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Bryan Singer (X-Men, Usual Suspects) accused of sexually abusing underage boy

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Speaking of casting couches, Bay is motherfucking notorious...
I don't see what Bay did wrong because I simply don't believe a director would bother driving her out there himself when he could get an assistant to do it, and not tell her what she needed to do when shooting a commercial is $5,000 an hour. Its a story like Sigourney saying that David Fincher covered her with mud sand and lice for Alien 3 on the first day of shooting. Yeah he did because that was required to get the shot not because he has a hard on for dirty insect covered women.

Oh, so because YOU don't believe it, it's virtually impossible. The model MUST be lying :)

Sigourney also didn't tell that story like "And then the next thing you know, David's covering me with mud and lice, and I'm like "Why the fuck am I covered in mud and lice" and then he gets the shot and he's like "Cut, print!" and when I saw it in dailies the next day I was like "OH, THAT'S WHY."

She knew why she was being covered in mud and lice. It was in the script. And she was a fucking PRODUCER on that movie, too. Again - the power differential, or the scenario in general, isn't similar to a scenario where a known filmmaker responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue is making a lingerie commercial with relatively unknown models. Plus Fincher doesn't have a history of power tripping on actors to where stories about him making young women WASH HIS CAR AS A SCREEN TEST get out. And that's just the stories that got out, as the post above mine hints strongly at.
She admits to thinking it was going to be shot in stages so she knew what the shot was going to be. She seems nonplussed that it wasn't going to be shot in stages and instead one long take. And also if you read what Bay said at the end of the story in non asshole voice and instead a you did damn good voice it takes a whole other dimension. Also if she thought he was such a power tripping monster dick why did she sign up for T3?

As far as the car washing story I have no clue about that one. I can't verify it. This at least is real and obviously true.
I don't know how to feel about this. On the one hand, Singer seems to be a sleaze. But on the other, the kid is 17 years old and and old enough to understand what he's getting into.
Really, really think some of you are missing the point. The focus shouldn't be on why these victims. And yes, they are victims of this abuse of power. And no, that director/producer/industry person etc. isn't just eccentric or even just hard to work -- they're exploiting their talent in a way that dehumanizes and humiliates them. So, why anyone in this situation chooses to continue to work or be a part of the industry that feeds this kind of behavior isn't the point you should be concerned about.

Be concerned that someone is doing it to them. Be concerned that this is so common people are making a million excuses as to why this is just such normal behavior and not just a bunch of egos at work for personal gain.

And, honestly, I’m more sympatric to people like Megan, that spoke out, get blacklisted, and the in order to continue to a career had to basically play nice with Bay and basically excused what’s happened to her (bury it) because no one took it seriously or cared because LOL Megan Fox. Who care is she’s mistreated?

IMO 17 is not really much creepier than 18ish for a full grown adult, BUT if there was force, doesn't matter the age, he should go to jail. Though, I am wondering why a lawsuit was filed against him instead of charges being brought against him.
Because it is the land of opportunity.


good credit (by proxy)
According to maybe real but maybe fake Robert Downey Jr's online pseudonym a bunch of child molestation happens in hollywood. Not at all surprising, y'know, since a bunch of child molestation happens FUCKING EVERYWHERE.

It's probably just as likely to happen with the person you think is really awesome and personable as it is to happen from the stereotypical nerdy looking balding guy with coke bottle glasses, fans of sexualized little girl anime aside.


I mean ultimately it is still her decision to choose the life she wants, but the exploitation of women in the entertainment industry pretty much knows no bounds. Extreme degrees of seduction and pressure that few are cut out for period.

Man, woman, they all get exploited sexually in Hollywood. Some famous male actors have been rent boys.

And the Hollywood escorting is real. A lot of these actors and actresses don't make enough money to afford their lifestyle. I remember David Choe bringing it up on his podcast that some of the guys he has done business with in the middle east have told him they have paid to "spend time" with actresses. He also heard a rumor that Megan Fox costs $90,000 for a night.


A 17-year-old is not a child, sorry. This is irrelevant if sexual coercion really did occur, of course. But still, it's ludicrous to call a 17-year-old a child on the basis of an arbitrary law.


Rape allegations are terribly serious, so I would wait till the court decides if they're true or not before condemning the man.


Wow. Around that time I knew a girl who said she met Singer who wanted her to blow him. He said he was gay but that girls were the same thing for head. Or that he wasn't gay but boys were the same thing for head, something like that, it's been like 15 years.

