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Bryan Singer (X-Men, Usual Suspects) accused of sexually abusing underage boy

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Ivysaur posted in here kind of confirming this shit which means it's probably true, which I am more than ready to accept, but it also totally bums me out.

And I'm still sitting here thinking "I'm probably still going to go see that new X-Men movie"



This thread on IMDb! Some of these boys! So fucking young looking, man.


Sweet Jesus.

This is really disappointing. The lawsuit aside, his taste in men is very questionable.

He tried to get him for X-Men initially but it didn't work out because of scheduling conflicts. There was some picture of him driving around in Singer's car, can't find it right now.

Also rumored to "hook up" with Nick Hoult and Shawn Ashmore.

WAT? Isn't he straight?


no, but it's weird you do

There's a history of people turning the other cheek to blatant allegations of sexual abuse in Hollywood. Whether it's Roman Polanski or Woody Allen or there guys. Why is it weird to be frustrated when these assholes don't suffer the consequences of their actions?


Unconfirmed Member
Praying upon young and impressionable young (and not always 18 year old) boys by promising them came and populating his house (and Roland's) with them is gross. Most of these kids foolishly came to LA to try to get into acting and here's this director who has all this power and influence telling you that you can have it all if you just suck his dick.

If they're over 18, it's sad. If they're under 18 (and some are), well.

This thread and your summary remind me of that one provocative photographer who was accused of sexually assaulting young women on photo shoots.

Dead Man

no, but it's weird you do

Not really.

Ivysaur posted in here kind of confirming this shit which means it's probably true, which I am more than ready to accept, but it also totally bums me out.

And I'm still sitting here thinking "I'm probably still going to go see that new X-Men movie"


Yeah, pretty much how I'm feeling.

This is really disappointing. The lawsuit aside, his taste in men is very questionable.

He does have very poor taste in facial structure, that's for sure. Then again, people with faces that young are not attractive to me anyway, so what the hell do I know about what makes a good looking twink?
nothing wrong with that


Singer already got paid anyway.

It's just strange for me because I always kind of liked the guy and never heard about any of this weirdness until tonight, true or not. I tend to fall into the "innocent until guilty" camp but being on GAF with people who are in a much better position to corroborate shit like this hasn't really happened recently.



Singer already got paid anyway.

It's just strange for me because I always kind of liked the guy and never heard about any of this weirdness until tonight, true or not. I tend to fall into the "innocent until guilty" camp but being on GAF with people who are in a much better position to corroborate shit like this hasn't really happened recently.

lots of people work on movies and are not at fault here, if it's something it interests you boycotting it for something like this isnt really to anyone's depriment but your own (assuming you wanted to see the movie)

I still enjoy Roman Polanski's movies and think he's a brilliant filmmaker, even when he's also a digusting pedophile. The whole separating art from artist thing is up to anyone I guess
This thread and your summary remind me of that one provocative photographer who was accused of sexually assaulting young women on photo shoots.

Terry Richardson.

Except that we have photographic evidence that he has sex with his models, taken by him. The only question is how willing they are/were.


He does have very poor taste in facial structure, that's for sure. Then again, people with faces that young are not attractive to me anyway, so what the hell do I know about what makes a good looking twink?

Most of the twinks in these pics are pretty middle of the road attractive. I would think Singer could do better.


Passing metallic gas
And you have actual proof of this? Or are you just speaking from the ass.

I don't even like Singer but i still take innocent till proven guilty serious and i also take bullshit accusations very serious. Not saying that this would surprise me but it also wouldn't surprise me if this turns out to be bullshit.

But if you are going to go around telling stories at least bring some facts/evidence.

Well for what its worth the kaep told me about this quite a while ago


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
not trying to point at anyone, just find it interesting how most people go through that thought process without even thinking about it. not real equal ground there yet.

dude with young but legal girl = alright

dude with young but legal guy = creepy

not even blaming people really, I guess it's just someone society in general is not so used to seeing yet? dunno

Yeah, I noticed that as well. To me, the larger the age difference, the creepier it is regardless of it being same or opposite sex. I find Hugh Hefner really creepy.


There was always rumors that Renfro was one of his boys along with the kid who plays Iceman in the X movies.
I wonder what sort of pain pushed Renfro to his tragic fate.
I've always liked Brad Renfro ever since seeing him in Bully and was reading about Apt Pupil while looking up some of his movies last year. I read the shit that went down with Singer that time and was blown away, had to check to make sure it was the same Bryan Singer.
When I saw the thread title, I thought this was somehow connected to that or something, that someone had just uncovered it and was surprised or some info was confused, mainly because of how surprised I was when I read about it myself. Really hoping it isn't true (because I hope someone wasn't raped or forcibly sodomized, not because of the future of the X-Men franchise or anything), but the possibility that Singer preyed upon Brad Renfro and that is what lead to his self-destruction is pretty crazy/eerie to think about.
The personal lives of Hollywood scum don't interest me in the slightest. If they're guilty of a criminal charge, then charge them and punish them according to the law (or rather, slap them on the wrist like always). Outside of that, I could give two shits what Singer does in his off-time. Just deliver a good goddamn film that's worth paying money to see, and then go crawl back into whatever pedo hole you came out of (if the cops don't drag you off before that).

