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EDGE: DRM-free PS4 is a PR play – expect similar policies across both consoles.


It's all going to be decided by how the Xbox One will sell. I understand that some people are excited by some of the (amazing) exclusives shown by Microsoft. But I don't get the willingness to throw away your ownership of those games. Especially since it is pretty clear that there won't be some sort of price reduction of the average game. The difference with Steam is that a console, the Xbox One in this case, has a limited life span. So what happens when that console isn't profitable, relevant anymore.


Hmmm....this is all very interesting.

I wonder how likely all these "last minute" changes are on both sides.

Doesn't seem...professional.
I am not sure how. Even if publishers manage to implement the DRM there is still the whole having to connect to the cloud every 24hrs to authenticate and dictating who I can resell my game to that MS has implemented.

Having to connect to the internet ever 24 hours is not a big deal if all games begin to come up with a way to "justify" an online component with their game, therefore requiring an internet connection.

What's even funnier is that the two biggest games shown (Titanfall and Destiny) are not only always online games that fall in-line with the worst type of DRM that everyone is screaming about, but they are also behind a paywall on consoles because they require MP to work.


y'all should be ashamed
This is how this will likely work: Sony will let Microsoft eat shit for the next couple of months. The amount of shit will lessen with each passing day. By attrition, marketing, astroturfing and "shills" the anger towards MS's DRM will be dulled. Near the end of the summer when games will start coming out again, Sony will start leaking some more details about their strategy. Words like "industry standards" will be said. Expressions like "after talks and collaboration with publishers" will be used. Sony blogs will leak stuff about "publisher pressures" and "compromises." Threads will be created about it. Some of the weight will be put on the publishers. "Technical reasons" will probably be claimed as an excuse. And it will probably all be done before October.

Now, I'm fairly certain whatever Sony does will be less restrictive. In a single issue it will be glaringly better than MS DRM thereby giving them a strong talking point to hammer MS with. But there will be something there. Let's not be naive.
I've seen " oh man if MS is doing it the Sony has to be" to "just wait till E3 Sony is staying quiet for a reason" to "Sony is lying about all this DRM stuff, wait for the other shoe to drop in the next few months before launch."

It's gone from sad to kind of hilarious.
Yes, Don Mattrick, we believe you...Err I mean Edge
Sort of thinking this. The interview posted by I believe Giant bomb where the policy was clarified, Sony stated they have set the precedent at the E3 meeting. Publishers that want to go against that can do so on their own terms with the consumer.
No you are wrong, in reality If I buy a PS4 game used from EA, ubi, activsion, take 2 etc and I have to pay and amount of money to be able to use the single player and multiplayer, that is no different to Microsoft's situation, the control and set up may be different but the end result to the customer is the same.

This damage control is hilarious.

So Sony takes the heat for poor decisions made by publishers? You are asking Sony to make a machine that is anti DRM.

Sony first party games will not support it; the hardware will not support it.

As far as Sony being liable for DRM.

End of story
Who are EDGE's "several development sources?"

MIcrosoft Games Studios UK?

This is utter nonsense. I think this is a case of Edge's contacts giving them false information. A mod can vouch for me here as I told them the DRM policy of the PS4 several weeks ago. And I'm not exactly the President of SCE, so when I learnt of that information (which was prior to that), it means it was set in stone even before the official announcement of the PS4 in February. It's basically PS3 2.0. There hasn't been a back and forth internally with changing what the policy entails and it certainly wasn't decided at the last minute.

Quoting for the new page.

Listen to this poster.


This article seems pretty off base. You can play any single player games on PS4 with no restrictions, Sony has said.
They haven't really said that, though.

A lot of people seem to take for granted that 'online' does not solely mean 'online multiplayer' these days.
If you say so. I have no horse in this race. No "sources" either. Just speculating. If you think there are "good guys" when it comes to multi-billion, profit seeking, international corporations it's your right to do so. Prepare to be disappointed. If the situation with Sony a year after the launch is "Just like the PS3" (I'm being way optimistic in the timeframe) feel free to rub this post in my face and feed me the appropriate amount of crow.

I don't think there the good guys but it seem to them this is better way to make money and sell more consoles .


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
No you are wrong, in reality If I buy a PS4 game used from EA, ubi, activsion, take 2 etc and I have to pay an amount of money to be able to use the single player and multiplayer, that is no different to Microsoft's situation, the control and set up may be different but the end result to the customer is the same.

This damage control is hilarious.
Any game that is made for PS4 that is physical goods, whether first-party or third-party, can go into a PS4 and play regardless of where it came from. The first player will play it, no problem, the second player will play it, no problem. What I was referring to was the online proposition. [The example was later given to me: If you buy a used disc from GameStop, you’ll have no problem popping that disc in and playing it from your PlayStation 4. The issue may arise when you try to jump online and play with other players. At that point, a third-party publisher may impose a fee or not allow that.]

