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Dark Souls III [Import OT] Kindle the fire, one last time


I'm planning on rolling a mercenary, but pyro looks good too. Can someone spoilertag for me if/where it's possible to get/buy a pyro flame somewhat early into the game? And some basic pyromancies? Thanks!


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
This lirik dude has died 20 times to this boss and hasn't thought to change his armour to something with better fire resistance


I think they pulled it on PSN, and I think MS was taking steps to 'fix' the problem on their side too.

So probably that.

No. PSN Japan removes the pre-order after midnight and you can't purchase the game again until they update their store later today. So either you pre-order it or you wait until they update the store. This happens for all games that have pre-order options on Japan's PSN. Not just DS3.


Can someone advice a good streamer to watch this game on? someone who knows how to play the game plz...Ive been watching this LIRIK guy for about 40 minutes and boy does he suck at the game.


Two bosses down and loving it. I'm getting heavy Demon Souls vibes from this for some reason. Playing this in Japanese is not hard one bit.
No. PSN Japan removes the pre-order after midnight and you can't purchase the game again until they update their store later today. So either you pre-order it or you wait until they update the store.
That makes me way happier haha. Thanks! Demon's Souls in the mean time on PSNow 😁
No. PSN Japan removes the pre-order after midnight and you can't purchase the game again until they update their store later today. So either you pre-order it or you wait until they update the store. This happens for all games that have pre-order options on Japan's PSN. Not just DS3.

Oh I see. Never knew that. Thanks for the correction.


Can someone advice a good streamer to watch this game on? someone who knows how to play the game plz...Ive been watching this LIRIK guy for about 40 minutes and boy does he suck at the game.

I watched his stream for about 5 minutes then turned it off. Can't stand his commentary and language.
Two bosses down and loving it. I'm getting heavy Demon Souls vibes from this for some reason.

From what I've gathered from watching early game footage, DS3's overall gamefeel seems to be mostly based on Dark 1, but it has Demon's hub, level design density (though on a much bigger scale), and MP system. A bit of Bloodborne looks to be in there with some of the aesthetic choices, boss phases, and weapon arts giving each weapon some extra functionality. The true climax of the Souls series.
As someone who specifically bought both the JP PS4 version and the XBONE International one once it was discovered it had full english, it amazes me how many people are watching streams/looking at every detail.

I know its everyone's own perogative what they do, but what's even the point? Doesn't it just ruin the whole surprise/magic?

Again not trying to shit talk guys watching streams, it's just shocking to me especially looking at LIRIK and the other top streamers numbers.


My brother bought the game like a while ago couldn't download it cause I didn't know his password so he told me, now his account won't sign in on Xbox. Just says can't connect ur profile, try again in a few minutes. Anyone know why?


I know its everyone's own perogative what they do, but what's even the point? Doesn't it just ruin the whole surprise/magic?

I don't understand it either...it totally kills any sort of surprise and ability to discover things for yourself...you're no longer playing the game but rather following a step-by-step guide


done for the day, i've gotten up to the end of the preview footage that people were posting a couple of weeks ago (just after the 3rd boss) so the real dark souls starts here and everything else will be fresh for me, pretty gewd so far, wasn't super high on undead settlement but it wasn't bad. I think Bloodborne started off more impressively for me but that probably has something to do with the fact I'd already seen footage for this stuff weeks in advance.

can't settle on the lothric knight sword/mirrah greatsword/ilythrian sword yet

uchi didn't really click with me :( hope the washing pole's back in


I got a
battle axe off
in the first area. It scales with nothing. Is it some kind of enchanted axe? I can't tell for sure what it is.
Can someone advice a good streamer to watch this game on? someone who knows how to play the game plz...Ive been watching this LIRIK guy for about 40 minutes and boy does he suck at the game.

I have been watching YoshiChan pretty much all day off and on while getting work done haha. Good stuff.
Man, I've been watching this shit all day

this shit is GOTY unless they pull a Dark Souls and the second half is just wack

cuz nigga

this shit right here b

this is it b

the best Souls game


I got a
battle axe off
in the first area. It scales with nothing. Is it some kind of enchanted axe? I can't tell for sure what it is.

i got the same drop (possibly universal?) i think it deals


As someone who specifically bought both the JP PS4 version and the XBONE International one once it was discovered it had full english, it amazes me how many people are watching streams/looking at every detail.

I know its everyone's own perogative what they do, but what's even the point? Doesn't it just ruin the whole surprise/magic?

Again not trying to shit talk guys watching streams, it's just shocking to me especially looking at LIRIK and the other top streamers numbers.
I watch streams because exploring has never been a meaningful part for me in Souls games. It's all about the combat.


Gold Member
i just leveled up and have no idea where to go and I'm already tired of walking around this place lol

Very early spoiler, nothing major, but I'm on the ps4 version while the XBO is finishing. This is silly, I've never been stuck like this in my life.


I don't understand it either...it totally kills any sort of surprise and ability to discover things for yourself...you're no longer playing the game but rather following a step-by-step guide

I know it might be hard to understand but as someone with only very little time, knowing at least where to head/ spec is actually pretty nice.
I had a great time playing DS 1, looking up a build I like and knowing where to get good Equipment early.
Went blind into DS2 and was a frightened puppy that wasted points into crap.

Any other game, blind is great. These games are so cryptic for me that I rather worry about gameplay then stats or items.


Gold Member
people have already finished half of the game that quickly?...hope this doesn't mean that the game is really short

Imagine all the hype + early access + free time. That all equals 7+ hours rushed game time. We did it years ago and now it's just more vocal because they're taking all the credit with each stream. Lol it probably pushes people to finish it early


Have people started finding soft and hard caps for the stats yet?

Vigor seems to give incredible boosts to HP the first couple of points. I went from 500 to about 1000 during my first level up.


the woman in firelink sells a key for $20,000. what is it for?

also what does umbral ash look like and how do I give it to her?

also where do I get a white soapstone?


I watch streams because exploring has never been a meaningful part for me in Souls games. It's all about the combat.

I kind of lean towards this. Bosses are still hard even if you've seen them beat once or twice. I'm really in it more for the challenge and replay than the first-time or lore hunting.


Reasonable enough. I just find it hard to believe everyone watching feels that but maybe I'm wrong.

Im watching the streams probably only today because of the initial hype right now. I know that I have to wait another 3 weeks, while other people play, so I kind of have to live through them right now. I knew the first 2 areas in Bloodborne too from all the footage and that game still was amazing. I don't really care about area spoilers or early bosses. So that's why I'm watching a few minutes at a time of streams today
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