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Dark Souls III [Import OT] Kindle the fire, one last time


Imagine all the hype + early access + free time. That all equals 7+ hours rushed game time. We did it years ago and now it's just more vocal because they're taking all the credit with each stream. Lol it probably pushes people to finish it early

I hope people are rushing the game because 7 hours doesn't seem like a lot of time to already be at the half way point


Graphics are kind of underwhelming to be honest. BB looked much better to me though that's probably due to the art.

Not sure if you have the copy or are just watching streams...but based on what I've seen, the artistic design of everything looks great to me, and on par with Bloodborne. But then again, I've only seen a few minutes of streams and videos here and there.
gonna fall asleep to yoshi lol thanks for being a bro

idgaf about spoilers, the game is freakin massive, i doubt watching even a dozen or two hours of streams will really change my gameplay experience significantly, these are literally the deepest games in existence dude. also i'm not going to memorize areas from watching a stream bc i'm not totally invested in it, i'll just get a really really rough idea of what area leads into what, the maps get burned into my memory only by my own trial and error

I'd play it if I could but I'm not playing in Japanese, no interest in using translate and a slowed down experience like that


Sorry I sound stupid but where the hell do I go after the 2nd boss. I go through some big doors and then it's advised to raise a banner I don't have? Been back to the shrine and can't see any other levels unlocked. I'm obviously missing something obvious lol.


Gold Member
I hope people are rushing the game because 7 hours doesn't seem like a lot of time to already be at the half way point

If I rushed this on ps4 I'd probably hate it. I am lost at the moment at a stupid guess of where to go because I can't read anything in Japanese. I've played imports before, but DaS is best when you know where to go.

I think it'll just work its way out. Somewhere someone just completes it in two days or someone is waiting for the NA release date. If I knew where to go I wouldn't have turned it off.

I shut down my ps4 in favor of the XBO version sometime tonight, hopefully. I just killed an NPC and said, "screw it".

It ain't fun if you aren't feeling the grind. :O


Weird question.

Could anyone who owns Dark Souls 3 and

-Thought Dark Souls 1 was pretty good

-Thought Bloodborne was incredible and streamlined a lot of the crappier aspects of Souls

give their impressions.

I fucking LOVED Bloodborne, and really like Dark Souls, but hesitant to pick up DS3, because I loved the aspects of Bloodborne that separated it from Souls and thought it was a better game for it.
Weird question.

Could anyone who owns Dark Souls 3 and

-Thought Dark Souls 1 was pretty good

-Thought Bloodborne was incredible and streamlined a lot of the crappier aspects of Souls

give their impressions.

I fucking LOVED Bloodborne, and really like Dark Souls, but hesitant to pick up DS3, because I loved the aspects of Bloodborne that separated it from Souls and thought it was a better game for it.

that depends on what you didnt like about it
Weird question.

Could anyone who owns Dark Souls 3 and

-Thought Dark Souls 1 was pretty good

-Thought Bloodborne was incredible and streamlined a lot of the crappier aspects of Souls

give their impressions.

I fucking LOVED Bloodborne, and really like Dark Souls, but hesitant to pick up DS3, because I loved the aspects of Bloodborne that separated it from Souls and thought it was a better game for it.
So you liked both a lot but aren't sure if you want the likely melding of the two...? What kind of impression would possibly stop you from buying it lol? Just get it


Sorry I sound stupid but where the hell do I go after the 2nd boss. I go through some big doors and then it's advised to raise a banner I don't have? Been back to the shrine and can't see any other levels unlocked. I'm obviously missing something obvious lol.

Go to the cathedral the opposite room of the boss and the lady you speak to give you the banner.


Gold Member
Weird question.

Could anyone who owns Dark Souls 3 and

-Thought Dark Souls 1 was pretty good

-Thought Bloodborne was incredible and streamlined a lot of the crappier aspects of Souls

give their impressions.

I fucking LOVED Bloodborne, and really like Dark Souls, but hesitant to pick up DS3, because I loved the aspects of Bloodborne that separated it from Souls and thought it was a berter game for it.

It's Dark Souls. It's literally the same game you played not too long ago with a better world and the creatures seem far better than before. Otherwise this is just Dark Souls. Same loading and inventory splash screens. #thisisdarksouls

You are not moving around like Bb. It feels a lot better than DaS2 in some ways. It's actually a good pick me up if you grinded out DaS2 and wanted a more fleshed out world. It sure ain't Bb.

I'm sure if you like the Souls games you will absolutely love this, again it's not Bloodborne.


So you liked both a lot but aren't sure if you want the likely melding of the two...? What kind of impression would possibly stop you from buying it lol? Just get it
I loved Bloodborne because it "fixed" a lot of the problems I had with Dark Souls, especially in regards to combat (far less "SURPRISE GO FUCK YOURSELF" deaths), item management, stat growth (removed useless stats), removal of back tracking just to get to and from shops, and weapon upgrade (seriously what the fuck was going on in Dark Souls).

So the fact that a lot of those things are staples of the franchise im hesitant to pick it up.


Probably going to have to read up on build impressions but I don't want to spoil too much for myself.

I usually do a quality build my first run, but I'm hearing that faith builds might be pretty cool this time around. STR/Faith maybe.
Lol...... i play this game weirdly....