The easiest way to explain it is — if you understand how it works on PlayStation 3, then that’s the same way it will work on PlayStation 4. No changes there. We’ve been out for six and a half years. It’s the same experience.


needs 2 extra inches
We were also told that final publishing agreements will not be drawn up for at least another month, so the terms of engagement could yet change once more before each console launches at the end of the year.
This is actually good news for both consoles. And I wouldn't take what Edge is saying too seriously as, if Moore's interview was anything to go by, they're learning about these developments around the same time we did. So there wasn't any time to negotiate and pin down the DRM agreements, for better or worse. Hopefully the backlash MS experienced and support Sony enjoyed translate into something consumer-friendly, if ever so slightly.


This is utter nonsense. I think this is a case of Edge's contacts giving them false information. A mod can vouch for me here as I told them the DRM policy of the PS4 several weeks ago. And I'm not exactly the President of SCE, so when I learnt of that information (which was prior to that), it means it was set in stone even before the official announcement of the PS4 in February. It's basically PS3 2.0. There hasn't been a back and forth internally with changing what the policy entails and it certainly wasn't decided at the last minute.

thank you. Close the thread

This is actually good news for both consoles. And I wouldn't take what Edge is saying too seriously as, if Moore's interview was anything to go by, they're learning about these developments around the same time we did. So there wasn't any time to negotiate and pin down the DRM agreements, for better or worse. Hopefully the backlash MS experienced and support Sony enjoyed translate into something consumer-friendly, if ever so slightly.

not gonna happen. DRM was Microsofts idea and the system was built with the DRM in mind already sorry
I am not surprised to see this erroneous report. Stop and think about this people.

For months now we heard rumors about the Xbone having online DRM checks, a weird used game policy, and a required Kinect camera.

For months the gaming press on podcasts would often say "no way this is true. Microsoft wouldn't do that".

We end up finding out all of it is true, and what was I hearing on podcasts immediately afterwards. "Well, the publishers made them do it, so you can bet your ass Sony will be doing the same thing!".

But at the same time these clowns are saying this, they're ignoring the fact that Sony said back in February that their console would NOT HAVE ONLINE DRM CHECKS. So right out of the gate we've got a HUGE difference between these two consoles, and yet people tried to suggest they'd still be the same in many ways.

Then we get to E3, and Sony drops the hammer that used games will behave just like they do on PS3.

So where does this leave us? With a gaming press that didn't want to believe any of this was true from the beginning, but if it was true they wanted to believe the two companies would be in the same boat. We already know that is not the case at all, but yet they're still gonna try and convince us they're not that different. They've been wrong from the very beginning. Why the fuck should anyone care what they say now?

There are a lot of people who don't want to see Microsoft embarrassed like this. They're viewed as the boss of the industry to many. So I expect a lot of backlash coming to try and "level the playing field" going forward.
i don't know why this is still being talked about... oh wait, yes i do. sensationalist media wants clicks. what they are suggesting is that Sony lied about what they said, when they didn't. now we have publishers coming out and publicly saying they have no issues with the way used games work currently, etc.

PS4 has no integrated method to accept a serial key and authorize a game, linking the disc to your account, and allowing you to play without the disc in. xbone does. if a third party publisher wanted to block out a user from being able to play a disc AT ALL without first punching in a serial key, the PS4 wouldn't be able to accommodate that at a system level. it would have to be something like:


how many more times does it need to be spelled out? "just like the PS3". are there any games on PS3 other than MP and a few PSN titles that don't work AT ALL unless you are connected to the internet to play? no. do any PS3 games require a serial key before allowing you to play at all? no.

I've seen " oh man if MS is doing it the Sony has to be" to "just wait till E3 Sony is staying quiet for a reason" to "Sony is lying about all this DRM stuff, wait for the other shoe to drop in the next few months before launch."

It's gone from sad to kind of hilarious.

I am absolutely convinced that some of these guys work for Microsoft. There's no other explanation for this level of ignorance.
It's all going to be decided by how the Xbox One will sell. I understand that some people are excited by some of the (amazing) exclusives shown by Microsoft. But I don't get the willingness to throw away your ownership of those games. Especially since it is pretty clear that there won't be some sort of price reduction of the average game. The difference with Steam is that a console, the Xbox One in this case, has a limited life span. So what happens when that console isn't profitable, relevant anymore.

What if it didn't have a life span?

imagine 4-6 years(or less imo) down the road when MS is about to release an updated Xbox one and as soon as you turn the console on there will be all of your games installed on the cloud ready to be played like nothing has changed. Much like an OS update for a phone. I think this is MS's plan.
Even if ubi,activison,EA and take 2 decide on online passes and the consumer has to pay to activate used or lent games.

