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DOOM Review Thread - The Fury Road of Shooters



Ron holding a beer reminds me that the reason I am not yet asleep could be due to having drank a single beer earlier. Really should have gotten drunk so I'd pass out...
you don't need to like fury road to get what the thread title is saying.

It's constant over the top and self aware action in a grim setting from start to finish.


Bethesda first person action games output has been amazing so far.

There's hope yet for Prey 2.

Circumstances surrounding the hand off aside, I've never gotten the apprehension regarding Arkane's Prey 2. I mean shit, "System Shock by the studio who made dishonored" makes me get antsy with glee.


EDIT: Or maybe it is because I really can't think of any recently released movies I overly enjoyed. Force Awakens > Fury Road though imo, even if Force Awakens was probably less creative
That's funny, because I loved Fury Road (even though my general taste leans towards artsy fartsy stuff, FR has a lot to say about gender construction) and didn't like Force Awakens at all.

Been years since I played an FPS, but I'll pick this up when it goes on sale on PC for $30 or less.


Was the online in Prey actually any good, by the time I got the game on PC the online community was non existent. It was a really cool game and I remember playing a few matches lan and running on walls and stuff. Also, Don't Fear The Reaper at the start of the campaign. Prey left a good impression
So Doom is going to be the most underated game of the year, just like Wolfenstein was.
The gaming media has no respect for the classics :(
My review is that this game fucking rules and I needed it in my life. A game hasn't taken me completely by surprise with how unexpectedly good it is since Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed.


I played the MP beta for like 30 secs, I'm a SP guy first and foremost, so GAF I ask you......Doom SP yay or nay? FWIW I really enjoyed the last Wolfenstein...


This is currently one of GAF's most popular inaccuracies. The OT is littered with people seemingly completely unaware who actually developed the last Wolfenstein game.

It's not too surprising. Both MachineGames and Id Software are owned by Zenimax. MachineGames used Id's engine for Wolfenstein, a series originally created by Id.

People also seem to confuse Bethesda Game Studios with Bethesda Softworks. It wasn't on GAF, but I've heard people blame Todd Howard for the Prey 2/Human Head debacle.

Regardless, Zenimax/Beth Soft has put out a strong lineup this decade: Fallout New Vegas, Skyrim, Rage, Dishonored, Wolfenstein, Evil Within, Elder Scrolls Online, Fallout 4, and now DOOM. A couple classics, a lot of really solid games, and no flops. Now we've got Dishonored 2 and Prey 2 (rumoured) to look forward to, plus whatever Tango and MachineGames have coming up next. Exciting times.
Surprised that impressions are so positive. I didn't like that multiplayer beta at all. Going to watch this Polygon beta and decide if I should I should get this.

Edit: Didn't realize that MachineGames was behind this either. Loved The New Order.
Game wasn't really on my radar since the MP looked bland, but I'm hearing really good things about the SP from friends. I don't think my GTX 770 can do this game enough justice and I'm about to get lost in the Overwatch Vortex, but it's on my radar as a pickup now, once I get a GTX 1070 whenever that actually becomes available without founder's edition markups.


Don't need reviews anymore. Saw the NVIDIA footage. I know this is a 10 for me :p I also know the metacritic will end up at high 70s/low 80s because it's "just shooting" / "no interesting characters to meet" / "blablabla" ...


I was super hyped for this when it was revealed, closer to launch I lost all interest. Then I read gaf impressions, and decided to get it anyway, Instead of getting Overwatch.

Best decision of this year. Bethesda is on a roll when it comes to publishing FPS.

Took me a out 15 and a half hours on Ultra Violence, and not a single dull moment.


"Gameplay is bad, but the graphics are good". 9/10?

C'mon man, you know that's not how it works.
You review for how it all comes together and whether bad parts are ignorable or not. This isn't a test being scored, it's OK to give a high score even if the MP is mediocre or even something centered around being a graphics showcase (and doesn't cost much I'd think or has something else carrying it) doesn't have good gameplay.


I mean, agree to disagree I guess

But you know, no one is going to say they buy uncharted games for the multi-player, but anyone who actually plays them (or the last of us) will come back and tell you that it's pretty solid. And not outsourced. Naughty Dog doesn't just farm out modes wholesale because they cant be bothered to put in the effort.

They realize that the final package in its entirety is going to be a representation of the talent and skills of its studio. They actually care

ID is a shell of its former self, I get that. But still. If you have a vision and that vision is to deliver a great single player campaign then go nuts, and stick to your vision. Don't shit out garbage just to check a box to appease modern gamers

Wolfenstein TNO was released to great acclaim and didn't have multi-player, same with shadow warrior

Because wether I'm looking for multi-player or not, if I buy your product I'm going to judge it by the sum of its parts , not just the parts I enjoyed

Keep fighting the good fight. You'll take Doom down and prove everyone wrong eventually!
This quote would have more meaning if John Carmack actually made something in the last decade with any relevance. Blips on the map don't count.

