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Bryan Singer (X-Men, Usual Suspects) accused of sexually abusing underage boy

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100% logic failure rate
Shocking! A Hollywood guy uses his power and money to get sex from young people willing to accept expensive vacations and gifts for said sex.


Well, I agree with those saying innocent until proven guilty (specifically about the rape charge). That said, the industry has always had a dark reputation of producers/directors abusing their position of power over actors and those trying to break into the industry. So while it's true, a lot of these young men are 17-18 +, and seem to know what they are getting into, it still seems like Singer is well..scummy.

But then again, it's not like we can say for sure that he's promised roles, or gotten people to have sex for these specific purposes. But with all the stories swirling around, well..shit. *shrugs*.

EDIT: To clarify. I think it's scummy when people use their position of power, to persuade someone to have sex for career gains. While, it's still the persons choice to have sex for this reason, there CAN be instances where someone feels pressured to have sex, because they know if the refuse, their career will be ruined, or they will be blacklisted. Again, we don't know if Singer ever did this. Hollywood does have a history of people doing this. So that's all I'm saying. If Singer used his role with this regard, I think that's scummy.


Shocking! A Hollywood guy uses his power and money to get sex from young people willing to accept expensive vacations and gifts for said sex.

It's not shocking at all. What's shocking is that they get away with or even in some cases get a standing ovation.


According to the lawsuit, Singer told Egan he was 'sexy' and went on to masturbate the underage boy and perform oral sex on him. The director then told Egan to do the same to him, but the then-minor says he resisted.

I hate this story, but this part made me smile. "nah thanks, I got mine."

Do you mean 'no, his reputation is ruined' or 'no, he ruined a poor kid's life'?

I think it's "please no, we don't want this person we like to have done something awful."

Bryan Singer Lawyer gives requisite statement that will lead people to think he totally did it.

If I were accused of something like that, my denial would be more passionate than that.


Honestly, I've heard about casting couch rumors for years. I think it was particularly vocal when Superman Returns was coming out and, there was a lot of talk about Brandon Roth becoming one of Singer's 'boys' etc.

However, I always (rather naively?) assumed it was far more innocent than all the gossip and he was acting as a mentor/support for young gay actors (many of whom are/were closeted) then necessarily using his movies casting calls/position as a director to get laid.

I'm reminded of reading about how they had to digitally shrink Routh's bulge in the outfit. No wonder he got the role...


This is all very disturbing.

I've heard of similar rumors before regarding Singer, so I'm not totally surprised.
I wonder what sort of pain pushed Renfro to his tragic fate.

Brad Renfro. What a sad ending to a great actor. He was my first mega crush as a child. My mom bought a Valentine's candy gram for me at school one year and had it signed "Brad", like it was from him. I was in 11 or 12 at the time and thought it was the coolest thing.

I just read that he wasn't included in the Academy Awards tribute to actors they had lost that year. He gets shitted on even after death. =/
It's obnoxious, but you just don't get it. You have to see it.

This power-imbalance thing doesn't really exist here. You see it on Bear websites or stuff like Grindr. It's a mutually sought after thing, where as in the straight community, you find it be far less common and far more predatory.

I could flip open a tab and find a dozen 20 something year old men actively seeking 50+ year old "daddies", because that's their legitimate desire. I don't think the same sub-community exists with women. You can call that a double standard, I think it's more of a cultural difference. I hardly believe the women are incapable of it, just that it doesn't exist to near the same degree of prevalence.

A 20 something guy isn't "barely legal" in this context. And yes, you can find plenty of 20 something women who specifically date older men.

The issue here is the idea of barely legal guys (18) and underage boys. If men want to date 18 year old men that's fine, but I would imagine that most in the gay community would agree that going below that line is wrong, regardless of whether the underage kid wants a "daddy."


So his mutant power is to manipulate 17 year old young men?

If I wrote for Variety I'd headline the article:

XXX-Man: Days of Future Ass.

This is pretty horrible news if true. Such a scumbag thing to do. His X-Man movies are awful so it's not like it's a Polanski situation at least.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I remember hearing that Robert Downey Jr. was planning on speaking/writing a book about the other side of hollywood eventually. Probably won't happen, but he must know some shit.

He'll probably do it after the Marvel/Ironman contract ends, surely? He's getting up there in years. He's about 50-55 now?

So his mutant power is to manipulate 17 year old young men?


What the fuck at the .gif :lol
Allegations like this against singer have been around for ages. I remember hearing about infamous hot tub parties around the time he was casting for Superman in Superman Returns.


So everyone here assumes he is guilty? It's pretty damning that Hollywood's image is so messed up that everytime there's allegations of this kind, people immediately assume it is true without any questions.

Also, the early post about him hitting on younger dudes in west hollywood. That makes him a creep for some (older dude hitting on young men and vice versa is a pretty commoin thing), but that doesn't automatically makes him a rapist.

Bryan Singer Lawyer gives requisite statement that will lead people to think he totally did it.

If I were accused of something like that, my denial would be more passionate than that.

If he was too passionate people would also use that as a proof that he is guilty.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
The guy could be guilty who knows, but the fact so many people still believe everything on the web is hilarious.

You figure after the whole boston bomber fiasco some of you would chill and wait for the facts to come in before jumping to conclusions.


