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Dragon Quest 7 and 8 for 3DS show up on Amazon [Update: Confirmed]

Does Gabo mean anything in particular in Japanese, or is this just the localization team going a little whacky?



Does Gabo mean anything in particular in Japanese, or is this just the localization team going a little whacky?

I believe Gabo literally means "Ruff" -- as in, a dog's bark -- in Japanese.

So this is the best news of the week, but I'm not standing idle and I don't suggest you do so either.

Where the hell is Dragon Quest Monsters 1 and 2, Square Enix? Where's Dragon Quest X? (With a combination DQX/FF14 bundle subscription.)

You have given us our inch, we demand our mile.


I believe Gabo literally means "Ruff" -- as in, a dog's bark -- in Japanese.
I suspected this but wanted to be sure whether it was that or something similar that was still a dog related gag.

. . . And at this point it seems likely we're lucky still getting mainline games and especially lucky to have seen Heroes. I would've really liked Rocket Slime 3 myself. :/


Well done, Nintendo. This was the perfect way to bounce back after E3 and the Direct following it.

I'll finally get to play DQ VIII


I'd love to see the GBC ones get VC releases too...

An aside... Is any place offering deals on eShop dollars for Black Friday?

If we got I+II and III gbc, 3DS would be capable of 1-9 in mainline series. So awesome, really hope square has plans for it someday in the future. I'd be cool with NES too, though GBC is preferable.


If we got I+II and III gbc, 3DS would be capable of 1-9 in mainline series. So awesome, really hope square has plans for it someday in the future. I'd be cool with NES too, though GBC is preferable.
It'd be nice for Monsters 1-2 too since we're obviously not getting those remakes.

I'm still holding out hope for Pirate Slime and Theathrythm though.


So, never got to play VIII when it came out on the PS2, and my only other mainline DQ experience was IX. How does it hold up, nowadays?
I believe Gabo literally means "Ruff" -- as in, a dog's bark -- in Japanese.

So this is the best news of the week, but I'm not standing idle and I don't suggest you do so either.

Where the hell is Dragon Quest Monsters 1 and 2, Square Enix? Where's Dragon Quest X? (With a combination DQX/FF14 bundle subscription.)

You have given us our inch, we demand our mile.

Don't forget Rocket Slime 3 and Theatrhythm.


The alchemy pot in DQ8 is going to require the coin/cardboard technique employed in Pokemon XY/ORAS... unless it's been changed for the 3DS to be more like DQ9's (please).


Well I'm definitely gonna get 7 and will probably end up getting 8 as well. The 3ds' end of life library is really shaping up. This and FE Fates alone are gonna take up a huge chunk of my gaming time.


New character in DQ7?

To compensate for the looooooooooong stretches of the game where you have a party of 3 guys?

And that as soon as a fourth joins, someone else leaves the next mission?

e: oh only a character that gives hints to the shards. lame

3 guys party is prolly my main complaint about dq7
I believe Gabo literally means "Ruff" -- as in, a dog's bark -- in Japanese.

So this is the best news of the week, but I'm not standing idle and I don't suggest you do so either.

Where the hell is Dragon Quest Monsters 1 and 2, Square Enix? Where's Dragon Quest X? (With a combination DQX/FF14 bundle subscription.)

You have given us our inch, we demand our mile.

If DQ VII and VIII sell well, who knows what happens. Maybe they all come along with XI in 2017.

In any case, two mainline dragon quest games are plenty to get my hands into for a full year.



Granted, I'm more excited to play DQVII than VIII, but out of all the games that have been shown/announced, these two are my most anticipated.


Having played 40 hours of DQ7 on an emulator I'm much less excited about it than I should be, it was weirdly episodic and unsatisfying to play. Totally buying it as soon as it's out though, square need to know we want these games.

DQ8 is one of my favourite games of all time. So is Xenoblade and I only managed to play 8 hours of that on 3ds. Still getting it for the collection though, and for the reasons above.

All seems promising for DQ11 at least.


Bless you Treehouse. Bless you. Or 8-4. Whoever is localizing this, god bless you, you beautiful human being(s).
So, is DQ8 3DS better or worse than PS2?

I only started the series this year with 4 and 5 on DS, will play 6 next and beat it before 7 releases, but then I have to decide which version of 8 to play.


GAF and other should give credit to Operation Hero. Without them and their campaign, we might not have gotten DQ out West. The battle has been won, but the war is still on. Now we need Slime Mori Mori and the Dragon Quest Monsters 1 and 2 3DS remakes and also DQ X MMO..everybody that's not a DQ fan, buy the games, so at least SE knows that the community is vibrant. I will double dip on both games for sure.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
So, is DQ8 3DS better or worse than PS2?

I only started the series this year with 4 and 5 on DS, will play 6 next and beat it before 7 releases, but then I have to decide which version of 8 to play.

Worse. I think it adds some stuff, but the graphics took a major hit. No idea if the music is intact.


I wish both games we're released on the same cartridge.

It's weird having both announced and released at once but awesome none the less.
Worse. I think it adds some stuff, but the graphics took a major hit. No idea if the music is intact.
The music easily superior in the 3DS version.

While the visuals took a hit (I'd say closer to slight, rather than major) The 3DS has many enhancements: much faster battles, new side quests, no random battles, new playable characters, new monster arenas features, new scenarios, new dungeons (both story and post-game wise), new ending, new costumes for all characters, more mini medals + rewards, and more.

It is a well made version of the game, unless you're really particular about visuals.
Just woke up to this news and... wow. Just wow. Never thought i'd see the day!! Tx Nintendo :)))) Now to finally play 6 to get ready for 7 (both for the first time ever)


Could this lead to Rocket Slime 3 and the Monsters games if this is successful? Or should we just count our blessings?

Also, we're so close to having the complete mainline series playable. Come on, DQ1-3 VC ports!
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