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DRIVECLUB |OT| Cloudy with a Chance of Jaw Drops

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Impressions are good so far. Good stuff. Review thread should be interesting.

I'm looking at scores for Evolutions previous games and the highest scored game they made was the first Motorstorm back on PS3 which had an 84.. Now that game only got 9 critic reviews though compared to Motorstorm Pacific Rift which got an 82. It'd be nice if Driveclub can sit at 85+ but who knows.


Just checked out those screens above.

Man, I really hope they massively improve image quality on their next game. I think it's going to be a real sore spot on this game's otherwise incredible visuals. The more of it I see the more disappointed I get.
Seems to be another positive impression:

I'm blown away that anyone takes this guy seriously.


Just checked out those screens above.

Man, I really hope they massively improve image quality on their next game. I think it's going to be a real sore spot on this game's otherwise incredible visuals. The more of it I see the more disappointed I get.

Every single person who has played the final game says it looks better in motion. Can't be a coincidence can it? May be we should withhold disappointment till we see it on our PS4s :)


Just checked out those screens above.

Man, I really hope they massively improve image quality on their next game. I think it's going to be a real sore spot on this game's otherwise incredible visuals. The more of it I see the more disappointed I get.
Sorry dude but you are crazy.

I mean I get what you are saying but I dont see who they can massively improve it.


Just checked out those screens above.

Man, I really hope they massively improve image quality on their next game. I think it's going to be a real sore spot on this game's otherwise incredible visuals. The more of it I see the more disappointed I get.

Not sure if serious, but there was some bullshots indeed a time ago, at least I think so. But overall, the IQ is still pretty damn amazing (by videos at least). If they plan on doing DC2, they should focus on content then (more customization options and cars).


Neo Member
Just checked out those screens above.

Man, I really hope they massively improve image quality on their next game. I think it's going to be a real sore spot on this game's otherwise incredible visuals. The more of it I see the more disappointed I get.

This makes no sense to me.


Every single person who has played the final game say it looks better in motion. Can't be a coincidence can it? May be we should withhold disappointment till we see it on our PS4s :)

Yeah, I'm holding off full opinion until I actually play it on Tuesday. Hard not to be disappointed when looking at those screens, though. At least for me.

This makes no sense to me.

How does it not make sense? There's aliasing all over the place and a general lack of clarity. The game doesn't have good image quality. It has so much going for it, but image quality is not one of those things.


Just checked out those screens above.

Man, I really hope they massively improve image quality on their next game. I think it's going to be a real sore spot on this game's otherwise incredible visuals. The more of it I see the more disappointed I get.

Oh boy... ok.. thats enough of yeah.. ignore..click


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
Yeah, I'm holding off full opinion until I actually play it on Tuesday. Hard not to be disappointed when looking at those screens, though. At least for me.

Screen caps are really underwhelming for some reason.

It's truly a sight to behold live.

How does it not make sense? There's aliasing all over the place and a general lack of clarity. The game doesn't have good image quality. It has so much going for it, but image quality is not one of those things.

I'm telling you you're wrong and you should quit overreacting over some poorly compressed shots.

The image capture functionality of the PS4 blurs a lot of game's IQ.

If you want proper images you should wait for the photomode shota., or play the game yourself.


I'm looking at scores for Evolutions previous games and the highest scored game they made was the first Motorstorm back on PS3 which had an 84.. Now that game only got 9 critic reviews though compared to Motorstorm Pacific Rift which got an 82. It'd be nice if Driveclub can sit at 85+ but who knows.

Out of the 9 games they've made, all of them are between 78-83 metacritic. I think Driveclub will be in that range or higher.


Yeah, I'm holding off full opinion until I actually play it on Tuesday. Hard not to be disappointed when looking at those screens, though. At least for me.

How does it not make sense? There's aliasing all over the place and a general lack of clarity. The game doesn't have good image quality. It has so much going for it, but image quality is not one of those things.

Wow. Sigh
Just checked out those screens above.

Man, I really hope they massively improve image quality on their next game. I think it's going to be a real sore spot on this game's otherwise incredible visuals. The more of it I see the more disappointed I get.


Not sure if serious.jpg

Those screens actually look MUCH better than the ones I seen initially when people started posting their own shots. The game looks amazing in those screens in particular and the IQ looks really spectacular.


