven't been following the thread too closely.

12 or fewer hours, from what I've seen.


Damnit...my order is about to ship. Dunno if I should cancel it. Reviews are all over the place... Loved Heavy Rain. Any advice GAF?

While I'm pretty sure I wouldn't ultimately enjoy the game (similar problems to their other games), give it a go, unless money is a concern. There's nothing wrong with playing games you might not enjoy.


I can see why this sort of game wouldn't appeal to certain people, so I'm not too surprised by that coming from you.
Sort of the game has nothing to do with it. I'm a big fan of Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain, but Beyond is not good. It has no story to justify a lack of gameplay and no gameplay to justify poor story. However you look at it, it doesn't get better.


Junior Member
Damnit...my order is about to ship. Dunno if I should cancel it. Reviews are all over the place... Loved Heavy Rain. Any advice GAF?

Don't cancel it. I just completed the game and I loved it. It is worth it for main characters performance alone. I also adored heavy rain.
These games would be far less polarizing if they were written at a higher quality level. If Quantic Dream sits back and say "our games are just polarizing", I feel they're doing a disservice to themselves.

They do many things right and their games have been beautiful, but the writing (and voice acting, in Heavy Rain's case) majorly hold them back.
100%. I don't like their games, but that's not because of controls or that I think games need to be a certain way or that I think Cage should be making movies -- I don't like their games because story and character are at the core of them, and Cage is a bad writer.


Junior Member
I don't want to derail this thread too much, but do any of the reviews give an idea on average play-time? Like is this something I can play through in one sitting? I'm trying to avoid story spoilers so I've been avoiding the reviews. Sorry if this was covered before, I haven't been following the thread too closely.

No you will not complete it in one sitting. Took me at most 10 hours to beat. I'd say 8 hours at the very least.,
Even if you end up with a negative opinion of it, getting to that point in assessing it yourself has a lot of value for me personally. Being able to have an informed view in conversations will put you ahead of, let's be honest here, about 90% of people criticizing/complimenting it. Having enjoyed Heavy Rain suggests you'll be able to like it for the well-executed parts.

While I'm pretty sure I wouldn't ultimately enjoy the game (similar problems to their other games), give it a go, unless money is a concern. There's nothing wrong with playing games you might not enjoy.

Thanks guys. Guess I'm gonna give it a try. Loved HR for doing something entirely different.


Expected mixed reviews, but this shit:

Beyond: Two Souls is a seriously flawed experiment in interactive storytelling. Is there a game to be found? This reviewer is still looking.
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