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[Destructoid] Leaked photo of NX controller?

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Junior Member
He's back.

"The minimum" sounds like he definitely wants people to focus on that. Not sure why he'd comment on the number of people on the team. That would make it easier to find out who he is, right? Or at least the supposed team working on this.

Edit: Plot thickens.


Could be someone else impersonating him, but who knows. Contradictory information, though.
I'd ignore the 4chan one, as he seems to be just an impersonator. Anyway, the possibility of the screen being a mobile version of UE4 may lend credence to this being the NX Handheld, or at least the dev kit set at NX Handheld levels.
I don't get the appeal of this at all. I thought touch buttons were universally hated? It's a god damn home console. I want the main focus to be on the TV. And if the face buttons are touch screen even during TV play then this is 100% no go for me. Makes me cry just thinking about it.

I'm going with fake anyways.
He's back.

"The minimum" sounds like he definitely wants people to focus on that. Not sure why he'd comment on the number of people on the team. That would make it easier to find out who he is, right? Or at least the supposed team working on this.

Edit: Plot thickens.


Could be someone else impersonating him, but who knows. Contradictory information, though.

Only thing I can think of that would make sense, using UE4, would be Dishonored 2
I don't think Ubisoft would use UE4 over one of their own engines. Arkane Studios on the other hand....

EDIT: AND even thats wrong, didn't know they confirmed it to be based on ID Tech 6...


As amazing as that video looks, how would transparent physical buttons work? Don't buttons need a membrane and wafer chip underneath it? I don't see how a screen could light up a button without showing some gel membrane underneath.

They wouldn't work. You're right; any physical control surfaces will need to go through the screen (like the analogue sticks).

Only way it works is if the "buttons" aren't buttons at all and are just transparent bumps which are stuck on the screen in the position you want buttons mapped to. Which sounds unfeasible.


He's back.

"The minimum" sounds like he definitely wants people to focus on that. Not sure why he'd comment on the number of people on the team. That would make it easier to find out who he is, right? Or at least the supposed team working on this.

Edit: Plot thickens.


Could be someone else impersonating him, but who knows. Contradictory information, though.

The 4chan post, if legit, would just show that everything was made up.

The other stuff doesn't really say anything.
He's back.

"The minimum" sounds like he definitely wants people to focus on that. Not sure why he'd comment on the number of people on the team. That would make it easier to find out who he is, right? Or at least the supposed team working on this.

Edit: Plot thickens.


Could be someone else impersonating him, but who knows. Contradictory information, though.

The minimum as in "runs in the minimum setting?
He's back.

"The minimum" sounds like he definitely wants people to focus on that. Not sure why he'd comment on the number of people on the team. That would make it easier to find out who he is, right? Or at least the supposed team working on this.

Edit: Plot thickens.


Could be someone else impersonating him, but who knows. Contradictory information, though.

We already know its from a UE4 demo.

L Thammy

If the image on the controller has been matched to a single frame of a UE4 demo, how can it be from a game this 4chan user is working on?
I'm fairly certain the 4chan guy is fake. His writing style is different, and he posted on 4chan when he MIA from the Reddit post. Not to mention the info he posts on 4chan come after the posts on Reddit. So maybe we're back to square one.

Edit: Wait, I think I got it backwards. 4chan guy came first. Gonna look into it more.


idk that pretty much confirms its fake says its from a game but its from a really old tech demo for unreal 4.

sure if they reused free assets but to remake an exact frame ??? lol naa.
You mean pressure sensitive buttons ? That's not what I meant. And I can safely see that no one wants the controller shown on that picture.

Yeah realised what you meant after, the ps3 chatpad thing did something like that, you could move your finger over the keyboard buttons like it was a trackpad thanks to a long range capacitive sensor. I think that would be the way to do it, small round buttons might be difficult with individually built in capacitive as you might be able to cover the whole surface with your fingertip. Alternative is an optical fingerprint sensor inside the button I guess.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013
Someone needs to scrounge his posting history and see if the timezone matches up with him being in France.


So if the 4chan guy came first and the Reddit post came after then that means the dude definitely is lying, because we already have the exact frame of the tech demo the visual is from, and it can't possibly be from a game they're developing.

