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Destiny |OT33| Hey Luke, What's the Theme for King's Fall? (Unmarked Spoilers)



If your team is struggling with passing the gaze, it's possible to down him by just doing one orb at a time. Have one person grab the gaze, while the other 5 dps after downing an orb. When the gaze is done everyone jumps out and clears adds. Repeat.

It certainly takes longer this way and many raid vets would scoff at this method but it's safe, simple and a good way to progress if your team is feeling stuck.

Thanks, it's always a good idea to have a plan B!


Is this an urban legend, or has someone actually done testing to see if going slowly helps? I'm always sprinting around the Dreadnaught, and I often find people playing at CoO.

I get more populated zone instances when I go slowly from zone to zone. When I sprint/sparrow around most of the time I'm alone in zone instances. Just personal experience tho.


Formerly Gizmowned
Has Valus Ta'Aurc been fixed regarding 3oC?

Edit: Is 30,000 damage to a boss a good amount? I'm wondering if this 6x Gunslinger is worth it. I haven't checked what numbers other supers give out.


Is this an urban legend, or has someone actually done testing to see if going slowly helps? I'm always sprinting around the Dreadnaught, and I often find people playing at CoO.
This image comes from Bungie's network design document:


The faster you're travelling in between those two blue lines, the higher your chances that matchmaking will not get enough time to find some people to match you with, and will just cancel and give you an empty zone.
Sprinting around the Dreadnaught is ok, it's high-speed sparrowing that can cause this. :)


slept with Malkin
Has Valus Ta'Aurc been fixed regarding 3oC?

Edit: Is 30,000 damage to a boss a good amount? I'm wondering if this 6x Gunslinger is worth it. I haven't checked what numbers other supers give out.

It was corrected in the 9/30 hotfix


If there is another Raid group getting together today on PS4 please add me to the list!

PSN sQuadon
LL 294 Warlock

Good to go for the Raid


Was even on the news in Germany.

So it´ll miss you? Good!

That's the way it looks now, thank god.

The last bad one we had was Hurricane Sandy, I lost power for 5 days, gas was impossible to get, and everything was destroyed.

Deku Tree

Killing Taken Champions on earth right now.
Join up if you want to do it.
Currently at the rocket yard. Doing all three.

One of our buddies (XO) is going nuts trying to find it, I actually think depression is setting in for him and he wants it so damn bad lol.
Haha well it is kinda grating - not knowing whether you're on the right track or not... for like two weeks.
I had a damn dream about the gun

It involved that tower mission on earth, the letters of the name stood for shit(IE S.L.E.E.P.E.R.) and shit. I couldn't sleep. It's why I'm here now. FML
That damn gun has a hold on us...
I'm thinking the person or persons who are sending you those mysterious Patrols are either The Stranger or the Nine. So if it's The Stranger maybe do Patrols around areas where you met her in the story? If it's the Nine, it might have something to do with those cards and emblems hidden in the world that people have been finding?
I thought they might have been from Rasputin, which is why I thought it had something to do with the SS. But your theory would make more sense, seeing how it's apparently possible to receive those patrols in the Dreadnaught, and Rasputin has nothing to do with the Dreadnaught.
As for the cards, they're apparently Cayde's doing. I took a screenshot of his explanation for them yesterday: "Yeah I had a whole system to keep track of things. The royal cards stood for weapons, spades meant Hakke, clubs for Crux/Lomar, diamonds for Omolon, and hearts for.. Well, hearts were for this girl I knew."
Not sure what emblems you're referring to though, gonna have to look those up.


Only bought one helmet engram, turned into a 310 Stag, had one but not maxed so I'll take it, good stat rolls as well!

I got a Zhalo Supercell from an exotic primary engram that dropped using a 3oC yesterday but it is only 290, the gun is a beast! I need some sacrificial weapons to infuse this puppy!


Damn. I only lost power for 5 hours during Hurricane Sandy.

I live in NYC, a place where historically, electricity hasn't been lost in...forever.

