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DOOM Review Thread - The Fury Road of Shooters

Well since ID clearly had no interest in developing multi-player and having this be a sp experience, why outsource and tack on a MP mode?

The Mp mode could have worked but they made a few bad decisions. Mostly the loadout system. This game, like the original, is a game of being careful about the ammo on ALL of you weapons, and using them effectively.

The idea that you can have the best experience you've had with a single player experience but you have to mark it down because a different mode isn't as good, is insane.

You mark a game based on the fun you have with it. That's it.

For me Doom is a 5 out of 5. It does exactly what it tries to and surprises you in the process. For a point of reference I would have given TNO a 4 out of 5.

Just because Doom's multiplayer is a bit shit doesn't detract from my enjoyment of the SP campaign. Game reviews are not consumer recommendations based on metrics. They are a persons opinion, and that's it.
Bad controls aren't "a free extra" it impacts the entire game. You can completely ignore the MP and it won't harm your enjoyment of the SP. You can't "ignore" bad controls. How is this even remotely comparable?

Personally audio doesn't meant shit to me

So if a game had poor sound mixing and bad voice acting and I was reviewing it I could say 9/10 audio is good enough

You say it's not comparable because audio is integral to the game, but someone who wants to play multi-player in doom and doesn't like campaigns would argue the same for that


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Personally audio doesn't meant shit to me

So if a game had poor sound mixing and bad voice acting and I was reviewing it I could say 9/10 audio is good enough

You say it's not comparable because audio is integral to the game, but someone who wants to play multi-player in doom and doesn't like campaigns would argue the same for that

I'm actually not saying that audio is integral (that's nitpicking, I know) cause I loved Resident Evil 1 despite it's....interesting voice acting ;)

And again, if you only like multiplayer you should read the review and if it's a good review it will mention that the multiplayer is not worth your time.
Sure, if you only look at the score and don't look at anything else you might get a wrong impression, but that's 100% on you.
You say it's not comparable because audio is integral to the game, but someone who wants to play multi-player in doom and doesn't like campaigns would argue the same for that

Not really, I'd only argue why they reviewed an SP game when they know they don't like them. That's why reviewers review certain games. I'd thoroughly expect an MP focused guy to review Doom badly but that doesn't mean it's a bad game.
I mean, agree to disagree I guess

But you know, no one is going to say they buy uncharted games for the multi-player, but anyone who actually plays them (or the last of us) will come back and tell you that it's pretty solid. And not outsourced. Naughty Dog doesn't just farm out modes wholesale because they cant be bothered to put in the effort.

They realize that the final package in its entirety is going to be a representation of the talent and skills of its studio. They actually care

ID is a shell of its former self, I get that. But still. If you have a vision and that vision is to deliver a great single player campaign then go nuts, and stick to your vision. Don't shit out garbage just to check a box to appease modern gamers

Wolfenstein TNO was released to great acclaim and didn't have multi-player, same with shadow warrior

Because wether I'm looking for multi-player or not, if I buy your product I'm going to judge it by the sum of its parts , not just the parts I enjoyed
Just wanted to say that even if Wolfenstein didn't quite resonate with you, you can still enjoy the hell out of Doom. I never warmed up to the combat in the Wolfensteins either but really like this game.


Just wanted to say that even if Wolfenstein didn't quite resonate with you, you can still enjoy the hell out of Doom. I never warmed up to the combat in the Wolfensteins either but really like this game.

I share this opinion. I couldn't get into Wolfenstein at all but DOOM plays really well and when it comes to gameplay there is nothing to complain about. Of course, that doesn't mean that this game doesn't have issues, it does have quite a lot of them actually, but gameplay is NOT one of them.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I mean, agree to disagree I guess

Because wether I'm looking for multi-player or not, if I buy your product I'm going to judge it by the sum of its parts , not just the parts I enjoyed

I get where you are coming from, I just feel different.
If I had to review Doom by your standards I probably had to give it, I dunno a 6/10?
I don't like the soundtrack very much, there is no story, bad MP etc.

Yet it's by far one of the best FPS I've played in a long time.
Watching that gameplay footage in comparison with the original gameplay reveal from E3 is shocking. Talk about doing a poor job of showing off what your game can really do.

You know, watching this again, I realize that everything which is in the final game is in this trailer. The Foundry map is exactly the same, for this slice they just put a lot of weapons in you don't have yet. They purposely slowed movement speed down a lot so you can enjoy the graphics, and obviously enemies do less damage to the demonstrator player. But the glory kills ended up being exactly the same, maybe a little faster. Chainsawing things was sped up too. But shooting things is the same and hasn't changed from this. The weapon wheel is in the PC version of the game (hold Q) but of course you have the number keys and mouse wheel if you choose to ignore it.

