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EDGE: DRM-free PS4 is a PR play – expect similar policies across both consoles.


Stating that it will be "just like ps3" doesn't clarify how much publishers will try to control the value of used games. From consumer perspective having one game in 10 utilize online passes or something different isn't the same as having every other game do that. There is clearly a push to introduce more online elements into even "single-player" experiences. If those are locked behind online passes, the value of your used "single-player" game will be lower than it would otherwise. If the average return for your used game is less than in current gen, over the course of console life span you would end up 'paying' more for games than you did during current gen.


I guess for pblishers that decide you will have a one time activation key and need the disc in the drive.

If this is the case than for me MS's DRM is the better option because i'd rather have check-ins and not have to swap the disk

I cant stop laughing

In what planet is MS's system wide DRM plan better than an online pass from some (not all) 3rd parties?


A lot of gaming journalists got it totally wrong about the ps4 saying it would do the same things as Xbone. Sony didn't so the the journalists are still trying to say it will to save face.


I guess for pblishers that decide you will have a one time activation key and need the disc in the drive.

If this is the case than for me MS's DRM is the better option because i'd rather have check-ins and not have to swap the disk


only on xbox


y'all should be ashamed
Stating that it will be "just like ps3" doesn't clarify how much publishers will try to control the value of used games. From consumer perspective having one game in 10 utilize online passes or something different isn't the same as having every other game do that. There is clearly a push to introduce more online elements into even "single-player" experiences. If those are locked behind online passes, the value of your used "single-player" game will be lower than it would otherwise. If the average return for your used game is less than in current gen, over the course of console life span you would end up 'paying' more for games than you did during current gen.
Except online passes are no longer allowed.

Man, this whole thing is so simple to understand. I don't understand the confusion.


At least MS has the balls and respect to tell you to your face. If this is the case with Sony, expect a even bigger backlash. Straight up lies to everyones face.

This is how this will likely work: Sony will let Microsoft eat shit for the next couple of months. The amount of shit will lessen with each passing day. By attrition, marketing, astroturfing and "shills" the anger towards MS's DRM will be dulled. Near the end of the summer when games will start coming out again, Sony will start leaking some more details about their strategy. Words like "industry standards" will be said. Expressions like "after talks and collaboration with publishers" will be used. Sony blogs will leak stuff about "publisher pressures" and "compromises." Threads will be created about it. Some of the weight will be put on the publishers. "Technical reasons" will probably be claimed as an excuse. And it will probably all be done before October.

Now, I'm fairly certain whatever Sony does will be less restrictive. In a single issue it will be glaringly better than MS DRM thereby giving them a strong talking point to hammer MS with. But there will be something there. Let's not be naive.


Edge sure does like stirring up "controversy" (scores/rumors/etc.) like a tabloid.

I think I'll go with famousmortimer with this!


I'd like to know what our own vetted sources have to say about this. It sounds rather conveniently timed to me so suddenly drop a revelation that runs completely counter to what has been stated and repeated clearly.


You would think that games "journalists" would have basic reading comprehension skills. Clearly this is not the case.

We have contacted Sony for comment.
But purposefully ignored all their statements on the matter that are already in the public record because then we wouldn't have a click-bait story to publish.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
A lot of gaming journalists got it totally wrong about the ps4 saying it would do the same things as Xbone. Sony didn't so the the journalists are still trying to say it will to save face.

Wouldn't it be better for a publication's "face" to just sweep the whole thing under the carpet to avoid the Streisand Effect?

I'm no fanboy of either company and, quite frankly, I hope EDGE's sources are wrong; however, dismissing this out of hand is a little premature.


Going with more reasonable budgets and team sizes as opposed to ridiculous, massively inflated budgets and extremely inefficient team sizes isn't the solution for a more successful development environment?

Trying to control the used games market is? Right.

The Jason

We have contacted Sony for comment.
But purposefully ignored all their statements on the matter that are already in the public record because then we wouldn't have a click-bait story to publish.

Sony should respond with an email full of links to statements that have already been made
Except online passes are no longer allowed.

Man, this whole thing is so simple to understand. I don't understand the confusion.

I think online passes are allowed, just that Sony aren't going to use them in light of their PS+ subscription fee for online play.


Guys, read the article again.. Its can have very different context, like "pubs expect PS4 doing the same, but they change their mind"

Shit compiled like wordplay, smh..
Why don't those at E3 grill the publishers at little more?