Strangely enough I always believed her.

edit: so I guess Singer has been out since forever, so yeah, the first one.
According to maybe real but maybe fake Robert Downey Jr's online pseudonym a bunch of child molestation happens in hollywood. Not at all surprising, y'know, since a bunch of child molestation happens FUCKING EVERYWHERE.

It's probably just as likely to happen with the person you think is really awesome and personable as it is to happen from the stereotypical nerdy looking balding guy with coke bottle glasses, fans of sexualized little girl anime aside.


that guy is 25

seriously im the first one to lit the torch if all this crap is true but I feel a lot of people see a situation involving two gay people with a somewhat big age difference and instantly think "CREEPY PEDO OMG" when it's nowhere near the same case if we're talking about heterosexuals

it's really weird to see

Yeah, the guy obviously likes them young but as long as they are consenting adults, who cares.


that guy is 25

seriously im the first one to lit the torch if all this crap is true but I feel a lot of people see a situation involving two gay people with a somewhat big age difference and instantly think "CREEPY PEDO OMG" when it's nowhere near the same case if we're talking about heterosexuals

it's really weird to see
To be fair, that boy looks 14. I agree with your post though.


In the gay community, it's really not rare for 50+ year olds to pursue entirely willing barely-legal boys. It's creepy until you realize that it's a mutual attraction thing and not the equivalent of an old dude perving on teen girls. You just kinda have to see it to see the difference.
Of all the dumb things in this thread that is the dumbest.

If barely legal guys can be genuinely attracted to 50+ year old men then barely legal girls can be attracted to 50+ year old men.

It is EXACTLY like an old dude perving on teen girls.

Creeps don't get a free pass for being gay.

If exploiting a power imbalance is wrong then it is wrong for gays too.


Of all the dumb things in this thread that is the dumbest.

If barely legal guys can be genuinely attracted to 50+ year old men then barely legal girls can be attracted to 50+ year old men.

It is EXACTLY like an old dude perving on teen girls.

Creeps don't get a free pass for being gay.

As long as both parties are actually willing I don't think anyone deserves to be called a creep though.


Of all the dumb things in this thread that is the dumbest.

If barely legal guys can be genuinely attracted to 50+ year old men then barely legal girls can be attracted to 50+ year old men.

It is EXACTLY like an old dude perving on teen girls.

Creeps don't get a free pass for being gay.

If exploiting a power imbalance is wrong then it is wrong for gays too.
Seriously. Talk about double standards.


A 17-year-old is not a child, sorry. This is irrelevant if sexual coercion really did occur, of course. But still, it's ludicrous to call a 17-year-old a child on the basis of an arbitrary law.

We draw lines in the sand all the time because we have to. We have decided, for a variety of reasons, that 18 is the age of majority. It's not arbitrary, it's a necessity.

Bryan Singer is old enough to know that he should not have sex with a 17 year old, yet made that decision to do so.

Yeah, the guy obviously likes them young but as long as they are consenting adults, who cares.

But, as this suit states, they're not consenting adults.


Of all the dumb things in this thread that is the dumbest.

If barely legal guys can be genuinely attracted to 50+ year old men then barely legal girls can be attracted to 50+ year old men.

It is EXACTLY like an old dude perving on teen girls.

Creeps don't get a free pass for being gay.

If exploiting a power imbalance is wrong then it is wrong for gays too.

I think it's based in sexism. The young girls are thought of as victims while the young boys are in charge of the situation. You can see the same sentiment in threads about when a teachers have sex with their student. They read a lot different if the student is male or female.
Crazy and absolutely disgusting if this turns out to be true (which its looking more and more likely it is). Abuse of power in Hollywood is a no brainier, its not really surprising but when an occasion like this comes to light and further stories come out to corroborate the original piece......damn.

Still gonna see Days of Future Past though. Midnight showing. Wearing my Cyclops costume.


Of all the dumb things in this thread that is the dumbest.

If barely legal guys can be genuinely attracted to 50+ year old men then barely legal girls can be attracted to 50+ year old men.

It is EXACTLY like an old dude perving on teen girls.

Creeps don't get a free pass for being gay.

If exploiting a power imbalance is wrong then it is wrong for gays too.

It's obnoxious, but you just don't get it. You have to see it.

This power-imbalance thing doesn't really exist here. You see it on Bear websites or stuff like Grindr. It's a mutually sought after thing, where as in the straight community, you find it be far less common and far more predatory.

I could flip open a tab and find a dozen 20 something year old men actively seeking 50+ year old "daddies", because that's their legitimate desire. I don't think the same sub-community exists with women. You can call that a double standard, I think it's more of a cultural difference. I hardly believe the women are incapable of it, just that it doesn't exist to near the same degree of prevalence.