Really now having actually played through the Foundry and seeing this vertical slice trailer, it's really obvious that the only real difference is slowed movement for demonstration purpose. Everything else is 100% identical to the game we are playing today.


Well since ID clearly had no interest in developing multi-player and having this be a sp experience, why outsource and tack on a MP mode?

Probably they could have spent more time fleshing out the single player portion even more if this game hadn't suffered from development hell, or at the very least they wouldn't have had to outsource the multiplayer. The decision to outsource is in all likelihood from id needing to get the game finished in time.
Doom's multiplayer isn't bad per say it's just serviceable at best. The only problem with it is that it doesn't know what it wants to be, and compromised itself too much trying to please everyone. The end result is that what it tries to copy does their respective genre far better while Doom is just a sum of many parts that never excels and comes across as done before.

Regardless, the multiplayer isn't terrible enough to bring the whole product down it's basically a reverse MW 2 situation instead of a forgettable campaign we got a forgettable multiplayer.
I don't think the MP is forgettable at all. It's fun and simple...just like the old games. Even in the old games we didn't get a great MP alongside a fantastic SP. The best multiplayer games were MP-only games like Unreal Tournament. Okay, Goldeneye 64 Perfect Dark were awesome but that was local MP.


That's not how games work

You put content in the game it's going to be reviewed and rated, as it should be. If it's that bad it never should have gone in to begin with


Well it is how many reviews for Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3 worked, without real complaint from the consumer.


I knew it would be great, but I am still surprised. Especially after I got to hell, which is when shit gets real and you realize just how fucking awesome this game is.
Yup, it feels tacked on and just doesn't convey the flow of the campaign at all. Instead of that MP and a season pass for it I'd rather see id do an expansion like the Wolfenstein guys did. I'd buy that in a heartbeat.
The season pass basically covers this I hope.


The Single Player would be an excellent value at $40, even if you never spent more than 5 minutes in MP. That being said, the multi-player could be a lot better with some weapons tuning.

I'd say the multi-player needs way more than just some weapon tuning, frankly.


7.1 from IGN?

There are going to be critics of this game who simply don't get why it's kind of a special game. People have been playing the same kind of FPS for so long they've probably forgotten there was another idea about how they can play, and it's just going to be alien to them.

Honestly, after seeing how incredibly positive the steam reviews have been for this, I don't even care who gives it a 5/10 or a 10/10; it's just been so satisfying to see people who were worried it was going to be shit enjoying the fuck out of a game called Doom in 2016.
I know this is a review thread and we're talking about the reviews and that's fine but it's blowing my mind that anyone would care what score IGN gave the new doom game.


Bethesda god bless their name are prophets of video games. First there was horse armor, and now there is the obliteration of day 1 reviews. The great social experiment was a success. glorious day


7.1 from IGN is not a great start, I'm worried the game would end up around the 7+ at MC just because reviews don't like this style of games, it will be really undeserved for what seems like an awesome old school shooter, hopefully sales will be great despite average reviews.
I just tried the MP for the first time. I'm awful at FPS games so I went 8 and 12 in TDM. I don't really have a lot of experience with them, but I don't see what's so bad about it?

or good about it either, I guess.

I'll pick it up again here and there.


I'd be in the dick
7.1 from IGN is not a great start, I'm worried the game would end up around the 7+ at MC just because reviews don't like this style of games, it will be really undeserved for what seems like an awesome old school shooters, hopefully sells will be freat despite average reviews.

Wolfenstein: The New Order has a 79 metascore and it sold pretty well due to excellent word of mouth. I expect similar results here.


And to me its easily better than Wolf. A game I liked a great deal. Its an awesome time to be a gamer lol

Wolfenstein's well-realized cast of characters makes it an overall more memorable game to me, but I like them both about the same, for different reasons.


That's not how games work

You put content in the game it's going to be reviewed and rated, as it should be. If it's that bad it never should have gone in to begin with

That hasn't stopped reviewers from handing out 9s and 10s to shooters with garbage SP campaigns and good MP modes the past 10 years.
impulse buys and walk-ins are gonna be a huge factor for this game. between the good word of mouth and people's nostalgia for the old games I think it's selling just fine.


I'd be in the dick
Wolfenstein's well-realized cast of characters makes it an overall more memorable game to me, but I like them both about the same, for different reasons.

Pretty much my take too. Both are perfect updates for both series and I'm glad they went in different directions.

I do hope the sequel to TNO is on idTech 6 because I love the way this game looks and runs on console.


the IGN review in progress scores are garbage and feel like a cheap way of getting clicks on a review that literally is not finished yet

I read that "review" and it sounded like he liked the campaign more than that score says

Watch as the final review comes out tomorrow and is magically 8.0
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