"Oh it's coming out on PS4 and X1? What sort of DRM are you using on the PS4?"

You might not get a straight answer but it's better than 'Sony said/EDGE said'.


Except online passes are no longer allowed.

Man, this whole thing is so simple to understand. I don't understand the confusion.

There is no confusion. MS fanboys know that Xbone is a nasty DRM machine and they desperately want the ps4 to be the same.

They shouldn't be spending there energy trying to spin for MS what they should be doing is hitting MS hard with letters, tweets and whatever else they can to let MS know they don't want any of this.
You would think that games "journalists" would have basic reading comprehension skills. Clearly this is not the case.

This whole event has made a lot of things rather clear when it come to game journalists .
It amazing to see how many them can't read , do fact checking or just straight up fan boys that don't care about consumer rights taken away because of there favorite corporation .
ummm MS's DRM is system wide for single player. It literally goes online even for a single player game to check for its authenticity

I've never said the PS4 will be the same as the bone. All I'm saying is that it is technically possible for publishers to implement the same policies on any system.

With all the internet integration we've seen in single player modes this gen, from Demon's Souls all the way to Catherine, a pub could easily claim the whole game "requires" online and lock full games behind online passes while staying strictly within what Sony has said.

Myself, I won't be surprised to see third party games requiring third party activations. Not required, surely not, and so much different than the bone, but the end experience can still play out the same if the pubs try hard enough.


Wouldn't it be better for a publication's "face" to just sweep the whole thing under the carpet to avoid the Streisand Effect?

I'm no fanboy of either company and, quite frankly, I hope EDGE's sources are wrong; however, dismissing this out of hand is a little premature.

Their sources and the article are nebulous and information-starved enough that I'm not willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. You gotta give me more than this.
A publisher that releases a single player game that requires an Internet-connection and Online Pass activation in the age of Facebook/Twitter is either incredibly brave or incredibly dumb.

Also, I'm not entirely sure which publishers are meant to be doing this, as every single one has renounced the Online Pass, which was an anti-piracy measure veiled as a pre-owned tax.

They are well aware that the process is annoying for users and that game trade-ins generally lead to an overall increase in liquidity in the gaming market. Games cost so much up-front for this very reason.
This is how this will likely work: Sony will let Microsoft eat shit for the next couple of months. The amount of shit will lessen with each passing day. By attrition, marketing, astroturfing and "shills" the anger towards MS's DRM will be dulled. Near the end of the summer when games will start coming out again, Sony will start leaking some more details about their strategy. Words like "industry standards" will be said. Expressions like "after talks and collaboration with publishers" will be used. Sony blogs will leak stuff about "publisher pressures" and "compromises." Threads will be created about it. Some of the weight will be put on the publishers. "Technical reasons" will probably be claimed as an excuse. And it will probably all be done before October.

Now, I'm fairly certain whatever Sony does will be less restrictive. In a single issue it will be glaringly better than MS DRM thereby giving them a strong talking point to hammer MS with. But there will be something there. Let's not be naive.

I completely agree, what im talking about is Jack Trenton's speech more than anything else. Very misleading.


Im so confused. Why can't they just say how it is with an example and not "we enable" or "we allow". All this PR talk and dancing around is shit.


no online requirement is the biggest trump card though. If third parties want to implement their own fucked up DRM, I can judge if it's worth that value proposition to me. blood isn't on Sony's hands regardless.


This is how this will likely work: Sony will let Microsoft eat shit for the next couple of months. The amount of shit will lessen with each passing day. By attrition, marketing, astroturfing and "shills" the anger towards MS's DRM will be dulled. Near the end of the summer when games will start coming out again, Sony will start leaking some more details about their strategy. Words like "industry standards" will be said. Expressions like "after talks and collaboration with publishers" will be used. Sony blogs will leak stuff about "publisher pressures" and "compromises." Threads will be created about it. Some of the weight will be put on the publishers. "Technical reasons" will probably be claimed as an excuse. And it will probably all be done before October.

Now, I'm fairly certain whatever Sony does will be less restrictive. In a single issue it will be glaringly better than MS DRM thereby giving them a strong talking point to hammer MS with. But there will be something there. Let's not be naive.



I guess for pblishers that decide you will have a one time activation key and need the disc in the drive.