I didn't have power for 5 days.

everything uptown however? POWAHHHHHH. I felt like the lower class segregated in some doomsday movie

Deku Tree

Omg failed taken champions rocket yard because I couldn't find the third lutenant... Sparrowed around the whole place more than once... No yellow bar in sight,,, now long wait until it triggers again... This sucks to do solo.

E92 M3

At the beautiful place where all characters are 300 or above. Now crossing my fingers that the heroic raid isn't above 310.
Best area to farm relic iron for the sword quest?

Starting area on Mars has a lot of nodes that spawn, if you have a ghost that will show them that's the fastest area. Alternatively you can try the scablands area with the big base, lots of rooms that can potentially spawn chests.


I live in NYC, a place where historically, electricity hasn't been lost in...forever.

I didn't have power for 5 days.

everything uptown however? POWAHHHHHH. I felt like the lower class segregated in some doomsday movie
I live in CT. People here were going crazy, expecting the worst and whatnot as it slowly came upon us. It didn't hit us as bad as it did for you folks.


At the beautiful place where all characters are 300 or above. Now crossing my fingers that the heroic raid isn't above 310.
Heroic will most likely start off at 300. Oryx fight will have 310+ enemies. Oryx himself at like 320. That's what I'm guessing it'll be like.
I had a damn dream about the gun

It involved that tower mission on earth, the letters of the name stood for shit(IE S.L.E.E.P.E.R.) and shit. I couldn't sleep. It's why I'm here now. FML

After that landscape clue, my already positive sense that it was somewhere in the Cayde's Stash mission has solidified into a guarantee that it's there.

There's SO much landscape and geometry in that mission, it's a MORTAL LOCK.

Has anyone gone onto the bridge before it shifts into place and seen if there was anywhere to jump to from the end of its initial state or even possibly during it's movement???


Starting area on Mars has a lot of nodes that spawn, if you have a ghost that will show them that's the fastest area. Alternatively you can try the scablands area with the big base, lots of rooms that can potentially spawn chests.

I've never gotten a rare material from a chest. Is it actually possible?
Omg failed taken champions rocket yard because I couldn't find the third lutenant... Sparrowed around the whole place more than once... No yellow bar in sight,,, now long wait until it triggers again... This sucks to do solo.

Rocketyard is terrible for Lieutenants. Too much geometry.

Stick to Divide. I cleaned up both my Champions there in about 20 minutes (with randos).
Is anyone else here searching for the Sleeper?
I know there's a Reddit for it, I've been keeping up with it for the past few days but there's way too much trolling to sift through and with yesterday's "hint" (Deej said that "the truth is out there") making people believe they need to use the Truth rocket launcher... I think I want to seek out smarter folk for this.

Anyway, I personally believe those mysterious and random patrols you receive have something to do with it, but I've yet to come up with any results.
Bungie also mentioned that they "don't want to spoil the secrets hidden in the landscape" in yesterday's update. Now I'm not terribly familiar with Bungie games (only played Halo 1 through to the end), but I'm well aware of their penchant for hiding things in seemingly unreachable parts of the world. I really hope it's not something like that... but I have a feeling it might be.

i still think it requires gunsmith rank 5 to just get a quest :D


I really need a 310 hat and all I ever get from 3oC are Telestos. Is there some way to get a lot of strange coins fast?


haah love the thread title!

Hopefully this weekend I finally get my first Oryx kill, I really want that ToM.

E92 M3

Heroic will most likely start off at 300. Oryx fight will have 310+ enemies. Oryx himself at like 320. That's what I'm guessing it'll be like.

I am betting against that. Bungie doesn't want RNG to be the determinant qualification for heroic. Luke made it seem like 300 is the golden place and everything above is just gravy.
Got two 310 stags from exotic engrams from Xûr. Put one of them into the celestial nighthawk. So now I have a 300 Hunter who has never done the raid, and a 305 Warlock thanks to the 310 stag.


I really need a 310 hat and all I ever get from 3oC are Telestos. Is there some way to get a lot of strange coins fast?

ranking up is probably the fastest. I'm in a glut of 3oC's also. First two weeks I probably got 150 total, this week i only got 30.
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