But, as this suit states, they're not consenting adults.

The person I responded to wasn't directly referencing the case though. The point was that just because he likes young guys doesn't mean he's a child molester. Apparently, all the guys in those photos are 18+.

The suit is another matter. If it turns out he drugged/raped the guy then I hope he and everyone involved will rot in prison.
Knowing this dude rolls like that, can I go see X-Men without unwantingly wondering if Singer tried to give a handy to Archangel?

People have to ruin things.
ITT: People who are just now learning how Hollywood has worked since the 1920s.

It's obviously bad if Singer forcibly raped this guy, but I don't see the problem with other stories about him asking people for dick, provided they are the age of consent.

Agreed. Singer may be a bad person or even a criminal depending on the truth of this accusation, but some of the posts in this thread have uncomfortably homophobic undertones.


This thread is disturbing for so many reasons.

But it reminded me of something.

A number of years ago I posted on a comic forum and in one topic about directors Singers name popped up and a professional comic book artist who has worked for both DC and Marvel mentioned how some people said things about Singer just because he was gay. I was surprised by that, for one I didn't know he was gay and I thought the accusations because of his sexuality was of course low. But you know, Hollywood right. People say things about everyone, the worse and more juicy the more it feeds things. Or so I thought at the time.

So yeah the rumors have been out there for a long time.

Reading this thread....yikes. Knew Hollywood was full of scum but disappointing to learn this is leaning towards true.


Ivysaur posted in here kind of confirming this shit which means it's probably true, which I am more than ready to accept, but it also totally bums me out.

And I'm still sitting here thinking "I'm probably still going to go see that new X-Men movie"

Kind of funny too that you'd hear these stories and think "maybe that's part of why he didn't come back even after Superman Returns was finished!" But nope, he came back for at least one more.
ITT: People who are just now learning how Hollywood has worked since the 1920s.
I think some of us heard about that sort of stuff and consciously or subconsciously thought it'd be better now.

Well, I guess it IS in some ways, I think the Casablanca director outright drowned some people in filming another movie because of how insanely dangerous the scene he wanted was.


ITT: People who are just now learning how Hollywood has worked since the 1920s.

Reading this thread....yikes. Knew Hollywood was full of scum but disappointing to learn this is leaning towards true.

I think some of us heard about that sort of stuff and consciously or not hoped it'd be better now.

Next people will be shocked to learn their favorite leader is a sexual deviant behind closed doors!
17 isn't really underage, a bit shady, but that title is some what sensationalist. There's certainly the issue of abuse of power (like how teachers can't sleep with students no matter the age) but considering the age of consent in my country and both Hawaii is 16 saying "underage boy" isn't true.


Next people will be shocked to learn their favorite politician/religious leader is a sexual deviant behind closed doors!

No one is surprised to learn Hollywood is full of creeps and freaks.

But yeah learning a lot about this Singer, that was a surprise.

I tend to take most rumors with a grain of salt until there is some decent evidence.


We draw lines in the sand all the time because we have to. We have decided, for a variety of reasons, that 18 is the age of majority. It's not arbitrary, it's a necessity.

Bryan Singer is old enough to know that he should not have sex with a 17 year old, yet made that decision to do so.
My post was poorly worded. The law isn't arbitrary, the specific age of consent is. You're absolutely right that for practicality's sake we have to draw all sorts of lines. What I meant was that a one-size-fits-all age of consent is next to worthless for evaluating an individual's intellectual maturity. Some teenagers are dumb as a stack of Oreos and need to be protected from themselves, others are fully capable and self-sufficient. This natural variance can be overshadowed by the very broad generalizations implicit in the age of consent.

Obviously a law that distinguishes minors from adults is necessary, and I recognize that. Underage is underage. But it's misleading to call 17-year-olds children. Children are informally understood to be prepubescent, as far as I know. For clarity's sake, adolescents are called teenagers. The statements, "I totally boned jailbait last night" and "I just fucked a child" have different connotations, you understand.

I agree that, if the story is to be trusted, Bryan Singer is a huge sleaze.


Next people will be shocked to learn their favorite politician/religious leader is a sexual deviant behind closed doors!
Well, it's why I said subconsciously; "but that was the past, surely it's better now right!?" Even though if you stop to think about it the proverb would hold true about how the more things change the more they stay the same. I guess people just hope it doesn't include people they actually give a damn about.

Not that it'd surprise me with politicians/religious leaders though. But I suppose bringing you entertainment makes you want to think better of someone.