The situation would just be as bad as microsofts, and sony would be even worse for telling us a half truth.

You've got to be kidding me. I can't even respond any further or I'm going to flip and get banned. Please read further into this and educate yourself on Sony vs MS DRM policies.


And there are several public statements from Peter Moore (EA), Ubisoft and Activision saying that they didn't have anything to do with Microsoft DRM plans. They are pretty much content with the current status quo.


No you are wrong, in reality If I buy a PS4 game used from EA, ubi, activsion, take 2 etc and I have to pay an amount of money to be able to use the single player and multiplayer, that is no different to Microsoft's situation, the control and set up may be different but the end result to the customer is the same.

This damage control is hilarious.

There will be no charges for playing the single player in used games. Or restrictions. That will not be allowed by Sony.

It's not the same at all.


I don't believe this at all, but at this point we'll wait and see. Sony has been as clear as I think they can be on the issue. If some third party does somehow require this (and I can only see the big ones dong it) then I'll avoid their products entirely.


No you are wrong, in reality If I buy a PS4 game used from EA, ubi, activsion, take 2 etc and I have to pay an amount of money to be able to use the single player and multiplayer, that is no different to Microsoft's situation, the control and set up may be different but the end result to the customer is the same.

This damage control is hilarious.

The fault doesn't lie with PS4. Some notable examples this generation, EA, Blizzard have already did that on PC.

If this trend really took off, the fight isn't between PS4 and Xbox One, it's between publishers and consumers. What I don't get is why you find it hilarious, the fact that you want to see the other platform suffers because it didn't mandate this bullshit?


This is utter nonsense. I think this is a case of Edge's contacts giving them false information. A mod can vouch for me here as I told them the DRM policy of the PS4 several weeks ago. And I'm not exactly the President of SCE, so when I learnt of that information (which was prior to that), it means it was set in stone even before the official announcement of the PS4 in February. It's basically PS3 2.0. There hasn't been a back and forth internally with changing what the policy entails and it certainly wasn't decided at the last minute.

Quoting, again, becuase I'm sick of these threads.


I guess for pblishers that decide you will have a one time activation key and need the disc in the drive.

If this is the case than for me MS's DRM is the better option because i'd rather have check-ins and not have to swap the disk
Why not have the best of both worlds?

For disc-based games: Allow people to play without a disc when an internet connection is available, but require a disc in the drive when there's no internet connection.

For digitally bought games: Cheaper games, but all sales are final. One-time online activation. No online checkins after that. Basically like steam.
No you are wrong, in reality If I buy a PS4 game used from EA, ubi, activsion, take 2 etc and I have to pay an amount of money to be able to use the single player and multiplayer, that is no different to Microsoft's situation, the control and set up may be different but the end result to the customer is the same.

This damage control is hilarious.


- I can buy and sell that used game to or from whoever I want regardless of whether publishers decide to restrict online gameplay. Private, ebay, non-participating retailers etc. Not possible with Xbox One.

- If the internet goes down for a week or if I move to location that doesn't have internet, I can play single player games. Not possible with Xbox One.
And there are several public statements from Peter Moore (EA), Ubisoft and Activision saying that they didn't have anything to do with Microsoft DRM plans. They are pretty much content with the current status quo.

It's exactly like CBoaT said, MS approached the publishers, not the other way around. MS are the guilty party in all of this, likely because they want to push their Azure POS systems to retailers who deal with used games.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
EDGE don't work with MS. There is no proof of that.
But I don't know how this article is any different from someone on GAF making an ill informed thread.


If swapping discs really bugs you Sony have a PSN store selling retail games of every retail release.

Of course you can't resell that, but y'know convenience and all that.

My thinking is that disks get discounted by stores, downloads not so much


No you are wrong, in reality If I buy a PS4 game used from EA, ubi, activsion, take 2 etc and I have to pay an amount of money to be able to use the single player and multiplayer, that is no different to Microsoft's situation, the control and set up may be different but the end result to the customer is the same.

This damage control is hilarious.

When you buy a XBone, try unplugging it from the internet and play a Microsoft Game Studios game offline for a week.

If that doesn't work, take it to a friend's place and run the game without logging in on his console.

Go ahead, and then come back and tell me it's the same as the PS4.


I've seen " oh man if MS is doing it the Sony has to be" to "just wait till E3 Sony is staying quiet for a reason" to "Sony is lying about all this DRM stuff, wait for the other shoe to drop in the next few months before launch."

It's gone from sad to kind of hilarious.

It's like the goalpost keeps moving but it's always done by the same suspects. They probably think we don't remember who's who.