How does it not make sense? There's aliasing all over the place and a general lack of clarity. The game doesn't have good image quality. It has so much going for it, but image quality is not one of those things.

I feel like this is a fair point, as far as it goes. When the game isn't in motion, the IQ is definitely not perfect and certain inconsistencies in asset quality are more noticeable.

That said, you really don't notice any of the above when the game's in motion and frankly, I think we'll be hard pressed to find a better looking racer on any platform.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
I'm very curious to find out why

I've noticed this with all other ps4 screencaps. Low bitrate poor encodimg technical thingamajig. Not sure. :B

Game looks gawjiss


Screen caps are really underwhelming for some reason.

It's truly a sight to behold live.

That seems so weird to me. With pretty much every game I've played, I find screenshots to be a good representation of the game's visuals. I definitely am looking forward to trying it out myself, though. I hope I find myself in agreement with you.

I mean, even you yourself started out saying that the IQ isn't nearly as good as gifs would have one believe, and that there's jaggies everywhere. That's you having PLAYED the retail game.
If those screenshots have bad IQ, then I demand bad IQ in all my games. The existence of aliasing doesn't make a game have bad IQ...


If those screenshots have bad IQ, then I demand bad IQ in all my games. The existence of aliasing doesn't make a game have bad IQ...

Then what would you say is great about the image quality in those screenshots?

Here's a random screenshot I picked from the post for reference:

*sigh* it's like they're in a club of their own.

Who 's "they"? What are you talking about? People who are looking forward to Driveclub but don't have to defend every single thing about it?


Couple things to consider regarding image quality.

a. Things generally look better in motion.

b. You are sitting very close to your monitor screen, aliasing is much more noticeable at this distance. Typically when you are playing you are game on the tube, you are playing five feet away.

c. Even with the aliasing - this game is the best looking racer I've seen.


Couple things to consider regarding image quality.

a. Things generally look better in motion.

b. You are sitting very close to your monitor screen, aliasing is much more noticeable at this distance. Typically when you are playing you are game on the tube, you are playing five feet away.

c. Even with the aliasing - this game is the best looking racer I've seen.

Oh, don't get me wrong. I agree with all of those points. Like I said, other than image quality, the game looks incredible. There's so many amazing points about it from a visual standpoint that I do feel the image quality degrades that a bit.


Oh, don't get me wrong. I agree with all of those points. Like I said, other than image quality, the game looks incredible. There's so many amazing points about it from a visual standpoint that I do feel the image quality degrades that a bit.

I probably would have preferred for them to scale back other elements and keep the image quality pristine like another certain racing game, but whatcha gonna do.
Oh, don't get me wrong. I agree with all of those points. Like I said, other than image quality, the game looks incredible. There's so many amazing points about it from a visual standpoint that I do feel the image quality degrades that a bit.
So you agree that its a great looking game but the IQ is below your expectations. Thats cool man, some people hold things to more scrutiny than others. Hope it doesn't detract too much from your enjoyment of the game.
Then what would you say is great about the image quality in those screenshots?

Here's a random screenshot I picked from the post for reference:

Who 's "they"? What are you talking about? People who are looking forward to Driveclub but don't have to defend every single thing about it?

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to see that's bad in those screenshots. Yes, I see aliasing, but its not a terrible amount of it. The image is quite clean overall.


I actually see what VanWinkle is saying based on those specific screens, though I wouldn't go as far as calling it bad IQ. The shots just look a touch soft. My guess it's the AA filter adding that extra softness, but by that same token, it could also be jpeg compression. I've seen other screens that look sharper and more detailed. Having said that, the softness so to speak could be one further reason the game looks more realistic or CGI like in motion. It's sort of like KZ2 vs KZ3, where the former had more of a CGI like aesthetic, namely because of the softer look from the QAA, coupled with the copious motion blur.


Man, I love the dashboard cam so much. I'm ALWAYS a chase cam guy with racing games, but I think I'm going to have to change that with this game.

So you agree that its a great looking game but the IQ is below your expectations. Thats cool man, some people hold things to more scrutiny than others. Hope it doesn't detract too much from your enjoyment of the game.