You should be just a tiny bit more respectful to one of the inventors of modern gaming. Yeah, he quit Id to build rockets and play with VR awhile back. He was probably tired of making games at some point. But that doesn't change the reality that his team at Id basically invented the First-Person Shooter back in the day and he programmed the engines that made it possible even on the computers of the day.


The game is fun and addicting - sometimes I get tired of it and quit, but then 15 minutes later I just need more of it.

The gameplay feels good, but not super good. I was expecting it to be like Brutal Doom, but sadly it isn't. Maybe it's just because of full 3D perspective or something, but I've played no modern shooter that would come close to Brutal Doom in "shooting things in the face" category. This Doom is probably closest though.


A Good Citizen
The game is fun and addicting - sometimes I get tired of it and quit, but then 15 minutes later I just need more of it.

The gameplay feels good, but not super good. I was expecting it to be like Brutal Doom, but sadly it isn't. Maybe it's just because of full 3D perspective or something, but I've played no modern shooter that would come close to Brutal Doom in "shooting things in the face" category. This Doom is probably closest though.
brutal doom is bad and I'm glad this game isn't like it

in fact one of my biggest fears seeing the stage demo with how slow it looked was that they basically made Brutal Doom HD


I've read a few reviews and they've all finished the game under 10 hours. I'm just over half way and I'm already past 10 hours. Are these guys just blasting (pun intended) their way through it without looking or something? Anyway, I still think this game is the best shooter I've played in years. I personally didn't think too much of Wolfenstein (solid, but that's it), but before that I think Bulletstorm or Halo Reach are the only ones that were fun to me. Oh and Serious Sam 3, that game kicks ass.

Apparrently it's really hard to do proper fps campaigns. Except it isn't, because all you need to do is not make "checklist the game" and just ignore contemporary audiences.


You review for how it all comes together and whether bad parts are ignorable or not. This isn't a test being scored, it's OK to give a high score even if the MP is mediocre or even something centered around being a graphics showcase (and doesn't cost much I'd think or has something else carrying it) doesn't have good gameplay.
Does this work the other way? Can I ignore the good bits so I can trash the game? If a reviewer gave Doom 10/10 overall, with its current mediocre multiplayer, what should the same reviewer give the same game but with a multiplayer mode that was significantly better? The MP is questionable at best. You can't fairly say "The game Doom is still a 10", because if the MP somehow transformed into the greatest MP ever, you're telling me the score shouldn't improve? Doom should be, for example, 8 of ten, because the multiplayer mode still has to have an impact on the overall score, which rates the product as a whole. Once you start cutting bits up and ignoring whole potions of the product, what are actually reviewing? "Uncharted 4 was just terrible and not worth the price. 3/10 (If you ignore the single player campaign)." What?
This game has nailed difficulty.

I never get mad at this game even though I get destroyed frequently on Nightmare.

Usually games that are really hard end up really easy if you play it in a boring way. With all of the crap coming straight toward your face at all times, you have to keep moving and masterfully switch between weapons on the fly to deal with each enemy type. It's brilliant. There is no "boring" way to play this game.


I've read a few reviews and they've all finished the game under 10 hours. I'm just over half way and I'm already past 10 hours. Are these guys just blasting (pun intended) their way through it without looking or something? Anyway, I still think this game is the best shooter I've played in years. I personally didn't think too much of Wolfenstein (solid, but that's it), but before that I think Bulletstorm or Halo Reach are the only ones that were fun to me. Oh and Serious Sam 3, that game kicks ass.

Apparrently it's really hard to do proper fps campaigns. Except it isn't, because all you need to do is not make "checklist the game" and just ignore contemporary audiences.

The selected difficulty level (and the skill of the player) can have a huge effect on the length. I played it on nightmare and had to do some fights 10+ times (Got better towards the end. Long time since I've played a fast paced FPS game) to get trough them. Took me a bit over 11 hours to finish the game. Going back to collect all the secrets and finish the challenges now (got maybe 80% done)


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
I too cried when I saw the greatness


Ahahahahaa I wanted to write in years but sounds right even in TEARS! awesome XD

The level design is so great, stage after stage gets bigger and better. So the encounters and fights. Just WOW

The only thing I don't like are the CHALLANGES, puts me too much pressure and sometimes completing them is a pain in the ass, specially when the mobs are all killed by that time.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
- Current score at 7.1

Yep. There's a reason why I've ignored IGN review scores. It's crap like this that reminds me.
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