That leads me to think Rosti's post was about the prototype being fake, and that Nintendo's console is similar enough to the fake/patent they put out.


idk that pretty much confirms its fake says its from a game but its from a really old tech demo for unreal 4.

sure if they reused free assets but to remake an exact frame ??? lol naa.

The guy saying its a game is on 4chan. The guy posting the leak is from Reddit.


So if the 4chan guy came first and the Reddit post came after then that means the dude definitely is lying, because we already have the exact frame of the tech demo the visual is from, and it can't possibly be from a game they're developing.

That leads me to think Rosti's post was about the prototype being fake, and that Nintendo's console is similar enough to the fake/patent they put out.

Considering everything that has happened so far, this is the most likely explanation.


So if the 4chan guy came first and the Reddit post came after then that means the dude definitely is lying, because we already have the exact frame of the tech demo the visual is from, and it can't possibly be from a game they're developing.

That leads me to think Rosti's post was about the prototype being fake, and that Nintendo's console is similar enough to the fake/patent they put out.

Anyone got the time stamp from the 4chan and Reddit posts?


Anyone got the time stamp from the 4chan and Reddit posts?

Reddit posts were at Sat Mar 19 19:54:39 2016 UTC and Sat Mar 19 20:00:55 2016 UTC.

No idea about 4chan.

EDIT: Okay, I think I found the 4Chan one. Seems to be Fri, 18 Mar 2016 01:23:22 GMT. I'm pretty sure GMT and UTC are basically the same thing.


Reddit posts were at Sat Mar 19 19:54:39 2016 UTC and Sat Mar 19 20:00:55 2016 UTC.

No idea about 4chan.

EDIT: Okay, I think I found the 4Chan one. Seems to be Fri, 18 Mar 2016 01:23:22 GMT. I'm pretty sure GMT and UTC are basically the same thing.

To clarify, these are for the two reddit post found today, and the 4chan post saying that It was a game the studio was developing, respectively.


Reddit posts were at Sat Mar 19 19:54:39 2016 UTC and Sat Mar 19 20:00:55 2016 UTC.

No idea about 4chan.

EDIT: Okay, I think I found the 4Chan one. Seems to be Fri, 18 Mar 2016 01:23:22 GMT. I'm pretty sure GMT and UTC are basically the same thing.

Yes, for our purposes, they are. :)

wikipedia said:
It is one of several closely related successors to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). For most purposes, UTC is considered interchangeable with GMT, but GMT is no longer precisely defined by the scientific community.


To clarify, these are for the two reddit post found today, and the 4chan post saying that It was a game the studio was developing, respectively.

Yeah the time of today's latest Reddit post tells us nothing unfortunately. Need to compare the 1st posts on each site.

I do, but it's kinda confusing with which time zone is being displayed. I'm not sure if 4chan is showing my time zone or a different one. Here are the very first posts by Idriss2Dev on 4chan and Reddit.



Hmm. Yeah not sure what time zone 4chan will be showing. I'm assuming your own?


Pokemaniac has 4chan as Fri, 18 Mar 2016 01:13:42 GMT, which would put it after the Reddit post.


Yeah the time of today's latest Reddit post tells us nothing unfortunately. Need to compare the 1st posts on each site.

Hmm. Yeah not sure what time zone 4chan will be showing. I'm assuming your own?


Pokemaniac has 4chan as Fri, 18 Mar 2016 01:23:22 GMT, which would put it after the Reddit post.

To be specific, the first 4Chan post is at Fri, 18 Mar 2016 01:13:42 GMT. In case anyone's curious, 4Chan posts seem to contain a UTC Unix timestamp in the HTML.

A link to that 4chan post would be helpful :)

Ah, my mistake. My time zone is CDT, which is what, 5 hours earlier from UTC. So the Reddit post came first, right? So we've learned nothing today. Sorry for the wild goose chase. D:


A link to that 4chan post would be helpful :)

edit: this it? http://boards.4chan.org/v/thread/331151549#p331151549


I'm in GMT/UTC+1

Yeah, that seems to be the one.

Ah, my mistake. My time zone is CDT, which is what, 5 hours earlier from UTC. So the Reddit post came first, right? So we've learned nothing today. Sorry for the wild goose chase. D:

Yeah. If we were confident that the 4Chan posts were legit, that would be pretty definitive proof against them, since they would have claimed it was their studio's game, then backpedaled later.