If this is the case than for me MS's DRM is the better option because i'd rather have check-ins and not have to swap the disk

If swapping discs really bugs you Sony have a PSN store selling retail games of every retail release.

Of course you can't resell that, but y'know convenience and all that.


Sony is DONE with online passes. This can't be said enough.

In a way, I personally think it's a worthy trade-off to require PS+ for online, but to drop online passes.

Now, they've also made it clear that 3rd parties can implement online passes if they'd like. Exactly...like...this gen. It's really not that hard to get.

Get that "offline pass" garbage outta here!


Even if ubi,activison,EA and take 2 decide on online passes and the consumer has to pay to activate used or lent games.

The situation would just be as bad as microsofts, and sony would be even worse for telling us a half truth.


So do we need Kaz Hirai to step in to make it even more clear or what?

I mean we already have an Announcement on stage, Jack Trenton interview, Shuhei Yoshida interview, Scott Rohde interview, even a famousmortimer post making it clear enough.

It's basically the same as PS3. Up to Publishers if they want to do DRM/Online passes/ Activation code, but at this point what publisher is even dumb enough to even do that? Especially after the shit MS has received since it's first mention of DRM.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Their sources and the article are nebulous and information-starved enough that I'm not willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. You gotta give me more than this.

That is what I would call a sensible approach to the article. Critical because it lacks proper qualification, but not entirely dismissing it out of hand.


My understanding is that we'll hear about FROM's PS4 exclusive at Tokyo Game Show. A lot of people think it's Demon's Souls 2. I was told it was a spiritual successor. We'll see.

TGS is actually going to have a few bombs. Sony (obviously) wants to hit hard in their homeland as well.

So that is what Miyazaki is working on, I see.
Holy shit.. As much as you people want the PS4 to be the same as XBone it's not. Sony is not putting hardware level restrictions on their console.

End of story.

If EA or whoever requires an Internet connection for DRM or an online pass that's their decision and one costumers can choose to avoid.

Pretty simple really
For the love of god read this response right here from Jack Tretton and if you have any questions then ask away. I don't see how there could be any confusion after reading this unless there's been contradictory statements somewhere.


AllThingsD: First off, people seemed really excited at last night’s [Sony PlayStation] event when you announced the no-DRM policy, which would allow for freer sharing of games. But this morning there was still confusion, and some countered that there are restrictions on game sharing. Can you offer a simple explanation for how this will work with the PS4?

Any game that is made for PS4 that is physical goods, whether first-party or third-party, can go into a PS4 and play regardless of where it came from. The first player will play it, no problem, the second player will play it, no problem. What I was referring to was the online proposition. (This example was later given to me by a Sony spokesman: If you buy a used disc from GameStop, you’ll have no problem popping that disc in and playing it from your PlayStation 4. The issue may arise when you try to jump online and play with other players. At that point, a third-party publisher may impose a fee or not allow that.)
The easiest way to explain it is — if you understand how it works on PlayStation 3, then that’s the same way it will work on PlayStation 4. No changes there. We’ve been out for six and a half years. It’s the same experience.


Not Banned from OT
Even if ubi,activison,EA and take 2 decide on online passes and the consumer has to pay to activate used or lent games.

The situation would just be as bad as microsofts, and sony would be even worse for telling us a half truth.

Huh Online passes are as bad as 24 hour check in and only being able to sell to gamestop but only if the publisher enables it?

I am really getting a bad taste in my mouth about this upcoming generation. The FUD and other shit is so out of control it is not funny. What is next edge saying sony was lying about price and the PS4 will be 499.99 like the Xbone?


This is utter nonsense. I think this is a case of Edge's contacts giving them false information. A mod can vouch for me here as I told them the DRM policy of the PS4 several weeks ago. And I'm not exactly the President of SCE, so when I learnt of that information (which was prior to that), it means it was set in stone even before the official announcement of the PS4 in February. It's basically PS3 2.0. There hasn't been a back and forth internally with changing what the policy entails and it certainly wasn't decided at the last minute.


This article seems pretty off base. You can play any single player games on PS4 with no restrictions, Sony has said. They've said that there will be no online passes for first party games, but 3rd parties may choose to have those (just like current gen). But I'm pretty sure that any 3rd party that tries to do an online pass for single player would not pass Sony's cert process.