I take the same stance on guys like Tom Cruise...dude can be as crazy/strange as he wants; so long as his output remains as consistent as it has been (1998-2005 era Cruise films spring to mind), I could care less.

These weirdos are performing monkeys that are here to entertain me, and their personal lives are none of my business.

I don't see it as that at all. In a long lens shot on the salt flats you are going to get a heat haze warble mirage effect. You have no idea when that image is going to be clear enough to define the outline of a person, who they are or what they are wearing. She says herself she walked towards camera. Yeah it was probably hot and all but for the shot it was a necessity. Gives you editorial options. I bet Bay's intention wasn't that of an asshole when he said it.

BTW I checked and here is the ad and it is the first damn shot.



I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I'm confused. Why a lawsuit without getting police involved?

There may be a few different reasons.

1.) The case may have been brought to the police, however they did not have enough evidence to move forward. Civil cases have lesser requirements for the plaintiff.

2.) Abuse of power tends to be a civil suit. Since you are going for punitive and emotional compensation. What confuses me is the allegation of rape, which is clearly criminal.

3.) It may also just be about Money, as sad as that thought is.

Might be statute of limitations. It was 15 years ago.

Oh, good point. It may be this too.

Without a full summary of the evidence, It's all conjecture.

Edit: Looking up the Statute of Limitations, it's 6 years after turning 18 for a Class A Felony for Criminal Proceedings. Checking how civil suits work now.
I don't see it as that at all. In a long lens shot on the salt flats you are going to get a heat haze warble mirage effect. You have no idea when that image is going to be clear enough to define the outline of a person, who they are or what they are wearing. She says herself she walked towards camera. Yeah it was probably hot and all but for the shot it was a necessity. Gives you editorial options. I bet Bay's intention wasn't that of an asshole when he said it.

BTW I checked and here is the ad and it is the first damn shot.


Except in her anecdote, he never SAID any of that. He just said "Walk." and then ditched her in the middle of a desert and made her walk 15 minutes back to the set.

It's not much effort to tell the model that you're going to be shooting WHY you're ditching her in the center of a desert. You could even say it's a basic courtesy that you'd afford another human being if you weren't a power-tripping dickhead.

Guarantee he doesn't pull that shit on Mark Wahlberg when he needs a shot in Transformers 4.


Remember when Dan Schneider convinced Amanda Bynes to emancipate from her parents and then she lived in his house?

Dan Schneider is like the biggest "known" one out there. I remember hearing shit about him awhile back.

Then there was the whole Jamie Lynn Spears thing. I don't know if the rabbit hole goes that deep but if it does. Damn.


There may be a few different reasons.

1.) The case may have been brought to the police, however they did not have enough evidence to move forward. Civil cases have lesser requirements for the plaintiff.

2.) Abuse of power tends to be a civil suit. Since you are going for punitive and emotional compensation. What confuses me is the allegation of rape, which is clearly criminal.

3.) It may also just be about Money, as sad as that thought is.

Oh, good point. I may be this too.

Without a full summary of the evidence, It's all conjecture.
The accusation of rape is what confused me. If that was the case then getting police involved is a must. Also I thought there were no limitations on that in the US. That there seems to be no mention of police or an actual investigation (that would make this a criminal case) to prove the allegations (which I assumed you still needed even in a civil trial. You can't just show up and say someone did something and not prove it), just more lawsuits makes it sadly seem like this could mainly be about money in the end.


not trying to point at anyone, just find it interesting how most people go through that thought process without even thinking about it. not real equal ground there yet.

dude with young but legal girl = alright

dude with young but legal guy = creepy

not even blaming people really, I guess it's just someone society in general is not so used to seeing yet? dunno

if it helps, I found both instances creepy.

Bryan looks like a straight up creeper in the photos too, gay or straight, it wouldn't make a difference to me.
Except in her anecdote, he never SAID any of that. He just said "Walk." and then ditched her in the middle of a desert and made her walk 15 minutes back to the set.

It's not much effort to tell the model that you're going to be shooting WHY you're ditching her in the center of a desert. You could even say it's a basic courtesy that you'd afford another human being if you weren't a power-tripping dickhead.

Guarantee he doesn't pull that shit on Mark Wahlberg when he needs a shot in Transformers 4.

That's because Marky Mark beats people blind.


The amount of power these people wield is a huge issue.

