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Beyond: Two Souls - Review Thread


Eh, i expected nothing more than a subpar, clichè ridden, heavyhanded story, from David Cage, so i don't care much about that.
Heavy Rain still managed to be fun for me, sometimes genuinely, a lot of the time in a "so bad it's good" sort of way.
So i still consider this worth buying.
I really hate it when there is such a myriad of review scored like this.

It makes it hard to get any kind of clear idea of the game's quality.

I wll probably still pick this up, but I am kind of let down. I wish Cage had focused more on putting considerably greater actual gameplay in this. Rather than just QTE's and such. The Aiden ghost moves are cool, but more was needed,

If Cage is really working on a PS4 game as the rumors imply, I REALLY hope it isn't another QTE game/interactive movie game.

Cage has talen, but he needs to get a team together who can bring the gameplay.
I don't think so. The Last of Us is a very short game when you strip out all of the shooting and stealth parts (that I loved that don't get me wrong).
Quantic Dream aims to tell a story through gameplay constantly without interruptions. The Last of Us does very well here, but the story is constantly interrupted.

The Last of Us is a fantastic game by the way, but not at all what Quantic tries to achieve. At least that's what I think.

For me it´s more like the gameplay is constantly interrupted. But hey, tastes are different.
I really hate it when there is such a myriad of review scored like this.

It makes it hard to get any kind of clear idea of the game's quality.

I wll probably still pick this up, but I am kind of let down. I wish Cage had focused more on putting considerably greater actual gameplay in this. Rather than just QTE's and such. The Aiden ghost moves are cool, but more was needed,

If Cage is really working on a PS4 game as the rumors imply, I REALLY hope it isn't another QTE game/interactive movie game.

Cage has talen, but he needs to get a team together who can bring the gameplay.

I really hope it is. But I hope the stroy is written by some talented writers this time.



The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - 7.5
The Last Of Us - 8.0
Beyond: Two Souls - 9.0

Same reviewer too. Pardon me for questioning the legitimacy of his opinion.


Well to be honest, I have enjoyed Beyond: Two Souls much more than Skyward Sword so far (ie., Skyward Sword is my least favorite Zelda game, dunno why I even played it to completion)... But the Last of Us is a FAR better game than Beyond with superior acting/story/gameplay (well pretty much superior everything lol). That said, I don't see why Beyond is getting 5-6/10 reviews other than people really disliking the genre of game, although I do agree with a number of complaints regarding not being able to fail at the game resulting in minimal consequences. Also, the sequence of events could be rearranged or some sequences eliminated entirely to improve pacing.
I really hate it when there is such a myriad of review scored like this.

It makes it hard to get any kind of clear idea of the game's quality.

I honestly think a diversity of critical reactions (and resulting scores) is indicative of a healthy review community. If only such diversity happened more often.

Disregard the scores and read the actual reviews.


I honestly think a diversity of critical reactions (and resulting scores) is indicative of a healthy review community. If only such diversity happened more often.

Disregard the scores and read the actual reviews.

I really wish more people would do this, but I've seen a lack of it in this thread.

Many of the lower reviews have been fascinating to read, and have given a fair assessment of the game.


I said goddamn at that Destructoid quote.

For all the complaints that can be leveled at Beyond -- and they can be leveled in feckless abundance -- the overwhelming problem with it is that it's just plain boring. Like a sociopath, Beyond: Two Souls knows how to act like it has a heart, while providing nothing of the emotional depth required to connect with an audience. Its characters can smile, and cry, and tell us they're feeling all of these feelings, but their paper-thin presentation and the frequent narrative dead ends prevent any of their pantomime from becoming too convincing.

And that's all Beyond: Two Souls is -- a pantomime. A childish play at being a meaningful journey, a vapid illusion of passion and poignancy. Nothing but a pantomime.

A perishingly dull pantomime.


I don't think that this will appeal to me, but I'm really glad the David Cage is committed to doing his own thing. Variety never hurt anyone. I'll be glad to check this out someday if
it ends up on PS+.


Discouraging to see such a wide variety of scores, but I thoroughly enjoyed Heavy Rain and am looking forward to playing Beyond when I get the chance.
I don't think that this will appeal to me, but I'm really glad the David Cage is committed to doing his own thing. Variety never hurt anyone. I'll be glad to check this out someday if
it ends up on PS+.

Well you'll be waiting a long ass while, because Heavy Rain hasn't even turned up on PS+ yet, and neither game is available on PSN anyway.


After playing Heavy Rain and now reading these reviews, it's basically what I expected.

Oh well. I'll continue to wait for a price drop on Last of Us.


I thought we all knew what to expect from the game from its first announcement? Cage makes QTE fests. Interactive movies. Beyond: Two Souls is his latest attempt to make one. I've played the game for a few hours and I enjoy it for what it is: an entertaining story where I play a part. I'm interested to see where the story goes and what will happen to the characters. Is it particularly original or well written? Not really, but it is pretty fun to me.

Heavy Rain was the same. If it was a movie I would laugh in its face for being so shitty, but give me parts to pay and it suddenly becomes a whole lot more interesting. That's not to say it could be a whole lot better in the story or acting department, but it had the right idea and a lot of it worked. These things take time to nail, Beyond may not quite be there yet but I hope Cage doesn't give up and keeps pursuing this genre (maybe with a professional writer next time?), it's really quite unique and worth exploring and that counts for a whole lot with me.