Unfortunately we just lack confirmation of that one detail.


Ah, my mistake. My time zone is CDT, which is what, 5 hours earlier from UTC. So the Reddit post came first, right? So we've learned nothing today. Sorry for the wild goose chase. D:

Yeah seems Reddit was first, so 4Chan not necessarily same person, could be bunk.

Well we've confirmed the 4Chan post doesn't really undermine the Reddit post :)
Reddit was def first because a guy responds (rather rudely) with a link to the reddit thread a few minutes later. So no clue if it's the same guy or not, but this being 4chan..
I guess there's nothing to do now but wait for Reddit guy to come back with more information. The "team of 5" feels like a pretty solid identifier for Nintendo, assuming this is real anyway.


If this "thing" is real, wich I still don't believe...and which I don't hope... What's the idea behind this stupid formed display, where a huge part is covered by my Hands holding it?
The form factor doesn't make any sense to me. But who knows...
I guess there's nothing to do now but wait for Reddit guy to come back with more information. The "team of 5" feels like a pretty solid identifier for Nintendo, assuming this is real anyway.

Yeah, I'm surprised this guy is back honestly, and with info about his team. Not smart, if he's legit. Or he's a hoaxer.

The 4chan poster is definitely an imposter.
As amazing as that video looks, how would transparent physical buttons work? Don't buttons need a membrane and wafer chip underneath it? I don't see how a screen could light up a button without showing some gel membrane underneath.

Probably the way Apple does it with Force Touch? I doubt they'd be physical buttons.


If this "thing" is real, wich I still don't believe...and which I don't hope... What's the idea behind this stupid formed display, where a huge part is covered by my Hands holding it?
The form factor doesn't make any sense to me. But who knows...

I've been thinking about this lately.
I don't mind a screen on the controller as Wii U proved it can be helpful (at least for inventories) if they implement it right but in this case, other than being "original" because of the shape of the screen, there's nothing I can think of even remotely interesting said shape can bring to the table.

Notice I'm merely talking about the form, not the screen functionality per se.
Why not simply go with a regular shaped screen instead?


If this "thing" is real, wich I still don't believe...and which I don't hope... What's the idea behind this stupid formed display, where a huge part is covered by my Hands holding it?
The form factor doesn't make any sense to me. But who knows...

Doesn't look like a "huge part" of the display would be covered by hands.

Not saying that this "leak" is true (actually after the guy stated that the footage in the screen is taken by a game, when we know it's from a UE4 tech demo, i'm even more convinced that it's a huge fake), but a concept like this wouldn't necessarily be nearly as bad as many people in this thread decided it would be.

And then there is the fact that even if it's true, the thing in the picture still wouldn't be the version sold to customers, which makes the overreactions even more baffling.

Probably the way Apple does it with Force Touch? I doubt they'd be physical buttons.

Maybe, but i think that something like this would be better suited for a portable. I'm still having doubts about using touch buttons with a home console, where you look at the tv screen all the time.


This is such an enormous thread that I thought I'd collect a few of the "turning points" for newcomers.

The original source of this is Idriss2Dev on Reddit, who appears to express some doubt about it:

Rösti weighs in:

(Translation from Hex to Ascii: ".desopxe neeb TON evah dluohs sihT", or read backwards: "This should have NOT been exposed.")

The origin of the image on the screen is found to be an Unreal Engine 4 tech demo:

Comparisons made showing that it is a perfect crop:

Rösti clarifies further:

I think that's mostly it?

Oh, so this is why the Thread is still up


Doesn't look like a "huge part" of the display would be covered by hands.

Not saying that this "leak" is true (actually after the guy stated that the footage in the screen is taken by a game, when we know it's from a UE4 tech demo, i'm even more convinced that it's a huge fake), but a concept like this wouldn't necessarily be nearly as bad as many people in this thread decided it would be.

And then there is the fact that even if it's true, the thing in the picture still wouldn't be the version sold to customers, which makes the overreactions even more baffling.

Maybe, but i think that something like this would be better suited for a portable. I'm still having doubts about using touch buttons with a home console, where you look at the tv screen all the time.

Yeah, if there's anything that would really be worrying about this design, it's the lack of physical buttons. Even on a handheld, it would take a lot of engineering to bring them up to par.
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