Feldman and Haims were repeatedly raped as child stars to the point Haim's was a screwed up drug addict until it killed him. Even after that Feldman will not name names on who was the people who abused them even though he says they are still very much active in Hollywood.
Except in her anecdote, he never SAID any of that. He just said "Walk." and then ditched her in the middle of a desert and made her walk 15 minutes back to the set.

It's not much effort to tell the model that you're going to be shooting WHY you're ditching her in the center of a desert. You could even say it's a basic courtesy that you'd afford another human being if you weren't a power-tripping dickhead.

Guarantee he doesn't pull that shit on Mark Wahlberg when he needs a shot in Transformers 4.

I know it makes a much better story if you leave out whatever was said in the car ride and the giant long lens on the camera and the crew around and knowing which way to walk and so on. Come on does anyone really believe people are so stupid? The story makes it sound like he drove her off in the desert to die and if she made it back she would get a job or something. In context with the ad the whole thing makes sense.
I know it makes a much better story if you leave out whatever was said in the car ride and the giant long lens on the camera and the crew around and knowing which way to walk and so on. Come on does anyone really believe people are so stupid?


"Hey, if you just assume the story being told to you is total horseshit it's EASY to side with the renowned dickhead. I mean - look at the shot! He got RESULTS!"

This isn't a question of ignorance regarding the nuts and bolts of camera lenses. We're talking about people in positions of power abusing that power for the sake of feeling powerful. Be it a chauvinist shit putting beautiful women in situations where they're demeaned for the fuck of it, or a guy accused of transporting minors across state lines so he can fuck them whether they wanted to be fucked or not.

Xeni Jardin just tweeted a link to an article from 1997 that was the first real warning bell about Bryan Singer.

Dan Schneider is like the biggest "known" one out there. I remember hearing shit about him awhile back.

Then there was the whole Jamie Lynn Spears thing. I don't know if the rabbit hole goes that deep but if it does. Damn.

The fat dude from Head of the Class was a perv? That's unfortunate.


You think every actor will support Singer on this? Especially if he still gets to do Apocalypse? Genuine question.

no? what does that have to do with FOX's future of comic book movies

Singer is one guy. If FOX wants to oppose this publicly and continue to do X-Men films then they just hire another guy.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
The accusation of rape is what confused me. If that was the case then getting police involved is a must. Also I thought there were no limitations on that in the US. That there seems to be no mention of police or an actual investigation (that would make this a criminal case) to prove the allegations (which I assumed you still needed even in a civil trial. You can't just show up and say someone did something and not prove it), just more lawsuits makes it sadly seem like this could mainly be about money in the end.

After doing some further research, I ran across the civil statute of limitations;

"Delayed Statute Of Limitations For Suits Involving Minor Victim : Age 18 + 8 years, or 3 years from discovery. clarity. “There currently exists a 2-year window for actions for which the statute of limitations had previously lapsed. However, gross negligence is needed in claims against employers”. Hawaii Public Act 68. Signed into law by Gov. Apr. 24, 2012. (To amend Ch. 657 (1), not yet updated as codified on LEXIS)."

(taken from http://sol-reform.com/News/hawaii/)

So, from my understanding there is basically no time limit as long as the civil case is brought up from 3 years of the date of claim by the plaintiff.

I don't know where I stand on the issue of civil suits of this manner being brought up past the criminal date...

"Hey, if you just assume the story being told to you is total horseshit it's EASY to side with the renowned dickhead. I mean - look at the shot! He got RESULTS!"

This isn't a question of ignorance regarding the nuts and bolts of camera lenses. We're talking about people in positions of power abusing that power for the sake of feeling powerful. Be it a chauvinist shit putting beautiful women in situations where they're demeaned for the fuck of it, or a guy accused of transporting minors across state lines so he can fuck them whether they wanted to be fucked or not.

I don't see what Bay did wrong because I simply don't believe a director would bother driving her out there himself when he could get an assistant to do it, and not tell her what she needed to do when shooting a commercial is $5,000 an hour. Its a story like Sigourney saying that David Fincher covered her with mud sand and lice for Alien 3 on the first day of shooting. Yeah he did because that was required to get the shot not because he has a hard on for dirty insect covered women.

When it comes to Bryan Singer I've known the guy is gay for a long time and really who cares, but other than the Apt Pupil controversy I had never heard about any stories of him and underage boys. If he did indeed do what he did they proceed with the lawsuit and public scorn.


Google him.

he's pretty goddamned repugnant.
What I think is surprising is that cases like him and others are known yet it still gets allowed. I know the industry has alot of skeletons and doesn't try hard to cover them all but it's just surprising that people like Dan havn't gotten called out publicly. End result would be career suicide but still

I remember hearing that Robert Downey Jr. was planning on speaking/writing a book about the other side of hollywood eventually. Probably won't happen, but he must know some shit.

Wonder what she had to do to get back in his good graces...

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