Some reactions are weird. It is as if certain participants secretly wish for Sony to make a 180 turn on the issue and announce supporting DRM. Reminds me of my attitude when I was a young boy; whenever I broke a toy, I got on my knees and begged the heaven for my borther's to have the same fate...
Sony doesn't support DRM. FACT. If a publisher decides to implement online passes or, eve worst, propose the whole game as an online title, there is nothing Sony could do. But we can, by not buying it. Simple.


I assume this has already been posted, but : http://www.polygon.com/2013/6/11/44...ty-publishers-can-dictate-their-own-drm-terms

Update: Sony responded to our query, reiterating that all disc-based games will be able to be traded and resold at the owner's discretion, regardless of whether it's first or third party.

"Similar to PS3, we will not dictate the online used game strategy (the ability to play used games online) of its publishing partners," a Sony representative told Polygon. "As announced last night, PS4 will not have any gating restrictions for used disc-based games. When a gamer buys a PS4 disc they have right to use that copy of the game, so they can trade-in the game at retail, sell it to another person, lend it to a friend, or keep it forever."

The Sony representative also confirmed that the Online Pass program used in some Sony first-party games on PS3 would not be used at all for its titles on PS4.



If you say so. I have no horse in this race. No "sources" either. Just speculating. If you think there are "good guys" when it comes to multi-billion, profit seeking, international corporations it's your right to do so. Prepare to be disappointed. If the situation with Sony a year after the launch is "Just like the PS3" (I'm being way optimistic in the timeframe) feel free to rub this post in my face and feed me the appropriate amount of crow.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
This is utter nonsense. I think this is a case of Edge's contacts giving them false information. A mod can vouch for me here as I told them the DRM policy of the PS4 several weeks ago. And I'm not exactly the President of SCE, so when I learnt of that information (which was prior to that), it means it was set in stone even before the official announcement of the PS4 in February. It's basically PS3 2.0. There hasn't been a back and forth internally with changing what the policy entails and it certainly wasn't decided at the last minute.

Boom, Verendus still here. :D
Thanks for posting this.


This is utter nonsense. I think this is a case of Edge's contacts giving them false information. A mod can vouch for me here as I told them the DRM policy of the PS4 several weeks ago. And I'm not exactly the President of SCEA, so when I learnt of that information (which was prior to that), it means it was set in stone even before the official announcement of the PS4 in February. It's basically PS3 2.0. There hasn't been a back and forth internally with changing what the policy entails and it certainly wasn't decided at the last minute.
Thank you. This garbage is starting to get ridiculous. Just this week, Sony even said their initial reaction to no-DRM outcry was to quickly quell it and say they never had any intention of doing it. Instead, they decided to go silent until E3 because they saw a unique opportunity to deliver a very calculated strike that would have more of an impact.

Seriously, did people not really LISTEN to what Sony said at that conference? Their entire strategy and purpose (PlayStation, not Sony) is to please the gamer. They said it's CENTRAL to everything they're about.

Now I know we've had plenty of cases in history where companies have gone back on their word, but this would have to top anything we've seen before.

Not accusing anyone here or even Edge, but someone is putting out the PR spin. This was an absolutely crushing blow and Microsoft knows it. They'll do anything they can to convince folks their system is "similar" to PS4's. In fact, we may be seeing the early stages of a new PR campaign and this may be their best bet, honestly (shows you how bad their situation is). Instead of completely going back on what they've stated or even plowing further ahead, they try and draw as many similarities as they can.

Gaf, gamers, and consumers are smarter than that.


This is utter nonsense. I think this is a case of Edge's contacts giving them false information. A mod can vouch for me here as I told them the DRM policy of the PS4 several weeks ago. And I'm not exactly the President of SCE, so when I learnt of that information (which was prior to that), it means it was set in stone even before the official announcement of the PS4 in February. It's basically PS3 2.0. There hasn't been a back and forth internally with changing what the policy entails and it certainly wasn't decided at the last minute.

So edge going for easy clicks?
Or biased sources?


Holy shit.. As much as you people want the PS4 to be the same as XBone it's not. Sony is not putting hardware level restrictions on their console.

End of story.

If EA or whoever requires an Internet connection for DRM or an online pass that's their decision and one costumers can choose to avoid.

Pretty simple really

No you are wrong, in reality If I buy a PS4 game used from EA, ubi, activsion, take 2 etc and I have to pay an amount of money to be able to use the single player and multiplayer, that is no different to Microsoft's situation, the control and set up may be different but the end result to the customer is the same.

This damage control is hilarious.
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