Don't worry it will still be meaningless easily digestible action-filled banal popcorn crap like every other comicbook / superhero movie.

You're so deep and interesting. Tell us more.

What more is there to say, they're fucking awful, about on par with video game stories. Maybe one day a director will take on something of value like Maus but for now it's am endless stream of superhero franchises pumping out the same old junk every summer.

PS Network User ID: ILikeComics

Looks like a struck a nerve...


What more is there to say, they're fucking awful, about on par with video game stories. Maybe one day a director will take on something of value like Maus but for now it's am endless stream of superhero franchises pumping out the same old junk every summer.
This actually reminds me of how Bryan Singer basically kickstarted this whole thing by doing a reasonably entertaining adaptation after a long string of poor ones, and this time it seems he started the trend rather than creating an exception. Figures really.


Nose how to spell and rede to
So are comics like Maus the only ones worth making movies out of? Or let me guess, you can pick out the "good" superhero stories from the comics that should have been made into movies?

Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member

I do wonder though what this means for the future of FOX comic book films. Singer will get what's coming to him if allegations are true, but this could mean much more for the film franchise.

They would just get another director if he is found guilty. It's not like the population at large actually cares who and knows who the director is. They just want to watch Xmen do things on screen.

The whole "bringing the boy to a state where it is legal to sleep with him" thing is seriously dubious though. Are there laws in the US that prevents that? What about someone who goes overseas and sleeps with someone who is underage? My country got around that loophole by making it possible to charge its citizens even if the culprit has sex with underage individuals in another country. It was a law put up to circumvent around men who visit nearby countries (like Indonesia or Thailand) to find underage prostitutes.
I agree with what SalsaShark has been saying.

I would wait for proof of a coerced act, rather than just shame the dude for consensual sexual behavior that you happen to find creepy. It may make you uncomfortable that he's into young-looking dudes, but as long as it takes place between consenting adults, you shouldn't treat it as evidence that a rape took place.

It's obnoxious, but you just don't get it. You have to see it.

This power-imbalance thing doesn't really exist here. You see it on Bear websites or stuff like Grindr. It's a mutually sought after thing, where as in the straight community, you find it be far less common and far more predatory.

I could flip open a tab and find a dozen 20 something year old men actively seeking 50+ year old "daddies", because that's their legitimate desire. I don't think the same sub-community exists with women. You can call that a double standard, I think it's more of a cultural difference. I hardly believe the women are incapable of it, just that it doesn't exist to near the same degree of prevalence.

Yeah, I think it's a guy thing. While it's way more prevalent in the gay community, there's even a lot of straight guys with MILF fantasies.


I agree with what SalsaShark has been saying.

I would wait for proof of a coerced act, rather than just shame the dude for consensual sexual behavior that you happen to find creepy. It may make you uncomfortable that he's into young-looking dudes, but as long as it takes place between consenting adults, you shouldn't treat it as evidence that a rape took place.
Well, there's the angle of offering these favors of getting into the business or whatever. It's pretty unsavory at best whether it's with younger men or younger women, and in fact I really don't think I'd feel much differently regardless of the sexes involved.
It's obnoxious, but you just don't get it. You have to see it.

This power-imbalance thing doesn't really exist here. You see it on Bear websites or stuff like Grindr. It's a mutually sought after thing, where as in the straight community, you find it be far less common and far more predatory.

I could flip open a tab and find a dozen 20 something year old men actively seeking 50+ year old "daddies", because that's their legitimate desire. I don't think the same sub-community exists with women. You can call that a double standard, I think it's more of a cultural difference. I hardly believe the women are incapable of it, just that it doesn't exist to near the same degree of prevalence.

I simply think you're completely wrong on this.

I'm not a woman, I'm just me. I realize that I can never truly, completely see the world through other's PoV so I wouldn't assume to know XYZ about what other people truly feel. But from where I stand your "you find it be far less common and far more predatory." comment is more so that it's "perceived" to be that way cause our society sees females as victims or poor weak things that need protecting. And on top of that the males in our society have a hard-as-fuck time trying to understand how female attraction works so it becomes very easy to think something's unbalanced about a relationship based on physical appearances.

"Sugar Daddy" has been a pretty fucking common place phrase for a young woman with old balls ... but apparently old gay sugar daddies are normal and straight ones or manipulative creepers praying on young woman now?

Also, would reeeeaaallly like it if people stopped acting like you know shit about shit in your late teens. Hell, the decision making part of your brain's not even fully grown until you're 25. IDK how many people this nation is fucking over based purely on the fact that "late teens people don't know shit about shit". From the Military to Student loans ...
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