Hmmm, what's stopping publishers from making the whole disc contents "on disc DLC" that must be authorized with a code?

Sony is not stopping that. They can have an always online game just like they always did since PS360. The thing is you could avoid buying these games all together because PS4 will not require you to be online at all ever so it's better
This is classic FUD, and some of it from the same people who pre-E3 loudly declared that Sony is certain to follow Microsoft's DRM scheme.


If you say so. I have no horse in this race. No "sources" either. Just speculating. If you think there are "good guys" when it comes to multi-billion, profit seeking, international corporations it's your right to do so. Prepare to be disappointed. If the situation with Sony a year after the launch is "Just like the PS3" (I'm being way optimistic in the timeframe) feel free to rub this post in my face and feed me the appropriate amount of crow.

The issue is the approach both companies are using for the future of gaming. At this time, Microsoft is much more forward thinking in that all games will be digital. No more physical game sales. You'll download it and install it and the game is tied to your account. Very similar to the current PC market. The only piece that doesn't make as much sense and is more draconian is the online connection authentication. The problem is that we just aren't there yet in terms of internet speeds and size limitations. They are playing in a realm of both physical and digital goods.

As for Sony, it seems they are playing for both the current and future landscape by allowing users to continue to buy and sell physical goods as they see fit, while supporting digital downloads and online access without the need to ever be connected to the internet. I'm certain, based on their comments, that they understand that having to be connected to authenticate is a terrible idea based on connectivity issues in some markets and that it goes against how physical games should work that still offer offline experiences. I do not see Sony implementing this at all, though a solid push for digital downloads will continue until they can eventually remove physical games.

Once physical games are gone, we may see the complete removal of game sharing and selling, except for maybe in the EU. Even then, we may not see connectivity DRM for games from either Sony or Nintendo, but we probably won't know that until near the end of this decade.


needs 2 extra inches
not gonna happen. DRM was Microsofts idea and the system was built with the DRM in mind already sorry
I don't necessarily disagree, but the rumors and article suggest that the policies were much harsher. And going by the same rumors, there is still more to the story and fine prints that will be detailed around Gamescom. Those are the things I'm hoping this slap on the wrist will impact. Or maybe not, fuck if I care. I already own a Wii U and I'm only considering a PS4 lawl.
i don't know why this is still being talked about... oh wait, yes i do. sensationalist media wants clicks. what they are suggesting is that Sony lied about what they said, when they didn't. now we have publishers coming out and publicly saying they have no issues with the way used games work currently, etc.

PS4 has no integrated method to accept a serial key and authorize a game, linking the disc to your account, and allowing you to play without the disc in. xbone does. if a third party publisher wanted to block out a user from being able to play a disc AT ALL without first punching in a serial key, the PS4 wouldn't be able to accommodate that at a system level. it would have to be something like:


how many more times does it need to be spelled out? "just like the PS3". are there any games on PS3 other than MP and a few PSN titles that don't work AT ALL unless you are connected to the internet to play? no. do any PS3 games require a serial key before allowing you to play at all? no.


It seems people are upset or jealous that Sony said fuck you to DRM. It's sad.
They haven't really said that, though.

A lot of people seem to take for granted that 'online' does not solely mean 'online multiplayer' these days.


The feature set that will be required for online only justification will be a moving target until publishers find the least amount of cost to put into a game with the least amount of back lash by the consumer base.



Any publisher today can make DRM in their games, some have, on PS3, 360, PC, you name it. Diablo 3 and Sim City are the most famous examples of this, being 2 very popular series.

Nothing prevents EA from doing this for FIFA 14 on PS3 and PS4, they wont do it, just like they did not do it with FIFA 13 on PS3 for obvious reasons. Nothing prevents Activision from doing the same, and Activision has even declined to put online passes in their CoD games, they could have made millions on that, they still did not do that.

Xbox One is a different beast, here it is mandatory system wise that you must be connected, and that games are no longer stand alone products but services that require a external server to give the user the "ok!" before they get to play their games. This means all games, regardless of who is publishing them or what they want, all games. All of them, period.

Even Diablo 3, the game that basically spearheaded always online in order to prevent piracy and curb stomp resales is actually playable offline on the PS3 and PS4. Activision Blizzard actually went out of their way to make it not require a internet connection, Sony did not force them.
How are they the same

MS has a DRM system built into their hardware. If the pub opts in then you have a very restricted used sales policy. If they don't opt in then there are no used sales.

Sony has basically left it exactly as it is today. If a pub wants to ad DRM then they have to risk the back lash as they are full to blame. It wont be hardwired into the system but a separate measure such as online required.

Its like saying Xbone is basically the same as the PS360. Which is isn't.
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