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Call of Duty: Ghosts Review Thread | Celebrating 10 years of doody


The narratives in MW2 and 3 took a huge nosedive. And it's the actual campaign in 3 that was terrible from a gameplay perspective. Wave after wave of enemies, in areas designed like tunnels. You could mash L1, and then R1, and let the aim assist do all the work for 2/3's of that game. It was just awful.

It's incredible that they even spend time and resources on creating a campaign. They must have data linking new game sales to new themes or some shit, because on the surface it makes no sense. They produce The same game every 12 month's. Surely map packs or season passes for new content are cheaper to develop than full on singleplayer games.

Anyway, the multiplayer is always solid and Spec Ops was the injection that the series really needed. I'll probably pick this up as one of the three games at Target next week.


That Polygon review blows my mind. It's not that I disagree with it, it's that in shocked a Call of Duty game could get such a low score.

I'm worried.


The narratives in MW2 and 3 took a huge nosedive. And it's the actual campaign in 3 that was terrible from a gameplay perspective. Wave after wave of enemies, in areas designed like tunnels. You could mash L1, and then R1, and let the aim assist do all the work for 2/3's of that game. It was just awful.

While I agree that MW2's story is completely nonsensical and silly, it was a lot of fun and a great campaign to play through filled with many great moments backed by an epic soundtrack.

MW3 was where it really felt like there was this huge drop in quality. Almost nothing was new gameplay wise throughout the single player and it felt like a giant copy-and-paste job. The callbacks and full-circle moments were cool, I loved those, but the narrative didn't feel as big as it should've. I mean, it was fucking WORLD WAR 3, MW2 was obviously leading up to it, and it just all felt like "meh". Plus, we didn't play as Soap. =( /rant
Wrong. So wrong.

Treyarch kills in map design. Plus CoD3 has the best multiplayer out of all of them. Sadly single player in that game was the worst one, so not too many people played it.

IW ruined this game. It's now devolved into hot garbage online.
Wrong, so wrong. Almost all of there maps boil down to the same 3 routes with headglitch spots on every corner . It's ridiculous, they wanted to design them for the competitive mlg guys but in the process took all of the fun out. And I'm not going to start about their atrocious netcode and sniper's.


I've bought all the CODs since the original but I think I'm skipping it this time. Pondered getting BF4 but I think I'll rather go for Titanfall.
Wrong, so wrong. Almost all of there maps boil down to the same 3 routes with headglitch spots on every corner . It's ridiculous, they wanted to design them for the competitive mlg guys but in the process took all of the fun out. And I'm not going to start about their atrocious netcode and sniper's.

Had no issues with netcode and played that game for over a year straight. Same 3 routes? That's not even close to being true either. And fun, well...that's subjective but it was the most fun I'd had online since RTcW.
I'm picking it up because it's Infinity Ward. MW3 may not have been perfect, but it's head and shoulders above Treyarch's forgettable story mode and horrid MP map design.
Every single map is Blops2 was the same exact thing: Both teams spawn on opposite ends with a big open stretch in the middle and two close quarters paths on either side. After that laziness you could throw any map at me and I'd call it a masterpiece.

That Polygon review blows my mind. It's not that I disagree with it, it's that in shocked a Call of Duty game could get such a low score.
I'm worried.
Take Polygon giving any popular game a low score with the same weight you would take IGN giving it a perfect score. It's just what Polygon does to get their hits.


Ha ha. You guys and your '[X] Call of Duty is the Best!' reminds me of a certain role playing game fan base...

------Final Fantasy-----


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Wrong. So wrong.

Treyarch kills in map design. Plus CoD3 has the best multiplayer out of all of them. Sadly single player in that game was the worst one, so not too many people played it.

IW ruined this game. It's now devolved into hot garbage online.

World at War had pretty bad map design, way too many dead ends that lead to poor connectivity / flow of the map. Though they did 100% better with Black Ops.
Polygon with the 720p salt.

