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Beyond: Two Souls - Review Thread

Yeah, there was something a little off about that demo. With Heavy Rain, I never felt like I wasn't playing it. It was sufficiently gamey for me. An example was the climbing QTE. In Heavy Rain, it was implemented in such a way that made it feel like you had to hold on otherwise you'd fall. A similar scene in the Beyond demo was just pressing a bunch of random buttons as they appeared on screen.

I'm not sure what went wrong, but in trying to make it feel more interactive they made it less so. I still want to play it, but I won't be in any hurry.

Also, Tom McShea scored Fable: The Journey and TLoU both 8? Get rid of that guy already. Jesus christ.



I said goddamn at that Destructoid quote.



ouch @ dat metacritic

think I'll be skipping bomba on this and just wait for free on PS+ since I hated HR (but love Ellen Page)


I was going to wait to pick it up because my back log is so big anyways, but with the Best Buy bundle ($160 for Sony Pule Elite head set and the game) I think I'm just going to bite the bullet now. I don't see myself waiting until the game drops to $35 or lower before I get it anyways (as that would be the price it would have to be to come in under $160 with Amazon's lower price for the headset).


Anyone who expected great reviews for this is fooling themselves. Really, if the qualifications to be able to review games were higher the average would probably be much lower for this. It's being bumped up by glowing reviews from "critics" that are, frankly, a little too undiscerning for their so-called profession.

This is a game that sacrifices gameplay and player agency for its story, and it most likely has a shitty story with bad writing. David Cage is at it again, folks.


yoshida is awesome

That really is awesome. I mean if you dig deep enough into the subtext it sounds like he's saying he had problems with the game, and had to reassure them he's still excited about working with them in the future. Maybe I'm reading too much into it but that's neat if so


It is disjointed, awfully paced, has no conflict or anything until the latter part of the game. Most of things you see and play have no meaning to the story and can be easily regarded as fillers. It's a paranormal slice-of-life anime with some action in the mix.

Damn, as a big fan of Cage (yes I'm aware of all the flaws in his games, believe me - he's a pretty shitty storyteller. I like general ideas of his, but his stories always tend to unravel, and aren't coherent) - this is really making me reconsider buying this. I expected this to be a better story than Heavy Rain, given that I felt Heavy Rain was kind of shaky.


Damn, as a big fan of Cage (yes I'm aware of all the flaws in his games, believe me - he's a pretty shitty storyteller. I like general ideas of his, but his stories always tend to unravel, and aren't coherent) - this is really making me reconsider buying this. I expected this to be a better story than Heavy Rain, given that I felt Heavy Rain was kind of shaky.
I also would have thought that this time it might work because he's focusing on only one protagonist and not multiple, but apparently that didn't help.


I also would have thought that this time it might work because he's focusing on only one protagonist and not multiple, but apparently that didn't help.

Hopefully their next game will be the true writing breakthrough. It's going to be a team of writers like a TV show that develops everything, a new approach to writing for QD according to David.

The only question is will the team of writers be Dexter-quality bad, or at the bare minimum, like, Roy Donovan quality. Which is still pretty mediocre, but not like atrocious.


It's interesting how a lot of reviews seem to aknowledge the mediocre writing of the game this time around whereas it wasn't really pointed out when Heavy Rain came out (or if it was, it didn't affect the scores as much). Perhaps it is because, from the few articles I've read, it seems Beyond seems less experimental in its approach. For the record I quite liked the design ideas in Heavy Rain (dynamic adaptation of the script, many interconnected stories, everyone can die, etc.), but didn't enjoyed it much because I thought the story and writing were just plain bad. If Beyond's design is weaker, it actually exposes the writing even more.


I also would have thought that this time it might work because he's focusing on only one protagonist and not multiple, but apparently that didn't help.

Agreed. Oh well. I have way too much shit to play. I have Wind Waker HD to finish. I'm absolutely in love with the Wonderful 101. And I've thrown countless hours into GTAO (even though that has been one awful experience). And then I have the new Pokemon coming out this week, that I'll play.

I'll just get this when it goes on sale for $20 later down the line. For shame.
I said goddamn at that Destructoid quote.

Like a sociopath, Beyond: Two Souls knows how to act like it has a heart, while providing nothing of the emotional depth required to connect with an audience.

As someone who has watched roughly 40% of the game now, that quote is unbelievably accurate. I'm shocked how well it describes how I've felt about it but was unable to articulate.


Hopefully their next game will be the true writing breakthrough. It's going to be a team of writers like a TV show that develops everything, a new approach to writing for QD according to David.

The only question is will the team of writers be Dexter-quality bad, or at the bare minimum, like, Roy Donovan quality. Which is still pretty mediocre, but not like atrocious.
At least did Cage realize that he needs help. I always felt like he's pretty good at writing certain scenarios (Fahrenheit opening, the trials in Heavy Rain, Kara tech-demo etc.) but really, really bad at bringing those things together.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
For me the most surprising review score came from IGN ... I guess Sony should have sent to them some more swag.


At least did Cage realize that he needs help. I always felt like he's pretty good at writing certain scenarios (Fahrenheit opening, the trials in Heavy Rain, Kara tech-demo etc.) but really, really bad at bringing those things together.

i actually have an idea for a game that might require some of the things they're good at, but also would be combined with totally different types of genre.