That...was a very rational response. Thank you for that.

I actually see what VanWinkle is saying based on those specific screens, though I wouldn't go as far as calling it bad IQ. The shots just look a touch soft. My guess it's the AA filter adding that extra softness, but by that same token, it could also be jpeg compression. I've seen other screens that look sharper and more detailed. Having said that, the softness so to speak could be one further reason the game looks more realistic or CGI like in motion. It's sort of like KZ2 vs KZ3, where the former had more of a CGI like aesthetic, namely because of the softer look from the QAA, coupled with the copious motion blur.

See I think I would be okay with the soft image (like the incredible looking KZ2) IF it didn't also have a pretty decent amount of aliasing. If it was really clear and had the aliasing it has, it would be okay; if it has the softness, but none of the aliasing it had, it would be okay. The way it is right now is just, to me, a somewhat unfortunate combination.

People see what they want to see...it's just so happens that the majority are amazed by DC media.

"Others" on the other hand, don't like leaf #39 on tree #11 midway track #5.

Come on, my criticism isn't remotely that specific. And I am amazing by most DC media, too. Like I have said, the game in most ways looks incredible.


Then what would you say is great about the image quality in those screenshots?

Here's a random screenshot I picked from the post for reference:

Who 's "they"? What are you talking about? People who are looking forward to Driveclub but don't have to defend every single thing about it?

People see what they want to see...it's just so happens that the majority are amazed by DC media.

"Others" on the other hand, don't like leaf #39 on tree #11 midway track #5.
Here's a random screenshot I picked from the post for reference

whats wrong with it?
apart from the car everything else is in motion and blurred in any one frame, what do you expect to see?
it is also part of the track and part of the course that hasnt many elements. Again what do you expect to be seeing?
The paintwork / panel damage driveclub elects to show isnt amazing, true, but its a driving game not a crashing game, if your car looks like this you are playing badly.
I have no idea how anyone can get concerned about frame grabs when entire 1080p direct rips from the same track are available to view and look extremely persuasive.
I'm really confused as to how I'm really excited about a racing game of all things. I have NEVER been hype for a racer pretty much ever.


I actually see what VanWinkle is saying based on those specific screens, though I wouldn't go as far as calling it bad IQ. The shots just look a touch soft. My guess it's the AA filter adding that extra softness, but by that same token, it could also be jpeg compression. I've seen other screens that look sharper and more detailed. Having said that, the softness so to speak could be one further reason the game looks more realistic or CGI like in motion. It's sort of like KZ2 vs KZ3, where the former had more of a CGI like aesthetic, namely because of the softer look from the QAA, coupled with the copious motion blur.

Good post. Maybe if I didn't have hands on with it I could be swayed by those screens as well. It's just that after playing the game it blew me away, so I know that it's the best looking racer.


See I think I would be okay with the soft image (like the incredible looking KZ2) IF it didn't also have a pretty decent amount of aliasing. If it was really clear and had the aliasing it has, it would be okay; if it has the softness, but none of the aliasing it had, it would be okay. The way it is right now is just, to me, a somewhat unfortunate combination.

There's very little aliasing though, even in the example screenshot you posted above. On an actual HD TV in motion, you'll likely barely even notice it, besides the odd rarer rough spots.


Oh boy... ok.. thats enough of yeah.. ignore..click

One of my biggest pet peeves are people who will ignore someone based on the fact that they didn't like one singular aspect of a game that they are looking forward to. You are one of the problems with forums, where discussions are unable to proceed due to close-mindedness and fierce loyalty.
whats wrong with it?
apart from the car everything else is in motion and blurred in any one frame, what do you expect to see?
it is also part of the track and part of the course that hasnt many elements. Again what do you expect to be seeing?
The paintwork / panel damage driveclub elects to show isnt amazing, true, but its a driving game not a crashing game, if your car looks like this you are playing badly.
I have no idea how anyone can get concerned about frame grabs when entire 1080p direct rips from the same track are available to view and look extremely persuasive.

Yup, apart from me getting a hand on things I was crashing purposely just to see how bad I could get the car to look which is why most of my screens have my car being rekt lmao. I don't play burnout for no reason. If people want more screenshots of other levels i'll be happy to get some more.
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