Also why start giving the series bad scores NOW? That should have started way earlier... But looking at the Batman scores, our journalists are just so unpredictable and edgy.
MW2 was good, but Black Ops' multiplayer was where it was really at. I'll gladly accept the inferior netcode for having to deal with far less terrible gameplay design (infinite grenade launchers, painkiller, stacking kill streaks, COMMANDO, etc.).

Completely agree. Black Ops was my favorite COD behind COD4.
Is MW2 really considered weaker than the games that followed? I think that's the last time multiplayer maps worked.

MW2 is perhaps one of my biggest disappointments of the generation. It was the game that switched the gunplay into over the top kill streaks. I honestly think MW2 is the worst game in the franchise and ruined it. CoD4 was excellent. World at War was excellent. I started losing interest with the franchise with MW2. God, I hated that game. Black Ops was cool when it actually worked. I actually really liked MW3. Black Ops II was when I finally decided I didn't give a shit anymore. I have bought every CoD game day one since CoD4, but I honestly could not give two shits about Ghosts. I mean all power to you if you decide to buy it. For me it's at Guitar Hero 4/Aerosmith stage. I just refuse to buy it. The last two I bought was to humor my friends and have something to do on a Saturday night.

Life has made this easier for me. Our biggest CoD fan on our friends list is about to have triplets and he's also buying an Xbox One day one edition. I imagine once the three buns pop out of the oven, he's not going to playing a lot. I'm not buying an Xbox One day one and by the time I do, he will have probably moved on. Guy likes video games, but kids have a way of changing you. The other guy in our "clan" has been awall since June. He found a girlfriend. Just a matter of time before the clan is done.

Oh, fuck. I'm going to be last man standing next year. 35 and no kids. God, I am fucking pathetic.




this is gold. sat for about 5 minutes laughing at this.

back on topic.

This is what i have come to expect actually... happens every time the creators leave the series.

Activison didn't learn from EA and MOH.

it will probably sell like hotcakes but i wouldn't be surprised if it didn't sell as well as the previous entries.
Woah. The juggernaut perk is way OP. This guy is on a 22 killstreak so far and can't be killed. No timer either.

Edit: 26 before he died.
Yup, Treyarch's cod games are easily the worst in the entire franchise. IW get's my day one purchase every single time!

Nope. Nope. Nope. Actually, given the totality of the franchise, Treyarch has given us the best CoD games if you are going by numbers. CoD4 was great, I'll give IW that. Everything else was bad.
Cynically, I see it playing out a bit like this:

Call of duty: old, redundant, nothing new, no innovation 6-7/10
Titanfall: amazing, innovation, visceral, next gen starts now 10/10

Could this be the start of Call of Duty being thrown under the bus by the "gaming press"?


Not going to lie... Kind of worried... I have loved all of the CoD games up to this point and was looking forward to playing it on my PS4... :( Just hope the community doesn't die out quickly...
Had no issues with netcode and played that game for over a year straight. Same 3 routes? That's not even close to being true either. And fun, well...that's subjective but it was the most fun I'd had online since RTcW.
You must have a really high tolerance for bullshit, I couldn't handle it after 2 months. And you should have a good look at the maps, most of them really are just 3 main routes.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Will youtube the campaign just to find out what happens to Riley.

It's a shame, Call of Duty was once one of my favorite franchises. Now it's beyond garbage. I'll never forgive you what you've done to that series Infinity Ward.


Will youtube the campaign just to find out what happens to Riley.

It's a shame, Call of Duty was once one of my favorite franchises. Now it's beyond garbage. I'll never forgive you what you've done to that series Infinity Ward.

So wait... 1 Review = Absolute Fact? Wha...?
Cynically, I see it playing out a bit like this:

Call of duty: old, redundant, nothing new, no innovation 6-7/10
Titanfall: amazing, innovation, visceral, next gen starts now 10/10

Could this be the start of Call of Duty being thrown under the bus by the "gaming press"?

Ugh christ i wouldnt be surprised at all


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