It would be a survival game first of all. Few major characters, it'd be a mother and her son and daughter, a stranger and his friend, and a handful of others. 12 in all. The daughter of the Mom would be the main protagonist. The game first is about the brutality of survival and what it turns men into. There'd be a trust/social system where you can form bonds (gather food together to reduce load or delegate work so that you meet common goals) or make plans against a fellow survivor (lay traps, create "accidents", etc).

There would be a story. On many nights the survivors will return to the fireplace and share stories about their past lives, their hopes for the future, etc. It will be very choice driven and you can guide the conversation toward details you want to learn, which may or may not help you earn the trust of others or manipulate others in the future.

One by one, people will die. What order and how they die will depend on how you spent your resources and delegated tasks. You can prolong the survival for a long time, but eventually the resources of the limited area you're in will diminish to the point where decisions will have to be made.

Ultimately, I want to provide a finale for which people have no idea how they would react. For example, one of the scenarios - depending on how you play the game - would lead to
a mother dying, her last wish being that her kids eat her flesh so that they may have a chance of surviving. Would you do it? Could you after you built a relationship with them?

I can foresee some of Quantic Dream and DC's specialty being helpful in the development of a game like this.


Hopefully their next game will be the true writing breakthrough. It's going to be a team of writers like a TV show that develops everything, a new approach to writing for QD according to David.

The only question is will the team of writers be Dexter-quality bad, or at the bare minimum, like, Roy Donovan quality. Which is still pretty mediocre, but not like atrocious.

Source on this? As long as Cage doesn't have too big of an influence on them (and they are at least decent writers), this could really be a turning point for QD's games.
Heavy Rain still managed to be fun for me, sometimes genuinely, a lot of the time in a "so bad it's good" sort of way.

Fahrenheit was like that, only more so. Okay he's zombie neo fighting AIs now I guess. And zombie sex. It was a lot of fun in a what the flying fuck am I watching sort of way.
Spent a few hours with it. So far I'm enjoying it quite a bit. It definitely feels like interactive fiction, but as a lover of adventure games and a gamer of point and click age, I find it a natural leap. I do think that some of the lower review scores came off as personal snark towards the creative team behind it. I think it's great to see such high production values on this type of game.
I'm still getting it. Cage's games will always, always, always be divisive and I don't think he'll ever make a game that is hated by the majority or loved by the majority. His existence in the industry is to polarize as many people as possible.


Source on this? As long as Cage doesn't have too big of an influence on them (and they are at least decent writers), this could really be a turning point for QD's games.

Of course


Q: Given what you were saying a moment ago about writing in gaming, would you ever consider handing over that responsibility to someone else? Would you trust another writer to handle the script for a Quantic Dream project? The games you've worked on so far feel very personal.

DC: Yeah, these games are very personal. Since Heavy Rain, I write a lot about me and my experience, my life. I don't know if that makes for better stories, but I feel I'm being more sincere, more true to what I want to say and what I want to write.

I'm in a very special position at Quantic Dream, because I'm the CEO of the company and I'm the writer. So it's easier for me to trust myself as a writer, because there's no other option, but also it puts some pressure on everything, because I play with the life or death of the studio with each idea I have. When you come to shows like this you come with a lot of confidence, and you want to show people how passionate and excited you are. And I am, but actually this is very scary. I mean, what if I'm totally wrong with Beyond and no-one likes it, the story's crap and its wrongly directed and I've done everything wrong? It's something terrible for the studio. My studio has been there for 15 years, and I've bet everything, again, on the fact that Beyond is going to work in my favour this time. So that's a lot of pressure, and it's easier for me to take this pressure if I feel I'm in control of the story, because then if it fails, it's my personal failure. It's easier to accept than if it's someone else's failure.

But to answer your question, the evolution of the format, the evolution of the studio, requires that more people become capable of writing this kind of stuff. I'm very interested in what's going on with TV series, where's the showrunner and a team of writers, writing in the same direction. And this is actually what I'm building at our studio right now.

Q: You're moving towards a TV-like setup?

DC: Yeah, where I could continue to have the vision and the ideas - I have ideas for the next four or five games. This is what I love and I really enjoy but at the same time, instead of me spending a year away from the studio writing the damn thing, I could work for the team - people who could be more talented than I am, and bring in new ideas that I've not thought of - and work together in creating this thing. So, we're starting on this right now.

He also put out hiring feelers for "screenwriters, film directors and other Hollywood talent " to guide David Cage's PS4 game. Which you can read about here.


For me the most surprising review score came from IGN ... I guess Sony should have sent to them some more swag.

Evidence you can't ever win over a conspiracy theorist

Positive review: They've been paid off!
Mediocre review: They weren't paid off enough!



Junior Member
Nier also got bad reviews and that game is Neogaf's game of the generation (if you don't count the Souls games and Last of Us and GTA V)


Nier also got bad reviews and that game is Neogaf's game of the generation (if you don't count the Souls games and Last of Us and GTA V)

And a million other games. Nier isn't even close to NeoGAFs game of the generation. It did not even win GOTY of its respective year.

Further, Nier sucks. Apparently I have to play through the garbage gameplay multiple times to get the full story and appreciate it. Haha, nice joke GAFers who recommended the game to me :mad:


No idea what to think...but I LOVED Heavy Rain so I think I'll like this. The story is so important though in a game like this and it seems really cliched and contrived. On the other hand I like both actors' previous works so it could go either way for me. I think I'll just have to wait for a price drop :(
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