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Dragon Quest 7 and 8 for 3DS show up on Amazon [Update: Confirmed]

Man, I don't visit Gaf for a few days because of Fallout 4 and there's all this great news.

Twilight Princess HD officially announced, Cloud in Smash Bros and after I had lost all hope, Dragon Quest VII and VIII are coming to the West!!!
And based on that, chances are good that the 3DS version of DQXI will come here too.


I've never played 8, so I'll get that on 3ds for sure.

I don't know about DQ7 though, I've already played the psx version and I enjoyed it but it is my least favorite DQ game and I wouldn't replay it. I've replayed all the others but DQ7 just did not value my time enough with so much padding everywhere.(e.g talk to these 2 people located in different villages several times in a row before you may proceed).
So I guess it depends on if they streamline it or not.


Gold Member
I said in a previous post that I was going to buy 5 copies of DQ7 if it ever got localized and I'll stick by it. I honestly felt like this day would never come. Will SE give us a collector's edition? That would be sweet.


I said in a previous post that I was going to buy 5 copies of DQ7 if it ever got localized and I'll stick by it. I honestly felt like this day would never come. Will SE give us a collector's edition? That would be sweet.

Make sure u post a pic for proof.


I will have 4 through 9 playable on my 3DS.

I love the future.

I should look into VC and see if any of the old 1-3 remakes ever made it. Imagine having 1-9 on 3DS. Glorious!


I said in a previous post that I was going to buy 5 copies of DQ7 if it ever got localized and I'll stick by it. I honestly felt like this day would never come. Will SE give us a collector's edition? That would be sweet.

May I humbly ask
If I could have
one of those 4 other copies


I just don't know that I need to play VIII again. True, the last time I played it was when it first came out on PS2, and I enjoyed it, but game was really long and I don't feel like the story is something I need to experience again.

Maybe I'll wait for when I can get it during a Buy 2 Get 1 sale.

But I am totally excited for VII since I've never played any iteration of it.

As for newcomers to VIII... I really hope they don't pass on it.
Never played 7 and 8 so very excited to have two big RPG's I've never played coming out for my 3DS. 2016 is a pretty good year for 3DS, going out with a bang I guess :)
Do we know anything about the VA yet? I think I heard the JP version got voice acting for the 3DS release, wondering if we'll get either the original English va from the ps2, the new Japanese va with subs, neither or both.

I think it looks great and apparently it runs really well too. But ok.

I think it's really sad how some people write VIII 3D off because it's inferior to the PS2 version in the most superficial way possible .

Literally everything aside from the visuals is improved...or at the very least laterally changed.

DQ fans are on thin ice in the west as is.

I wonder if it will cost $20 like the mobile version or if they'll add more content to justify a higher price tag
They will be full price and come to retail. As they should and deserve.
Never played 7 and 8 so very excited to have two big RPG's I've never played coming out for my 3DS. 2016 is a pretty good year for 3DS, going out with a bang I guess :)

8 is an absolute masterpiece, about as "pure" old-school RPG as you can get. 7 is a bit more involved, and it is long, challenging, and well worth digging into.

7 is pre-ordered. Probably going to nab 8 as well...my son will love that. It'll be a good intro-RPG for him.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Well, only the VIII port is.

I do wish they put a bit more effort into the transition to the 3DS though. :/

People have posted the new content to expect in this thread...they put loads of effort in, what more could you want?

I'm sure they'll re-use the already recorded audiofiles for the new version and get the old voice actors back to record for the new story stuff.

The soundtrack was re-recorded for this version, the quality is far better than the original we got in the west.

Heroes got Yangus back but had to get a soundalike for Jessica so it'll probably be the case here for the new lines too. A lot can change in 10+ years.


Well, only the VIII port is.

I do wish they put a bit more effort into the transition to the 3DS though. :/
I don't understand why people keep saying this. The 3DS version of 8 is super solid and way more solid than the mobile version in terms of performance. What else do you want?


Worse. I think it adds some stuff, but the graphics took a major hit. No idea if the music is intact.
Literally the only thing that is a downgrade is the resolution. It's better in every other way, and the music is a much better recording as well.


So, I have owned DQVIII on the PS2 for years but never played it because backlog. Should I just wait for the 3DS port instead of playing the PS2 version? Also, I'm using a regular 3DS. I remember hearing it ran worse on those, is that true?

Also, should I buy Dragon Quest VII? It looks interesting but it's also really long. I feel like I would start it, get bored of it 25-30 hours in and drop it. What makes it stick out from other Dragon Quest games?


Literally the only thing that is a downgrade is the resolution. It's better in every other way, and the music is a much better recording as well.

I'm assuming you know this, but who's publishing these games in the west? Square or Nintendo?


So, I have owned DQVIII on the PS2 for years but never played it because backlog. Should I just wait for the 3DS port instead of playing the PS2 version? Also, I'm using a regular 3DS. I remember hearing it ran worse on those, is that true?

Also, should I buy Dragon Quest VII? It looks interesting but it's also really long. I feel like I would start it, get bored of it 25-30 hours in and drop it. What makes it stick out from other Dragon Quest games?

If you are emulating it, then it's probably a toss up, but the 3DS version will be more convenient and higher fidelity audio.
I'm so fucking excited about both games, it sure helps that I never finished DQ VIII and I'm now WAY more into the series so I've wanted to check it out again.

I defeated
Dhoulmagus and called it a day back then, I know I was like 1/3 into the game.
Literally the only thing that is a downgrade is the resolution. It's better in every other way, and the music is a much better recording as well.

This is the first and only comment I'll make in this thread - Aeana, you know how long I've been waiting for this.

Not sure there's a reason for anyone to be dissapointed in any way with this announcement. You can perhaps argue and be dissapointed when you actually play it, but, for now, this is the news we've been wanting for years.

Just be happy.


Will do.

I will most likely play one, keep one sealed, and give the other 3 locally to friends who probably never would have played the game anyway. Sorry :)

I was mostly joking ;)
I'm as anxious as you are to getting the games though I wonder if they'll announce a 2 pack of DQ7+8 come Summer...
Literally the only thing that is a downgrade is the resolution. It's better in every other way, and the music is a much better recording as well.

is the combat faster? I recall VIII being kinda slow.

I'm glad to hear that it's way better, if the resolution is the only thing that got a downgrade then I'm FUCKING IN!
Literally the only thing that is a downgrade is the resolution. It's better in every other way, and the music is a much better recording as well.

I'm sure I recall from the original reveal video that the 3DS version was missing graphical assets that existed in the PS2 version. Was that fixed for the final version then?
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