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Destiny |OT16| Enrage is here, there, everywhere...

E92 M3

Had my Gazillionth Templar kill and still no Fatebringer....Thank goodness hard CE has bias towards hard weapons. Thank goodness.
Press L3, hold down forward, jump occasionally, shoot occasionally ???, Profit: Hawkmoon
So uhh I'm one hour away or so from 300 hours of total play time.

Still no Praxic, Ghorn, or Hawkmoon.
Same situation here, man. I'm right behind you. I think I've only SEEN one person get a Ghorn and praxic, and never have seen a hawkmoon drop for someone.
Anyone want to glimmer farm at Gatekeeper (I have the CP) or do a Crota HM run? I beat Crota but only had the CP so I never got to do the whole raid.


Finally got to experience VoG for the first time, thanks to some nice people. Hopefully I can find a group that will invite me for Crotas end. Didn't get any drops on VoG though was really hoping to get a better gun.
I'm level 30 if theres anyone who's patient and willing to let me join them for a fresh run of CE :)
Just finished listening to the Mythocast, it's getting better each week! Great banter and a good listen too, looking forward to hearing our hopes, dreams and fears as a community for HOW.


That was one satisfying kill. Great job everyone!

I'm dancing, I'm dancing

Yeah, thanks everyone! Was very nice playing with a determined group that assessed each attempt and made adjustments when needed, didn't get discouraged from small errors or strange bugs. Felt great to see Crota disintegrate from Hawks final sword blow.
anyone want to help on VoG normal? I am a little fuzzy on what to do on the last chickpoint (where we are now) psn= blacksalad_

two spots open still


The Cryptarch's Bane
yeessss YESSS FUCK!
man that really gets your adrenaline going. thanks to all the groups I've played with working to take this beast apart. Will be around to slash many many more copies.

wooooo aerial glowhooooo

i have come 100% around on glowhoo by the way. My first instinct was "ugly as sin" but it's obnoxious, Crota-colored and you only have it if you killed this fucker. For better or worse this is content not everyone can feasibly hope to complete.

Sword school sunday (which is on Normal) mode will take several steps to prepare full groups for Hard mode.

I very much do not like the artificial difficulty of the raised cap and it's a damn shame how ultimately level 32 is really the level requirement (I think a five man group of 32s would be markedly easier than 4 32s, 2 31s). I hope that is a trend unique to this one raid hard mode, due to the properties it has that allow it to be completed at-level ridiculously fast. But all in all I do like the fight a lot and I enjoyed that finding new strategies and even fiddling around with your build were necessary- really not even close to the case for Atheon's HM, despite the addition of the detain fields, even though that encounter remains the overall better designed fight. I wouldn't ever have imagined from Normal Crota that my best bet was to use Ice Breaker on my Hunter when running sword, but it wound up being perfect.

weird to think this will be easily repeatable in just a short while. knowledge is power.

edit: oh yeah Fang of Ir Yut, good stuff, arc scout rifle aw yes.
In case anyone wants to glimmer farm, I started it up right now. You can join in on me.

PSN - djblackice

No mic is needed just going to kill majors and suicide and repeat.
Wow, anyone go back to do a normal crota kill after trying hard all week? It's ridiculously easy now. Red bar knights, lol, dead. Kill the swordbearer now, okay, done.

Chalice? Oh right, I guess someone should grab it if they go over that way.


Need either a DPS or swordbearer for Crota HM.



So sorry I had to leave. I had been waiting over an hour when we finally got started, and my wife and I had company over. They were waiting for me for dinner.

And you are a fine swordbearer! We had Crota until the stupid swordbearer went hide n' seek on that one run. And also, I'm still not sure how Crota saw you those times when you were invisible after the blink-strike. Does he see the sword or something maybe?

Please message me whenever you see me online and need help of any sort. Same goes for you EcnaL!


The Cryptarch's Bane
Gaf, im glowing!

Awesome job mandrake, capn science, frost and not least of all hawkian!

That was one satisfying kill. Great job everyone!

I'm dancing, I'm dancing

Yeah, thanks everyone! Was very nice playing with a determined group that assessed each attempt and made adjustments when needed, didn't get discouraged from small errors or strange bugs. Felt great to see Crota disintegrate from Hawks final sword blow.
you guys wrecked it! love those tiny increments of progress up to the BWAHH

oh and how could I forget THIS delightful post-raid information readout

E92 M3

yeessss YESSS FUCK!
man that really gets your adrenaline going. thanks to all the groups I've played with working to take this beast apart. Will be around to slash many many more copies.

wooooo aerial glowhooooo

i have come 100% around on glowhoo by the way. My first instinct was "ugly as sin" but it's obnoxious, Crota-colored and you only have it if you killed this fucker. For better or worse this is content not everyone can feasibly hope to complete.

Sword school sunday (which is on Normal) mode will take several steps to prepare full groups for Hard mode.

I very much do not like the artificial difficulty of the raised cap and it's a damn shame how ultimately level 32 is really the level requirement (I think a five man group of 32s would be markedly easier than 4 32s, 2 31s). I hope that is a trend unique to this one raid hard mode, due to the properties it has that allow it to be completed at-level ridiculously fast. But all in all I do like the fight a lot and I enjoyed that finding new strategies and even fiddling around with your build were necessary- really not even close to the case for Atheon's HM, despite the addition of the detain fields, even though that encounter remains the overall better designed fight. I wouldn't ever have imagined from Normal Crota that my best bet was to use Ice Breaker on my Hunter when running sword, but it wound up being perfect.

weird to think this will be easily repeatable in just a short while. knowledge is power.

edit: oh yeah Fang of Ir Yut, good stuff, arc scout rifle aw yes.

Congrats, the first kill is always the sweetest - there is nothing like it. Enjoy the scout it's fantastic.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Wow, anyone go back to do a normal crota kill after trying hard all week? It's ridiculously easy now. Red bar knights, lol, dead. Kill the swordbearer now, okay, done.

Chalice? Oh right, I guess someone should grab it if they go over that way.
I haven't yet, I'm really looking forward to it tomorrow.

Not at sword school, but in any runs I do of normal with experienced groups from now on, I'll be kind of disappointed if we see ogres... lol

Woohoo! My first HM sword Crota kill!
Congrats, the first kill is always the sweetest - there is nothing like it. Enjoy the scout it's fantastic.
there really isn't.
Destiny is SUCH an asshole.

All I wanted from the Crota hard Raid was a Fang. That's it. If I had got the Fang, anything else that dropped would be gravy. If I never got anything else, that would be cool.

I got the pulse rifle, the hand cannon, and the autorifle. But no Fang, on any of my three characters.

The five dudes I was playing with? 2 or 3 Fangs EACH.

I haven't kept track of what's been posted here, but I assume everybody is apprised of the Crota stat that ensures wizards never spawn, and where you immediately kill one of the Ogres by perching above his spawn point, then kill the other Ogre from a room he can't hurt you in?


So what's our haul, boys? I know LiK at least got a Legendary Engram. I just got a bunch of blues, and a Legendary Engram from a Vanguard Package that turned into a Pulse Rifle which I quickly dismantled.


So what's our haul, boys? I know LiK at least got a Legendary Engram. I just got a bunch of blues, and a Legendary Engram from a Vanguard Package that turned into a Pulse Rifle which I quickly dismantled.

It's just Up for Anything AR and some purple gear. Nothing special.
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