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DOOM Review Thread - The Fury Road of Shooters


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
The games graphics don't look that good but it seems like the art direction has helped it from looking bad. Slightly disappointing but at the story mode is more doom than cod. The open beta was a meh experience. I will wait and see the final word on this product



Did you even read his quote? He did not say, "some games focus more on story, while others focus more on gameplay". He likened story in games as being equal to story in porn...which is to say it's never/not at all important. Thanks for your off-base and sarcastic comment, though.
Mind blow.

you do in fact realize that inspiration and creation come from different sources right? Like one source believes completely one thing and another believes something else? So what i am saying is these different sources pool together and create differing results. You act as if you cant accept a world where if one person such as Carmack believes one thing then its an offense to the other developers who believe something else. Lol dude get real.


The games graphics don't look that good but it seems like the art direction has helped it from looking bad. Slightly disappointing but at the story mode is more doom than cod. The open beta was a meh experience. I will wait and see the final word on this product

I've been primarily watching maxed out PC footage at 60 FPS, the game looks excellent and smooth.


In what world does this not look good?

Thats a nice still thats not from the actual game. Never understood why these sorta things get brought into convos about the actual games themselves(kinda like using a cutscene).

I watched the nvidia 1080 demo video of the game and it looked fine. I am not saying the graphics are BAD just not impressed by them.
Watch some gameplay of the campaign at 1080p60 and tell me that it doesn't look good.

There's way more going on in the campaign than the multiplayer, and all of the monsters are insanely detailed with fantastic animations

Yeah...in what universe is this game not good looking? It's clearly a great looking game.


I also think Bioshock 2 was the best. The narrative in every Bioshock game is garbage IMO, so at least B2 having good gameplay design actually redeemed the series name.

The ironic thing is that I think that Bioshock 2 (and Minerva's Den) have the best executed narratives in the entire series yet some people treat Bio2 with such a condescending attitude that it's baffling. Bioshock falls off a cliff in the midway point and never recovers and Infinite's story and universe's logic is so broken it falls apart after you give the bare minimum bit of thought to it. Bioshock 2 on the other hand stays consistent from beginning to end. So not only does Bio 2 have the best gameplay design but also the best executed narrative in my opinion.

Bless you Doom and all the wonderful people who worked on this game.


The ironic thing is that I think that Bioshock 2 (and Minerva's Den) have the best executed narratives in the entire series yet some people treat Bio2 with such a condescending attitude that it's baffling. Bioshock falls off a cliff in the midway point and never recovers and Infinite's story and universe's logic is so broken it falls apart after you give the bare minimum bit of thought to it. Bioshock 2 on the other hand stays consistent from beginning to end. So not only does Bio 2 have the best gameplay design but also the best executed narrative in my opinion.

Bless you Doom and all the wonderful people who worked on this game.

I can definitely agree with that. I think it's a symptom of 1 and infinite reading themselves easy too seriously and trying to deliver a Shyamalan twist while forgetting that a good story is more important than a shocking twist.
Fury Road of shooters? So...Best shooter of the century?

I didn't expect much after the terrible ass mp beta but man watching videos and reading reviews this is clearly a different beast than what was marketed. Looks fun as hell. Gonna have to buy it soon


This quote would have more meaning if John Carmack actually made something in the last decade with any relevance. Blips on the map don't count.

This is always a stupid thing to say.

Carmack has done a ton lately, and continues to do so (see: rift). It's just all on the back end because he's an engineer and not a game designer.

If you had problems with RAGE and Doom 3 take it up with Tim Willits, he was lead designer on D3 and creative director of RAGE.
Fury Road of shooters? So...Best shooter of the century?

I didn't expect much after the terrible ass mp beta but man watching videos and reading reviews this is clearly a different beast than what was marketed. Looks fun as hell. Gonna have to buy it soon

Nah, it would have to be the No Country for Old Men of shooters to be the best shooter of the century.


Unfortunately I won't ever be able to play the game, but I'm astonished it turned out as good as it has. Early footage made me think they botched the feel of Doom.


This quote would have more meaning if John Carmack actually made something in the last decade with any relevance. Blips on the map don't count.

you mean the dude whose engineering and programming capability basically invented this current iteration of VR?


People were saying Bioshock: Infinite was the best FPS ever when it first came out. Give it some breathing room.

Still, this game seems way cooler than I had expected. I won't be getting this game at full price, but I'll certainly need to play it at some point.

I agree it seems a little early to make those kind of statements, but I stand by it. I haven't been this wow'd by a shooter since Half-Life 2 and Halo. It's just gameplay perfection and the fact that it's also a Doom game...just awesome.

I will clarify though and say that I think it's one of the top 5 single player FPS games of all time. I don't do multiplayer, so all those 5 hour campaign's in other games don't even come close. Between Doom's lengthy campaign and the complete badassery of snapmap, it's almost in a league of it's own in terms of single player content.
Word of Mouth is going to do great for Doom

This is what I'm hoping. I was really unsure about this game. But, the campaign is the best shooter campaign I've played in years, so far. Absolutely amazing and a great change of pace if you're use to playing most modern day shooters like Call of Duty and Battlefield.

Haven't touched any multiplayer stuff, but even if it turns out awful, the main campaign is worth the price of admission.


This is always a stupid thing to say.

Carmack has done a ton lately, and continues to do so (see: rift). It's just all on the back end because he's an engineer and not a game designer.

If you had problems with RAGE and Doom 3 take it up with Tim Willits, he was lead designer on D3 and creative director of RAGE.
To be fair tho, it was suspected the id tech delay and workflow threw designers under a bus.


Fury Road sucked imo, Doom is seemingly a well made game but I'm dying too often on Nightmare difficulty to comment on repetitiveness. But yea, Fury Road is not one the best recent movies in any genre.

EDIT: Or maybe it is because I really can't think of any recently released movies I overly enjoyed. Force Awakens > Fury Road though imo, even if Force Awakens was probably less creative


No problem I'm sure I'm a big help around here, mind helping back and telling me how to pass out without the use of sleeping pills or other substances?


To be fair tho, it was suspected the id tech delay and workflow threw designers under a bus.

Possibly, but when you really get down to it most of the problems people have with D3 and RAGE come down to purely creative decisions.

For example, I don't know what kind of world we'd live in had Tim Willits not played System Shock 2, but I imagine Doom 3 would have been a much better game for it.

Or RAGE being like 4 different games rolled up into one box and none of it feeling cohesive at all.

Or Call of DOOM. 'Nuff said there, really.

No problem I'm sure I'm a big help around here, mind helping back and telling me how to pass out without the use of sleeping pills or other substances?

Fury Road sucked imo, Doom is seemingly a well made game but I'm dying too often on Nightmare difficulty to comment on repetitiveness. But yea, Fury Road is not one the best recent movies in any genre.

EDIT: Or maybe it is because I really can't think of any recently released movies I overly enjoyed. Force Awakens > Fury Road though imo, even if Force Awakens was probably less creative

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