Didn't Downey run a blog at one time about exposing all sorts of this kind of shit? There was a lot of stuff about Dan Schneider molesting basically every child star at Nickelodeon, and some horror stories about Amanda Bynes on that show she did with Jennie Garth.
Not at all. His X-Man movies are absolutely awful. Admittedly my exposure to the comic books is about zero though so maybe it's faithful to the comics and they're actually just awful. Regardless, if he did what he's accused of he is a total scumbag.

But you're saying that this isn't comparable to Polanski because the latter made good films? What does their body of work have to do with the accusations?
Didn't Downey run a blog at one time about exposing all sorts of this kind of shit? There was a lot of stuff about Dan Schneider molesting basically every child star at Nickelodeon, and some horror stories about Amanda Bynes on that show she did with Jennie Garth.

Someone implying he was RDJ posted (still does on occasion) in the comments section on the CDAN blog . Actual RDJ denied it was him.


I wonder how rife it actually is. Is it some sick pact that keeps the lid on it. Can we look at film stars and not think they sleep their way to the top. For the few that get famous, there must be a conveyor belt of fresh meat ready to be exploited.

Wasn't Drew Barrymore involved in dodgy encounters when she was growing up.


Okay, so, personally, this doesn't surprise me at all, and I think anyone who rapes a kid should be tortured to death.


I knew some people who were accused of raping several kids in their family. Not only that, but the allegations included forced intercourse with animals, and making the kids murder a hitchhiker.

None of these allegations were true. In fact, most of them came from "repressed memories." The case was thrown out with extreme prejudice, after A) no evidence was found, B) the details didn't match up with reality, and C) the DA's office was more or less proven to be helping these people make up stuff.

These allegations completely ruined the guys' lives. They lost jobs, years of their lives, the trust of friends and loved ones, their reputations (were completely crucified in the media) and a ton of other stuff. None of it was true--it was apparently just some person who estranged herself from the family trying to ruin them, and taking advantage of a mentally ill sibling to make it happen. She was a disgusting, horrible human being for her actions.


Rushing to judgement = bad.

On the flip side, a super nice dude that my familiy knew ended up being a serial killer with victims in the double digits. So, I mean, the nicest guy in the world can be a monster.

I agree with what SalsaShark has been saying.

I would wait for proof of a coerced act, rather than just shame the dude for consensual sexual behavior that you happen to find creepy. It may make you uncomfortable that he's into young-looking dudes, but as long as it takes place between consenting adults, you shouldn't treat it as evidence that a rape took place.

In what universe is "he forced my head underwater to make me give him oral sex" considered creepy sexual behavior?


This thread has been shocking and left me dissapointed about Singer, even if they are of age the whole wild parties thing was something I didn't imagine, I guess I'm naive.

The other side doesn't look too good either, specially when this has been a secret apparently everyone knew about, coming with this lawsuit, after so much time, right before an important film debut is pretty suspicious.

Hollywood is horrible.



That kind of sounds like the d'Outreau Trial in France. Those kind of accusations can ruin people lives because they're almost always taken as pure truth even before any investigation is done. Guilty until proven innocent is truly an awful mindset.

I don't think there's any real evidence here (yet), just years of rumors. But, where there's smoke there's fire, so...

Dear god no, that's one of the worst way to go about rumours. Especially something as serious as those accusations...
Remember: Accusing a powerful person of sexual assault always ends well for the accuser! He must just be in it for the money.

Not to presume Singer's guilt here, but his career will be fine, whereas this guy's name will be dragged through the mud regardless.


Dear god no, that's one of the worst way to go about rumours. Especially something as serious as those accusations...

I'd agree in normal circumstances, but Hollywood isn't exactly normal and there's been no shortage of stories -- in just this thread alone -- about similar instances.
This thread has been shocking and left me dissapointed about Singer, even if they are of age the whole wild parties thing was something I didn't imagine, I guess I'm naive.

The other side doesn't look too good either, specially when this has been a secret apparently everyone knew about, coming with this lawsuit, after so much time, right before an important film debut is pretty suspicious.

Hollywood is horrible

The only universal truth that comes from these things.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
There were rumors of this ages ago, the tyler durden blog made fun of it like 10 years ago. Anyway so singer likes them young, depending of the state that maybe be illegal or not. Of course if he actually raped someone fuck him.
Curious how Sony will respond to the news, if at all. Will they distance themselves from Singer and X:DOFP by pulling the clip/advertisement they agreed to insert in Amazing Spider-Man 2?


Single-handedly caused Exxon-Mobil to sue FOX, start World War 3
Of all the dumb things in this thread that is the dumbest.

If barely legal guys can be genuinely attracted to 50+ year old men then barely legal girls can be attracted to 50+ year old men.

It is EXACTLY like an old dude perving on teen girls.

Creeps don't get a free pass for being gay.

If exploiting a power imbalance is wrong then it is wrong for gays too.

That's really what it is... whether you're a director, someone's boss, a politician, or a priest, you're exploiting a power imbalance in order to get your jollies, whether it's simply a power trip or an orgasm. It shouldn't be tolerated. It doesn't matter that it's happened all over Hollywood or even since the beginning of civilization.


Depending on where you live. 17 is the age of consent in a lot of states.

But there is a federal age of consent (18) which matters if he flew across state lines to Hawaii

I mean, if we are going to let arbitrary age of consent laws dictate morality
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