Did you play Fahrenheit, Walking Dead or Heavy Rain? If so and you think one of them is a game then so is Beyond.

Yeah but walking Dead has going for it that it was really well written.

Personally I would like it if sony stopped giving Quantic Dream money. They should instead invest in other stuff, like bringing back Colony Wars.


Unlimited Capacity
I still laugh about Heavy Rain's story. The whole setup is so bad. Some 9-10 year old kid chases a balloon around the mall, down the stairs, across more mall, outside and into the street. How fucking stupid can you be, kid.


Wow at people calling this garbage just because of some reviews... I'm playing it right now and its fantastic. People should at least play it before knocking it.


Some german reviews:

4Players.de : 6.8
Gamepro.de: 8.1
Gamersglobal.de 8.0
Looki.de 8.3
Giga.de 7.0
Play3.de 7.0
Gaming-universe.de 5.0

Now I'm worried. Usually 4players are the last reviewers that care about how the gameplay is as long as the game has a shred of artisitic value. Heavy Rain got a 9.4 out of 10 from them. Something isn't right.
What i don't get is: how did Mr David Cage manage to get a limitless cheque from Sony when his "visions" never got critical acclaim or get to ve particulary appreciated by the audience? I'm speechless. I love the vision bhind Omikron, but how do you go from there to Willem Dafoe in a couple of games, when those games have the second half of Farenheit and the clichès and naivety of Heavy Rain?


I said goddamn at that Destructoid quote.


It's funny the idea behind the quote is pretty similar to what I said in my Heavy Rain review:

This is a game where absolute realism is striven for [in the visuals], because the story is sobering and the theme cold. And even that's a mixed result - the characters and limited surroundings are impressively modeled, but the animation system is abysmal and the final overall impression is of a bunch of creepy automatons playing at emotion, the way an ape might imitate its master for a treat.


I'm guessing there area decent amount of reviewers who resented the sucess of Heavy Rain and had an axe to grind. The whole 'HE DOESN"T MAKE GAMES, THEY"RE TRASH' is ridiculous from a very narrow minded group of people. I'll wait and see though, the controls for Heavy Rain were amazing, so hearing that they've been simplified gives me pause.

This is a game where absolute realism is striven for [in the visuals], because the story is sobering and the theme cold. And even that's a mixed result - the characters and limited surroundings are impressively modeled, but the animation system is abysmal and the final overall impression is of a bunch of creepy automatons playing at emotion, the way an ape might imitate its master for a treat.

This line actually reminds me of something Robert E Howard wrote in a Conan story. A sorcerer Conan was sent to kill had himself been imprisoned by an advanced ape he kept as a pet, who was just intelligent enough to 'ape' his master to make use of his thaumaturgical instruments.


I've never understood the "it's not a game" nonsense, I mean literally 99% of the games out there are video games in the sense that there is gameplay involved, challenges, upgrades, etc and it may or may not have cutscenes or what have you. Is it really that necessary that every single video game that comes out follows that exact doctrine? Can't someone try to experiment with the medium?

You guys say "Cage should be making movies instead", I say fuck no, I haven't played Beyond yet, but I enjoyed Heavy Rain for what it tried to do even if it has glaring problems and plot holes, and I could have never experienced it if someone hadn't gone out of their way to try something different.

If you don't like it, I hear there are hundreds of "real games" coming out in the near future.


Junior Member
Call me a cynic, but I'm glad the reviews are bad because I want to play it, but not for more than £20-25.


I didn't hate Heavy Rain because it was filled with QTEs, I hated it because the story was poorly written garbage that made no sense. Not to mention some of the bizarre voice acting, with characters changing accents at random points. I have no issue with limited interactivity, but I do take issue when the main plot is poor. This is what I was afraid of for Beyond, and the reviews seem to confirm it. I'm out.


Gold Member
I've been watching a livestream for 4 hours now, game seems perfectly fine. Sure, it's not a traditional gameplay kind of game but it's an interesting idea and really doesn't deserve some of the extremely harsh reviews.


Wow the reviews are all over the place. I'm still going to buy it though. I like games that are a bit different.



Was kind of hoping this was a late gen gem, that would get near 10's across the board. Shouldn't have expected it due to Cage's ability to be human marmite. I loved heavy rain unlike most here it seems so will give it a chance, just not right now and at full price. Will wait till the dust settles, too much in my library that I should finish anyway.

That gif is amazing XD


Wish this didn't release a couple days before Pokemon X/Y

Oh well, i'll give it a go around christmas, i really liked Heavy Rain but i didn't get much hype from what i've seen so far of this game

Adam J.

If this game was an actual movie people would laugh in disbelief, then ask for a refund. With that being said, I'm really enjoying it for what it is--a modern spin on the Sega CD FMV games that I loved so much.


Should be in the mail when I get back. I am excited!

Cage's games, for all the narrative failings, I really enjoy thoroughly. I can't wait to settle down with Ellen Page!
Tom Mc Shea reviewed the game for gamespot, I find his reviews and opinions to be against my taste.

He gave Skward sword 7.5 and in my opinion Skyward Sword is an amazing game and one of the best 3D Zelda games ever. Also he reviewed Fable: The Journey and rated it 8, the game doesn't deserve more than 6 in my opinion.

Didn't he give Last of Us a 8?
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