Lvl 20 ( started deprived ) 6-7h gameplay............. 1 boss down xD....

But i farm 20 000 souls via Co-op and lvl up with that.

I just manage to spawn the ( crack eye orb ) guy from press event without beating the 2nd boss!!!

I just used his 5 crack eye xD...... I "Passive PvP" with 1 guy or girl for like 20min open the shortcut with him/her.... aaaaaaaaand kill him while decending the elevator (trollface)

Soon i will go for that 2nd boss! lol ( still 10 vigor... i die SO FAST, but 22str and 14 dex for now )

game is goooooooood

Invading is almost INSTANT, i hope to get the full red orb soon. And co-op it's so funny/fun to gank A.I enemy that scare me when i'm alone :'( xD.


You sure you didn't just use an ember?

I am pretty sure that I didn't. The estus flask was equipped. But yeah, it definitely seems to be that effect based on the description. It is possible that you get the effect for free some time during the tutorial, I guess?


So do staves have a weapon art, or are they strictly considered a "casting item" and not really a weapon?

Would you really be upset? Or are you just being a silly goose.

Probably just implying that your average critic and "gamer" are entirely predictable, and that it doesn't necessarily matter which game is actually better subjectively. Whatever looks the best of the two, and whichever comes from X favorite developer will win no matter what.


had those Japan PSN cards just chilling in my cart at Play-Asia for hours now and am staring at the Dark Souls 3 page in the Japan PS store.

I'm so fucking caving.


I loved Bloodborne because it "fixed" a lot of the problems I had with Dark Souls, especially in regards to combat (far less "SURPRISE GO FUCK YOURSELF" deaths), item management, stat growth (removed useless stats), removal of back tracking just to get to and from shops, and weapon upgrade (seriously what the fuck was going on in Dark Souls).

So the fact that a lot of those things are staples of the franchise im hesitant to pick it up.

especially in regards to combat

if by "fixed the combat" you mean it's faster then I have good news for you

stat growth (removed useless stats),

only luck is arguably the useless stat

removal of back tracking just to get to and from shops

so far blacksmith and to merchants are all in the hub area( tho you will have to look for some of them in the game and send them there)


Membero Americo
Is it me or does the starting shield with the Knight class stops 100% of physical damage? I'M watching Jim Sterling play and it looks like it.

That seems generous.


I am pretty sure that I didn't. The estus flask was equipped. But yeah, it definitely seems to be that effect based on the description. It is possible that you get the effect for free some time during the tutorial, I guess?

You get it when you beat a boss
Would you really be upset? Or are you just being a silly goose.
I'd be moderately disappointed lol. Not that I have anything against uncharted, I just think Dark Souls deserves a win for once for all the incredible things the series has done and continues to do in this installment.



I never played a soules game before. I popped that cherry with bloodborne and platinumed it but I am feeling overwhelmed with this? possibly because I have not done any research so maybe you guys can help out.

Classes? how much do they really matter? In blood borne I used the longsword and hammer mostly

how is this different than bloodborne? open ended question I know but it seems like its just a reskin of that game?


I never played a soules game before. I popped that cherry with bloodborne and platinumed it but I am feeling overwhelmed with this?

You've played a Souls game then. Just not one with "Souls" in the title, and with far less options.

Classes only matter in regards to their starting gear and starting stats. The stats only really matter a lot if you plan on doing any kind of PvP and are going to stop leveling after a certain point. Or if you just like enforcing level caps on yourself to try out a new "build" in a replay. The main differences betwen this (any game with Souls in the title) and Bloodborne would be:

1. No regain mechanic
2. No quick step by default
3. You can use shields
4. A real magic system
5. A lot more variety in terms of gear
6. Character movement isn't quite as fast as Bloodborne, but it's still sped up from the previous games

It's also strange that you ask if this is just a reskin of Bloodborne. They do use the same engine, and both seem to be sharing too many assets, but if anything, Bloodborne is a reskinned and stripped down (and sped up) Dark Souls.

I never played a soules game before. I popped that cherry with bloodborne and platinumed it but I am feeling overwhelmed with this? possibly because I have not done any research so maybe you guys can help out.

Classes? how much do they really matter? In blood borne I used the longsword and hammer mostly

how is this different than bloodborne? open ended question I know but it seems like its just a reskin of that game?

Bloodborne was pretty much a reskin of dark souls in a different setting and a slightly different gameplay if you want to go down that route. Classes just determine your starting stats and weapons.


so far blacksmith and to merchants are all in the hub area( tho you will have to look for some of them in the game and send them there)

Is it me or does the starting shield with the Knight class stops 100% of physical damage? I'M watching Jim Sterling play and it looks like it.

That seems generous.

The Warrior class in DS1 starts off with the Heater Shield which is also 100% physical. It only weighs 2.0 units as well, the Knight shield weighs 4.5.


I'd be moderately disappointed lol. Not that I have anything against uncharted, I just think Dark Souls deserves a win for once for all the incredible things the series has done and continues to do in this installment.

I hear ya mate. Nothing beats a souls game. Loving this so far.


I've been completely in the dark for this game but how is Max playing it on PC right now? Is it some special promotion or is there some way to unlock it early?
Can anyone give me some tips for the first area callback area after the first boss? Can't find the shortcut and the
is too tough as a Deprived
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