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Dragon Quest 7 and 8 for 3DS show up on Amazon [Update: Confirmed]

I wish both games we're released on the same cartridge.

It's weird having both announced and released at once but awesome none the less.
These are big games, I doubt they could both fit on one cartridge.

They're not released at the same time either, 8 will be released months after 7 is.


All these people complaining about Rocket Slime and all that jazz.

You guys are forgetting about the real spin off: Theatrhythm Dragon Quest
I definitely did not see this coming today. Got my fingers twitching for a Best Buy GCU pre-order whenever they feel like putting them up.


Could this lead to Rocket Slime 3 and the Monsters games if this is successful? Or should we just count our blessings?

Also, we're so close to having the complete mainline series playable. Come on, DQ1-3 VC ports!

I would just say count our blessings. I think the best we can hope for from this is that XI 3DS makes it over. Side games ship has mostly sailed.

This is doubly true for Monsters if the rumor that DQ:M Joker 2 selling as poorly as it did was what made SE so skittish on the franchise in the west.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt

And my collection demands more entries.


Buy IX then?
VIII seems like a waste of resources but really cool that VII is coming over.

VIII 3D is the best version of the game (more content, playable characters, shorter load times, faster battles, a newly recorded ost), the only thing it has going against it is the small visual downgrade.

Not to mention that it has literally been a decade since it's original release.
I wish both games we're released on the same cartridge.

It's weird having both announced and released at once but awesome none the less.

They won't release both games at the same time. And they shouldn't be obligated to sell us two massive JRPGs for the price of a single new 3DS game.


VIII 3D is the best version of the game (more content, playable characters, shorter load times, faster battles, a newly recorded ost), the only thing it has going against it is the small visual downgrade.

Not to mention that it has literally been a decade since it's original release.

Does it have the voices and the orchestral soundtrack of the PS2 game?

EDIT: No random battles isnt an enhancement >_<

Even though I know XI was going for no random fights, I still liked normal enemies being random and special enemies showing on the field.
Does it have the voices and the orchestral soundtrack of the PS2 game?

I'm sure they'll re-use the already recorded audiofiles for the new version and get the old voice actors back to record for the new story stuff.

The soundtrack was re-recorded for this version, the quality is far better than the original we got in the west.
Incredible news to wake up to. I assume nintendo are publishing again?

I hope the translators go easy on the regional accents and leave the town names untouched this time though


VIII 3D is the best version of the game (more content, playable characters, shorter load times, faster battles, a newly recorded ost), the only thing it has going against it is the small visual downgrade.

Wait... There is more playable characters in VIII 3DS?
It's Level-5's only game other than Dark Cloud 2 which I feel comfortable recommending without any caveats.

I don't really think it counts as their game when they were just doing the legwork for armor project.

DC2 is awesome, though Rogue Galaxy is my favourite L5 game.

Wait... There is more playable characters in VIII 3DS?

They added Red (yangus's bandit girlfriend) and Morrie (the arena guy)
VIII 3D is the best version of the game (more content, playable characters, shorter load times, faster battles, a newly recorded ost), the only thing it has going against it is the small visual downgrade.

Not to mention that it has literally been a decade since it's original release.
I was thinking it lacked voice acting like the mobile version.


Worse. I think it adds some stuff, but the graphics took a major hit. No idea if the music is intact.

They added 2 extra playable characters though, that pretty huge. This was the first time a Japanese release had the orchestrated music so it should still be orchestrated for the western release.


Getting both.

Not expecting any of the spin-off DQs though... pretty sure Joker 2 doing abysmal saw to that. The mainline games already don't command a great deal of attention in the west (try as we might to fluff up our chest feathers and caw loudly, you have to admit there really aren't that many of us out there compared to other fanbases), so you have to expect that anything that's NOT a mainline title is going to do even worse.


I'm so happy.

I will buy both, even if I'm mainly interested in DQVII and don't plan to finish DQVIII again (already spent 80h on the PS2 version). Thanks Nintendo for hearing us !


I really hope they come out before March. Have a lot of traveling to do so these would be perfect to kill time.
EU region tends to get a few games before the US for 3DS, these aprticular games are still being worked on and will release on Summer 2016 onwards.
I'd thank god, but that punk better hide because I'm coming for him now.

Do we know who is localising it yet? I've seen a few people mention 8-4 in this thread, but I don't see much evidence for that. I checked the twitter feeds of 8-4 and some of their prominent staff members, but I don't see a lot there.


I'm sure they'll re-use the already recorded audiofiles for the new version and get the old voice actors back to record for the new story stuff.

The soundtrack was re-recorded for this version, the quality is far better than the original we got in the west.

Looks like im picking up both VII and VIII in that case.
Anyone here familiar with DQ7? I've tried to get into a few DQ games. Played DQ3 on Gameboy, and the previous one released here on 3DS. Didn't care for them. Thin story and characters with little or no development killed my interest. The only one I liked was DQ8 on PS2 (and I really love Cursed King). Should 7 be on my radar?
Anyone here familiar with DQ7? I've tried to get into a few DQ games. Played DQ3 on Gameboy, and the previous one released here on 3DS. Didn't care for them. Thin story and characters with little or no development killed my interest. The only one I liked was DQ8 on PS2 (and I really love Cursed King). Should 7 be on my radar?

It's a good game, although it can be pretty lackadaisically paced for some people. A friend of mine back in the day died in a fight against a slime two hours in and never played it again lol (two hours in was the first battle).

The game has been jiggered around with for the 3DS release and has apparently gotten better pacing. Really looking forward to see exactly how that was done.

If you have a half decent pc and are open to emulation, the DQV PS2 remake has a great fan translation. It's the only DQ game I like more then VIII.


Faster battles in VIII plus visible encounters sounds really good.

After watching some footage of the original, the battles are both way too frequent and are painfully slow. In the DS remakes the battles came often, but were very quick at least.

I love RPGs but slowly battle speeds and too man random encounters just kill a game for me, so these are fantastic news.


Anyone here familiar with DQ7? I've tried to get into a few DQ games. Played DQ3 on Gameboy, and the previous one released here on 3DS. Didn't care for them. Thin story and characters with little or no development killed my interest. The only one I liked was DQ8 on PS2 (and I really love Cursed King). Should 7 be on my radar?

I can really recommend you Dragon Quest V (my fav DQ game) storywise, so unless you don't like first person combat or whatever you should consider it. I've never played DQVII at all actually so I'm very interested in playing it.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Better late than never. Too bad we won't get the spin-offs too since I'd love another Rocket Slime. I'm in for DQVII though.


Wow didn't realize VIII had so much extra content, better music, and retained the voicework. I assumed it was more like the mobile port. If it's only a slight visual downgrade then I think I'll be in for VIII as well as VII.

Hmm, still not up on BB. Preordered on Amazon just in case, but I'd rather use GCU if I can.
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